The energy on the wall of this space can't last long.

Russell had to do it fast.


Although Thanos is very surprised why Russell has not shown up for a long time, but now is undoubtedly the best time to capture the earth.

I thought it would go well, but the guys from the League of Worried Fathers are still stubbornly resisting.

Especially the shield in Tony's hand, although it looked ordinary, it was just when Thanos' men attacked.

The shield on this side absorbed almost all the attacks, that is to say, the previous round of attacks was almost useless.

This made Thanos a little afraid. Now that Tony has developed such a powerful shield, maybe he will develop even more terrifying things in the future.

Without the slightest hesitation, Thanos made the cannons on the battleship ready, and Thanos' men held them back to recharge the cannons~ time.

Wanda, who has been hiding in the dark, also saw at this moment that Thanos might be planning something.

It's just that just as Wanda was about to act, she felt a burst of spatial fluctuations around her, very close to her.

Wanda subconsciously flashed to the other side, and at the same time squeezed out the Origin Magic Power in her hand.

But before Wanda raised her head completely, she felt that she was under control.

The other party didn't seem to be malicious.

"Growth is good, alertness is high, but speed is not enough."

A familiar voice came from Wanda's ear.

Wanda looked up, and it was Russell.

I saw Russell looking at the battleship behind Thanos from a distance, and said calmly.

"It turned out to be something like this. I thought it was something extraordinary."

As he spoke, Russell directly drew a portal.

He walked in slowly, and said to the sky before leaving.

"Thanos is in your hands. Don't let me down.

"Relax Russell Mage!"

Wanda said excitedly.

When Russell said this, it was obvious that Thanos was completely handed over to her.

After such experience, what Wang Da wanted most was a hearty battle.

But never had that chance.

The people she came into contact with basically had no opponents with similar strength to her.

And now Thanos is undoubtedly the best opponent.

The place where Russell is now teleporting is also above the battleship.

He was going to directly destroy the battleship. After the observation just now, Russell had basically determined that Thanos was relying on the cannon on the battleship in this battle.

The power of this cannon is not small, even when it is still in the energy storage state, Russell can feel that the nearby energy fluctuations are extremely strong.

This is a threat to Russell.

I saw Russell coming over the battleship, directly preparing to cast the magic circle.

Thanos, who was still down there, felt Russell's presence keenly.

In fact Russell hadn't tried to hide himself at all.

What he wants is direct repression.

Although Thanos had already seen Russell's figure, he had no choice but to watch Russell draw the magic circle step by step.

Watching the majestic energy pouring towards his battleship.

He can only hide far away.

From the moment Russell came over the battleship, the fate of the battleship had already been decided.

Thanos is well aware of this and withdraws immediately.

It's just that even after the order to withdraw troops was issued, his battleship still couldn't come back.

Asgard, Russell's support just now changed the situation dramatically.

The king of the dark elves is trapped, unable to move in the barrier.

Facing the siege of the crowd, Ogysis, the king of frost titan, retreated steadily.

Although he was trying his best to resist, the scars on his body were increasing all the time.

Strength is also slowly weakening.

The same is true for the soldiers. Now it is almost a one-sided situation.

Morale has been suppressed by Asgard.

In the weak space, Dormammu and Toth also knew that Russell had sealed the Dark Elf King in the barrier.

They had a brilliant plan, though, that just kept Russell running back and forth for a while.

Now Russell should be rushing here, but just now the barrier that Russell sealed the Dark Elf King was not very strong.

As long as the Dark Elf King and the Frost Titan King Orgesisli attack together, the barrier probably won't be able to withstand it.

At that time, the battle situation had returned to its original state, and Mie Lei's side had already failed.

They also got the news just now that Thanos' battleship has been completely desolate.

So now the only ones who can contain Russell are the King of the Dark Elves and the King of Frost Titan, Ogysis.

Although Ogysis, the king of Frost Titan, has many scars on his body, most of them are minor injuries, and there are no serious injuries.

When suppressing Odin and the others before, Ogysis, the king of frost titan, once attacked them.

And it caused a lot of damage, and many attacks hit them solidly.

To put it bluntly, Odin and the others are holding on and not falling down.

As long as Orgysis, the king of frost titans, continues to suppress for a while, they will definitely not be able to stand up. .

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