People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 242: A Quick Decision!

And that mysterious black hole shield.

Although it looks a bit inconspicuous, Thanos doesn't like the aura emanating from the shield.

Seeing Tony's appearance, Thanos let out a breath, put on the helmet slowly, and lifted the double-sided sword.

Now, the battle really started, Wanda quietly looked at Thanos from a distance, she was a protection that Russell had laid before.

Hiding in the shadows, Wanda only comes out when the League of Fearful Fathers really needs help.

Now, the League of Worried Fathers still needs to be tempered, and this door-to-door killing room is obviously a very good whetstone.

It's just that this whetstone is also a bit sharp, and it may scratch your fingers if you are not careful.

You have to be careful, seeing that Thanos is ready to make a move, Wanda is also ready to make a move.

After experiencing that period of time on Russell's planet, Wanda's use of Origin Magic Power has reached a state of perfection.

Now, as long as Wanda wants, she can directly grab Thanos with Origin Magic Power and crush it.

She did it with Ability480.

It's just that Thanos loses the role he was able to play.

Similarly, the battleship just left a big impression on Wanda.

To be honest, the power produced by that shot just now can also be produced by Wanda.

It just takes a lot of time to gather energy.

During that time, Wangda was very vulnerable.

Although the current Wanda has gone through experience, she is still a human being in essence.

Physically still very fragile.

It can't withstand many attacks at all.

So although she is able to generate that level of power.

But it has never been realized in actual combat.

One is that the surrounding conditions are too changeable, and this Chaos power is extremely unstable.

Even with Wanda's control, these Origin Magic Powers behave erratically.

This still gives Wanda a headache. (ccbe) Secondly, the enemy will never give you this opportunity to gather such a large force.

That level of energy fluctuations cannot be concealed at all.

The enemies are not fools either, and the power of Chaos is notoriously violent.

The enemy naturally focused on attacking.

Space Wall, Dormammu and Murphytoth have seen Russell from the perspective of Ogysis, Lord of the Dark Elves and Lord of the Frost Titans.

Now this space wall is left unattended.

Now is the best time!

Dormammu and Murphy Toth have no hesitation.

Directly gathered strength and blasted towards the weak point.

Along with the vibration, Dormammu and Murphy could already feel the fresh breath of another space.

After a while, a gap appeared before the two of them.

"Now, our time has come!"

In order to prevent the previous situation of space healing from happening again, Dormammu was the first to go through.

It's just that Dormammu just walked half way, and the hole began to get smaller.

Before Dormammu could react, he felt the hole was about to be completely blocked.

Dormammu was so scared that he quickly shrank back.

Fortunately, the part that Dormammu just drilled through was not too much, otherwise it would have been directly divided by the healed middle wall just now.

Definitely this also made Dormammu very angry, this Russell has already left, after leaving, this space wall can still be like this?

Murphy Toth also felt Dormammu's wrath.

Without thinking too much, the two gathered a huge force again and blasted towards the space wall.

He even felt that the bombardment this time was not enough, so he immediately gathered his strength again and came again.

This time Murphy Toth moved quickly.

He rushed directly to the space gap, and he was bound to win this time.

It's just that he just came to the gap when he felt a huge force approaching him, like a god like Dormammu.

Coming towards this gap.

This frightened Murphy Toss, but before Murphy Toss completely retreated.

The space gap was sealed again.

Dormammu and Murphytoth didn't see who the master of that power was.

Now there is only one thought in their minds, stop for a while and wait and see!

It's just that the battle on Asgard can't wait any longer.

Because of the addition of Russell, the King of Dark Elves and the King of Frost Titan have been losing ground.

It is almost on the brink of being suppressed now.

As long as Russell pushes a little harder.

The two of them just disappeared.

But Russell can't do that, and doing that would be driving Dormammu and Murphy Toth to their knees.

Just now he manipulated his strength to quickly repair the space gap, and used illusions to pretend that a strong man was approaching.

Only then did the two guys scare them back.

My own side has to hurry up, and the earth needs Russell to check the situation.

Even though he had arranged for Wanda to come out of it, Russell was worried about Thanos just like that.

With Thanos' strength and the battleship, they are all uncertain factors.

Russell didn't grumble.

Directly lock the Dark Elf King with space blockade.

Draw the portal directly and leave, he must make a quick decision. .

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