Wanda collapsed and lay on the ground. Although the vines didn't come into the cave, they still stared at Wanda, ready to drag her out when she didn't expect it, and then have a feast.

Wanda has not calmed down from her shock at this time, this sudden attack caught her off guard, and she might lose her life if she made a slight mistake, even when she was fighting against the alien army before and fighting against robots When he was in the legion, there was no such breath of death.

I didn't expect my scarlet magic to have no effect on these plants. These vines feel so soft and have such a powerful force. Wanda feels that the vines can directly penetrate her body, but they are also soft enough to step on Neither felt anything.

This is a species that does not exist on the earth at all. It is simply a natural predator. All external forces have no effect on them. It is like a poison, hidden deep in your body, and can kill you instantly when it is fatal. Killing, when there is no poison, it is as calm and harmless as common liquid.

It took a long time before Wanda woke up from the shock. She took out some sedative medicine from her bag and felt much better after taking it. It seemed that this was the trial that this planet gave her. If she could If you want to become stronger, you can't escape this hunting rainforest, but you must find a way to eliminate them.

The first thing that comes to mind is to use fire, but Wanda is actually reluctant in her heart, because flames are external forces, even if they are eliminated, it will not improve herself. She still wants to use her own power to solve such things. In future cosmic wars, I can't guarantee that there are flames around me that I can use at any time.

But Wanda is still going to give it a try. After all, she still knows too little about this jungle, and she doesn't even know why they have such a magical structure and ability. There is no way to prescribe the right medicine, so before that, Any method should be taken out and tried.

Wanda took out a flint and steel, used scarlet magic to carry out the case, lit the torch in her hand, and threw it towards the forest. The flame burned on the ground, and one was still spreading effectively, but after the vines discovered the existence of the flame, It actually devoured the flames directly.

Wanda noticed that they devoured the flames as if there was a mouthpart at the joint of the vines. They should use this to eat and absorb their prey, but they did not expect that they could also absorb the flames, and felt that no external force could affect them. Dealing damage, Wanda felt like her own scarlet magic could be consumed by them~.

At this moment, Wanda suddenly noticed that she could just see the little Beast swallowed by the giant tree. At the moment, the little Beast hadn't been fully digested, but there was basically only one skeleton left. They also used this method to The mouthparts absorb small beasts, but it seems that the bones are not easy to digest, so they never eat them.

Then can their mouthparts swallow everything, or are there some heavy hard substances that they can't absorb? With this in mind, Wanda first threw out a piece of her own jerky, so that the Dried food, I don't know if they like to eat it, or it's just something soft and easy to absorb.

...asking for flowers...

However, Wanda was obviously disappointed. After feeling the presence of the jerky, the vines became excited one by one. They ate the jerky in just a split second, and there was no scum left. Wanda threw some plastic items And some daily necessities such as towels, but the vines did not respond to these things.

Is it only absorbing organic matter? Wanda was puzzled, and threw out the sedative drug she had just taken. To her surprise, the vine absorbed it, and after eating it, the vine seemed to be quieter than before Many, it seems that they have entered a sleep state again.

Wanda was shocked. Could it be that this kind of psychotropic drug is useful for them? After thinking for a while, Wanda took out the sleeping pill and threw it at another vine on the giant tree. After the vine on this giant tree swallowed it, it recovered Wanda has just entered the state of Yulin Shi, very quiet "like a common tree.

Wanda threw the meat at the tree that had taken sleeping pills again. She deliberately chose a piece of bloody meat that had not been processed. She had been packing it in a vacuum bag before. Enjoy, these guys are cheap now.

However, the giant tree did not move at all, as if there was no perception of meat at all, and no smell of blood, which was very abnormal. The jerky before made these vines excited like a party. Now when I encounter such a fresh piece of meat, there is no reaction. .

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