People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 53: Ancient One Accepts Disciples On Behalf Of The Holy Spirit! The Magic White List Of Guar

Lin's Manor Daming Palace.

In front of the main hall of Yufu Palace, the passage in the void was completely opened, and Ancient One stepped out of the passage.

"So it's you, what's wrong with Miss Mingwei?"

After Lin Feng saw who was coming, he relaxed a little.

The Supreme Mage has always been the embodiment of justice, so it should not be harmful to his concubine and children.

Zhu Mingwei looked into the main hall, and a look of surprise appeared in her eyes.

"What a strong magical element. The magical element in the universe is not active, but it automatically surrounds that child, and even other energies are also evolving into magical energy."

No wonder Agamotto spent a lot of divine power to descend the Oracle through countless dimensions. This son's magical ability is too shocking. If the dark magic world gets him, it may not be the blessing of the universe.

As soon as she came, she was shocked by the children in the hall, and she couldn't help walking towards the gate of the main hall of Yufu Palace~.

"Miss Mingwei-! Hey, you're back!"

Lin Feng stopped her, and made a wish in front of her with both hands.

With her heart tied to the child, Zhu Mingwei subconsciously slapped it out.

At the same time, her long hair fluttered suddenly, and the surrounding environment made a crisp sound of glass shattering. The magnificent Daming Palace and the beautiful imperial garden folded and twisted, pulling the handsome figure who dared to stop her into it.

Lin Feng just raised his hand to block the incoming palm, but his body was moved by the upside-down space, and the world was spinning in front of his eyes, as if the sky and the earth were twisting and moving rapidly.

His eyes were full of divine light, and the boundless power of qi and blood in his body combined with the incomparably deep true qi, which frantically gushed out of his body to form a huge golden bell like a substance.

After the violent power of blood and true energy converged, they repelled all other energies, resisted the earth-shaking space twists and turns in front of them, and walked down the body with difficulty in the void.


Relying on the twists and turns of space, Zhu Mingwei suddenly appeared behind Lin Feng, and the palm she slapped on Lin Feng's heart landed on his vest.


The huge golden bell rippled slightly, and a slight force bounced back.

Zhu Mingwei's eyes widened, and she slapped her several times, but was still repeatedly returned by Jin Zhong.

" have actually cultivated the true qi martial arts? This is the golden bell cover of Bodhidharma's true biography. It's a little different. Yes, it seems to be the defective version of the golden bell cover combined with the Yi of Bodhidharma's true biography. Muscle Sutra!"

A blush appeared on the face of the pretty Supreme Mage, embarrassingly remembering the purpose of his trip.

I was too preoccupied just now, and I hadn't taken the child yet, but I got into a fight with my father.

Lin Feng looked at the blushing Mage strangely. He thought that the other party came to destroy himself, the big devil, because he saw some kind of future that he would destroy the world again.

But the backlash of the golden bell cover was as light as a friend slapping his shoulder in greeting. At that time, he knew that it might be a misunderstanding that the Supreme Mage was not here to slay demons.

Zhu Mingwei withdrew her hand and brushed her long hair on her forehead, and withdrew from the mirror space, and the two reappeared at the entrance of the main hall of Yufu Palace.

She put her hands behind her back, twisted her fingers and said coyly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, my behavior just now may have misunderstood you, but I promise that I have no ill intentions towards you and your family. It's just that I was thinking about things before subconsciously...

Lin Feng waved his hand, as long as he made sure he wasn't an enemy.

Otherwise, with all kinds of weird and unpredictable magic she mastered, I don't seem to be too sure to defeat him, and even a trick of mirror image space can make him lose the initiative.

"Okay, Miss Mingwei, you don't need to explain so much, why are you here?"

Zhu Mingwei breathed a sigh of relief, and the red cloud on her face slowly faded.

"Since you know that I am Supreme Mage, you should understand the origin and mission of Kamar-Taj. Relying on the power of Trinity Visandi, Kamar-Taj established a magic barrier to protect the earth at the Three Great Holy Places, which can block all A dimension of Mephista, hell lords, and evil spirits from different spaces have invaded."

"But this kind of magical enchantment does not affect real matter. It is aimed at dimensional creatures that combine spirit bodies and energy bodies. Therefore, Kamar-Taj will look for people with magical abilities to join, and learn from the white spirit of Visandi. Magic, to deal with those dimensional creatures that use entity duplication to enter the earth."

Speaking of this, she paused for a while, looked at Lin Feng who was listening with great interest, stomped her feet and said angrily.

"Dear Mr. Lin, I'm not telling a story!"

"You still don't understand what I mean?"

Lin Feng shrugged and asked helplessly.

"Miss Mingwei, how can I understand if you don't tell me? If you say more, maybe I will understand!"

The opportunity for the Supreme Mage to personally tell the Kamar-Taj secret art Mage is not just for everyone.

Take this opportunity to learn more, in case you fight with the secret mages in the future, you can save some losses and deduce targeted attack moves.

Zhu Mingwei is pretty and popular again, but this time she is angry.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly to suppress the anger in her heart.

At that moment, the large Mage robe was lifted high, revealing Mage's uneven figure. The size of the pair of murder weapons was not small, larger than that of Angela who had raised two children.

Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and his eyes couldn't help being attracted.

But in an instant, he was muttering words in his heart, clearing his mind of unhealthy thoughts.

"She is from the Ming Dynasty, hundreds of years older than me!"

Zhu Mingwei is the Supreme Mage, her fleeting and secret gaze cannot escape her keen spiritual sense, and her prettiness is slightly redder.

She only felt that the heart as quiet as the surface of the lake was rippling extremely finely, and there was a scorching feeling of being scorched by flames in a certain place.

Nearly 200 years of ascetic practice and silent heart throbbed ten times almost imperceptibly.

Glancing fiercely at an unknowing culprit, Zhu Mingwei decided to cut straight to the point and go straight to Huanglong, so she couldn't deal with this guy anymore.

"While I was meditating in Kamar-Taj, Agamotto, one of the three holy spirits, suddenly descended on the Oracle. His divine eyes had insight into all things in the universe, and it was the first time in the thousands of years since he left the earth that he did not hesitate to consume Huge divine power, sending The God's Telekinesis across countless dimensions."

"Among the twins born today, one of them has an astonishing magical ability. Agamotto even praised that this child's ability is no worse than his own. It is a natural affinity for magic. Constitution

Has the potential to become a god of magic. "

"So I came here by the order of the Holy Spirit, Agamotto. May I go in and see your twin sons?"

In essence, Agamotto also abandons the physical body and combines the spirit body and the dimensional energy of the dimension Mephista, but he was born on the earth and upholds the righteous way all his life, so he is regarded as the holy spirit by Kamar-Taj.

Lin Feng checked Agamotto's information out of curiosity before traveling.

According to the information found, Agamotto is the descendant of the ancient god Oxite, who was born 1 million years ago. He cast the Eye of Agamotto, the sacred artifact of Kamar-Taj, and was also the earliest owner of the Time Gem.

Among the prehistoric avengers, he is responsible for wisdom, has insight into the true mysteries of the universe, and is called the all-seeing eye by the prehistoric superhero.

Judging from the news disclosed by Zhu Mingwei, Agamotto seems to be very interested in his newborn son, and the other party claims to be omniscient and omnipotent so that he would not use conspiracy to persecute his son.

After Lin Feng pondered for a moment, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

"Please come in, Miss Mingwei, the child is by his mother's side, please don't be as excited as before, so as not to frighten the child and his mother."

Zhu Mingwei stomped her feet fiercely, and followed him into the main hall of Yufu Palace.

As soon as she entered the door, her eyes were attracted by a magnet, and she firmly locked on one of the children who was sleeping soundly on the bed.

Supreme Mage's probing magic scanned, and it was found that the baby was an innate magic affinity Constitution, so he couldn't help walking a few steps to the bed.

Maria, who was also exhausted and sleeping, seemed to sense that someone was approaching her child, and suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the person vigilantly.

"Who are you? How did you break into my room? I warn you to get out quickly. My husband is very powerful!"

She is like a lioness protecting her cub, her eyes are full of bravery and firmness.

Embarrassed, Zhu Mingwei wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in. The majestic Mage had troubles today, and now she was being watched by a common thief. This was the most embarrassing moment for her in hundreds of years.

"Okay, Maria, don't worry, she is not a bad person, let her see our son!"

Lin Feng stepped forward and held Maria's hand, softly comforting the panicked little woman.

Zhu Mingwei nodded at Maria, showing a warm smile to dispel her worries.

"Madam, I am the Supreme Mage of Kamar-Taj. Your eldest son has outstanding magical ability. If you let him learn magic from me, he will surely achieve great achievements in the future. The Holy Spirit of Agamotto likes him very much and intends to accept him. As a disciple, I wonder if Madam agrees?"


Lin Feng's heart trembled.

He thought it was Zhu Mingwei who wanted to take his son as an apprentice, but he didn't expect it to be Agamotto, the descendant of the ancient god, the Holy Spirit who claims to be omniscient and omnipotent.

Maria didn't know about Kamar-Taj or Agamotto, she only knew that the pretty woman in front of her was going to take away her son.

"No, I don't agree! The Lin family has their own martial arts, and there is no need to learn magic with strangers. Please leave my house, I will never agree to this!"

Zhu Mingwei sighed, frowning very sadly.

The task of Agamotto Holy Spirit seems not so easy to complete. Since the child's mother disagrees, he can only find a way to convince that hateful man that he is the head of the family!


"Dear Mr. Lin, I know that you will be very strong in the future, not even worse than Agamotto. But what you have to do is very dangerous and very difficult, and you will surely offend many powerful enemies! Before you become invincible , it will be safer for your children to learn from the Holy Spirit of Agamotto!"

Lin Feng nodded, he had expected this kind of situation.

It is infinitely more difficult than destroying the earth to let Mutant and Common humans live in peace and live in the same world.

The prejudices in people's hearts are stronger than Vibranium and heavier than the total mass of the entire universe.

He wants to achieve this goal, and the enemies he will face in the future will become stronger and stronger one by one, not only the enemies among humans who hate Mutant, but also Yuanzi among Mutants who want to rule the world.

Some of these enemies are weak enough not to be an enemy in the palm of his hand, some are strong enough to explode stars, and there may even be enemies who have reached Level God Father and Level Single Universe blocking his way forward.

From this point of view, finding a backer for the child now is a good choice before he is not strong enough.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng smiled slightly, picked up his eldest son Lin Anyao and said with a smile.

"I agree to let the child learn from Agamotto, but he must wait until he is 6 years old before he can follow you to Kamar-Taj to learn magic knowledge. Before that, I will teach him family martial arts!"

Maria hesitated to speak, she was reluctant to let her child leave her, but she did not dare to refute her husband's decision.

Zhu Mingwei was overjoyed, and with a movement of her hand, a gold bracelet inlaid with beautiful jade appeared, and she gently put the bracelet on the child's little hand, and the bracelet automatically

Zooms out for a tight fit.

"We have made a promise. When this child is 6 years old, I will come and take him away for practice. This bracelet is blessed with the Seraphim Shield and Bossat's Thunder. The former is the strongest defense against white magic.

Imperial magic, the latter is the strongest attack magic. "

"With the protection of this magical bracelet personally blessed by Agamotto, no one below the level God Father can harm this child! This is the apprenticeship gift from Agamotto.

If he is in danger, I will immediately respond to the rescue, so farewell!"

After speaking, Zhu Mingwei drew a circle with her right hand, and a space channel with sparks appeared in the void again. She had just stepped into the channel with one step, and the magic had not dissipated.

"Wait a minute and don't leave, can this thing be whitelisted?"

Lin Feng stopped the Supreme Mage, who was halfway into the tunnel, and asked, pointing to the magic bracelet on the child's hand.

Zhu Mingwei turned her head to look at him suspiciously, and asked softly in bewilderment.

"What is a white list? I don't understand what you mean, what do you want to do?"

There is no mobile Internet now, and the Supreme Mage who has lived for hundreds of years can't understand this new term for later generations.

After all, time magic is used to observe major events that may destroy the world. Every time it is used, it will cause backlash to the body, and it is impossible for her to use it for trivial things.

How to explain the role of the white list to the ancients?

Lin Feng scratched his head, he was really stumped.

He simply opened up and directly stated his purpose, and the Supreme Mage would understand it if he thought about it.

"You may not have had a child, so you don't understand. Sometimes a child does something wrong. Oral education is not profound. I need to use a method that touches the soul to let him know right from wrong.

The corners of Zhu Mingwei's mouth twitched a few times, wishing she could slap the man in front of her to death.

She has practiced penance for hundreds of years, and devoted all her life to Kamar-Taj. She has never talked about love, and she has children with whomever she goes.

"Sounding high-sounding, don't you just want to beat the child?"

Lin Feng shrugged and explained helplessly.

"You are also from Daxia, you should understand that filial sons are born under the stick, and sometimes it is impossible not to fight!"

"I want to give my child a complete childhood and let him experience the love of a father like a mountain!"

"So you see, can you set it so that when I educate my children, those magics remain silent?"

Zhu Mingwei gritted her teeth tightly, and squeezed out a word from between her teeth.

"If you weren't the father of this child, I would have exiled you to the chaotic space. Let you stay in it for hundreds of years, and reflect on how to talk to girls!"

She walked to the bed, stretched out her hand to change a few places on the magic bracelet, and then glared at someone.

"Come here and inject the energy in your body, so that the magic bracelet will remember your breath, and will not activate the magic of defense and counterattack when you beat this child."

Lin Feng smiled and poured the power of blood and true energy into the bracelet, ignoring the death stare in the wonderful eyes of Supreme Mage.

After a while, a miniature portrait of him appeared on the magic bracelet.

The formula in Zhu Mingwei's hand changed, and the magic circle on the magic bracelet was hidden.

"It's all right now, I'm leaving to say goodbye!"

After speaking, the Supreme Mage did not stop, and quickly crossed the passage and disappeared together with the passage. .

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