People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 124 Tony: Supreme Mage, Lsp! (Please Subscribe!)


Inside the magic holy place.

On the training ground, several figures stood out in sight.

Scarlet's energy gradually gathered.

The hazy breath drifted away.

Soon, Wanda's figure quickly ran to her.

His face was full of excitement, and he raised his head as if asking for credit.

In his eyes, eyes full of expectation looked over and said,

"Supreme Mage, what do you think of my cultivation?"

"Nice!" - Russell nodded.

At the same time, he praised without hesitation.

"Being able to control this energy means that you have already succeeded in half!"

Much better than your big brother!

At least, not like him.

When Ability has not been explored completely, it goes out to show off to the world......

Hearing this, Wanda suddenly smiled.

A smile bloomed, and the eyes unconsciously narrowed into crescents.

"Then Supreme Mage, what do I need to do next?"

"Next you need to..."

Russell spoke eloquently.

Careful lessons were arranged for her.

But then again.

The existence of this Origin Magic Power is really dangerous.

Even, he was a little afraid to hand over to other Mage to teach.

I'm afraid that something unexpected will happen!

Looking at the beautiful figure in front of him, Russell couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

There is a good saying.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

"Who called me the Supreme Mage!"

not far away.

Looking at the figures of the two, Tony was very angry with himself.

However, in my heart, I couldn't help being a little envious.

The difference in treatment is too obvious!

Why the hell was I just thrown to other people to teach me when I became Mage?

And Wanda, can the supreme Mage teach in person?

Could it be because she is more beautiful?

Do you have to say that Wanda can't teach other Mages besides him?

I see that you are clearly greedy!


Tony groaned inwardly.

Aside, Stephen couldn't stand it any longer.

He waved his hand and shook it in front of his eyes.

He interrupted his envious and jealous eyes.

"Tony Mage, it's time to continue our lessons!"

Hearing this, Tony suddenly came back to his senses.

Looking at the long, unshaven face in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh.

"I thought that with the dwarfs in charge of the work of Bifrost, it would be able to stop for a while!"

"Unexpectedly, Modu Mage has another problem!"

Well, to be precise.

It should be that he was hit too hard and stimulated too hard.

Especially the brothers and sisters who were learning, suddenly Awakening...

It directly made him suspicious of life!

Let go of the burden!

And the task in his hands fell on Tony's head.

It's just sad!

Thinking of this, Tony couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart.

Turning his eyes to the figure not far away, he felt a little heartbroken.

Turning around, he said angrily,

"Go, let's practice in another place!"

"Where are you going?" Stephen was suddenly at a loss.

Isn't this soul magic the same wherever it goes?

Is there any difference in this?

"Go to New York!"

After finishing speaking, a smile appeared on Bing Qi's face.

Just right, you can catch up with Pepper Potts!

at the same time.


The jumping points like a honeycomb are constantly opening.

...asking for flowers...

Huge groups of warships appeared one after another.

on Bifrost.

The colorful bridge deck is more and more eye-catching.

The torrent of energy is gathering!

Along with it, even the entire control room became dazzling.

Control room.

Looking at the huge warships all over the starry sky in front of him, Odin couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

"It's been a long time since such a huge war has been fought!"

"Frigga, please help me protect Asgard!"

Next to her, Queen Frigg nodded upon hearing the words.

But immediately, he seemed to think of something, and hesitation started.


"But, keep the history..."

This time it can be regarded as Asgard coming out in full force.

There are only a handful left!

"If you encounter something that cannot be solved, you can go to the Supreme Mage!" Odin said with a smile,

"I've talked to him and he'll help us!"

Turned his head and turned to the side.

Looking at the figure eager to try, his face suddenly became a little hesitation.

"As for Thor..."

"Forget it, let's go with me!"

Don't let him realize the cruelty of war.

It is estimated that this hammer will think that war is a fun thing!

Immediately, his gaze was cast to the other side.

"Is your army ready, Carol?"

Hearing this, Carroll was shocked.

However, there was a confident smile on his face.

waved his hand and said,

"No, I'm enough alone!"


How do I feel.

Did it fall into the pit?

How can I be extravagant and hardworking?

In the end, you told me that one person is enough?


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