People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 132 This Purple Sweet Potato Essence Is Not Simple! (Please Subscribe!)

All right!

The whimsy of Thanos.

Russell was stunned directly.

He thought he was the only one who thought of this coquettish operation!

after all.

For Loki's character, he is quite familiar with it.

Can get his correct use method!


What he never expected was.

At the same point, the death room has also arrived!

And, even more decisive!

Just stuffed him back and sent him back to the earth!

"Could it be that he saw through Loki's character at a glance?"

"Or, what did he notice?"

For example, use Mind Gem's Ability.

Probing Loki's inner thoughts and such...

Russell rubbed his chin in thought.

However, he glanced at Loki's figure.

He suddenly had a guess in his heart.

"It should be the first possibility!"

after all.

Loki's face.....

Originally is the perfect portrayal of his character!

All smiles, polite under the guise.

Make a first impression.

Two words to describe.


It's easy for the 970 to impress.


Russell didn't think Thanos would be so cautious either!

But soon.

Another question popped up in his mind.

That is.

"What exactly did Thanos ask you to come back for?"

Russell stared straight at the past, and opened his mouth questioningly.

What about Asgard?

Or Odin's move?

Or, is it Infinite Gems?

It's all possible!

Hearing this, Lu Ji was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he also fell into deep thought.

Recalling Thanos' meaningful eyes, he suddenly shuddered.

Soon, he shook his head, threw away the messy thoughts in his heart, and said,

"He asked me to look into the Infinite Gems thing!"

"He said that Asgard should have a Space gem

"Well, it seems to be called Tesseract!"

Without any hesitation, Loki sold Thanos backhand!

In just a few words, you can say everything you know!

For his unscrupulous behavior, Russell does not comment.



Hearing this, Russell almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

This guy, doesn't really think the Space gem is still in Odin's hands, does he?

When is this old calendar?

However, think about it.

Russell suddenly felt that this made sense again.

"Perhaps, even Odin himself may not know that the Tesseract is already in my hands!"

after all.

It was his original intention to hide this thing on Earth.

Just so no one else gets it!

And it never occurred to me to collect Infinite Gems!

And, more importantly.

Odin is a ruthless guy who can give away Reality Gem directly!

Rather give away than keep two Infinite Gems in the same place!

"If he finds out that I have both the Time Gem and the Space gem..." Russell thought to himself about the consequences.

Well, it is very likely that we will break up directly!

Even if there is no big fight, the relationship will directly drop to freezing point.

But soon, he stopped thinking about it.

My mind was entirely on another question.

"This is Thanos' little trick"

"It seems that he is playing a big game of chess!"

I believe that once Loki gives accurate information.

He will absolutely say nothing, leaving behind his comrade-in-arms—the Kerry Empire.

Go straight to Asgard all the way to steal the house!

Infinite Gems and Infinity Gauntlets!

The weight of these two things was much heavier in his heart.

In contrast, the affairs of the Kerry Empire may not be worth mentioning in his opinion.

It just happens to be the right time!


A moment of Russell's contemplation.

Below, Loki is a little ready to move.

Looking up, looking at the figure in front of him, he asked with some hesitation.

"Exalted Mage, can I ask you a question?"

Hearing this, Russell suddenly came back to his senses, and asked with some doubts,

"what is the problem?"

"Have you heard, Odin's daughter?" Loki asked tentatively.

At the same time, curious eyes also looked over.

"Someone told me that I still have a sister!"

"Before Thor and I were born!

"And, until now, she's alive!"


Hearing this, Russell was a little surprised.

Immediately afterwards, the expression on his face couldn't help becoming serious.

"Who told you about this?"

There are not a few people who know about this matter.

It's just that most of them don't intend to mention this matter.

Especially, in front of Loki, the Prince of Asgard!


This person has bad intentions!

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a vague premonition in his heart.

"This time Loki came back suddenly, it doesn't seem so simple..."

Looking at his expression, Loki understood what it meant.

Suddenly, some three views collapsed.

He stared wide-eyed and looked over.

"Is all this true? Do I really have a sister?"

The thoughts in my mind are even more complicated.

Originally, he thought it was a joke with him!

Then someone told him,

Did this joke come true?

He, Loki, is the son of Odin.

Although it was picked up.

However, he thought he knew enough about Odin.

But never expected that there is actually an unknown sister?

"In this way, don't I become Asgard's day?"


Another step away from his dreamed throne!

However, thinking of this, he couldn't help but gloat in his heart.

"It's not me who should worry now, but Thor!"

Anyway, in his current situation.

There is no chance for the throne of the king of gods.

On the contrary, Thor, the successor to the throne of the king of Asgard, should have a headache about this problem!

At this moment, he seemed to be able to see Thor's bewildered look.

A smile could not help appearing on his face.

Only very quickly.

Noticing the increasingly hostile look in the eyes above, he suddenly shuddered.

He nodded quickly and replied,

"It's Thanos!"

"He told me the truth!"

"Thanos..." Russell was taken aback when he heard that.

For a moment, he fell into deep thought.

The purpose of this purple sweet potato essence is not as simple as he imagined!

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