People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 131 Double Agent? Or A Double-Sided Plug? (Please Subscribe!)


Inside the magic holy place.

Looking at the figure above, Loki was filled with resentment.

In his heart, he was gnashing his teeth constantly.

It's like being in a hurry!

However, on the surface, he did not dare to show any signs of emotion.

Dare to be angry but dare not speak!

Only the little eyes that turned over from time to time at that time could reveal all this.

Sit cross-legged.

Noticing the look in his eyes, Russell couldn't help laughing a little.

"Didn't it just take your spaceship, as for looking at me like that!"

There are many such things in the universe.

Even in Asgard, it is a common type!

Hearing this, Loki couldn't help rolling his eyes immediately.

It's easy to say.

Isn't it just a spaceship?


It's not like you don't know.

This is my only means of transportation now!!

Without this thing, how do you let me leave the earth?

I see that you are sincere and want to keep me on earth!!

Thinking of this, Loki's heart suddenly became more and more sad.

"Fuck, what's the matter!"

"The experience of more than a month feels richer than the thousands of years in Asgard!"

However, rich experience is rich.

However this feeling...

Well, something not so wonderful!

Every day has to be on tenterhooks.

It's like holding your head on the waistband of your trousers, frightened!


With just one glance, Russell understood what was going on in his mind.

Full of resentment, all written on his face.

There is no need to peek into his inner thoughts to be able to see it!


Russell shrugged, squinted and smiled,

"I think you should know what I mean!"

Climbing up the tech tree or something.

It's all secondary!

Is it because you are afraid that this little clever ghost will cause trouble?

Or in other words, change a place with one shot?

Looking down, Loki was full of resentment.

Russell couldn't help but sigh.

"I regret that I didn't contact you sooner!"

Before leaving, he specially left a magic weapon for encrypted communication for Loki.

I thought, even if he had fallen to Thanos' camp.

It can also play a role in monitoring this purple sweet potato essence!


I thought the undercover agent Loki hadn't been inserted so quickly!

Before he started to pay attention to the development of things.

Loki appeared in front of him again!


If the promised spy fails, can he still be a shit-stirring stick?

As a result, he went back the same way again?

But soon, Russell didn't bother to think about it so much.

Looking at the miserable figure below, he asked,

"Tell me, what happened?"

Hearing this, Loki suddenly came to his senses.

He looked up and smiled wryly.

"Would you believe me if I said it was an accident?"


Russell looked over with a half-smile.

Those eyes were like looking at a fool.

"What do you think?"

There are so many surprises in this world!

If you can't die, just fly to the earth?

Even if the earth has always been troubled by disasters.

But anyway, there is a reason!

Sensing the look in his eyes, Loki immediately understood what he meant.

He could only helplessly shrug his shoulders.

"…All right!"

"I knew you wouldn't believe it!"

"However, that's exactly what happened!"

"On the matter you explained, a little accident happened!"

Thinking back on his experiences these days, Loki's face suddenly turned weird.

Some can't laugh or cry, and some want to cry but have no tears.

God knows what he has been through these days!

If it wasn't for being targeted, he would probably have run away long ago!

"Accident?" Russell frowned upon hearing this.

However, looking at the expression on his face, interest suddenly came to his heart.

Can't help looking over with great interest.

"what happened?"

"This matter needs to be talked about after the most (good Zhao's) respect Mage sent me away from the earth..."

Loki has no hesitation, and tells everything.

And listen to listen.

The look on Russell's face, he became weird.

Looking at the figure in front of him, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"You mean, it was Thanos who asked you to come back?"

"He wants you to be an undercover agent too? Gathering information?"


Double agent?

Or a double sided plug?

What should this say?

So clever?

You also discovered the real purpose of this weak chicken?

ps: Thank you for your monthly ticket support!!.

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