People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 214 New Tactics in the Ning Organization Era

Ninjutsu in the Naruto world may seem gorgeous, but in fact, for most ninjas, it is definitely not as good as ordinary people imagine.

Chakra is similar to physical strength and energy. As long as you use it, you will feel tired. If you use it in large quantities, you will also have symptoms such as vomiting and weakness in your limbs. In severe cases, it may even cause people to faint.

Only those who have more chakra like Naruto or Uchiha Madara can ignore this consumption. Serious ninjas don't use ninjutsu if they can.

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But they had no choice before. Shurikens are not convenient to carry in large quantities, and detonating talismans are expensive. The only means for ninjas to attack the enemy at medium and long distances is ninjutsu. You have to use it even if you don't want to.

But after these ninjas joined the Ning organization and became a member of the Guining Army, the situation changed.

Detonating talismans that were originally unaffordable are now issued in batches!

What kind of situation will this lead to? ?

Answer: The main means of combat for ninjas will become detonating tags. All ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu will become the last choice. Detonating tags will never be used before they are used up.

Just like bayonet fighting will only be done when the bullets are used up.

It is inevitable that detonating tags will replace ninjutsu. Not to mention that people will become powerless after chakra is used up, from the perspective of combat alone, the attack distance of most ninjutsu is very short.

The Great Fireball Technique can only hit three or four meters for Genin, and more than ten meters for Jonin.

The Great Dragon Fire Technique, combined with Obito's pupil technique, becomes a blast and the range reaches 30~40 meters, which is already a remarkable range.

The Water Cannon Technique may be the ninjutsu with the longest range in the ninja world, but it is only about 60 meters.

And what about the detonating tag?

If you attach this thing to a kunai, any ninja can throw it sixty or seventy meters away. If you tie it to a bow and arrow, it is not a problem to shoot 300 meters!

When the detonating talisman became the most mainstream fighting method, how to make the detonating talisman shoot farther and hit more accurately became the most important project for the ninjas to develop.

Some people thought of bows and arrows, some thought of slingshots, and some thought of slingshots.

At this time, several Hyuga waved the slingshots tied with the detonating talismans, and when Kakashi gave the order, they directly let go and sent the stones over.

After them, those who used rubber slingshots, blowguns, and bows and arrows also began to exert their strength.

These attack methods seem to be varied, but in fact the core is the same, that is: send the detonating talisman in your hand to the enemy's hand, and then detonate it.

In fact, they can play like this, thanks to the Ning organization's improvement of the firing method of the detonating talisman.

The original detonating talisman will explode within 1~2 seconds after firing, and the specific explosion time is related to the amount of chakra input.

The Ning organization stabilized the explosion time of the detonating talisman at 3 seconds by adding a chakra stabilization rune.

Although this detonating talisman is also made of Jianqing, it is actually completely different from the Jianqing detonating talisman sold to the outside world, so the opponent cannot imitate this fighting style.

First, the technology of the detonating talisman is not supported, and second, they can't afford it.

It was more than eleven o'clock in the evening. Although a little bit of things could be seen by the moonlight, they could only see large black shadows. Arrows, stones or paper rockets were small and did not emit light.

The Iwagakure only heard someone shouting to attack in front and heard the sound of fluttering, but they had no idea what kind of attack the opponent launched.

Hutuo could only loudly command: "Earth escape ninja, seal together!"

"Earth escape·Earth flow wall!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom" continuous detonating talismans fell on the earth flow wall, making continuous explosions.

At this moment, the Iwagakure ninja finally knew what was attacking them.

Hutuo was also relieved. It was okay if it was not some strange ninjutsu.

"Hold on, their detonating talismans must be limited!" Hutuo shouted.

Before he finished his words, the next wave of detonating talismans had arrived.

"Why are there more!" Hu Tuo squatted in the bunker that had just been dug out temporarily, feeling annoyed, but he still had to constantly boost morale: "Don't worry, hold on first, don't attack, and don't show up!"

"Boom boom boom." The Guining Army's projection speed was fast and slow, so there was a definite time interval between the first two waves, and the latter became a continuous bombing with no gaps at all.

"Ah!" If you defend for too long, you will lose. An arrow drilled into the collapsed wall, and by chance it drilled into an observation hole of a fortress, and then the detonating talisman exploded in the confined space, directly killing four rock ninjas!

Another stone hit the fortress, bounced back twice, and landed on the side of the two rock ninjas hiding behind the boulder.

The two rock ninjas looked at the stone on the ground blankly. Before they could react, the detonating tags tied to the stone had already exploded!

"What is going on? Why do they have so many detonating tags!" Hutuo wanted to curse. He could understand the initial wave. Maybe it was the wealthy family in Konoha Village who took action. It was normal for such a big shot to carry so many detonating tags.

But now the attackers are obviously the three hundred ninjas. Why do they have so many detonating tags?

"Captain, Captain!" Zhushi rolled and crawled into the bunker: "Captain, our losses are too great, let's retreat!"

"It's only been a short while since the battle. How much can the losses be?" Hutuo asked unhappily.

"More than 40 people have died!" Zhushi said.

There are perceptive ninjas in his army who can feel the breath disappearing one after another.

"How is this possible!" Hu Taku was completely numb.

He did participate in World War I and World War II. The wars at that time were very slow, stalemate, and dragging. If it wasn't a decisive battle, forty people might not die in a week!

How long has it been now? Ten minutes?

"This is simply bullying. How can you fight like this? Konoha will not live in the future?" Hu Taku said unhappily.

The pillar was silent. How could he know?

But at this moment, the two of them inexplicably had a similar idea.

The way of war in the future may change.

Who has more money and more detonating tags will win?


In terms of money, who can have more than the Fire Country?

Recalling Kakashi's declaration in front of the battle, Hu Taku suddenly came to his senses.

It turned out that a new way of war was found. No wonder you shouted to unify the ninja world!

If there are enough detonating tags, maybe it can really be done?


Hutuo suddenly thought of his own Tsuchikage, Bloodline Elimination·Dust Release!

I admit that your Exploding Talisman tactics are very strong, but under Dust Release, all beings are equal, no matter how many Exploding Talismans you have, they are useless.

With the Tsuchikage here, how can your Konoha beat our Iwagakure Village!

The confidence that had just been shaken stabilized again, Hutuo said: "Tell your companions to dig deeper in the hiding place. No matter how easy it is to carry Exploding Talismans, one person can only carry three or four hundred. We will let them explode. I don't believe they can blow us all to death. When they run out of Exploding Talismans, we will move immediately!"

But in the end, he still regretted it. If I had known that there were so many Exploding Talismans on the other side, wouldn't I just leave and be done with it? Why are I guarding here?

"Boom!" The continuous explosion sounded again, and Hutuo said indifferently: "Look, they only have this ability, eh?"

He suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why did the sound of the explosion seem to come from behind this time?

Hutuo turned his head to look at Zhushi, but found that Zhushi was also shocked.

Is it support?

Impossible, there is no support behind, and even if there is support, there can be no battle behind!

That means

"Our retreat has been cut off!"

Moreover, listening to the continuous and very familiar explosion sound, the two people judged at the same time.

The person who cut the retreat is the one who blew up their fortress!

Although this person also has a lot of detonating tags, his usage is completely different from that of ordinary Konoha ninjas, and the power is also one in the sky and one in the ground.

If the detonating tags of ordinary ninjas are equal to those of Jonin, then the detonating tags used by this person are Ohnoki.

The two looked at each other, and their hearts slowly sank together.

After a long time, Zhushi said: "It's not a good idea to take a beating like this. Let's go out and fight! We have more people, so we can fight!"

"That's right!" Hutaku nodded heavily: "But we can't ignore the strong man in the back. You lead the border ninja army to attack Kakashi's army, and I will lead the explosive force to besiege the man in the back!"

That man is indeed very strong, but Hutaku doesn't believe that he can withstand the siege of eighty jonin, all of whom are bloodline limit ninjas!

And when he thought of this, Hutaku's mind was broadened!

I was really scared by his blowing up the fortress.

Yeah, why am I afraid!

Since he only used the detonating tag to blow it up, maybe he doesn't know anything else!

So as long as we can get closer, no matter how good he is at using the detonating tag, can he blow himself up together?

"Let's do it!" The two looked at each other, and then immediately stood up and started the action!

They really didn't believe that relying on the number of detonating tags, could they still be invincible?

We have four times the number of you!

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