People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 95 Captain America Your Life Is Mine Now! Magneto For Kids In Auschwitz!

"I can fight you all like this for a day!"

As soon as Steve Rogers finished yelling this sentence, he was punched on the back of the head by the gangster who went around behind him.


He fell to the ground and wiped a lot of wounds on his face on the concrete floor, his chin was bleeding, but he was already staring at the gangsters in front of him with dissatisfaction.

"Kill him! Make him dare to spoil our good work, fucking Steve!"

The leader of the gangsters shouted angrily, and led the younger brothers to beat and kick Steve around.

There was no fear in Steve's eyes, first he held his head in defense, and when they were tired from fighting, he quickly rolled over, picking up the fallen trash can lid to cover left and right.

At this moment, with his short and skinny figure, he slipped back and forth among the gangsters, and most of his punches and kicks were either blocked by the lid of the trash can, or missed by rubbing against his side.

Just when the leader of the gangster was furious, he shouted at his companions to disperse, and when he was about to challenge Steve, a tall and burly man rushed up behind him.

He knocked over all the little gangsters in twos and threes, and the boss of the gangster was kicked to the chin, rolled backwards and hit the wall a few times, Langlangye spit out bloody saliva.

"How dare you hit me David, are you a relative? I, Uncle, work in Lin's science laboratory, do you know about the Lin family? The president has to save face, how dare you hit me?"

The burly man smiled strangely, and took out with one hand. He took a photo of David with his mobile phone, and entered the internal database of Jade Bird to check.

With one hand pinching his neck, it was as if he was carrying a little chick to the entrance of the alley.

"Master, this is the guy who dares to discredit our Lin family. I just checked his background, and he is the bottom gang of the Wolf Gang in Hell's Kitchen."

Lin Feng's Telepathy retrieved all the information from David's mind in the blink of an eye, waved his hand and said.

"Get rid of them, a bunch of little fish! This guy named David is for 10,000 dollars, obeying the orders of the mysterious Mr. Wilson, and using the banner of our Lin family to dominate the people at the bottom."

"Twenty-six seven" "It's a pity that David has never met the mysterious Wilson. Jia and you will go and find out the origin of this Mr. Wilson. I will see this guy within three days!"

After ordering Lin Jiahe, he walked towards Steve.

There was a sound of broken bones behind him, and David turned his head behind his back. At the same time, several Shenwu guards rushed to the fleeing gangsters and killed them on the spot.

"Hey bastard, don't hurt my brother!"

Just when Lin Feng walked up to Steve and bent over to greet him with a smile, a 1.8-meter-tall blond young man ran into the alley, rushing over with a flying kick.

But as soon as he kicked his foot out, Shenwuwei pinched his ankle in front of him, swung it violently and was about to smash it to the ground.

Once the blow is real, the people who come will probably be smashed into a ball of flesh and blood.

"No sir, please spare my friend Bucky!"

Steve Rogers yelled and turned pale.

Shenwuwei paused, and Bucky's head stopped in the air just 1cm away from the ground.

Lin Feng frowned, looked back and said.

"Let him go!"

Shenwuwei let go of Bucky's feet and put him safely on the ground, and the latter ran to Steve's side as soon as he stood still, looking at Lin Feng warily.

Lin Feng ignored him, pressed Steve's shoulder, used the healing ability to heal his injury, and asked with a smile.

"Son, I heard them call you Steve, so I should call you that too. There are six people on the other side, and they are all much stronger than you, Steve, aren't you afraid?"

Steve Rogers felt warm currents entering his body, and soon the bruises on his cheeks and bruises on his chin healed, and the bruises on his torso and limbs were also gone.

He looked up in surprise, but he didn't ask any questions, and said with a firm face.

Thank you for your help and the big brothers, I am not a child anymore, I will be 16 years old in April this year. "

"David tried to moleste a waitress, although I was shaking with fear, but someone has to uphold justice!"

Lin Feng patted him on the shoulder, more and more sure that this is Captain America.

Only he has a firm sense of justice, and at the same time has a thin body like a child, as if a gust of wind can run away.

"You're right, kid, someone has to uphold justice, but you have to be stronger, don't let justice be knocked down again!"

Steve scratched his head in embarrassment, pulled Bucky over and introduced with a laugh.

"Ahaha, sir, you are right. This is my good friend Bucky, and he also persuaded me to do what I can. But every time I encounter injustice, I subconsciously rush forward!"

Bucky rolled his eyes at him, glanced at Shenwuwei who was skillfully handling the corpse, with a look of admiration in his eyes, and whispered enviously.

"Sir, your subordinates are really strong. I don't think even the special forces are their opponents. But the wolf gang is very powerful, and they all have guns in their hands. Let's run away!"

Lin Feng sneered and glanced at him inadvertently.

"Old fellows, you heard what this kid said, should we run away now, after all, the Wolf Gang has guns!"

His relaxed tone didn't sound like he was discussing vicious gangs, he seemed to be talking about stray cats and dogs on the side of the road, which made the Shenwu guards laugh wantonly.

As far as the firepower of the gangs in Hell's Kitchen is concerned, at most an RPG is great, and the power to tickle them is too small.

Bucky looked at the laughing Shenwuwei for no reason, listening to their bold and unruly laughter, the admiration in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

After knowing that the enemy has a gun, they can still laugh so heartily, how strong these people must be in their hearts, they should be so manly!

He was still feeling emotional when he heard Steve say in Lin Feng.

"Let's go kids, I'll take you home, don't go out today, the filth of New York needs to be cleaned up!"

Steve looked suspiciously at the man who was talking and laughing to determine life and death. He didn't look very old, and his handsome face showed bright white teeth when he smiled.

"No need sir, Bucky and I can go back by ourselves! Our house is not far away, just 2 streets away, and we can walk in 20 minutes.'

Lin Feng rubbed his head, took his shoulders and walked towards the luxury car at the entrance of the alley.

He was here today on a date with Ingrid Bergman, and dropped by to watch a movie starring this woman.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked out of the cinema, he heard someone smearing the Lin family.

When I walked into the alley, I saw this little Steve, facing several gangsters who were stronger than himself, fighting bravely without retreating a step.

With Lin Feng's eyesight, it is natural to understand that Steve was born weak, and he was malnourished when he was growing up, so he was still short like a boy at the age of 16.

I watched with great interest Steve's defensive action of using the lid of the trash can as a shield, his spirituality that seemed to be integrated with the lid of the trash can, and the familiar name of Steve Rogers reminded him of the Marvel world Captain America.

This made Lin Feng stunned for a moment, and the memory before the time travel rippled, ignoring Steve's refusal, and took him into the car.

Steve had no choice but to report the address, looking at the street scene passing by outside the window, he couldn't understand what happened today.

"Sir, may I ask, why did Tao help me?"

"It seems that there will never be any intersection between a big shot like you and me!"

Lin Feng stroked his chin, and said with a light smile when he heard this.

"Helping you a favor is just in passing. It's the trash that offended me. Do you understand?"

Steve yelled loudly, belatedly, thinking about what had happened before.

"You are from the Lin family, no wonder you killed David and the others!"

He was silent for a while thoughtfully, looked out the window, and saw that his son had already arrived at his house.

"Mr. Lin, whether you help me by the way or not, I will thank you very much!"

"My mother taught me how to make good steak and pasta, if you don't mind having a potluck at home.

Lin Feng looked at the old single-family wooden house outside the window and nodded, opened the car door and got out of the car with him.

Steve looked at Shenwuwei who was following him in embarrassment, and apologized politely to them.

"I'm sorry, big brothers, the house is not big, so I can't invite you in together. I will make a pot of coffee for the big brothers to warm up later."

The Shenwu guards smiled, shook their hands and rejected his kindness.

His house is indeed not big, Lin Feng frowned as soon as he entered the door.

The strong smell of disinfectant made him want to sneeze. It seems that Steve's family members are sick, so they have such an uncomfortable smell

Old and broken furniture and yellowed wallpaper, there is no second electrical appliance in the house except an old radio, but all the furniture is wiped clean [things are also neatly arranged.

Hearing the sound of Steve closing the door, a scrawny woman walked out of the bedroom. Her long Gold hair was as dry and yellow as wormwood, and her cheeks were sunken like a skeleton under the skin.

"Ahem! Steve, you're back, and little Bucky is here too! Is this gentleman...?"

She coughed fiercely as if she was going to cough out her lungs, her voice was mixed with the noise of breathing, and she looked at Lin Feng in puzzlement and asked.

"Mom, this is Mr. Lin. Today I stopped David from molesting a girl and was blocked by them. If he hadn't saved me, I would have broken at least three ribs."

Steve didn't shy away from the fight with the gangsters, and told the story frankly.

After Bucky greeted Martha, Ann stood aside and remained silent.

After Steve explained Lin Feng's identity, he walked to his mother and helped her sit down, and continued.

"This is my mother, Martha Rogers."

Martha leaned on the back of the chair, and sighed with a complex expression on her face.

"Steve, you're a good boy, but next time don't bother others, you can't let others take risks for your actions.

"Since Mr. Lin saved you, you must repay him in the future, understand?"

Steve nodded again and again, smiling at Martha.

"I understand Mom, you should chat with Mr. Lin first. I'll make coffee and send it to the big brothers outside. Later, I will treat Mr. Lin with the cooking skills you taught me, and express my gratitude.

As he spoke, he walked into the kitchen, quickly grinding coffee beans, and after boiling the coffee, he took out the ingredients, and neatly chopped carrots, tomatoes, and onions.

After Bucky waited for the coffee to be brewed, he took a paper cup and went out, because the Shenbuwei sent coffee.

Martha looked at her son who was busy in the kitchen, with a gratified smile on her lips.

Lin Feng didn't interrupt the warm communication between mother and son. At this moment, he walked up to Martha, scanned her body with gravitational electromagnetics, and found several lumps in her lungs...

"Mrs. Rogers, I think you seem to be seriously ill, but you can still educate Steve so well, which is really admirable!"

Martha shook her head vigorously, and said listlessly.

"This kid, like his father, likes to help others and fight against injustices. I just told him about his father when I was young, and I didn't expect him to become a person like Jack."

Her words were full of longing and sadness, and her eyes unconsciously looked at an old yellow photo.

Lin Feng followed his gaze and saw a tall and handsome blond man in the photo

He took a photo with a beautiful woman with a handsome appearance and a charming figure. It can be seen that the woman's belly is slightly raised, and her face is full of happy smiles.

Apparently the blond man in the photo was Jack, who probably died helping others or fighting an injustice, no wonder Martha said she didn't want Steve to be like his father.

After a moment of silence, Lin Feng came to the kitchen, looked at Steve seriously and said.

"Your mother has four malignant tumors in her lungs, if not treated immediately, I'm afraid

The tomato in Steve's hand fell to the ground, and he was about to rush to his mother and ask her why she lied to him, but then he lowered his head dejectedly.

He wanted to understand his mother's good intentions, she didn't want to drag him down!

Painful like a knife stabbing inside, Steve hated himself for being incompetent.

Lin Feng shook his head, looked at the slumped Steve, pressed his shoulder and said seriously.

"I can save your mother, but there are conditions..."

He hadn't finished speaking when he heard a plop.

Steve dropped to his knees and said firmly.

"Mr. Lin, please save my mother. As long as you can save her, I can sell my life to you!"

Lin Feng nodded slightly and walked towards Martha, raised his hand and cast a green light.

As if the mother and son saw the gods coming to the world, they were stunned and lost in a daze.

Under the healing ability, the tumor in Martha's lung shrunk quickly and disappeared, and even her skeleton-like figure returned to normal.

Steve looked at the recovered mother in surprise, choked up and couldn't speak, and kowtowed to thank him without getting up.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin! Thank you, Mr. Lin!"

Lin Feng didn't go to stop him, and said to himself.

"Mark your words Steve, your contract is mine now!"

At this time Bucky just entered the door, he was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene, and ran over eagerly to ask.

"What's wrong with Steve? Mr. Lin, if Steve pissed you off, don't bother with him, he's been obsessed since childhood..."

Bucky kept pleading, worried about his little brother.

Lin Feng smiled and did not respond, and warned Steve.

"I won't stay for dinner, you can eat with Martha and Bucky. Take your mother to the hospital for an examination tomorrow, and after you settle down, go to Long Island No. 789754 with Bucky

Find me. "

The luxury convoy left this old single-family house, causing many nearby neighbors to speculate which big shot came to this civilian community.


Sebastian Xiao stood in the tall building, overlooking the huge Camp 4.9 with an area of ​​about 40 square kilometers. This is where the Jews are concentrated.

He recalled the scene when Mustache sent him here, and muttered to himself.

"I've searched Auschwitz all these years, but I still haven't found the Q-level mutant that the master said."

"Thanks to John Schmidt's instigation, I was relegated to this place as a supervisor, and I was able to enter this camp. That little guy named Max is probably the one I want

The person I was looking for, but the strength I saw that day was not enough, so I couldn't be sure it was Q-level. "

Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the door, interrupting Sebastian Xiao's memories.

come in!"

Two German soldiers with live ammunition escorted a haggard Yutai woman and a teenager into the office, raised their left hands and shouted as soon as they entered the door.

"Hi! *** Hail!"

Sebastian Xiao also raised his hand and shouted.

"Hi! *** Hail"

After the soldiers left, he came to the woman and the child, looked at the boy and said.

"Max Eisen Hart I saw what happened yesterday, now do it again for me! See the iron tower outside the window, now twist it, if you can do it, I will let you and your mother go."

Sebastian Xiao picked up the gun again, pressed the bullets one by one and continued.

"If you can't do it, say goodbye to your mother forever!"

As he spoke, he pointed his gun at the woman, and coldly read the countdown.


Cold sweat was seeping out of Marx's forehead, his little face was twisted and roared ferociously, and his hands were stretched out to the iron tower outside the window.


The iron tower tens of meters high and hundreds of tons in weight was slowly twisted, and soon twisted into a twisted pattern, and it was still constantly curling up.

"Hahaha, that's it! It's you Max, you're Magneto!"

Sebastian Xiao laughed, and under Marx's puzzled gaze, he took out his sci-fi phone and sent a message.

"The target has been found, whether to return?".

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