People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 96 Magneto: You Are My Lord! Failed Super Soldier Serum!

"Continue to lurk and rescue Erskine!"

When Sebastian Xiao saw this reply, he sighed. This new task is not easy to complete.

Since John Schmidt became Moustache's confidant, he is in charge of the German Weapons Research and Development Department, and he has too many secret bases, some of which even Moustache doesn't know.

Dr. Abraham Erskine's human body strengthening plan was favored by him, and he was also transferred to a secret base to start a human experiment, named the Super Soldier Project.

Sebastian Xiao, who was having a headache with the new task, didn't notice that Max Eisen Hart manipulated the coins on the table to levitate up, and came quietly behind his head.

A cloud of black smoke flashed in the office out of thin air, and a tall figure of Aesir appeared, holding the coin between his slender red fingers, and said with a teasing smile.

"Hey boy, don't take revenge! Xiao, you owe me your life!"

He said the former sentence to Marx, and the latter sentence turned to Sebastian Shaw and joked.

Sebastian Xiao rolled his eyes. His mutant Ability can absorb various energies, among which kinetic energy is the easiest to absorb, and how could it be hurt by a coin.

"Master Aesir Zuo, did the master ask you to pick up this kid?"

Aesir nodded, walked in front of Max, looked directly at his hostile eyes, and said with a wagging finger.

"Kid, don't know what's good and what's wrong, your real enemy is not Xiao! The mustache who started this war is the mastermind behind the scenes, and he's here to save you, understand?"

Max snorted coldly, raised his face and said disgustedly.

"He just threatened me with my mother's life. It's a big joke for you to say that he came to save me. Get out of the way now or I will kill you together!"

He doesn't have much reason left at the moment, his scarlet eyes are full of tyranny, anyone who dares to stop him is an enemy, he wants to tear this evil place into pieces.

Seeing his expression, Aesir sighed helplessly.

He knew that it was not a simple matter to resolve the hatred between the two, and he had to produce real evidence.

"Xiao, you wouldn't really have done that, or this kid wouldn't hate you so much!"

Sebastian Shaw withdrew the bullets from the revolver, poured them out one by one and threw them in front of Max.

"Boy, take a closer look. These bullets are just painted rubber bullets. I just scare you to stimulate your ability. Don't look at me so bitterly. If the master didn't call you by name, I would want to Tied up and spanked.

Max manipulated the power of the magnetic field, and the bullets on the ground remained motionless.

His Ability has just been Awakened, and currently it can only manipulate metal, non-metallic objects cannot be manipulated.

He leaned over to pick up a bullet, gently squeezed the soft bullet, it was indeed a rubber bullet.

The tyranny in his eyes dissipated little by little, and many questions popped up in Marx's little head.

"What is your purpose? And who is that master, and how does he know about me?"

Sebastian Xiao shrugged, he didn't know why the master was looking for this kid, he couldn't help looking at Aesir Zuo, only he knew the master's intention.

Aesir pointed to himself, then to Max, and said with a slight smile.

"Little Marx, you should have discovered that you are different from the common humans, right! Let me tell you that there are many people with special abilities like you and me in this world. In the words of the old man, we are all compatriots, and we are all Awakening A Mutant with a special ability brought about by the X gene."

"As for our purpose, it is to let Mutants live in the sun aboveboard and not be discriminated against or persecuted by other Common humans! Dad is our belief and the only person who can do this. He will be the savior of all Mutants !"

Max sneered, dismissing his words.

Common humans are still killing each other, how can they live in peace with Mutant?

Aesir curled his lips, the brat is really annoying.

"Okay boy, let's go, after you see Dad, you will understand that what I said was not an exaggeration, but what I said was not as powerful as Fang Er.

As he spoke, he put his hand on Marx's shoulder and took him and the woman back to Lin's Manor.

Unexpectedly, an iron bar pierced through the air and pierced his arm. When the iron bar hit his arm, golden light flashed under the skin.

Aesir Zuo was also a little angry, and hit Max on the back of the neck with a knife, knocking the brat unconscious.

Under the woman's horrified eyes, she and Max disappeared into the black smoke.

When Max Eisenhart woke up, he saw a tall figure with a green light shining on his mother's body.

He watched with his own eyes that the deep bony welts on his mother's arms gradually disappeared, her skinny body became plump, and her pale cheeks were rosy.

"Are you awake? I heard that you and Aesir are in a relationship. Then you must practice hard in the future, otherwise you may be beaten three times a day. He is the most vengeful person!"

A man's teasing voice came from Marx's ears, and he turned his head to look at the man who spoke.

Seeing him looking at himself, James smiled and continued.

"I've heard about you. To be honest, I admire your courage. Just after Awakening Ability, you dared to attack Xiao and Aesir. It's really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers!"

Max Eisenhart didn't care. He turned his head and looked at his mother, who was bathed in the green light, and her health was getting better and better. He folded his hands and prayed the Youtai Bible.

James couldn't understand his words, but he understood the fanaticism and piety in the child's eyes, just like himself and Aesir Zuo, who regarded Dad as their belief and god.

Lin Feng put away the healing ability, and the woman in front of him has recovered her health.

The woman touched the smooth skin in disbelief, she knew the severity of her injury, if it wasn't for her son, she would have run out of oil and died.

Being able to heal her injuries and restore her to the healthiest state is something only God can do.

The woman fell to her knees on the ground with a plop, and kept worshiping and muttering in Hebrew.

" lord, my child has a strange power. I wonder if he has the honor to serve you by your side and conquer all enemies for you?"

As she spoke, she beckoned to Max, and when her son came to her side, she pulled him to kneel down.

"My lord, please accept my son and let him be your entourage!"

Lin Feng rubbed Max's head and said with a relaxed smile.

"If the child is willing, I would like to teach him myself!"

Before Max could speak, his mother held his head down and kowtowed on the ground several times.

Although he has awakened the mutant ability, he is still a child physically, unable to resist and dare not resist his mother's wishes.

In addition, after witnessing the process of his mother being cured, he also regards the man in front of him as a god in his heart, and believes fanatically and devoutly.

"God... No, you are my lord! Please allow me to follow in your footsteps and conquer all disobedient people for you!

"My lord, your command is my mission!"

Lin Feng looked down at him and rubbed his head with his palm.

A white ray injected into Max's body, awakening the great potential in him.

Max's body shook slightly, and then he showed a look of extreme shock, and the mutant Ability in his body became much stronger in an instant.

He felt that it would take him even a second to distort the iron tower now, and he could do it without any effort.

"My lord..., your divine power is as vast as the sea, and my Ability is constantly increasing!"

Just that white ray of light doubled his magnetic field control power in the blink of an eye [more importantly, the energy consumption of the white ray is less than one-fifth.

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth curled up slightly, silently planting a stamp of thought.

"Get up, child, I know you far better than yourself, and your current Ability is far from your limit. From now on, practice the Wuji True Kungfu I passed on to you, and your achievements will be limitless."

Max stared at him blankly, with a trace of heavy awe in the depths of his eyes.

Before he could speak, Lin Feng continued.

"If you want, I will help you and your mother change their appearance and live in Ghana. Your name will be Eric Lehnsherr from now on. The name Magneto Eric is very suitable for you."

Max...... No, Eric nodded without hesitation.

"It is my lord, from now on I will be called Eric Lehnsherr, and I will dedicate my eternal loyalty to you!"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and waved towards James.

"From now on, he will follow you to lay the foundation first, and after he reaches the second level of Wuji True Kungfu, I will teach him personally.

James walked over to Eric and patted his head lightly.

"No problem father, I will leave this kid to me, and I will not let you down!"


The ski resort that is destined to become famous all over the world in the future is sparsely populated, and no one knows that there is a secret military base hidden in the mountainside.

"Mr. Schmidt, the Führer is very upset. You have betrayed his trust. It was your idea to transfer Klaus back then, but what about the new weapons you developed now?"

The leader of the SS, Heinrich Himm, threw away the new machine gun in his hand, and reprimanded John Schmidt mercilessly in front of everyone in the Weapons Development Department.

"I want to remind you, Schmidt, that the Führer's greatest support is to hope that you can lead the weapons development department to develop weapons that can destroy the Maginot Line, not to let you build some scrap metal here!"

John Schmidt, who once worked with him to exclude Sebastian Shaw, has become more and more arbitrary recently. He spent a lot of funds for no reason, but he didn't even manufacture a weapon that met the requirements of the head of the park.

Mustache has noticed that this fanatical follower a few years ago seems to have sprouted greater ambitions, and the HYDRA troops under his command gradually only obey the orders of John Schmidt, and even he, the head of state, is difficult to mobilize.

Sending Heinrich to the HYDRA base in the Alps this time is a test and warning for John Schmidt by Mustache, to find out what his confidence is in doing so

"Mr. Heinrich, smart people never jump to conclusions easily. I know the order of the head of state better than you. w"

John Schmidt held hands tightly behind his back, glanced at Heinrich and other SS officers calmly, and said in an extremely confident tone.

"I haven't built a cannon that can break through the Maginot Line, but the super soldier plan that can defeat one hundred has succeeded. Come with me, I will show what the head of state expects

As he said that, he immediately opened a huge amount of alloy gate, and walked in with his head held high [Heinrich led the SS officers in a file in puzzlement.

In the laboratory, Abraham Erskine paced back and forth impatiently, watching his assistant skillfully operate the machine and insert the prepared serum into the syringe.

"Phys Nicks, we can't do this. The current serum is not perfect. At this time, the probability of failure in human trials is too high. We can't bet on the 1% success rate with real human lives. This is disrespect for life!"


He has an introverted and amiable personality, and his soft-spoken voice has no deterrent effect at all.

Phin Nicks was impatient, and he worked as an assistant to Dr. Erskine in order to master the secret of the super soldier serum and create a killing machine for John Schmidt.

Although under Erskine's strict defense, he was unable to obtain the core secret - the serum formula, and there was no problem with the operability test.

"Abraham Erskine, this is Lord Schmidt's order!"

"I think the theoretical model is perfect, and there will be no problem with the correct practice of the theory. Are you afraid that I will replace you?"

Abraham Erskine scratched his hair irritably, and slumped on the chair helplessly. He has no power in this laboratory, but is John Schmidt's tool man

That's all.

At this moment, he regretted that he did not agree to Lin Anjing's invitation, and now his family members are under the control of HYDRA, so he has to study super soldier serum for HYDRA against his conscience.

, and these serum injectors will become the executioners who slaughtered his compatriots. It can be said that his hands are indirectly stained with the blood of his compatriots.

"Hailhydra! Master Schmidt, I'm ready to do human experiments at any time!"

Phil Nicks straightened her chest and paid tribute to her idol.

John Schmidt nodded, and under his guidance, he walked to the five metal beds in the center of the laboratory.

At the moment, on each of these metal beds lay 483 strong German soldiers, and they waited fearlessly for the experiment to proceed.

With a sullen face, Heinrich also walked to the metal bed, and said in a strange way.

"These are elite German soldiers. If the test fails, you will be responsible for their accident. I will report the truth to the Fuehrer [hope God bless you


John Schmidt smiled coldly, did not respond to his provocation, and ordered calmly.

"Phin Nicks, let's experiment, let's see the birth of super soldiers! The great cause of the Führer needs them. Even if there are one or two accidents, I will give my thanks to the Führer."

You deserve it!"

His relaxed demeanor infected Fei Nicks, and his trembling hands stabilized, and he continued to operate on the operating table.

The bed is tightly stitched together to form a closed metal cabin.

Phil Nicks spoke first.

"Master Schmidt, don't worry, I have mastered all the operations, and there will be no accidents! Even if Dr. Erskine doesn't help, I will have no problems alone."

John Schmidt smiled and nodded to him.

"Well done, let's experiment. I can't wait to see the super soldiers beyond the limits of the human body, join our great HYDRA, and contribute to the great cause of the head of state

As he spoke, he glared at Erskine. This old-fashioned guy always said that the theoretical model still had flaws, which caused him to be ridiculed by Heinrich, and he would kill him when the experiment was successful.

Phin Nicks pressed a few buttons on the console, and various medicines were injected into the German soldiers in the metal cabin.


"Help! Let me out!"

After a while, the soldiers screamed in pain from the metal cabin. These tough guys with sharp blades and unchangeable faces felt the pain of hell torture under the ravages of medicine in their bodies.

He wailed uncontrollably in pain.

With his heart in his throat, John Schmidt unconsciously walked to the console and asked in a low voice.

"What's wrong and why are the soldiers suffering so much?"

Phil Nicks swallowed, turning her eyes averted.

"Master Schmidt, this is the onset of drug effects, and the human body is undergoing drastic transformation. Both bones and muscles will grow rapidly, which is equivalent to tearing off muscle fibers and bone regeneration

, this process must be very painful.

After taking a few deep breaths, he pressed a few buttons, injected all the serum into the soldiers, and then pushed the switch to activate the ray lights in the metal cabin.

Dazzling rays of light shone through the glass windows of the metal cabin, and the screams of the soldiers became louder, and the piercing sound of fingernails scratching the metal could also be heard.

bang bang bang!

There were three loud explosions in a row, and a thick layer of flesh and blood covered the glass of the metal cabin. Everyone was startled by the bloody scene in front of them.

Before Schmidt could ask a question, there were two bang bang bang bangs, and explosions also occurred in the other two metal cabins.

The super soldier he had placed high hopes on failed in front of Heinrich, and the soldier was blown into a bloody mess. .

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