People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 220 The Thunder Shadow also reads books

While Onoki was going up the mountain with the book, Minato and his team had also completed a reconnaissance of Raocheng and had just returned to the camp.

"Yanyin Village is surrounded by mountains. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It's not just talk!" The results of this investigation made several senior officials quite emotional.

These people had only heard about the situation in Yanyin Village before, and this was the first time for on-site exploration!

"The mountains surrounding Yanyin Village range from high to low, with the highest reaching 576 meters and the lowest reaching 395 meters. These commanding heights add up to only more than 40 places. Yanyin Village only needs to be guarded by two hundred people to cause damage to our army. Huge casualties!" Hinata Hizashi said.

He is the younger brother of Hinata Hizu and the head of the branch family. Logically speaking, he should be a die-hard loyal to the clan.

But compared to Ning Yuan, who had abolished the clan system, separated the family, and removed the seal of the caged bird, his brother was nothing.

Ning Yuan saved not only him, but also his possible future children, descendants, and generations to come!

Hyuuga Hizashi, who had removed the seal of the caged bird and received the inheritance from the clan, not only improved greatly in strength, but also gained a lot of confidence.

With his cooperation, the Kurama clan leader next to him first drew the mountains surrounding Iwagakure Village, and then asked the Earth Release ninja to shape Iwagakure Village on the sand table.

Looking at this bare cliff with few trees, the weaker ninjas already felt a headache.

"Just now, why?" someone asked.

He was talking about why he didn't take advantage of the opportunity to capture Onoki.

"Onoki can indeed be taken down instantly, and there are many benefits to taking down Onoki!" Shikaku Nara said: "Onoki is not only the strongest person in Iwagakure Village, but also the only ninja who can fly in Iwagakure Village. If we can take Onoki Next, we can take advantage of the air and move our troops into Yanyin Village through air transportation. Without a super strong man, Yanyin Village also loses the threat to our army! "

"But Ōnoki is not Hiruzen Sarutobi. He has great prestige in Iwagakure. If we kill Ōnoki without declaring a war, it is likely to arouse the anger of the people in Iwagakure. This will be very detrimental to our takeover of Iwagakure." Not good for you!”

Namikaze Minato nodded: "The two armies are fighting, the first is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the city, and the third is to attack the city. War is the last resort. If possible, I hope that Iwagakure Village can return to peace. !”

"Will he surrender?" Luo Sha from Sand Hidden Village was puzzled: "We have not taken Yanyin Village now, and we have nothing to threaten him!"

"Let's give it a try!" Namikaze Minato was quite calm: "Even if the peace talks fail, it will be the same if we capture Ohnoki when the time comes!"

This is the confidence brought by strength. Minato is confident that everything in Iwagakure is under control.

No matter what happens, I can still ask for help. There are still a lot of masters in the Ning organization who have not been dispatched!

Moreover, Minato was still very confident that Iwagakure would choose to surrender, because the organization had specifically studied this matter.

The reason is also due to Senju Hashirama's design of the Ninja Village concept back then, as well as the legacy left by the Ninja family.

That is: the relationship between Ninja Village and the daimyo is not a superior-subordinate relationship, but an employment relationship in which you pay and I contribute.

Ninjas are not soldiers brainwashed by militarism. There is no saying that they cannot surrender without fighting to the death.

The reason why no one surrendered in previous wars is because ninjas can read memories from other people's brains. If a ninja is defeated and surrenders, the experience will be very miserable.

Rather than being defeated and having his memory read, it would be better to fight to the death on the battlefield.

But what happens now?

Although Yanyin Village was not surrounded, it was not far behind. With the speed of the Guining Army, even if Yanyin Village left the village through other routes, the Guining Army would quickly follow up.

But in the wild, without the protection of the mountains, how could the Iwagakure ninja be the opponent of the Guining army?

Being unable to get out means that Iwagakure Village cannot support the Daimyo.

Then the name of the Kingdom of Earth will inevitably be captured by the Ning organization.

When the name is gone, the employment relationship is naturally terminated.

Since the current Iwagakure Village has no owner, why not replace it with another one?

The only uncertainty in this matter is Ohnoki. If this person is greedy for power and is unwilling to give up, he may fight to the death with the Ning Organization.

So Minato sent the "Ning Organization Popular Education Handbook". This book not only popularized the education of the masses, but also flexed its muscles for people who didn't know the Ning Organization.

The above clearly told you that our Ning organization is not an ordinary organization. Now we have completely controlled two large countries and several small countries. We have almost taken over the entire land.

Our dreams are big and our determination is strong, and there is absolutely no possibility of changing them.

If Onoki had some brains, he would not make such a decision to fight against the Ning organization.

Is Onoki a brainless person?

Minato also didn't know that when people are in desperate situations, the choices they make are often unreasonable.

So he could only wait for the results.

After a while, news came from Bai Jue who had lurked into Yanyin Village.

The left and right printing houses in Iwagakure Village were recruited by Tsuchikage and began printing a book called "Ning Organization Propaganda and Education Manual".

Minato smiled slightly, his anxious heart finally relieved.

The deal is settled!

While Onoki was printing the book, Ai Sandaime was not idle either.

The Hidden Cloud Village has always been resolute and swift in doing things. The moment they learned that the Guining Army was stationed at the border, they began to assemble their troops. That night, two thousand elites and three thousand middle and lower ninjas had already assembled. Then the third generation Ai and Kirabi led the elites to set off overnight, and the fourth generation Ai and Yukito followed with reserve troops and logistical supplies.

At six o'clock in the morning of the next day, the third generation Ai met a ninja who came from the front line to deliver the message.

After learning that the Guining Army did not attack but set up camp on the spot, the third generation Ai relaxed a little, and then ordered everyone to rest on the spot and continue to move forward two hours later.

So the Hidden Cloud Army, which was supposed to arrive at the front line at twelve noon, was delayed until two o'clock in the afternoon.

Such a slow march is simply a crime in war. If the Guining Army took the opportunity to attack the front-line border ninjas, the third generation Ai didn't know how they could defend it.

But the Guining Army did not launch an attack.

So the third generation Ai unconsciously developed a little contempt for the Guining Army.

What's the use of having more people? If you meet a leader who has no ability and can't even catch the opportunity, how can you lose the battle!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the third generation Ai arrived at the frontline fortress.

The border fortress of Kumogakure Village is different from that of Iwagakure Village. The opponent that Iwagakure Village has to face is Sand Village. The Sand Village ninjas have weak offensive capabilities and generally focus on Konoha. Therefore, although the border fortress of Iwagakure Village is managed, the quality is average, and it has been in disrepair for many years and lacks maintenance.

But the fortress on the border of Kumogakure Village is to deal with Konoha, so the quality is different.

Not only is the fortress built with extremely hard thunder stones that have been forged by thunderstorms in the country of thunder all year round, the country of thunder also spends a lot of materials every year to maintain the border fortress.

This fortress stretches between two valleys, stretching for four kilometers, like a man-made blue dragon. Therefore, this fortress, officially named Stone Valley, has another nickname, called the Blue Dragon of the Natural Moat.

The Hidden Cloud Village has deployed 3,000 ninjas on the border all year round. These people are not only used for defense, but also go to Konoha or other countries from time to time to get some money, such as grabbing a genius or something.

On the tops of the mountains on both sides of the fortress, the Hidden Cloud Village also deployed people.

Although the mountains on both sides of the fortress are extremely steep, it is not impossible for ninjas to climb up if they really want to, so the Hidden Cloud Village has built a fortress on each mountain, and each fortress has 500 people.

There are a total of 1,000 people on the mountain, 3,000 people in the fortress, plus 2,000 elites led by the third generation Ai. At this time, the number of Hidden Cloud troops in this fortress group has reached 6,000!

If the reserve troops are included, the total force of the Hidden Cloud Village is 9,000!

This number is not terrible. Compared with the large-scale battles on Earth that often involve hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, it is simply pocket-sized.

But these are 9,000 superpowers, and everyone can control the elements!

This is a bit scary!

Even so, the three members of the Guining Army are not panicked at all. Instead, it is the Third Generation Raikage Ai who is panicking.

"Sixty thousand ninjas, are you sure? Did you see it right?" Ai looked at his own sensory ninja with an angry face.

"It's sixty thousand people. Even if I saw it wrong, there are so many tents under the full camp, and they are arranged very neatly. I can count them myself!" The sensory ninja said aggrievedly.

"How is this possible!" Hearing this terrifying number, the third generation Raikage Ai also felt a little scalp numb.

But what puzzled him even more was where these sixty thousand people came from?

Konoha, Sand Village, Iwagakure, and even the Mist Village, even if the four ninja villages are added together, they can't make up sixty thousand ninjas!

Not to mention that I have received news that there are two other returning armies, one went to fight Iwagakure, and the other is in the Land of Hot Springs!

If the other two troops also have so many people, doesn't it mean that this returning army has 180,000 ninjas under its command?

"Did the other side send people to communicate?" Raikage asked.

Border Defense Commander-in-Chief Sakyi shook his head: "No!"

"No?" Raikage was puzzled. If there is no communication, why did you send so many people here?

Whether it's fighting or peace, or even blackmail, we have to send someone to talk about it!

"If he doesn't send someone, then we will send someone over!" The third generation Ai spoke up, and was about to think about who to send over when he heard his own perception ninja speak up: "Lord Raikage, someone from the other side has been sent over!"

"Huh?" Several people turned their heads together, and sure enough, a person in the opposite tent ran over.

The third generation Ai frowned and turned to look at Sakyi.

Sakyi immediately raised his hand and swore: "There can't be spies on our border!"

The third generation Ai didn't say anything, but no one from the other side came to communicate for a day and a night before, and the people from the other side came as soon as he arrived.

If it's not a spy, then the other side's reconnaissance ability is too strong.

Is it the Hyuga clan? What an enviable bloodline!

"Should we do it?" Sakyi saw that the Raikage didn't pursue it, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked.

He also made a gesture of wiping his neck.

The third generation Ai shook his head: "Send someone to ask, what does he want to say, we must know why they are here!"

So a ninja ran down from the fortress.

Not long after, he came back with a book in his arms.

"Lord Raikage, this is given to you by the commander of the Guining Army on the other side. He said that after reading this book, you will understand why he came!"

"We have checked it. There is no poison in the book, no illusion, no seal. It is just an ordinary book."

"Oh?" The third generation Ai frowned. What can't be said directly? Why do you want me to read the book?

Looking at this book that was three fingers thick and quite large, the third generation Ai instinctively resisted.

But after thinking about it, he still took it.

Although he had not read Sun Tzu's Art of War and did not know that knowing the enemy and knowing yourself will ensure victory in a hundred battles.

But it would never be wrong to know more about the opponent.

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