People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 175: Kill All and Danzo Surrenders

Feeling the detonating talismans from all directions, Danzo never thought that one day he would be so close to death!

At this moment, he understood everything.

Why did Nagato reveal his reincarnation eye after breaking the rules?

Because this is a bait, the temptation of the Samsara Eye is so great that he and Hanzo will not divide their troops and gather all the elite troops.

Why is the battlefield on the lake?

Because the detonating talisman is in the lake, first of all, it cuts off the possibility of escaping from the bottom of the lake. Secondly, the power of the explosion in the water is not small. Even if it is deep in the water, the shock wave can seriously injure people.

On the contrary, if it explodes on land, it will be difficult to penetrate the soil.

If the battlefield is on land, a single earth escaper can carry countless detonating charms by hiding under the soil.

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But there is still one question that Danzo can’t figure out!

"You are just a seven-year-old child, how can you use such a technique? Why don't you hit me?"

"Because I'm a genius!" Ning Yuan's voice passed through the countless explosions around him and reached his ears: "I was able to use A-level ninjutsu when I was five years old!"

"How is that possible!" Danzo said in disbelief.

"Everything is possible, and both Sarutobi Hiruzen and Sarutobi Biwako know about this!"

"Are you from Hiruzen Sarutobi? No!" Danzo even saw that Shinnosuke Sarutobi was killed. How could Hiruzen Sarutobi's people take action against his own son?

Speaking of which, it sounds a bit unreal that a dignified elite jounin died like this.

But the power of the detonating talisman is so strong, it can blow up genin at the bottom and Uchiha Madara at the top.

Ning Yuan used the best paper, the best materials, and the highest craftsmanship to make a detonating talisman that could kill a Jonin.

Even if this person knows some earth escape and earth spear skills, or thunder escape and Lei Kai, it's useless.

Rich Konan has proven that as long as there are enough detonating charms, even if you know space ninjutsu, you have to hand over your Sharingan to me.

Moreover, Xiaonan was not very good at mathematics, and the position of the detonating talismans was not perfect. As a result, most of the 600 billion detonating talismans were wasted, and only a small part threatened Obito.

The biggest problem is that she can't use the technique of detonating talismans.

If she knew this technique, Obito would be dead long ago.

Ning Yuan knows this technique.

Not only did he know it, he also improved the technique.

The biggest problem with the previous mutually multiplying detonating symbols was that although the attack power was strong, the attack target was 1!

This is the single-target ninjutsu used by the Nidaime to fight against Susanoo!

Ning Yuan changed the locking mechanism of the mutually multiplying detonating talisman, changing it from a single ninjutsu to an anti-multiple ninjutsu, and the method of summoning the detonating talisman was no longer summoning, but activating nearby detonating talismans.

Not only does this save a lot of chakra, but the scene of a large number of detonating symbols chasing one person to explode without stopping is also very gorgeous.

Really good-looking and good at output!

Seeing Danzo's puzzled look, he immediately gave a thumbs up proudly: "There are a total of 60 million detonating talismans to blow you up. On average, there are 10,000 talismans for each person. I am very powerful!" "

Danzo was speechless, who asked you this!

"So, you are not a member of Hiruzen Sarutobi? It's clear that Hiruzen Sarutobi already knew about your talent, but he didn't take any precautions at all and still allowed you to enter and leave Konoha Village freely?" Danzo frowned, and he began to believe that it was. The Xiao organization that Ning Yuan conquered formed.

With such a gorgeous detonating talisman technique, and the financial resources to buy 60 million detonating talismans, what organization can't conquer it?

"Because the talent I exposed at that time was medical ninjutsu, and the A-level ninjutsu I used was palm ninjutsu!" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "How could he guard against a medical ninja!"

"You are really hidden deep!" As soon as Ning Yuan said this, Danzo immediately understood.

It's not that Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't take precautions, but that the kid in front of him was too good at hiding.

Although he is obviously powerful, he pretends to be a medical ninja.

Yes, the news I heard also said that a medical ninjutsu genius emerged from the ninja school.

Look at the corpses around you that are already sinking to the bottom of the lake. Is this a medical ninjutsu genius?

"You have such thoughts at such a young age. It's a pity that I couldn't have known earlier, otherwise I should have gotten rid of you, the scourge of Konoha, earlier!" Danzo said fiercely.

"There is no way!" Ning Yuan spread his hands: "Three generations and you, one wants his son to be Hokage, and the other wants to be Hokage himself. You two are so obsessed with the position of Hokage that no one can show any genius. , if there is even the slightest threat to the Hokage's position, you have to get rid of Kato Dan, Nezuki, and Hatake Sakumo. With so many lessons learned from the past, do you think I can't hide them?"

Danzo didn't even listen to the words and got furious: "Kill if you want, don't slander this elder. I, Danzo, have been working hard for Konoha for decades, but I have never done the things you said!"

"There are no outsiders here, why are you pretending!" Ning Yuan spread his hands: "With the results of decades of hard work by the three generations and you, the Senju clan is gone, the Uzumaki clan is gone, Tsunade has gone away, and Jiraiya He wanders outside all year round without returning to the village, and Orochimaru is kept in cold storage. Everyone sees these things!"

"You said you're not a fool, can you think of us as fools?"

Danzo was silent for a moment, but at the same time his anger continued to rise.

But it was not because of Ning Yuan's slander against him, but because his deepest secret was seen through, which caused him to become angry and humiliated.

Isn't this kid only seven years old? Why can he see so deeply! ?

Did he see through me, or is there someone behind him?

Hyuga clan? It shouldn't be, the main and branch families of the Hyuga clan are so divided.

Or is the main and branch family system a lie to our Konoha high-level officials?

Because he was deceived by Ning Yuan once, Danzo began to doubt everything.

Ning Yuan's words didn't stop: "In fact, I know why you want to be Hokage. When Konoha and Kumogakure negotiated, they were disrupted by the Kinkaku and Ginkaku forces. During the pursuit, the second generation needed someone to cover the retreat. Although you also wanted to cover the retreat, your mouth was not as fast as Sarutobi Hiruzen, so he said it first. Who would have thought that the second generation would actually cover the retreat himself and handed the position of Hokage to Sarutobi Hiruzen. From then on, the position of Hokage became your obsession, right!"

"So what!" Danzo said unhappily. He was no longer in the mood to ask how Ning Yuan knew such a secret thing. It didn't matter.

He only had one idea now, waiting for Ning Yuan to get closer, and then die together with him.

Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen are indeed a pair of good brothers. They are selfish, but when they are at their wits' end, they have the courage to die together with the enemy.

But Ning Yuan just didn't go over, and continued to say: "It's a pity that you don't know, if you said you wanted to cover the retreat, then you really would have to cover the retreat!"

"How is it possible!" Danzo immediately forgot about dying together, because this matter has been his obsession for decades.

He would think of this scene every moment, every time he regretted his decision, and every time he dreamed at midnight, and then thought that if he had spoken first back then, maybe he would be the current Hokage.

As a result, someone now told him that it had nothing to do with this sentence, and the position was destined to be Sarutobi Hiruzen's?

Who can stand this?

"This is not a question of possibility, you will know after analyzing it!" Ning Yuan asked: "In terms of strength, who is stronger between you and Sarutobi Hiruzen?"

Danzo shook his head: "It doesn't matter at all. As long as I become Hokage, with the inheritance of the Hokage system, I can become stronger!"

"Okay, then let's analyze it from another angle. Why did you kill Dan and Nawaki?"

Danzo was silent.

"Isn't it because Dan's lover is Tsunade, Nawaki's sister is Tsunade, and Tsunade herself has great reputation and connections, and she is also the granddaughter of the first and second generations. If she wants to support someone to become Hokage, that person will most likely succeed?"

"So what, does it have anything to do with me?" Danzo asked unhappily.

"You are such a smart person, you saw Tsunade's lover and brother, so why didn't you see that Tsunade has a close person?" Ning Yuan asked back.

"Who?" Danzo was stunned, and then immediately realized: "Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

"That's right!" Ning Yuan nodded: "Don't forget, you are just a lonely person, and Sarutobi Hiruzen is Tsunade's teacher!"

Danzo was silent.

"If you are the second generation Hokage, now you have two successors, both of whom have similar external conditions and strength, but one of them is the teacher of your granddaughter, which one do you choose?"

This statement sounds like it means that the second generation is selfish, but it is not.

It's just an old man who died calmly and calculated a little for his family.

Not to mention that Sarutobi Hiruzen has all five systems, and his talent and strength are stronger than Danzo.

Danzo clenched his fists, looking a little confused.

I thought I lost ten years ago, but I didn't expect that I had lost twenty years ago?

Yes, I only remember Tsunade's lover's younger brother, why have I always ignored Tsunade's teacher?

"Ah" The last scream came from Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

As expected of a ninja who can escape from the earth, he took on forty detonating tags before being blown to death.

At this point, everything was silent above the Tang Valley.

Ning Yuan's voice could reach Danzo's ears without the need for secret transmission.

"There are still a lot left!" Ning Yuan called for the detonating tags to dive underwater, and soon disappeared without a trace like when he came.

But Danzo knew that as long as he wanted, those tens of millions of detonating tags could still come out at any time.

So, he was still hovering on the edge of death.

"Why don't you kill me?" Danzo asked, and suddenly thought of something: "I understand, you also want to be Hokage, so you want to get some evidence of Sarutobi Hiruzen's crimes from me, and then use it to overthrow Sarutobi Hiruzen?"

"Why should I overthrow him!" Ning Yuan shook his head: "I have never thought about being a Hokage."

Well, I just want to be the man of the Fifth Hokage.

"That is." Danzo was completely confused. What exactly do you want to do? Can you tell me the truth?

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore!" Ning Yuan said, "Actually, I have another identity!"

"I'm a historian!"

"Huh?" Danzo thought Ning Yuan was going to say something extraordinary, but he didn't expect it, a historian?

What is this?

"Historians, as the name suggests, are experts in studying history!" Ning Yuan said, "I was born in the Hyuga branch family, and I have loved reading since I was a child. The main family is very strict about the classics of practice, but there are no restrictions on various notes and historical stories, so I grew up reading various historical stories since I was a child!"

"But after going to school, I found that the historical stories in school and those recorded in the family seemed to be different!"

"Not only may the time and place of an event be different, but a person's good and bad merits and demerits may also be recorded incorrectly or omitted."

"Later, I took the opportunity of performing outside to go to various cities across the country to read the historical records there, and then I found that the history of various places also had this problem!"

"Then I had an idea. I want to restore the truth of history. I want to create a well-founded, reliable historical book for future generations to learn and refer to!"

Ning Yuan looked at Danzo: "Danzo, your age spans the Warring States Period, World War I, and World War II, and you are in such an important position as the leader of the Root, so you must know a lot of secrets. I keep you here just to explore these secrets and record them in history!"

"Humph!" When Danzo heard that he was going to be recorded in history, while understanding what a historian is, the expression on his face became more resistant: "Why should I cooperate with you? Wait until you record what I did, Wouldn't I leave a bad name for eternity?"

"Can you still leave a good reputation?" Ning Yuan asked back: "Without a good reputation, and without a bad name, you will really be unknown in history, just like countless good and bad people in ancient times. Maybe they did a lot of good or bad things, but because no one recorded them, no one would remember them no matter how big the impact was! "

"You did leave a bad name, but as long as this book exists, people a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years later will still remember that there was an elder Danzo in Konoha Village who did a lot of bad things. Your image may be interpreted in various opera stories, and some people with special personalities will regard you as an idol. Your portraits and sculptures will even be sold in the five major countries because of the popularity of opera stories."

Danzo raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking about it carefully, it seems quite exciting?

"So, is it to die in obscurity, or to live as a villain for thousands of years?" Ning Yuan asked.

Danzo inexplicably felt that he seemed to be a little persuaded!

Yes, I am destined to have no good reputation. Even if I do good things, it will probably be wiped out by this kid. It is better to play a bad role and let the world remember it!

Don't think that bad roles are bad. Others want to be one but don't have the opportunity!

Look at Uchiha Madara, how bad he is. Decades have passed, who still remembers him?

Besides, I am not alone as a bad guy. How much better is Sarutobi Hiruzen than me?

He can't get away with most of the things I do!

After all, Ning Yuan said that not only I want to be Hokage, but Sarutobi Hiruzen also wants his son to be Hokage.

What does this mean?

It means that all the bad things I have done for the position of Hokage can be attributed to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

You regret being the Hokage, right? Let me see how I drag you down!

However, when the words came to my lips, they turned into: "How can I believe that your book can be passed down to future generations? What if no one buys it at all!"

"I am the author of "Honghuang"!" Ning Yuan said lightly.

Danzo's hanging heart was immediately put down.

He has read "Honghuang". The story is wonderful, the writing is excellent and the logic is smooth. It is a series that can be called a masterpiece.

Even their Ninja School has collected a large number of articles from "Honghuang" as textbooks.

I didn't expect that it was written by the boy in front of me.

He didn't doubt whether Ning Yuan was lying to him. First, there was no need, and second, the age was right.

"Honghuang" was released two years ago, and Ning Yuan came to the fore two years ago and started to perform outside at the same time.

The time is right.

Since you are not worried about the inheritance and sales, then

A real man can't eat five tripods when he is alive, and he will be cooked by five tripods when he dies, so do it!

"What do you want to know?"

"First tell me how you became a disciple of the second generation!"

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