People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 69: The Lin Family Reaps The Benefits Of Fishermen! The 400Th Child Who Is About To Be Born!

The year 1913 was definitely a year worth celebrating for the Ghanaian people.

Thanks to Lin Feng’s special decree after he was promoted to Viscount, more than 85% of the 13 million Ghanaian people have enjoyed tax exemption or tax reduction preferential policies, including the 3 million Bactrians who have continuously immigrated here in the past 50 years .

Definitely, there are gratifying things this year, and there are also some riots caused by the unemployed people under the drastic changes due to the rapid development of science and technology.

After a large number of modern agricultural machinery was put into the market, farmers and ranchers found that 2,000 mu of land could be taken care of by only 10 people who know how to operate agricultural machinery, followed by a wave of unemployment caused by frantic layoffs to save costs .

Fortunately, as early as 5 years ago, under the order of Lin Feng, the Ghanaian government built many skilled worker training schools, and these unemployed people who came out of the farms [have been properly arranged.

After three months of training in the school, they will go to the various construction projects of the University of Ghana to become workers in infrastructure projects and contribute to the infrastructure industry of the University of Ghana.

Among them, there are a lot of road and railway construction projects approved by the Ghanaian government. In the stock exchange that Edmund just established, the related stocks have been rising all the way, and they are almost regarded as myths by the people who buy and sell stocks.

Rich businessmen and people in various provinces and regions bought a large number of infrastructure stocks, especially railway stocks, which were the most popular among them, forming a herd effect that swept across the country.

The madness of infrastructure stocks has also led to the crazy expansion of various related companies and factories, creating countless demand for jobs. Those eliminated from farming and pastures have suddenly discovered that

Before they graduate, they already have several positions that they can choose at will.

After a large number of unemployed people found jobs again, it further stimulated the expansion of demand in the commodity consumption market. Ghana's large economy did not enter the cold winter as predicted by other countries in Europe and the United States, but once again increased the speed of development.

At the moment's University of Ghana, whether you are a new immigrant or a local citizen, as long as you work hard, you can find a job.

As for the kind of lazy people who are waiting for government relief and are unwilling to work, they only have 3 months at most for training and employment, and if they exceed 3 months, they will be sent to forced labor by the government for the crime of refugee. They want to make a fortune in Ghana It is impossible to eat and wait to die.

For those who are disabled or have lost their labor ability, the government has built many nursing homes for shelter, and invites local big farmers and ranchers and wealthy businessmen to participate in charity fundraising every year

All donations can be offset against the corresponding tax amount of the year.

They have to pay so much money, big farmers and ranchers and wealthy businessmen are not stupid, at least they can get a good reputation by donating to the nursing home. Received a plaque issued by the government for the House of Shou Shan, which was widely advertised in national media and newspapers.

In this way, not only has a good reputation, but also a free advertisement nationwide, and the subsequent economic benefits are likely to exceed the donations.

After the various systems became more and more perfect, the overall development of Ghana has entered a virtuous circle. With the construction of a large number of abundant labor forces, railways, highways, mines, and factories have been continuously completed with rapid efficiency.

The railway construction is particularly crazy. Within a year, the total mileage of Ghana’s large railway has increased to 112,000 kilometers. The railway traffic network has almost penetrated every small town, forming a network of 9 vertical and 13 horizontal railway lines and a network of branch lines as dense as a spider’s web.

The performance appraisal from Lin Feng from before crossing the summer is constantly urging officials at all levels of the Ghanaian University to accelerate the development of the local economy and improve various local infrastructures.

After decades of subtle influence, the administrative efficiency of the government in various parts of Ghana is now very efficient. Under the strict supervision of the blue bird, the officials have formed a clean and honest political atmosphere.

The administrative documents sent to Lin's manor are also decreasing year by year, which greatly reduces Lin Feng's burden and gives him more time to take concubines and have children.

Just as the Lin's manor held banquets every now and then to welcome the new wife into the Daming Palace, a shocking news came from Europe that shocked the people of Ghana.

On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, and his wife Sofia were shot dead by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip while they were visiting Sarajevo.

The Allied Powers and the Allied Powers took advantage of this sudden incident and fanned the flames, causing the international situation to deteriorate rapidly.

Under the instruction of Lin Feng, the University of Ghana once again held a global press conference, reaffirming Ghana's position as a neutral country, and urging the relevant parties to calm down and return to the negotiating table to coordinate and resolve conflicts instead of resorting to force.

It is a pity that Ghana's peace proposal was ignored by the Allied Powers and the Allied Powers.

After the Sarajevo incident, German Emperor Wilhelm II issued a "empty check" to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which made the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I propose to Serbia at 6:00 pm on July 23, 1914. "Ultimatum", Serbia accepted all clauses except Article 5 and Article 6 which violated its own constitution and damaged sovereignty, and at the same time started the general mobilization of war.

Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on July 28 because Serbia did not accept all the terms.

In the afternoon of the same day, Meijian urgently announced that she would not join the Allied Powers and maintain a neutral position. At the same time, she sent a note to the ambassadors of the countries participating in the war, urging all countries to ensure the safety of Meijian's diaspora and not to attack Meijian's merchant ships on the ocean.

After the housekeeper Lin Shuhao got the news, he rushed to the Cuiwei official immediately.

Lillian Gish, who is newly married, endured the pain of breaking the melon, waited for Lin Feng to take a bath and changed clothes, and then went to the side hall to take care of her younger sister.

She was born in the Common family in Springfield, a beautiful town. Her father was an alcoholic homeless vagrant who was often homeless, and her mother was a weak and timid stage actress.

After being beaten up many times by her drunken father, she took her younger sister and ran away from home. She happened to meet Lin Feng who was inspecting the property in Meilijian at that time, and she and her younger sister lived in Cuiwei Guan

"My lord, that's how things are. Shall we send a note to the ambassador of the guest country like Meilijian?"

Lin Shuhao sat upright, looked at the old man leaning on the sofa and said.

Behind him stood a young man with a serious expression, standing straight and not looking sideways, with fanatical admiration in his eyes.

"No need, Meilijian is making a big show, but it's just a lack of strength and a guilty conscience. We will continue to sit on the Diaoyutai. As long as the Allied Powers and the Allied Powers are not crazy, they will not touch our expatriates and merchant ships."

Lin Feng shook his head and rejected the suggestion of summoning the ambassador, but he added after remembering the madman Wilhelm II.

"Let Ghana's 6 aircraft carrier fleets cruise the open seas of the four oceans, under the banner of ensuring the safe and free passage of Ghana's large merchant ships. The 8 aircraft carrier fleets of the Lin family are on standby at any time. If anyone is not open to it, he will be killed!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the young man behind Lin Shuhao, and asked with a smile on his face.

Beixuan, do you have any experience following your father to handle family affairs these days?"

Lin Feng is still very concerned about the offspring of the old folks.

They not only have advanced martial arts cultivation, but also learned a lot of new scientific knowledge. In addition, they are all loyal to the family. They have already stood out in many family industries and become the pillars of the new generation of the Lin family.

Lin Beixuan couldn't hold back the stern expression on his face when he heard the question from the master he admired the most. After taking a few steps forward and bowing in salute, his words trembled with excitement.

"I've met the master! These days, I learned from the old housekeeper, and my subordinates feel that the management of the family should be changed. We can no longer use multi-level management, but implement a flat management model. Reduce intermediate links and carry out your will, master. To the end of the family business, to further improve administrative efficiency and cohesion."

When he mentioned Lin Shuhao, he didn't use his father's title, but called him the housekeeper, with an attitude of distinguishing between public and private.

And as soon as he opened his mouth, he had to attack the family management, and he had the spirit of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers.

Lin Shuhao snorted and rolled his eyes at his son.

This Nizi was rebellious and had to clean up when he went back. He had only been with him for a few days and dared to talk about reform without shame.

The Lin family's industrial scale is as large as that of the country today, and the internal interest entanglements are intricate, which can be said to affect the whole body. How can reform be changed?

"Cough cough! Master, don't blame me. This kid speaks without thinking. If you say something wrong, don't take it to your heart."

He thought in his heart that he would go back and teach his son a lesson, but as a father, he still protected the calf, and his words were not pleasant, but they all meant to protect his son.

Lin Feng nodded to Lin Shuhao, and then said to Lin Beixuan.

"I understand the meaning of your father's words. Now, master, I will give you two choices!"

"First, I pretend I didn't hear what you said just now. You continue to study with your father for a few years, and then gradually take over the family affairs from him; second, you will take office today, and I will let your father be your deputy. How can you reform?" Do it yourself."

"But the ugly words are up front. If those Uncle uncles of yours call at the door later, I don't care so much, sir. If you have the courage to ask a question, you must have the ability to settle it, or you will be beaten into a pig's head!"

Lin Beixuan's blood boiled when he heard it, especially when the master asked his father to be his deputy, he was inexplicably excited, and couldn't wait to issue a military order.

"Master, don't worry, I will complete the reform within half a year, and the efficiency of family management will be doubled at least. If I can't do it, I am willing to go to the black prison for confinement!"

He didn't believe that with the support of the master, there would be people who dared to oppose the reform.

Lin Beixuan had already forgotten that Lin Feng said that the reforms should be done by themselves, and if there are old men who make trouble, he will not come forward.

Clutching his forehead, Lin Shuhao sighed, his son's wild words gave him a headache.

This brat dug a hole to bury himself, and in the end, he was afraid that the burial would not be solid and stepped on a hundred thousand feet!

But he also understands that this is the master tempering his son.

Let him see the wind and rain within the family, so that when he is in charge of the affairs of the Lin family and dealing with dignitaries from various countries in the future, he will not be defeated by the secrets of people's hearts.

Therefore, when the situation in Europe became more and more tense due to the collision of the two major military blocs, there were also turmoil within the Lin family. As soon as Pu took office, Lin Beixuan blew the clarion call for reform, and cut down the redundant institutions and departments in his opinion. .

He worked vigorously in front of others, and his father Lin Shuhao had no choice but to carry gifts behind his back, and went to the old man's house one by one to apologize.

On August 4th, Lin Beixuan merged the national, provincial/regional, and municipal three-level affairs management departments to establish an administrative management center. All administrative orders of the Ghanaian government at all levels related to the Lin family's business must be reviewed and approved here. After that, it can be sent to Lin Feng for approval.

Also on this day, Germany declared war on Billie, the British Empire declared war on Germany, and only one day later, Austria-Hungary declared war on Tsarist Russia on August 5, and the world war that swept across European countries and their colonies officially broke out.

Time passed quickly amidst the flames of war.

Compared with the war between the two major European blocs that has turned from an offensive to a stalemate, Lin Beixuan's reforms have also achieved considerable results. The establishment of the administrative affairs management center alone has reduced 23 approval procedures and streamlined 163 staff.

In addition, he also put an end to the decades-old situation in which various departments of the family procured materials independently, and established a unified

The financial system of unified procurement and reimbursement uncovered a large number of corrupt middle-level managers who were not members of the family in various industries and sent them to the private prison of Lin's Manor.

In the winter of this year, the number of Lin Feng's offspring reached 389, which is about to break through the 400 mark.

There are no less than 36 pregnant concubines in the Daming palace group, and every pregnant concubine is looking forward to their 400th child.

The 100th son Lin Anyao was born with a vision, the Supreme Mage from Kamar-Taj descended in person and brought the Oracle of Agamotto, who became the disciple of the gods and the magic of the future


The 200th son, Lin Anyu, was born with double pupils. He was born with supernatural power and martial arts qualifications. Before reaching the weak crown, he practiced Wuji Zhengong to the 10th heaven and became a member of the Lin family.

In the second generation, he was the highest martial artist.

The 300th son, Lin Anxian, is not too far behind. When he was born, the purple air came from the sky. He was able to speak at the age of 1. He was able to speak at the age of 3. Xiwen was at the age of 7.

The yin and yang Taoism Longevity Jue is truly achieved when others practice martial arts while others cultivate immortals.

With these jewels in front, the Lin family attaches great importance to the birth of the 400th son. All the pregnant concubines who are about the same expected date of delivery will receive unprecedented benefits.

Pay attention to.

4 experienced female doctors in obstetrics and gynecology are on call around the clock, and 12 delicate, loyal and reliable maids are on hand 24 hours a day, and Lin Feng will visit and comfort her from time to time


Time entered December 1914 in the anticipation of the Lin family. The pregnant concubines were getting bigger and bigger, but there was no sign of giving birth for a long time.

After the examination, the female doctors believed that the expected date of delivery would be delayed by 1 to 2 months, which is also in line with the laws of nature. The stronger the creature, the longer it will take to give birth to offspring, such as elephants

It takes 22 months from conception to delivery.

It took Nezha his mother three years from pregnancy to childbirth.

After more than 20 days, the concubines have not yet given birth.

It was Lin Beixuan who came to complain to Lin Feng with a bruised nose and swollen face. His father Lin Shuhao finally couldn't stand it anymore and beat up his son who had behaved recklessly.

"Master, you have to make the decision for me. If you say that my father doesn't support me, forget it. He beat me up today, and let my colleagues know. How can I continue to change?"

Woolen cloth?"

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth twitched, and he clenched his fists to hold back the laughter.

This kid still doesn't know that in order to support his work, Lin Shuhao was often ridiculed by his old brothers, how many times he humbly pleaded guilty.

Definitely his work is worthy of recognition, at least now Lin Feng's working hours have been reduced to 4 hours, more than 80% of the affairs are handled in the administrative affairs management center, and

The financial system of unified purchase and sales has also saved hundreds of thousands of pounds of wasted funds.

"Beixuan, you have to know that a genius who is half a step ahead of the times is a genius, and a lunatic who is one step ahead of the times! Your father beat you up to let you understand this truth."

Lin Feng said a few words of comfort, then sent Lin Beixuan to leave.

He did not make it clear that there are some reforms in all dynasties without bloodshed, either the blood of the reformer or the blood of the reformed.

Lin Bei's work would not have been so smooth if he hadn't been in charge of the Lin family, and all members of the family had been stamped with ideological stamps.

The reason why those old guys complained was just to complain that he abolished the people he recommended and didn't say hello, which was a bit embarrassing.

After completing the reform, the Lin family has unloaded the burden and went into battle lightly. After this round of storms in the family's industries, it has strengthened the supervision of the internal management of non-family members.

When the major powers in Europe were fighting each other, they wantonly expanded their production to occupy the colonial market that they had no time to take care of.

Lin's military factory did a particularly good job, selling tanks to the Allies and armor-piercing bullets to the Allies at the same time, cleverly maintaining the fragile balance on the battlefield and reaping the benefits.

This kind of coquettish operation made the two groups love and hate, and they had to hold their noses and begged Lin's military factory to sell them more advanced equipment.

From the profits of common products lost by these warring countries, they have earned back ten times and a hundred times with arms. This year, the Lin family can be said to be Qin Shihuang's touch switch—the win is numb!

The only thing that worries the Lin family is when will the master's 400th son be born?

Lin Feng himself is also looking forward to the birth of the child, after all, the rewards of the dog system are still very fragrant. .

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