People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 54 Feast For Envoys From All Countries! Abandon The Moral Shackles Of The Heart Of The Enlig

After Zhu Mingwei left, Lin Feng picked up his eldest son Lin Anyao and kissed him.

Unexpectedly, this kid was very disrespectful to his father, his eyes were wide open and his mouth was curled up, crying loudly.

Maria rolled his eyes at him, hugged her son and shook him gently.

"Be good, baby, don't cry, don't cry, let's ignore your unreliable father!"

"You were just born, and your father sold you out, and our three mothers ignored him!"

Lin Feng rubbed his hands together in embarrassment. Although he was used to being aggressive, he thought he had done nothing wrong, but it was understandable that Maria felt resentful.

After all, the child was born less than an hour ago, and the husband suddenly promised that after the child was 6 years old, he would follow a strange woman and go to Kamar-Taj to practice magic somewhere. Any mother would feel dissatisfied and wronged.

Catherine, Angela, Alice, and Jenny, who were stunned before, couldn't help laughing while covering their little mouths when they saw their husbands being speechless by Maria.

Catherine is smart and considerate, and knows that she should not really annoy her husband. He is the master in this family, and the result of being spoiled and arrogant is to lose everything she has now.

Once they are disgusted by their husbands, they will leave their luxurious residences, expensive and gorgeous clothes, and a comfortable and comfortable life, and even their children will be difficult to see again.

So she quickly changed the subject and asked softly, puzzled.

"Honey, who was that woman just now, why did you let An Yao go with her in the future, and who is Agamotto?"

Lin Feng glanced at her with admiration, and said with a slight smile.

"Her name is Zhu Mingwei and she's from Daxia, she's a big shot in this world."

"Anyao will go to Kamar-Taj in the future, she is in charge, and she is also the Supreme Mage of this generation.

"As for Agamotto, it is even more remarkable. He was transformed from the tears of the ancient god Oxite, he is the descendant of the ancient god, and the first "four three three" supreme Mage Kamar-Taj secret art Mage are all his disciples. "

When Catherine and the others heard this, their hearts were shocked.

Supreme Mage?

ancient god

Is this still the world they know?

How do you feel like you have suddenly entered the world of fairy tales? They have never heard of what my husband said|I have never heard of anyone who has actually seen gods or demons since modern times.

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth curled up slightly, taking this opportunity today to let his concubines know what the real world is like.

"In fact, the God that Catholicism believes in is also real, but He and the Angels have not come to the earth for a long time. In addition, the Odin God King of Norse Mythology

Faith, the lord of Hell in the Legendaries of various European countries, and Seth, the god of the desert in Greek mythology, have not come again due to various reasons. As a result, human beings now deny their existence, sitting in a well and thinking that they are the only intelligent beings in this starry sky. "

Catherine grew a small mouth unbelievably, her rosy lips were tender and charming, and the overripe fruit was even more alluring.

Angela and Alice were relatively receptive. After being surprised for a while, they came back to their senses and pestered their husbands to ask if there is magic that can make people live forever since gods and demons exist.

Jenny is a devout believer, and when she heard her husband say that God really exists, she happily drew a cross and folded her hands and began to pray.

Maria also understood at the moment why her husband agreed to let her son become Agamotto's disciple, that is the real ancient god and the first level of existence.


Her mortal son has become a disciple of a god, isn't it possible for her son to become a god in the future!

After a woman has a child, all her heart is tied to the child. Maria is not to mention how scared she is when she thinks that she almost ruined her son's chance.

"My dear, I blamed you wrongly, and I will listen to you in everything from now on!"

"If you hadn't stopped me, An Yao's future would have been delayed. If that were the case, I wouldn't know how to face him in the future.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, and an unhealthy thought came to his mind.

Maria's words reminded him that the concubines shyly rejected the large-scale activities that had been proposed many times before, and maybe they could open up a gap from her.

He whispered a few words in Maria's ear, and his eyes wandered to Catherine, Angela, Alice, and Jenny. At the moment they were discussing the myth. The girls of Legendary didn't know that an evil plan took them as well. Get involved.

"It's disgusting, there are so many people!"

Maria's cheeks were flushed, her breathing was a little short, and her heart was pounding like a deer.

Don't blame her for being so gaffe, it's because the plan mentioned by her husband is too shameful, and she has to drag the sisters into the water by herself.

Lin Feng smiled wickedly and said pointedly.

"It was you who said that you will listen to me in the future. Could it be that what you just said was a lie?"

After lightly beating her husband's chest, Maria said in a very small voice.

"I will try to persuade them, but I don't guarantee it will work. It's okay for Catherine and Jenny to say that Angela and Alice are too innocent to accept it."

"Okay, I've agreed to this matter, you can get busy with business first."

Lin Feng nodded, and put his hand on her chest.

The healing ability was activated, and the physical damage caused by Maria's childbirth soon recovered, and her pale face turned rosy.

"Tonight, I will invite envoys from all over the world to welcome them. Tomorrow, I will hold a grand Baizi celebration banquet again. The children and you are the protagonists.

Looking at the stunned Maria, Lin Feng smiled narrowly.

"Don't be so surprised, I know more of your men, and you will learn from it in the future!"

After speaking, he hugged his two sons again, and left Yufu Palace in her embarrassment.

The Daming Palace in Lin's Manor is very large, magnificent and magnificent. It is the first sentence that comes to the minds of envoys from various countries after they enter the palace complex. The typical large and important studio buildings are full of exotic customs in their eyes.

"My God, this is nothing short of a miracle!"

Kobosis, the envoy sent by Prussia, uttered an aria-like praise, staring obsessively at the palace lantern-shaped lights on the side of the road and the colorful neon lights hanging under the eaves of the Daming Palace.

Electric lights and neon lights are the latest inventions of Lin’s Science Research Institute. They were only successfully developed when Lin Feng went to Meilijian to attend the post-war celebration banquet. The first batch of manufactured products were used to decorate the Daming Palace. Add luster.

Although they are very interested in these new technological products, the envoys know that it is impossible to ask the results from the mouths of construction workers or accompanying Ghanaian officials.

"It's unbelievable. The level of technology mastered by the Lin family is so advanced that it cannot be compared with any other country in the world. I now understand the intention of the royal family of the British Empire. It is just a matter of making things easier for Mr. Lin to be enshrined as the baron of Ghana. A fig leaf to whitewash peace."

Standing beside Kobosis was a man with an aquiline nose who was skilled. He was Kobosis' good friend Donald, and also an envoy sent by Gaul to congratulate him.

That's why you and I are here, sent to celebrate by our respective countries. Donald, do you still remember in history, who gave birth to a child and all countries sent envoys to congratulate him?"

Kobosis asked seemingly casually.

Donald's pupils shrunk, and he could serve as an envoy of Gaul. He was knowledgeable, especially a thorough understanding of history, and immediately thought of the King of Kings in Legendary.

"You mean King Arthur who drew the sword in the stone and studied under the legendary wizard Merlin?"

Kobosis nodded, recalling what he had seen and heard along the way with a complicated expression, the ship driven by an internal combustion engine, the car transporter driven by a gasoline engine, and the electric lights that shone as dark as day in front of him.

There are so many technological inventions far ahead of the times, all of which come from the Lin family, which inevitably reminds people of the power beyond nature in the mythology Legendary.

Compared with the male envoys who were worried or frowning, Princess Marie-Sophie Frederick Dagmar of Danmai simply admired the beautiful scenery of the Eastern Palace, and glanced at Gisela, the princess of Heyga who was not far away from time to time. · Louise Marie, she understood that the other party's purpose was the same as her own, so she tried every means to become one of the mistresses of this palace.

Under the leadership of the housekeeper Lin Shuhao, the envoys from various countries came to the Linde Hall, which is located in the northwest of the palace group, where the emperor held a banquet and received foreign envoys and guests.

After all the envoys arrived, they took their seats according to Lin Shuhao's arrangement, and Lin Feng came late.

"The envoys have come from afar. As the host, I should have greeted them personally, but my new baronial fiefdom is too big, so I inevitably have a lot of affairs to deal with. Please forgive me, gentlemen and ladies."

The apology was perfunctory without any sincerity at all, but the envoys of various countries did not dare to neglect, and they all stood up and saluted.

He repeatedly praised the baron for being diligent in his official duties, he is really a model of nobility.

It can be seen that when a person's strength and status reach a certain level, all mistakes can be forgiven, and even people who are underestimated and neglected will take the initiative to beautify your mistakes as advantages.

Lin Feng glanced at the envoys from various countries, his gaze stayed on Princess Rangyali and Princess Danmai for a while, and raised his wine glass and said loudly.

"Today is the birthday of my 100th and 101st sons. I am very grateful to all of you who have traveled far and wide to congratulate me! But before the banquet begins, I have a word to say first. All the envoys just have fun. Tonight, I only talk about love affairs, regardless of political affairs. I hope Everyone, please don't spoil your pride!"

He opened his mouth, even though the envoys were reluctant, they all toasted to greet him, and kept saying auspicious words of congratulations. Unfortunately, the cultural background of Europeans and Americans is too poor, and they are almost the same over and over again.

Taking a sip of his wine, Lin Feng smiled and looked at the envoys.

"I can't drink too much, so I won't drink with you all! Shu Hao ordered the imperial dining room to serve the food, and invited the envoys from all over the world to taste my Daxia delicacies. We must entertain them well.

After he finished speaking, he held the wine glass and pointed to where Danmai and Princess Huoyali were...  

It seems that out of the consideration of the royal family's face, this pair of young and beautiful girls did not wear the costumes of the royal princess, but the high-end evening dresses of ordinary nobles.

It could be seen that perhaps it was the first time they gathered together with envoys from various countries, the two of them acted tremblingly, but there was a trace of irrepressible excitement.

This is not surprising, they are still young, even in the Western royal family with an open lifestyle, they do not have the time to travel to political occasions and socialize with dignitaries and royal family members from various countries

The arrival of Lin Feng made the two princesses feel flattered, and the two bowed their knees respectfully holding up the corners of their skirts. The handsome appearance, graceful figure, and proud chest seemed to come into reality like characters in fairy tales.

"Mary Sophie Frederick Dagmar, has seen the Honorable Lord of Ghana, Lord Baron of the British Empire

Gisela Louise Marie, meet Your Honorable Lord of Ghana, Lord Baron of the British Empire!"

Both have inherited good genes from their respective royal families.

Gisela Louise Marie's blue eyes shone charmingly like sapphires; Mary Sophie Frederick Dagmar's two beautiful ears were a bit pointed, similar to the elves in Legendary Kind of alike.

Interestingly, both of them had the same thing in mind.

Lin Feng's inner feelings were enveloped, and he detected the thoughts in their brains.

Princess Gisela Louise Marie was worried about being a size smaller, so she tried to show off her long legs to overwhelm Mary Sophie Frederick Dagmar

The Lord of Ghana turned his attention to himself.

He couldn't help laughing, what a cute and smart girl.

As for Princess Mary Sophie Frederick Dagmar, she desperately hopes that her appearance can be a little more beautiful, and it is best to completely monopolize the Lord Baron's favor.


In this regard, Lin Feng just wants to sigh, she deserves to be a woman from the royal family.

This kind of infighting among women in the harem has become a subconscious behavior for them since they were young. However, since they want to marry into the Lin family, this bad habit must be corrected.


He didn't want the current happy and harmonious harem to develop into a vile atmosphere where life and death were cleaned up.

Lin Feng felt uncomfortable when he thought of the ethical tragedy of Concubine Li killing Concubine Sun's son today and Concubine Li's son being killed by Wang Huang tomorrow in the Qing palace drama.

After the salute, the two women stood there anxiously, like prisoners waiting for his verdict, daring not to move, fearing that they would hate the big shot in front of them and be compared by the other party.

That's right, it's the big shot, the big shot that can decide their fate!

The two princesses both understood that they were honorable in their respective countries, but in front of the Lord of Ghana, they were just playthings with a little bit of status.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, he was thinking about how to make the two girls get rid of the bad habits they learned in the royal family.

Oh, God!

What am I doing wrong?

Why is he frowning?

Seeing this scene, the two princesses suddenly panicked. 5.5

Lin Feng didn't care about their change of mind, Shi Kuang tapped the wine glass lightly with his index finger.

Ding Ding Ding!

The pair of royal princesses only felt that the extremely rhythmic sound seemed to be beating on their hearts, and their two hearts fluctuated violently.

Lin Feng thought for a while, and decided to abandon the moral shackles before time travel, and it would be more convenient to use mind control.

There are two most difficult things in the world, one is to stuff other people's money into one's own pocket, and the other is to instill one's own ideas into other people's heads.

But for him, these two things are not difficult, and even the latter thing is much simpler than the former one after having the mind control ability.

Hesitation used normal means to transform the two women before, but it was just passing through the inertial thinking that was restricted by legal ethics for more than 20 years.

The awareness that the strong surpass all things and dominate all things.

Without making a fuss, Lin Feng easily used mind control to plant a thought stamp in the brains of the two princesses.

Mary Sophie Frederick Dagmar and Gisela Louise Marie looked at each other and smiled, only to feel that the two hit it off with a deep bond, and the recent rivalry

It's as if the bucket never existed.

Seeing the two princesses holding hands, Lin Feng burst out laughing.

With one arm around Marie Sophie Frederick Dagmar and the other around Gisela Louise Marie, under the eyes of envoys from various countries with surprise and envy, the three went to work

Go out of Linde Hall and walk to the depths of Daming Palace.

To be happy in life is to be happy, don't let the golden cup be empty to the moon! Once the power is in hand, follow the orders!

Lin Feng would like to thank the two princesses very much. It is they who brought him the opportunity to break through the barriers in his heart and fully understand that in the Marvel world where Weili belongs to himself, a truly invincible strong man

There must be a strong heart with no taboos!.

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