People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 213 Negotiations failed, war started

It is not difficult for Konoha to unify the ninja world.

Let alone other things, with the productivity of the Rain Country, Xiaonan can save up 600 billion detonating tags. If the Fire Country puts all its efforts into production, how many can it produce?

Detonating tags combined with the multiplication detonating tag technique, which village can withstand such a bombing?

Don’t say that the multiplication detonating tag technique is dangerous and easy to explode yourself, Konoha Village has the shadow clone technique!

From this, it can be seen how many king bombs Sarutobi Hiruzen has in his hands.

But he can make Konoha Village lose its talents and collapse its finances.

It’s not that Ning Yuan wants to insult Sarutobi every day, this person is really poisonous.

Well, it must be compiled into the textbooks in the future. It’s not enough for me to insult him alone. Men, women, young and old should insult him together across the country.

69 Book Bar→69𝔰𝔥𝔲𝔵.𝔫𝔢𝔱

I will resurrect Sarutobi Hiruzen in the future and let him listen to how the children evaluate him.

Back to the battlefield.

Looking at the huge fortress that collapsed in front of him, Hutuo's eyes were straight.

Who is the member of the Explosion Force? Are there any detonating tags that are free?

He could also see that these detonating tags were the best-performing Jianqing detonating tags, which were sold for 5,000 taels each in the Hidden Rock Village!

He also bought this detonating tag, but he was completely reluctant to use it. He didn't expect that others would throw in bundles of things that he was reluctant to use?

At this moment, Hutuo deeply felt the disparity of the world.

"Captain, what should we do, fight or retreat?" asked the Explosion Force member behind him.

The leader of the border ninja force next to him, Zhushi, also looked over, his eyes full of gratitude.

Hutuo knew what he was grateful for. Before he came, Zhushi was the leader here. The fortress was lost, and the biggest pot was on him.

But now, a higher-level leader has come to the fortress, and he still has to take the blame for the loss of the fortress, but the biggest person responsible is no longer him, but Hutuo.

You can't blame Hutaku for still thinking about taking the blame at this time. The political struggle plots in Konoha Village are also present in Iwagakure Village.

It's a very simple truth. Is there no ninja in Iwagakure Village who is stronger than Huang Tu, so that Ohnoki has to pass the position of Tsuchikage to his granddaughter?

Also, is that bloody elimination really that difficult? None of the tens of thousands of ninjas in Iwagakure Village can learn it?

Is it that they can't learn it, or don't want to teach?

Shaking his head and throwing away the messy thoughts, Hutaku turned his head and looked at Zhushi: "Captain Zhushi, you have guarded the border for many years and have rich experience. What do you think?"

Zhushi shook his head and said, "The fortress can be lost, but the border cannot be lost, but the opponent has this number of detonating tags."

The fortress is gone, and the detonating tags are still exploding!

Seeing that the opponent doesn't regard the detonating tags as money at all, who knows how many detonating tags she has?

They are so few people, can they withstand it?

At this moment, Zhushi was also confused. He lived on the border and occasionally saw books from foreign countries.

I remember reading a sentence somewhere, war is about economy.

At that time, I didn't understand what the war and economy had to do with each other. Isn't war about who has stronger warriors and more ninjas?

Now he suddenly understood that war really depends on the economy!

Even if the 300 people on the opposite side are all Genin, but they have 10,000 detonating tags, what can you do?

Even the Jonin would turn around and leave when they see it!

Hutaku understood what Zhushi meant. He wanted to leave, but he didn't want to bear the blame for losing the border.

But if you don't want to bear it, do I want to bear it?

"Arrange the position and hold on!" Hutaku shook his head and decided to hold on.

The main reason was that Ohnoki gave him an order before he went to bed, asking him to hold on.

As a result, I couldn't hold on for ten minutes and the line exploded?

There is no way to explain it when I go back!

It's better to fight and hold on for three or five days, and then go back to explain.

The Iwagakure ninjas skillfully arranged traps and pits, as well as fortresses and fortresses. I don't know if these things are useful, anyway, they only know these.

"They built a position 1 km behind the fortress, and it seems that they are going to hold on!" In the Konoha camp, a Hyuga observed with his Byakugan and then reported.

"Iwagakure, hold on?" Yuhi Kurenai and Kakashi were both amused.

Iwagakure Iwagakure, it seems that Iwagakure Village is the best at defense.

In fact, it is not the case.

The defensive ability of Iwagakure Village is indeed strong against ninja villages that are not good at attacking, such as Sand Village.

But for Konoha, which has the Mutual Detonation Talisman Technique, the solid wall is just a decoration.

For Konoha, the defensive ability of Iwagakure Village is not as good as that of Sand Village!

At least the poison of Sand Village is indeed very threatening, but Iwagakure Village does not have any decent long-range ninjutsu.

What, you said it's embarrassing to use stones?

Don't be ridiculous, it's difficult for kunai to hit the strong, but stones can?

"We attack?" Kakashi asked.

"You attack from the front, I'll go around!" Kurenai shook her head and said, "Even if we can't completely wipe out the Iwagakure in this battle, we must keep most of them here!"

"Okay!" Kakashi nodded, and then watched Kurenai riding the white pearl like a fairy in the moon, flying into the sky.

"This Iwagakure Village, no, the entire ninja world, is unlucky to meet you two!"

Kakashi waved his hand and said, "The largest fortress has been captured by this big guy, and all we have to do is fight them, is that okay!"

"No problem!" All the ninjas nodded heavily.

Feeling the thick ninja bag and the piles of hundreds of detonating tags in it, when did the Konoha ninja fight such a lavish battle!

More importantly, in the past, you had to buy the detonating tags yourself, but now the organization gives them out for free.

When the Ning organization just took over Konoha, many ninjas were still muttering in their hearts, can an organization founded by a 9-year-old child really manage Konoha?

However, once the ninja army was reorganized, new equipment and new supplies were issued.

Hey, it smells so good.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, don't contact me, I'm afraid the Ning organization will misunderstand.

What Konoha ninja, I'm really unfamiliar, we are all soldiers of the Guining Army!

Three hundred Guining soldiers were divided into groups of three, three groups into a team, and three teams into a row, and they actually laid out a large formation on the ground.

Although there were fewer people, the formation after being pulled apart was actually equivalent to the position of 1,200 people on the opposite side.

One and a half minutes later, the three hundred Guining soldiers had arrived in front of the Iwagakure position.

"Is that the Konoha ninja Kakashi in front?" Hutuo saw the person coming and shouted, "We have no grudges with Konoha in the past and today, why are you suddenly attacking our fortress?"

"For world peace!" Kakashi was immediately happy to see someone actually talking to him.

You know, when he was in the Hokage's office, he made Sarutobi Hiruzen speechless!

If you want to talk to me, then I will talk to you. Seeing that I have made you lose all your fighting spirit and feel ashamed of yourself, it is best to surrender.

"World peace?" Hutuo was at a loss: "The world peace you are talking about is to take the initiative to start a war?"

"Yes!" Kakashi nodded: "The concept of our Ning organization is very simple. As long as the whole world is unified and all ninja villages belong to one flag, the world will naturally be peaceful!"

"Ah this." Hutuo was speechless, because this is true.

You don't even need to think about it, you can come to such a conclusion by thinking with your butt.

Of course, there are some saintly people who will stand up to refute, but their reasons for rebuttal are basically very shallow, saying that the process of unification will cause a lot of deaths and so on.

But as long as you think about it, you will know that such words are completely untenable.

Of course, people will die if there is unification, but if there is no unification, more people will die!

Hu Taku was born in the Hidden Rock Village, so he is naturally a supporter of the theory of great unification, but he only supports the Hidden Rock Village unifying the world.

"Tiger Taku, I know you. You were already on the battlefield during the First Ninja World War, and you became a Jonin during the Second Ninja World War. You should know how serious the destruction of life and order caused by war is."

"You should also understand how many ninjas hate war and how many ninjas long for peace!"

"Now, the dawn of peace is in front of you!" Kakashi said: "As long as you lay down your weapons and raise your hands in surrender, the war will end and the world will usher in peace!"

Tiger Taku shook his head: "Sorry, I am a ninja from the Hidden Rock Village!"

"Your joining us will not prevent you from continuing to be a ninja from the Hidden Rock Village!" Kakashi said: "As long as the Hidden Rock Village also joins the Ning Organization, we will be a family!"

Tiger Taku was speechless. Why is your organization still so complicated?

But, what a pity

"As a ninja of Iwagakure, I must be loyal to Iwagakure Village and Tsuchikage. No matter how wonderful your words are, they are useless to me!" Hu Taku said: "Unless Lord Tsuchikage orders me to do so, I will never surrender unless I die in battle!"

"Is that so!" Kakashi nodded and understood.

You have your persistence, and I have my dream.

In this case, we can only start the war.

He retreated to the formation and raised his right arm.

"Start the war!"

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