People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 94 Ghost Rider, Regenerative Healing Factor! (Please Subscribe!)

"A new contract..."

Mo Faith felt a little distressed for a moment.

Although he knew that sooner or later he would be found.

However, what made him somewhat unexpected was that.

This day, it will be so fast!

Looking at the Supreme Mage in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"It seems that he came prepared!"

This body is full of artifacts.

Obscure energy fluctuations.

Even if it is him, I dare not underestimate him!

It seems that this is determined to restrict his activities on the earth!

Remember, the last time I told him that was Ancient One Mage and - Odin!

Due to the strength of these two in this universe, he did it!

But now.

The Supreme Mage in front of me and Carol, Ms. Marvel

Thinking of this, the corners of Mo Faith's mouth curled up, and he squinted his eyes,

"Speaking of which, Supreme Mage, we haven't had time to communicate properly yet!"

"I'm afraid we'll have to talk about the new contract later!"

Hearing this, Russell couldn't help squinting his eyes.

When it comes to this, the meaning is already obvious.


Are you sure you don't mean to touch?

After all, the world always speaks with strength.

Have the strength to have the right to speak!

If you want Moto to obey the rule, you can.

But, let him see his own strength first!

But, for that.

Before coming, Russell had expected it.

This hell lord probably won't give in so easily!

After all, he is not.

And Carol next to him is not as famous as Odin!


If Faith thought the two of them would be easier to deal with.

It can only be said that he miscalculated!

Seeing Faith's wicked smile in front of him, Russell snorted coldly.

"In that case, then as you wish!"

After speaking, stretch your hands forward.

Layers of space debris peeled off.

In the blink of an eye, you have come to another space!

"Mirror space!" Russell explained with a squinting smile.

"Here we can fight unscrupulously!"

Definitely, the premise is that Faith is not in the body state now.

Otherwise, the battlefield might have to be moved to the multi-universe!

Hearing this, Mo Faith remained indifferent, but nodded indifferently.

Didn't show much surprise.

After so many years, what kind of Ability has not been seen?

It's just a mirror space, so what's the surprise?

However, after glancing at the two people beside Russell who were eager to fight, they were suddenly speechless.

3 vs 1?

Are you sure this is really fair?

But soon, Moto Faith's heart moved, and he immediately had an idea.

Under the gaze of everyone, he smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Come out, my knight!"


The mirror space is broken.

In the pitch-black crack, a terrifying opening appeared.

Immediately afterwards, two burning figures walked out from inside.

And Moto Faith is right, these are two knights worthy of the name!


Their mounts are different.

Flame chariots, and skeleton horses that seem to come from hell!

And above, the terrifying and ferocious skeleton, revealing the white bones on the head.

The two knights were covered in Hellfire.

There was an icy aura in the scorching flames.

It seems to be able to freeze the soul of a person!

Seeing this, Carroll couldn't help frowning and crossed his arms.

"Is this the skull that Nick told me about?"

These two guys gave her a very bad feeling!

Especially the Hellfire covering them.

There is a tingling sensation just by looking at it!

...asking for flowers...

She couldn't help but feel a little terrified!

"However, according to the information, they are monsters that cannot be killed. I don't know if this is true?"

Thinking of this, Carroll's eyes lit up suddenly.

It's like seeing your favorite prey.

Gearing up, some eager to try.

She can't wait to rush up and have a big fight!

Presumably, these two must be qualified sandbags!

As for dealing with Mur Faith

Isn't there still the Supreme Mage!

Next to him, Dormammu also breathed a sigh of relief.

If he's dealing with Faith Moto, he must be beaten!

Just his little arms and legs, in front of this hell lord.

I'm afraid I don't even have the chance to get close to him!

Although I don't know if this person is still bound by the contract.

However, the power that Faith can exert is definitely stronger than him!

At the very least, it is much stronger than his four-faced, hateful body!

At the moment, watch the two Ghost Riders suddenly appear in the mirrored space.

Russell also couldn't help being a little speechless, squinting his eyes and looking over.

Co-author, have you already prepared for it?

As expected of a devil who likes to call himself a devil!

This back and forth, the fighting power will be evened out!

Although Ghost Rider's Ability can't be called very powerful.

However, it is a very simple matter to hold them back!

Because, they are Regenerative Healing Factor!

In terms of difficulty, even in the entire Marvel world, it can be ranked first!

Russell felt a little tired all of a sudden.

However, I didn't care too much.

These two were originally pulled over to help out, from the town!

The real decisive factor still depends on him and Faith!

"Let's go, Supreme Mage!"

Mo Faith said with a smile.


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