People In Marvel, Start The Supreme Mage

Chapter 95 Vulnerability? Physical Suppression! (Please Subscribe!)

in the mirror space.

The surging tide!

The huge force soaked the entire sky!

The airflow tore through the space, as if it had become a storm!

Even, wrap the whole space in the west!

The magic power of Gold, the power of Black Red,

Clear boundaries!

Like a straight line, it divides the feature space into two halves!

high altitude.

The vast figures are colliding fiercely!

Powerful Shockwave, even the space is trembling!

Cobweb-like fissures dot the entire area!

The atmosphere of danger is filled in an instant!

"Supreme Mage, you are much stronger than you look!"

"Even, I feel that you are much stronger than Friday Zero" Mage!"

"I have to say, the ability of human beings is really unique!"

Moto Faith praised in his mouth.

However, the movements of the hands are not slow at all.

The deep energy is like a vortex.

the past.

The space is peeled off layer by layer like a mirror.

Countless fragments were involved in it.

All of a sudden!

The terrifying Black Red storm is coming!

Swallow all obstacles in front of you!

Even, even the entire space seems to be destroyed!

"You're not bad either!" Russell squinted at the storm that was sweeping in front of him, and Russell showed no sign of weakness.

Behind it, the magic levitation cloak is windless and automatic.

Red's Cloth Stretches Rapidly!

rush forward!

Like a canopy, it wraps everything in front of you!

Directly wrap the terrifying space storm!

However, Russell still feels that something is not enough.

In his hand, a magic wand suddenly appeared.

Vatum Staff!

It's like adding oil and vinegar.


The magic power permeating the air instantly boils!

The warm golden light instantly becomes extremely dazzling!

"I didn't expect you to be able to display such a powerful strength on Earth!"

"It seems that the contract between Ancient One Mage and you still has loopholes!"

Looking at Faith, whose strength was getting more and more terrifying, Russell couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

The power that this hell lord can display is much stronger than he imagined!

If the contract signer is an individual.

Well, this vulnerability may not exist.

But now.

The one who signed the contract was a hell lord who looked more like a devil than a devil.

In the aspect of checking for deficiencies and filling leaks, and taking advantage of loopholes.

Moto Faith is always professional!

He successfully found the loophole!

And, the power of the hell dimension was summoned!


Hearing this, Mo Faith smiled slightly.

The raised corners of the mouth looked a little treacherous.

"No, I'm just following the contract!"

During the conversation.

Behind him, the projection of the hell dimension is getting more and more terrifying!

As if to emerge from the illusion in general.

You can even see many hideous demon scenes from it!

Following that, more and more intense black colors spread across the entire sky.

Among them, there is an unbearable sulfur smell.

And the wailing that seemed to be swallowed by the undead!

This is the power from the dimension of hell!

The entire space is being eroded under the control of Faith!

Even, with the blessing of Vatum's magic wand, [it's a little hard to resist!

However, this is not a big deal for Russell!

The Book of Emperor Weishan!

Turn your hands over, and immediately another artifact will appear on the stage!

As an artifact specially used against black magic.

Used against Faith, it has the same effect!

Gold's magic power soared in an instant!

The huge power soaked the entire sky, as if it was crushed!

Overwhelming power!


The space oscillates, and energy storms continue to sweep through.

The two confront each other at a high altitude, the energy is overflowing, and the danger is extremely dangerous!

After crushing Ghost Rider to the bone again,

Looking at the Hellfire ignited again in front of him, Carol felt extremely depressed.

"It seems that this skull knight is really unbeatable!"

Regenerative Healing Factor!

It's terribly difficult!

Even if its bones were smashed and its ashes scattered, there was no way!

It only takes a while, and he can climb up from the raging hellfire!

She would definitely be very interested in such a sandbag in normal times.

However, he turned his eyes to the two who were covered by the diffuse aura above.

More and more terrifying energy fluctuations came from above.

Even she couldn't help but feel a little terrified!

But in my heart, there is more excitement!

There is simply an urge to rush forward!

Turning his head, ignoring the growing wailing sound shaking the space.

Carol looked aside and was stunned!

"What is this Dormammu...?"

Ass on fire?

No, this is the death of the earth!

But after a closer look, she suddenly became more confused.

He sat down on the bottom and used it as a cushion.

Isn't that the undead Ghost Rider!

Huh? Ghost Rider was suppressed by him like this?

Physical suppression!

It's too hardcore!

But immediately, Carol turned her head silently, and her eyes returned to the newly revived Ghost Rider.

In the eyes, there is some evil interest revealed faintly!

"I have to say, this method is very useful!"

Well, just look at the way Dormammu eats leisurely!

And, what's more!

It also suits her appetite very well!

She has always been hardcore enough!

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