People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 264 Spiritual Weapon

These vines seem to be affected after absorbing these medicines, which makes Wanda ecstatic, but there are only a few medicines left in his hand, and there is no way to deal with this entire forest.

But why are the flames and meat absorbed directly, but the medicine is absorbed by the vines, and the effect of the medicine is so fast? Could it be that the things that the so-called mouthparts of the vines absorb are not directly absorbed by these objects, but other things? things, so they don't eat bones and things like that.

Whether it's sedatives or sleeping pills, these kinds of medicines are undoubtedly treating mental problems. Does "170" mean that they are actually absorbing the spirit of foreign objects to maintain their activity? Wanda suddenly remembered The little Beast before, how could such a small Beast have the energy of a giant tree.

And they gnawed for ten years, and even fell into a deep sleep after gnawing, which shows that a small Beast can already meet their needs, so it must not be the body of the little Beast, with such a small amount of meat, that can meet their needs. , Even Wanda eats at most one meal, so it is the spirit of the little Beast.

Regardless of whether the brain is big or small, the existence of an individual is an individual. Regardless of the file size of the physical body, the file size of an individual’s spirit remains the same. This can explain this problem, and it can also explain why foreign Nothing works on these vines, including Wanda's magic.

But Wanda's scarlet magic is not just about controlling certain external forces and Psychokinesis. When Wanda first came into contact with the Avengers, she used a kind of spiritual power to deal with them. With more and more power, she gradually forgot her original ability.

It just reminds people of some hallucinations. For Wanda, an ability with powerful destructive power, such hallucinatory abilities can't help but feel a little tasteless. Wanda also inadvertently gave up the use of this method. This method is even more necessary. It is too risky to be able to use it successfully if you have some contact with the other party.

Wanda had an idea. The scarlet magic she controls now can already cause this illusion remotely, so can she strengthen her ability in this aspect? To be honest, she herself hasn't figured out what her scarlet magic is. What kind of Ability, but her intuition told her that it was definitely not as simple as Psychokinesis.

Wanda took a deep breath, her whole body was refreshed, her practice has finally made progress, even with these terrifying vines in front of her, Wanda suddenly felt that there was nothing scary, she stood up, and tried to take a few steps forward , when she tried to step out of the cave, the vines surrounded her in an instant, and Wanda retreated quickly.

This cave is like an enchantment, so that these giant trees dare not approach, otherwise Wanda believes that all the creatures on this planet will be swallowed up by this terrible plant sooner or later

After determining her own safe distance, Wanda selected a giant tree, and controlled the scarlet magic to surround that giant tree.

Here, Wanda is using spiritual magic. The giant tree can't help but feel very comfortable instead of resisting. The vines on its body are much quieter. Wanda controls the scarlet magic to walk on it, but there is no reaction. The giant tree doesn't even have nerves, it doesn't even look like it has a brain...

This made Wanda a little surprised. Although they are plants, they are alien creatures after all. They have the power to absorb spirits. They should have a brain, or the existence of a core. Wanda suddenly remembered the black hole that was exposed when the giant tree sucked monsters , and began to touch the black hole.

Since there are mouthparts on these vines, why drag them into the hollow inside the body before starting to eat? There is obviously a problem. Sure enough, Wanda’s intuition is not wrong. In this hollow, there is a Green ball, glowing, Wanda immediately put her scarlet magic deep into it, and suddenly, a lot of memories flooded into Wanda's mind.

Wanda felt a splitting headache in an instant, and quickly controlled the scarlet magic to protect her spirit. With the help of scarlet magic, these memories were like books, lined up into Wanda's brain, and Wanda no longer had a headache. She went one by one. Check out these memories.

To her surprise, this is not the memory of the giant tree itself, but the memory of those swallowed Beasts at 0.3, how these Beasts prey, how they mate, how they eat, how they fight inside, but the wisdom of Beasts It's not high, it's basically a reaction to follow one's own wildness.

However, these memories are not comprehensive, like a book with a page torn out, going deep into the core of the giant tree, Wanda understands that this core is the source of nutrition for the giant tree, they devour the memory and spirit of these Beasts, thus Self provides nourishment, so the spirit of an individual is enough for them to survive for a long time. .

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