People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 176: Shimura Tadayako's ultimate goal

Chapter 176 Shimura Tadayoshi·Ultimate Purpose

Danzo, who has read "Honghuang", knows very well that no matter how brilliant a person is in history, he is only a few words in history.


Those who can write their own biography are the sons of the times and historical role models.

For example, Zhuge Liang.

Anyway, there is no hope of turning the tables. Besides, Hyuga Ningyuan is not a traitor like Sasuke after all. He is still a member of Konoha.

And after knowing Sarutobi Hiruzen's thoughts, he has some desire for revenge?

It may also be that under the temptation of personal biography, Danzo will not hide it anyway, and tell his own story exactly as it is.

Even if it is possible to co-write with others, it doesn't matter if it is a "Bad Guy Biography" or something, as long as it can be recorded.

Maybe the surname Shimura will be like Sima in the future, which will affect future generations.

If this is really the case, it's simply, Taikula!

But before that, Danzo pointed to the many Akatsuki ninjas who were watching him nearby: "Let them go away!"

Although he was writing a biography for himself, it was almost equivalent to his last words. Only those who defeated him were qualified to listen to this thing. What did these soldiers rely on?

"Yahiko Nagato, you split into two directions to encircle the remaining Yugakure, Xiaonan, you lead some people to collect the bodies!" Ning Yuan turned his head and said.

The people who were killed by the detonation talisman just now were all Konoha ninjas who could tread water and the elites of Yugakure, mainly the stronger ones among the elite jonin, jonin and chunin.

These people are either Hanzo's diehard fans or the leaders of the organization loyal to Hanzo. After they are all killed, it will be convenient for the Akatsuki organization to collect the remnants and unify the Rain Country.

After giving the order, Ning Yuan summoned several pieces of paper out of thin air, and there was a pen standing in the air on each piece of paper.

Ning Yuan stretched out his hand: "Please tell me your story!"

Danzo raised his eyebrows when he saw this move, and thought of the detonating talisman that Ning Yuan had just used.

He wanted to ask, but when he thought of his near death, this idea suddenly dimmed.

After a long sigh of "Ah", he ushered in the dark of the ninja world.

Most people with awkward personalities have an unfortunate peer.

The same is true for Danzo. Although the Shimura clan he came from is not as good as the Senju Uchiha, it is also a well-known clan in the Warring States Period. The wind escape of the Shimura clan is even said to be comparable to the blood limit.

Since they were born in the Warring States Period, the Shimura clan was inevitably going to fight with other ninja clans.

In this environment, the family has only one task: to serve the war.

Under this system, the value of individuals will be infinitely weakened, and the value of geniuses and top combat power will be infinitely increased.

In short: the strong prey on the weak, and the strong are respected.

It just so happened that Danzo Shimura was born less than a month ago when his father died in battle.

Without the pillar of support, Danzo Shimura and his mother immediately became a burden to the Shimura clan. Not only were their means of survival greatly deprived, but most of the few acres of land owned by the family were also taken away and given to other people who had made contributions.

Danzo Shimura's mother relied on the little work and food donated by the family to barely raise Danzo to the age of four, and then passed away.

According to the Shimura clan's policy on treating young children, Danzo at this time would be urgently trained for a few months and then thrown into the battlefield.

Is it cruel?

It's really not cruel, because other ninja clans do the same.

But at this time, a turning point came.

The Senju clan and the Uchiha clan negotiated and jointly established Konoha Village.

The world is at peace!

Hashirama Senju invited the Shimura clan to join Konoha. The Shimura clan had been the regional boss for a long time, so how could they be willing to be someone else's younger brother!

But in the end, the Shimura clan was persuaded by Hashirama to join Konoha Village.

With the God of Ninja and Shura of Ninja World in charge, the Shimura clan was relieved of the trouble of war.

However, although the war was over, the internal conflicts were not reduced at all.

For example, Hashirama Senju hoped that other ninja clans could give up their surnames and integrate into the village.

Many ninja clans followed suit, but more ninja clans refused.

Senju Tobirama compromised and said that we should contribute all the ninjutsu of each clan, and we should study, research and improve together. Let's go first.

The major ninja clans have already refused Senju once, and it is not easy to refuse this time. Besides, it is not easy to learn the ninjutsu of Senju clan if you don't hand over the ninjutsu!

So the major clans handed over the family ninjutsu, but who would have thought that after Senju Tobirama took these ninjutsu, he did not use them for research, but planned to screen and classify these ninjutsu, divide them into grades, and then teach them to all villagers.

The major ninja clans could not sit still. We can give you the ninjutsu, but it is wrong for you to pass it on to others!

Senju Tobirama had no choice but to settle for the next best thing. Then I will set up a ninja school, then recruit some civilians and children of small families, and teach some low-level ninjutsu. That will work!

In fact, the major ninja clans are not happy to see the ninja school, but if you refuse again this time, Senju Tobirama will pass on your family ninjutsu to the civilians.

In desperation, the major ninja clans began to cooperate with Senju Tobirama to create a ninja school.

However, in terms of the attitude towards the ninja school, some ninja clans attach importance to it, some ninja clans do not attach importance to it, and some ninja clans are testing it on the side.

For example, Ino-Shika-Chou sent two ordinary clan members and one direct descendant clan member to enter the school, which is a test.

For example, the Tenden clan and the Mito clan are small families anyway, with only a few members and no decent ninjutsu. The clan leader's son and daughter happened to be of the right age, so they simply sent them all to the ninja school. This is what they firmly support.

The Sarutobi clan has been showing off their power all year round, and they felt the special significance of the ninja school. They also provided great help and directly sent the clan leader's son Sarutobi Hiruzen to the ninja school.

The Shimura clan is politically slow and has low emotional intelligence.

They did not send the outstanding disciples of the Shimura clan, but sent Danzo, a child without a father or a mother, who had not even had time to do basic training, to the ninja school.

Although Shimura Danzo is young, he is smart, wise and hard-working.

He clearly realized that this might be the only opportunity in his life to change his destiny, so he studied hard and practiced hard in Ninja School, and graduated with the second grade in his grade.

In order to show his respect for the ninja school, Senju Tobirama also selected the top five students from the ninja school to become his disciples.

These five people are: Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo, Akimichi Kaifeng, Mito Kadenen, and Koharu Koharu.

After becoming a disciple of Senju Tobirama, Senju Tobirama didn't have much time to teach them due to his busy schedule.

But after all, he was a disciple of the Hokage. Danzo Shimura finally received the attention of his family, began to learn family ninjutsu, and his strength began to grow rapidly.

But after all, the Shimura clan only specializes in one discipline, and their strength has never been able to catch up with Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is proficient in five series of ninjutsu.

The two became good friends who coexisted with competition and friendship, practicing together, training together, and growing together.

Until Hashirama's death, the First Ninja War broke out, and after the Senju Gate was interrupted, after some questioning, Sarutobi Hiruzen was established as the third generation Hokage.

There was a pen beside Ning Yuan to completely write down what Danzang said, and there was a pen next to him that was constantly making comments.

Although Danzo is telling his own story, because his age runs through the entire Konoha, his life can also be said to be the founder of Konoha.

Ning Yuan saw the righteousness and confusion of the Qianju brothers, and also saw Qianju Toijian's skillful application of the broken window theory.

He was always able to force the major ninja clans to support his policies through pulling and pulling.

It's a pity that no matter how smart Senju Tobirama is, he is just a ninja, not a mature politician.

With no history to draw from, he barely laid a foundation for Konoha Village from scratch and was unable to continue.

If he had lived for a few more years, he might have been able to supplement and improve the policies he formulated back then, so that there would be fewer pitfalls.

Unfortunately, he died too young.

"Wait!" Ning Yuan suddenly interrupted Danzo: "You mean, Konoha has no time to support the Uzumaki clan?"

"Yes!" Danzo nodded: "Is there any problem?"

"Is it Wuxia, or does it mean that he doesn't want to support?" Ning Yuan asked.

"It's no time!" Danzo said: "At that time, Hiruzen Sarutobi had just taken office, and the Second Ninja War broke out. While the Amegakure ninjas were invading the Land of Fire, the Kong Ninja Village was closed. At that time, Konoha's elite suffered heavy casualties in the battle, and the Sannin didn't even grow up. Even our masters have to go to the battlefield, so how can we care about the country of Uzumaki overseas? "

Danzo described the situation in detail.

The original work did not describe how tragic the first ninja war was, and many people simply ignored it.

But in fact, Konoha Village suffered extremely heavy losses in the First Ninja War.

According to Danzo's explanation, Hiruzen Sarutobi did not only accept students from one class, but as long as there were talented children in the Ninja School, he would accept them as disciples to show his respect.

One piece of evidence is that although Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uchiha Kagami were in the same frame, they were actually not of the same age. Uchiha Kagami was only 25 years old when he died, while Sarutobi Hiruzen Shimura Danzo at the same time was already in his forties. Years old!

The contemporaries of Uchiha Mirror were Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade!

There are so many generations between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uchiha Kage, which means that Senju Tobirama can accept at least a dozen disciples.

So here comes the question, Qianju Tojian has accepted so many disciples, how come only a few are famous?

The answer is obvious. Some died in the war, some died in the Second Ninja War like Uchiha Mirror, and some did not live as long as these old men and died early.

During the Second Ninja War, Konoha was attacked by the Kong Ninja Village, and even Uzumaki Mito was forced to join the war.

The death of elites leads to a lack of access to power, the rise of a new generation leads to political instability, and the invasion of foreign enemies leads to a tightening of power.

The three factors actually came together so that Konoha Village had no time to care.

In this case, if a village steals chickens from the Kingdom of Whirlpool, Konoha may not be able to provide sufficient support.

Ning Yuan would not listen to Danzo's words, so he wrote down the word doubt next to this description.

Danzo's IQ is limited after all, he can't beat Sarutobi Hiruzen.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen deliberately created a tense situation in Konoha Village and then did not rescue the Uzumaki Country, Danzo would not be able to tell.

"Continue!" Ning Yuan said.

Danzo nodded: "After the Second Ninja War, Sarutobi Hiruzen and I both discovered a problem, that is, the number of ninjas directly under the Hokage is too small!"

"The war has started, and the enemy has been beaten in the face. We actually have to hold an impromptu meeting to invite the major families to send troops. During this period, we have to continue to cede benefits to them."

"So we came up with the idea of ​​expanding the Anbu, but this idea was jointly rejected by the major ninja clans, so we took the next best step and created the Anbu training organization, the Root, and I served as the leader of the Root."

"So that's it?" Ning Yuan suddenly realized.

Ning Yuan has no doubt at all that the Ninja clan took advantage of the situation during the war. Isn't that what all the aristocratic families in Chinese history did?

In order to stabilize their status and rule, they can even create a ninth-grade Zhongzheng system.

Could the ninja clan of Konoha Village still be White Lotus, without any dirt on them?


There is no class that betrays the class. No matter where the ninja class is, they will definitely do the things that belong to this class.

For example, seeking benefits for one’s own class.

"I said so!" Ning Yuan has always been surprised that the Hyuga clan does not have a big industry, and a large number of Hyuga branch families are not part of Konoha's establishment, so they cannot make money by performing tasks.

So what does such a large clan rely on to maintain it?

If you don't do business and don't do your tasks, you can't eat nothing!

Now Ning Yuan understands, it turns out that it is Konoha Village's finances that are at stake!

So Hiruzen Sarutobi was corrupt and trained the ninjas of the Sarutobi clan in order to create an army directly under the Hokage?

So Sarutobi Hiruzen's mission to Danzo to create the root was actually just like the emperor of the Ming Dynasty reusing eunuchs, so that Danzo could fight against the ninja clan in the village?

Ning Yuan looked at Danzo who was still talking in front of him. He probably didn't even know that he was a pawn pushed by Hiruzen Sarutobi to fight against the ninja clan.

Danzo Shimura?

Tadake Shimura!

Unfortunately, just like the eunuchs promoted by the emperor always do bad things, Danzo, the chess piece, also has his own selfish motives, so that he does all kinds of wrong things.

"Tell me about how you framed Kato Dan and Naoki!" Seeing that the story had advanced to the Second Ninja War, Ning Yuan revised the story line.

Danzo was not surprised. He thought Ning Yuan wanted to listen to similar stories together, so he simply changed the content.

"The deaths of Kato Dan and Naoki are indeed related to me, but I don't think it is murder!!" Danzo said calmly.

"Oh?" Ning Yuan blinked: "I would like to hear the details!"

"Kato Dan was born in a small ninja clan like Kato. There are only two lines in the whole family, Kato Dan and his brother Kato Mine. They inherit a secret technique called the Spiritualization Technique, but only Kato Dan has learned it. , Kato Mine didn't learn it, so the one who makes the decision in the Kato family is Kato Dan!" Danzo said: "Just like I want to be Hokage and Sarutobi Hiruzen wants his son to continue to be Hokage, other families also have their own aspirations. , The big family wants to surpass Uchiha Hinata, and the small family wants to become a big family!”

"The same goes for Kato Dan. After he mastered the art of spiritual transformation, he was no longer satisfied with being the patriarch of a small family. After all, this was a position that he was not even qualified to speak at the Konoha Conference, so he set his sights on being the leader of the Hokage. position, and the one closest to the position of Hokage is Tsunade."

Ning Yuan felt the temperature around him rising. He quickly stretched out his hand to press it, and then asked with a smile: "So you mean, Kato Dan is close to Tsunade because of the position of Hokage?"

"That's not the case!" Danzo said coldly: "Even I have to admit that Tsunade is a rare beauty in Konoha Village and even in the entire ninja world. Isn't it possible that no one in the village likes such a beauty? ? Don’t any of your peers want to pursue it?”

"Because she is so outstanding that the men around her feel ashamed?" Ning Yuan asked.

"I don't deny the possibility, but more often than not, Tsunade hangs out with Jiraiya and Orochimaru all year round. Most people may misjudge their relationship and think that Tsunade is in a relationship with one of the two."

"So Kato Dan realized that Tsunade had nothing to do with these two people, and then took the initiative?" Ning Yuan asked.

"I don't know the history of their love!" Danzo said, "Actually, even those things just now were all told to me by Hiruzen Sarutobi!"

Ning Yuan nodded, he believed this.

The way Sarutobi Hiruzen eliminates dissidents is very simple, that is, to tell Danzo that so-and-so wants to be Hokage.

Danzo will do the rest himself.

"Now we know that Tsunade has nothing to do with Jiraiya and Orochimaru, but no one knew at the time that if he attacked Tsunade, he would risk being beaten to death by Jiraiya and Orochimaru, but he still did it ! ” Danzo said: “What else is worth taking such a big risk for him except the position of Hokage?”

"Can't it be that he really likes Tsunade?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Haha, stop joking!" Danzo squinted his eyes and looked at Ning Yuan: "If you were the Hyuga clan, you wouldn't ask such a stupid question!"

"Please tell me in detail so that I can gain insights. Otherwise, if you don't tell me today, I will never understand?" Ning Yuan asked.

"No matter how small his Kato Dan family is, it is still a ninja clan. There are countless women willing to marry him. No matter how beautiful Tsunade is, it is not difficult to find one more beautiful than Tsunade!"

Ning Yuan said that indeed, if a series of filters such as Tsunade's background, personality, and identity were removed and one could only look at appearance, there would definitely be someone who could be evenly matched with Tsunade.

In the generation of Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang alone, there are Hyuga Hinata, Yamanaka Ino, Tenten

In other words, she lacks the charm of a mature woman.

"You mean, there is no such thing as love in the Ninja clan?" Ning Yuan understood what Danzo meant.

"Yes!" Danzo nodded: "If you see a ninja from a certain ninja clan, especially a clan leader or family heir, pursuing someone, there must be a political purpose!"

Ning Yuan nodded and said, "You seem to have come up with a paradox!"

"What paradox?" Danzo asked.

"Kato Dan gained Tsunade's favor because he supported Tsunade's medical ninja reform. According to your statement, his pursuit of Tsunade must have a political purpose. So if he is really for the medical ninja reform, then he must not love Tsunade. If he loves Tsunade, then his purpose is actually to reform medical ninjas, but he is not a medical ninja, so he neither loves Tsunade nor does he want to reform medical ninjas. He just wants to be Hokage, and Tsunade just A tool for his purpose!"

It sounds complicated, but the truth is simple.

Assuming that the leader of the ninja clan does not have love, then whether he is close to Tsunade or supports the reform of medical ninjas, he is serving his political purposes.

Ning Yuan felt that the flesh on his waist was being promoted, but this was a scientific discussion, how could he give up halfway!

"Yes, that's it!" Danzo nodded without hesitation, acknowledging Ning Yuan's final result!

"Is it possible that you use yourself to save others? You want to be Hokage yourself and do whatever it takes to do so, so you think others are also such people?" Ning Yuan asked: "Or do you have evidence that Kato no longer loves Tsunade? "

"How can I have such a thing!" Danzo said angrily: "And aren't we discussing how I killed Kato Dan right now? Why are we talking about this?"

"Of course you have to be rigorous when writing history books!" Ning Yuan said: "Otherwise, if you don't explain clearly here, then future generations will not understand it after reading it, and they may make it up! Maybe they will say that you actually like Kato Dan, but Kato Dan likes Tsuna. Hands, and then you love to hate.”

Danzo's face darkened, and he subconsciously wanted to refute, but then he thought that there seemed to be rumors that Senju Hashirama actually liked Uchiha Madara.

If you don't make it clear yourself, it's really possible for future generations to make it up.

"First, I was busy creating the roots, and I didn't even know Kato Dan!"

"Second, everything I know about Kato Dan comes from Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

"Even if someone loves Kato Dan, it's Sarutobi Hiruzen, not me!"

"Okay!" Ning Yuan shrugged, wrote down this content, and turned back to show it to Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Please continue!"

"Anyway, after I found out that Kato wanted to be the Hokage, I had the idea of ​​killing him!" Danzo said matter-of-factly: "It's something I've been fighting for all my life. You just want to get good luck by being with a Tsunade. How can this happen?" possible!"

"As for killing him, it couldn't be easier. He wants to be Hokage, so he has to be gentle and kind, and be kind and trustful to all his teammates. When he releases the spiritual technique, he needs his teammates to take care of his body. I only need to send one Just replace his teammates with the Root Ninja, and then kill him when he releases the Spiritualization Technique!"

"It's really simple!" He endured the pain in his waist and said, "What about the rope tree? He is only eleven years old, and it is said that his talent is not very good, so he should not be a threat to the position of Hokage!"

"Who asked his teacher to be Orochimaru!" Danzo said matter-of-factly: "Even if his talent is not enough, if he has a Sannin sister and a Sannin teacher, Jiraiya will definitely support him in this position of Hokage. Isn't he able to sit still? He is even more likely to become Hokage than Kato Dan!"

"Then how did you move your hand?" Ning Yuan asked: "You know Orochimaru has been following Naoki the whole time, he thought it was an accident!"

"It's very simple!" Danzo said easily: "Young ninjas like Naoki are like most ninjas who have just graduated. They only think about making achievements and have no awareness of the dangers on the battlefield. Countless ninjas who have just graduated They all died because of this recklessness, how can he, Rope Tree, be an exception!"

"I gave Orochimaru an order, and set up a trap on the route they must take, and just waited for him to take the bait!" Danzo laughed: "I didn't expect that kid to be really stupid. He really succeeded in the first time. I didn’t have time to use many of my follow-up plans!”

"Hiss" Ning Yuan took a breath of cold air.

"You have killed so many people, so you should be considered well-informed!" Danzo looked at Ning Yuan's reaction and was a little surprised: "It was just a plot to kill a rope tree, why are you so surprised?"

"I just admire your sophistication!" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "There is another question I don't understand."

"Ask me!" Danzo was very free and easy. Anyway, he said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said, and he didn't miss a single question.

"Let's leave this question to the parties involved!" Ning Yuan shook his head, then stretched out his right hand in an application gesture.

"The person involved?" Danzo was stunned and asked, "What person is involved? Isn't the rope tree dead?"

"Although Shengshu is dead, he still has a sister!" Ning Yuan said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a burst of light flowing beside Ning Yuan, and then a beautiful woman wearing a white straight train, a blue horse skirt, a diamond-shaped mark on her forehead, shoulder-length short hair, and two ponytails. A woman appears on the lake.

The woman's fists were clenched, her face was full of evil spirits, and there was nothing but anger in her big eyes.

"Duanhe Shengshu, it was really you who killed him!"

"Tsuna, Tsuna, Tsunade?" Danzo's eyes widened. Wait, aren't we talking about biography? Where did this woman come from?

He looked at Ning Yuan, who looked like he had nothing to do with me, and understood everything in an instant.

There was no biography, no history, it was just a trap set by this person to find out the truth about my murder of Dan and Shengshu!

"How could there be such an opponent?" Danzo was completely confused.

He was so roundabout, pretending to be the same as the real thing, and the ultimate goal was actually this?

An idea suddenly came to his mind.

It's not unfair to lose to such a person!

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