People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 125 How About Asking Heimdall To Snap Off His Eyeballs And Exchange Them With You? (Ask For


on Bifrost.

Looking at the brand-new bridge in front of him, a smile appeared on Russell's face.

"The work efficiency of these dwarfs is really much faster!"

Just look at their shapes!

Definitely a master in the construction industry!

And, proficient in various forging techniques.

Even Asgard's magic technology is clear.

The only pity is...

This is not a fighting race!

Otherwise, their individual combat ability is definitely much stronger than that of the Asgardians!

However, casting a glance at the side, Russell vaguely guessed the reason for this, "Two forty-seven".

Just one head accounts for one-third of the height of the body.

The head and thighs are short.

Seriously affect the balance of the body!

Let alone fighting.

I'm afraid, even in daily life, there will be some inconvenience!

"Well, such body structure may be related to their living environment!"

After all, it is in Nidawi.

A Fixed Star furnace is exposed, banging away all day in a smithy!

I'm afraid, the air there.

One bite is a periodic table of elements!

The content of heavy metal elements is absolutely beyond the standard!

This big headed doll......

It's reasonable to think about it!

But immediately.

Russell stopped thinking about it.

Turning his head, he looked to the side.

"Ai Cui, how long will it take to complete this Bifrost?"

Hearing this, Ai suddenly stopped in his tracks.

A smile appeared on his face.


"After a while, the construction will be completed!"

Hearing this, Russell couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Every time I ask, these dwarfs always say this.

I don't know if this is perfunctory, or it's really fast!

After all, even he doesn't know whether his deal with Odin is a loss or a profit!

"Exchange the Destroyer Armor for the help of the dwarfs!"

Well, temporarily!

After Odin's battle is over, he still has to return it!

In this way, the matter of building a new armor can be temporarily put aside!

To free these dwarfs from their work.

Russell also took great pains!

But beside.

Ai Cui seemed to think of something suddenly.

Turning his head and looking over, he reminded,

"By the way, Supreme Mage, after the establishment of Bifrost, an Asgardian is needed!"

"Like Heimdall in Asgard!"

Definitely, there was a word he hadn't said yet.

That is.

Might still need to be like him.

Owning a pair can see through the Nine Realms.

It even casts its sight on the God's Eye of the universe!

However, there was a gleam in Russell's eyes.

With a move in my heart, I immediately understood what he meant.

"I don't think you need to worry about this!"

"The existence of Asgardian, I have already arranged!"


A Gold vortex suddenly appeared in front of him.

Reach out and grab it.

Immediately, a figure was pulled out by him!

"Dormammu, from now on, the work of Bifrost will be entrusted to you!"

"Bifrost? Me?" Dormammu was stunned.

How did you manage to arrange for him again?

Didn't you say yes, let him take a good rest for a few days?

Lately, he's been caught in a painful cycle of itching all over his body.


After drinking the so-called potion of the Supreme Mage, the bones soared.

My whole body is about to turn into a Quill!

Just shave my bones every day, and look handsome.

It made him want to cry....

Not to mention, there are other things to arrange for him!

Russell's heart moved, and he immediately understood what he was thinking.

smiled comfortingly,

"Don't worry! What happened last time was just an accident!"

"If I have time, I will help you solve your troubles!"

"And now, I hope you can protect the existence of Bifrost!"

Well, and control Bifrost at any time.

"As for the remaining questions..."

About Dormammu can't observe the five ghosts like Heimdall.

"Perhaps, it can be solved with a magic weapon!"

"Magic artifact?" Ai Cui was a little stunned.

"Yes!" Russell nodded with a smile.

Soon, a shining orb appeared in his hand.

"The Pearl of Agamotto!"

"With the existence of this thing, the same effect can be achieved!"

It's kind of wasted though!

But, no way!

He was even more reluctant to take out other things that were more suitable!

heard the words.

Looking at the dazzling orb in his hand, Ai Cui couldn't help but choke speechlessly.

The surging and surging magic power radiates.

Even he can feel the strong 1.6 power contained in it!

After a burst of panic, he became even more speechless.

"You are not a magical weapon, you can already be regarded as a divine weapon!"

"It's about the same, as long as it works!" Russell said indifferently.

What's the difference between artifacts and artifacts?

Anyway, he can't use this thing most of the time.

Too many choices, too few opportunities!

Ai Cui: ""

What a waste of money!

Prodigal son!

Is this the way you use it?

How about asking Heimdall to snap his eyeballs off and trade them with you?

Believe me, he will be very happy!

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