People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 68 Give Me The Benefits, I Won't Do It If I Stand In Line!

After seeing off Lin Zhenglun's expedition team, Lin Feng, accompanied by his son, went to Kamar-Taj to have a detailed talk with Supreme Mage.

After getting his promise not to use the Mind Control Ability to control Wakanda, Zhu Mingwei was relieved and agreed to help hold the battle.

In case the leopard god Buster intervenes in the war of mortals unruly, the supreme Mage and the occult Mages will teach him to be a god.

Time is like running water, and 3 months have passed in a flash.

Lin's Manor, Yinming Palace Qunlan Fangguan.

In the bedroom of the main hall, Chen Lanfang got up early and waited for the master to bathe and change clothes.

Lin Shuhao, the butler outside the gate, wandered around anxiously, holding several urgent documents with red labels and nine stars sent by the blue bird. If it wasn't for the seriousness of the matter, he would not have dared to find the master's bedroom before dawn.

Not long after, the main hall door opened, and Chen Lanfang said politely.

"Master has woken up and is waiting for you inside!"

Lin Shuhao bowed his hands and hurriedly stepped into the gate and entered the small study in the main hall.

Lin Feng was not in a good mood when his morning exercise was interrupted early in the morning.

"Look, master, this is an urgent document from Jade Bird. There is another war in the Balkans. The two camps in Europe are gearing up to further expand the conflict. What should we do?"

It's not that Lin Shuhao has never seen the big world, but the current situation is extraordinary. Once the two camps in Europe go to war [the scope of the war will definitely exceed any war in history.

The allies of both sides and the allies of allies will be involved in this unprecedented world war. Currently, Jade Bird has detected more than 2,720 countries that may participate in the war. Considering the stakeholders who may participate in the war in the future, this battle The scale of the imminent war is even greater than ever before.

Lin Feng ate fried dough sticks slowly and drank warm soy milk with relish.

In recent years, under his instruction, the University of Ghana has skillfully maintained its detached position in the face of increasingly severe global political and economic disputes, relying on its technological level far surpassing that of Europe and the United States, and its military strength is also the best.

As a traveler, I know the development trend of the world very well. Although this is in the Marvel world, the general trend of historical development has not changed much.

With a firm grasp of future development, as well as sufficient strength and transcendent status, Lin Feng will definitely not be a pawn caught in the torrent of history.

Instead, he jumped out of the chess game early and became a chess player, using the conflicts of interests and grievances of various countries to maintain the delicate relationship with other countries and skillfully balance the contradictions between them.

Therefore, Lin Shuhao's sudden blisters on the corner of his mouth did not have much impact in Lin Feng's eyes. At most, the common products of the factory affected by the war could not be sold, but the sales of the products of the military factory must increase sharply, which is enough to smooth out these losses or even make them bigger. earn a fortune.

After deliberately letting the housekeeper dry for a while, he took out a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth, and said calmly.

"Shu Hao, don't worry! They fight their wars, we earn our money!"

"This is like playing chess. The more anxious you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes. Sometimes it may not be a good thing to take the lead.

While talking, he threw away the tissue, took the file and flipped through it quickly.

On June 16, 1913, the Second Balkan War broke out between Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, the Three Black Kingdoms, the Kingdom of Romania, and the Ottoman Empire due to the uneven distribution of territories.

As the war intensified, the Allied Powers camp led by the British Empire and Gaul continued to win over Serbia, Black Three, Romania, and Greece, while Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire, and the German-Austrian Allied Powers Group with revenge plans Getting closer and closer.

This partial war gave Tsarist Russia an excuse to intervene in the affairs of the Balkan Peninsula through Serbia, and the Osay conflict has intensified. If it continues to develop, it will inevitably lead to military conflicts between the two major blocs of the Allied Powers and the Allied Powers. If only one fuse is missing, the war will break out with a bang.

Lin Shuhao was patient, waiting for the master to read the information slowly, and his impetuous heart gradually returned to calm.

Maybe it's because he has been managing family affairs for too long, he has lost the state of mind of a martial artist who knows how to move forward, and subconsciously cares about the possible impact on the family business and the war.

will cause losses.

Lin Feng nodded in satisfaction when he saw that the impetuousness on his body was gone.

He thought in his heart that it was time for the next generation to take over the family affairs in charge of him, lest a good seedling of martial arts be buried in trivial matters, and only now cultivated to the late stage of Dan Jin, far behind the other old buddies.

After continuing to read the remaining few documents, he pondered for a moment and said.

"Shu Hao, after finishing this job, it's time for you to find and train a successor. If you continue like this, your martial arts cultivation will stagnate. Compared to an Excellent butler, a powerful butler Warriors are more important to the Lin family."

Lin Shuhao nodded lightly. He also had the same thought just now. Since the master also agreed, he will let his little boy follow suit and gradually hand over the family affairs.

"To be honest, Master, I also have the same intention. What do you think about letting Beixuan take over?"

Lin Beixuan is his youngest son. He is only 28 this year and graduated from Oxford University in Political Economics, so he can be regarded as his professional counterpart.

He also has a rich resume. He has served in the Fox Hunting Corps for 3 years and has won 3 military merits three times. Now his rank has been promoted to second lieutenant.

Lin Feng agreed without much consideration, and pointed to the document he had read.

"The royal family and the cabinet of the British Empire passed the proposal to promote me to a nobleman yesterday. Jade Bird's intelligence ability is getting better and better. Before the official announcement was sent, the information was sent back."

Lin Shuhao had dealt with them for decades, and he knew what the British Empire was planning.

"These barbarians are shrewd. They want us to side with the Allied Powers if they have a short title. This is really the Anglo-Saxon style!"

Lin Feng also thought it was funny, George VI still thought that the current British Empire was the empire on which the sun never set at its peak, and wanted the Lin family to stand in line with the mere title of title.

He didn't want to get involved in the disputes in Europe so early. Once he joined the family's military factory, wouldn't he lose a big buyer? Even if he wanted to join the Allied Powers, he would have to wait for the Lin family to reap enough benefits.

"Yeah, so I decided to let the University of Ghana declare neutral and not join either party. If they are really smart, they should know how to do it!"

"Give me the benefits, I won't do it if I stand in line!"

Lin Shuhao raised his thumbs up, the master was still stubborn, those guys would probably go crazy with anger, and had to pinch their noses to promote the master, the British Empire could not bear the consequences of pushing Ghana to the Allied Powers.

After finishing talking about the Allied Powers, Lin Feng picked out a piece of information about Germany and pushed it to the steward for him to have a look.

Lin Shuhao didn't know why, picked up the information and quickly scanned it, his eyes widened in shock.

"Is Wilhelm II crazy? He used to carve up the world and establish a dual world order to win us over. Does he think he is God? Let's not say that we really want to unify the world. The supernatural powers, as well as powerful existences such as gods, demons and ghosts, did not do it."

"Leaving aside these facts, if we really carve up the world with Germany, the other allies will agree? We are not afraid, whoever dares to oppose and destroy it, why does Wilhelm II have the confidence to convince the other allies?"

Lin Feng shrugged and smiled indifferently.

"Probably God wants to destroy it, he must first make it crazy.

He also didn't expect that Wilhelm II would be so arrogant that he thought he could conquer the world at will. He is really ignorant and fearless.

The more you understand this world, the more you will truly understand that it is never human beings who rule the fate of this world, but the strong with supernatural power and gods with priesthood and divine authority.

The science and technology that human beings are proud of at the moment can't even control their own destiny. To be precise, even the three great empires of the universe whose scientific level is far beyond the earth's thousands of years or more, are nothing but the first five empires of the universe. A plaything in the hands of fate, one of the gods.

Under his guidance, the Lin family took a two-pronged approach, both science and practice are hard to grasp.

Use advanced technology to create a convenient life and solve many trivial troubles, so that you can have more time and energy to practice.

The only thing that can truly free people from the control of their fate is the possession of thousands of great powers, reaching or even surpassing the five founding gods of the universe. At that time, the Goddess of Fate, who is also at the multi-universe level, will naturally not be able to control the fate of such a strong person.

On August 30, 1913, Lin Anguo, the Grand Master of Ghana, presided over a press conference, announcing to the world that Ghana was a neutral country and would not intervene in the disputes between the Allies and the Entente.

After the news spread to Europe, whether it was the British Empire and Gaul, or Germany and the Ottoman Empire, they all hated it, but they could only sing praises to express their understanding.

Within a few days, the royal family's ascension documents from the British Empire crossed the ocean and were delivered to Lin Feng's desk.

George VI was really smart and made the right choice.

So when Europe was in chaos due to the conflict between the two military groups, Ghanaian officials from the government to the common people were all beaming and held a large banquet for several days to celebrate the founding father's ascension.

Lin Feng originally didn't want to make a fuss, but the atmosphere among the people was too enthusiastic, so he had to conform to the public opinion and promulgated a special decree again in the name of Zilong.

Ghanaian assets below 500,000 pounds, all business taxes, land taxes, and agricultural taxes will be halved!

Those whose assets are less than 3 million pounds will be exempted by 20% of the corresponding taxes and fees. Those who are not vicious criminals will receive heavy penalties and light sentences, and those who commit minor crimes will be given hard labor instead of punishment.

This is another welfare policy that benefits all the people in Ghana since the Baron's special decree on the birth of a hundred sons fifty years ago.

Since At the moment Lin Feng is already a dying person over a hundred years old in the eyes of outsiders, he did not appear in person when the decree was promulgated, but was represented by Zongli's son Lin An Guo

European and American countries, who don't understand the mystery, regard Lin An Guo as the heir of the future viscount one after another, and they must place bets in advance to win him over.

Inside the Lin family, however, everything was calm, and there were no troubles caused by internal strife among the restless sons and heirs because of Lin An's limelight.

The concubines living in various palaces of the Daming Palace knew that although there were introspection among their sisters, no one would dare to engage in palace fights.

Lin Feng didn't like it, so the sidekicks naturally didn't dare.

The descendants also understand that their father may live longer than them, and it is basically impossible to succeed them. What they can compete for is nothing more than making better achievements than their brothers and sisters in the family industry.

For the healthy competition among his children, Lin Feng is very supportive. The Lin family has too many industries and needs too many talents. Isn't it more reassuring than outsiders that their own children can become talents and control these industries. .

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