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Chapter 221 Yunyin also wants to unify the world

Oonoki flipped through the pages for more than an hour, and after the book was printed and sent back, he flipped through the pages for another night. The third generation Ai only flipped through the pages for less than half an hour before throwing it on the ground.

After thinking about it, he used another lightning escape to burn the book to ashes.

"Hmph, a bunch of stinky boys, and they are teaching me a lesson!"

"Uh, Lord Raikage, what does this book say?" The subordinates asked curiously.

The third generation Raikage said unhappily: "The Guining Army believes that there are too many wars in the world because there are too many ninja villages and too many countries, so they want to unify the ninja world and destroy all ninja villages!"

"I don't even know when I became the source of war?"

The third generation Raikage, who was already planning a sneak attack on the Hidden Rock Village, said this without feeling embarrassed.

After all, I was just thinking about it, and I haven't fought yet, have I?

"They really said that? That's damn it!" Sakyi immediately agreed.


"I think this statement is fine!" A little kid suddenly spoke up, but after noticing the murderous look in the Raikage's eyes, he hurriedly said, "But unifying the ninja world must be done by our Cloud Village. They have never heard of the Guining Army, so they can't bear such a heavy responsibility!"

Ai nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, even if we want to unify the ninja world, it's our Cloud Village that unifies the ninja world. What is the Guining Army? How dare they say such a thing? Do they rely on their 60,000 people? I can kill them all by myself!"

Faced with the same threat, the Cloud Village made a completely different choice from the Rock Village.

This is due to the completely different situations of Ai and Ohnoki.

Ohnoki was beaten by Madara in his early years, and he had a psychological shadow on Konoha. Moreover, before reading the book, he had already fought with the Guining Army twice.

The result of the two battles was that the two border guards were defeated, most of the elite troops led by his son were captured, and the core force of the Hidden Rock Village, the Explosion Force, also surrendered.

Now Ohnoki has only half of the troops in his hands at the peak period, and this is the result of only looking at the number of people.

If we look at the quality, the quality is only one-third of the peak period. Even if all retired ninjas are recalled, at most they can only recover to two-thirds.

Can this kind of troop quality deal with the Guining Army?

Moreover, Ohnoki saw that the Guining Army was full of talents and young geniuses, while the Hidden Rock Village did not have a decent young man. He also thought that if something happened to him, the Hidden Rock Village would have no one who could take on the heavy responsibility.

His mentality was a bit like Liu Bei when he entrusted his son to the care of Baidi City. Since the younger generation was not up to standard, it would be better to entrust the village to the Ning Organization.

It is no different whether you surrender early or late. If you surrender early, the prisoners will suffer less.

Let's look at the Hidden Cloud Village.

The battle was fought against the Hidden Leaf Village. Although Kinkaku and Ginkaku started the battle, Tobirama Senju was indeed killed by the Hidden Cloud Ninja.

Killing a Hidden Leaf Kage, and a Kage of extremely important status, the psychological advantage is naturally on the side of the Hidden Cloud Village.

Moreover, the Hidden Cloud Village had never fought against the Guining Army before, and had no loss of troops, and was still at its peak.

As for the problem of reserve talents, the Hidden Cloud Village did not exist at all.

Among the five major countries, only the Hidden Cloud Village truly respected talents, knowledge, open education, and promoted people based on their talents.

When other hidden villages were reversing history and turning the position of Kage belonging to the village into a family inheritance, only the Hidden Cloud Village went the other way and gave the position of Raikage inherited by the family to outsiders.

In the Hidden Cloud Village now, there are three generations of veteran strongmen, and their son, the fourth generation of Ai, has also grown up.

The Jinchūriki problem that troubled other villages is not a problem in the Hidden Cloud Village. With the existence of the real waterfall, the two-tailed Jinchūriki and the eight-tailed Jinchūriki get along well with the tailed beasts in their bodies.

Further down, the Hidden Cloud Village also has a group of young geniuses such as Darui and Samui.

The three generations of old, middle-aged and young people are not short of talents. The Hidden Cloud Village is truly thriving. How could such a village with strong development momentum surrender!

Moreover, at the beginning, the dream of the third generation Ai was just to grab some land from the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth.

After reading the "Ning Organization Popular Education Manual", his mind was opened instead.

Yes, why should I limit myself to strengthening the Hidden Cloud Village and becoming the first of the five hidden villages? My dream should be bigger!

An organization that has only been established for four years has dreamed of unifying the world, why can't our Hidden Cloud Village?

I also want to unify the world!

"That's right!" The third generation Ai slammed the table and expressed his ambition: "A mere Guining Army dares to shout that they will unify the world, but our dignified Cloud Hidden Village dares not to shout that? It's a joke! From today on, our Cloud Hidden Village's goal is to defeat all hidden villages and unify the world!"

"Hiss!" Sakyi was stunned, and then immediately shouted excitedly: "I, Sakyi, am willing to follow Lord Raikage to the death!"

The third generation Ai nodded with satisfaction, but felt a little regretful, because the discussion might involve confidentiality, and there were only him and Sakyi in this room.

Just one person shouting to follow, there is no momentum at all.

But it doesn't matter, their Ning organization is aboveboard, and I can also be aboveboard. I will write a few manuscripts and give speeches in public. I want thousands of people to shout in unison: follow Lord Raikage to the death!

"Oh, by the way, speech scripts!" Sandai Ai doesn't know how to make speeches, but there are many ready-made scripts in the "Ning Organization Popular Education Manual", which can be used after modification.

He looked down and realized that the Lei Dun he had just released was a bit harsh, and now the books were almost burned out!

But it doesnā€™t matter!

"Sakye, send someone to the other side and tell them that I was in agitated mood while reading and accidentally damaged the book, and ask them for another one!" Sandaai said.

"Um, didn't you say you won't surrender to them?" Sakhi was confused.

"Of course I won't surrender, but there are still a lot of good things in that book that you can learn from!" Sandaai said matter-of-factly, without any shame at all.

If others have any good things, they will grab them. This has always been the behavior of Yunyin Village, and the third generation Ai did not think there was anything wrong.

The same was true for Sakye, so he turned around and went to arrange people.

"Wait!" Sandai Ai waved his hand again, thinking: "The purpose of sending the book is self-evident, it is to let me know that the Ning Organization is not to be messed with, and to spread their ideas, hoping that I can put down my arms. , surrender directly!ā€¯

Sakye said disdainfully: "But they don't know how great our Yunyin Village is. It is absolutely impossible for us to surrender!"

Sandaimei nodded and said: "Although it is impossible for us to surrender, we can take advantage of our opponent's attitude!"

"Oh?" Saki's eyes flashed: "How to operate?"

"Since they want us to surrender, then we will surrender to them, but before surrendering, we must negotiate the conditions first!" Sandaai said: "Since we want to negotiate the conditions, the top leaders of both parties should be present, right? !ā€¯

Saki's eyes lit up and he immediately understood Raikage's intention.

However, he still looked confused: "Well, Raikage-sama, I don't quite understand!"

Sandai Ai said angrily: "You, you are the commander-in-chief of the border after all. The lives of thousands of people are in your hands. You should use your brain more when encountering problems!"

Sakye nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, I am learning from you!"

"Yes!" Sandaai nodded with satisfaction: "This matter is very simple to say. We can arrange a place, meet with them openly, and then suddenly make them stay during the negotiation, isn't that enough?"

"As long as we take down the commander on the opposite side, the Guining army on the opposite side will be leaderless. When the time comes, we Kumogakure ninjas will swarm them, defeat them, capture them, and reorganize them. By then we will have 70,000 people available, while the Ning organization on the opposite side has lost 70,000 , but there are only 110,000 left.ā€¯

Sakye nodded, it seemed to be the truth, and it was very feasible.

Who would have thought that the words spoken by the dignified Shadow of a Village were actually farting!

But this is how things are done in Yunyin Village. Actual interests come first, and other reputations and reputations are secondary.

"By the way, what's the name of the commander opposite?" Sandaai asked.

"Well, we haven't found it out yet!" Sakyi was stunned, but this time he was not pretending to be stupid, but he really didn't know: "The Guining Army's counter-intelligence work is very good, and our ninjas can't rely on it!"

"If you can't rely on it, don't rely on it. Don't they say that they are upright? Just ask them directly when you send someone to ask for the book!" Sandaai smiled and said, "If they don't even dare to say their names, , and why do you say you are for world peace?ā€¯

"That's the truth!" Sakye nodded immediately: "I'll send someone over right now!"

"Yes!" Sandaai nodded, and then began to write and draw on the table. By the time Sakye went out and came back, he had almost completed the drawing.

"Come and see, this is the place I chose, Thunder Strike Valley!"

The map shows a place surrounded by mountains. Like other places in the Kingdom of Thunder, this place is struck by lightning all the year round. I donā€™t know why.

But there is a place in the center of the Lightning Strike Valley where there are no thunders all year round.

Naturally, civilians and ordinary ninjas cannot enter such a place, but jounin or stronger ninjas can get through unimpeded as long as they concentrate on dodging. And because it is a wilderness and there is no place suitable for an ambush, it is a good place for negotiation. place.

Of course, this is also a good place for sudden violence, because even a Jonin needs to concentrate on entering and exiting the Thunder Strike Valley. If a fight breaks out, he will naturally not be able to care about the thunder in the sky.

This also means that once a battle breaks out in Thunder Strike Valley, the surrounding thunder will become a natural barrier, which will not only hinder the enemy's escape, but also increase the power of Thunder Escape.

What? You said it was us who were beaten away?

Don't be kidding, do you understand the value of the strongest spear and the strongest shield?

"This is indeed a good place for negotiations!" Sakhi was stationed on the front line and of course knew the situation in the Thunder Valley.

"Yeah!" Sandaimei nodded and asked, "Who is the commander-in-chief on the opposite side? How many leaders are there?"

"The commander-in-chief of the Guining Army opposite is called Yahiko. There are three commanders of the three armies, namely Yahiko, Nagato, and Xiaonan. If we want to negotiate, these three people should be coming over from the opposite side!"

"How strong are they?" Sandaai asked again.

"I'm not sure about this. They never take action in front of soldiers, but they are not very old, the oldest is only 22 years old!"

Sandaimei nodded, his vigilance suddenly relieved.

The 22-year-old age group is not without strong people. Minato next door is only 19 years old this year!

But geniuses have always been a rare species, how can they be everywhere.

The third generation Ai is more inclined to believe that these three people are indeed very strong, but at most they are at the level of elite jonin.

"Then we will also send out three people, me, the fourth generation Ai and you, and Killer Bee and Yukito will be on guard outside!"

Although Sakyi has been flattering, he is not weak to be the commander-in-chief of the front line to defend Konoha.

He inherited the secret technique of the Hidden Cloud Village, Black Thunder. This escape technique, like Flame Escape and Purple Lightning, is a secondary development of single-attribute escape techniques.

Common chakras generally only show one property change, such as wind escape is cutting, and water escape is heavy.

But this does not mean that one attribute has one property change.

In fact, there are many property changes that can be shown for one attribute. For example, earth escape has many properties such as stickiness, hardness, lightness and heaviness. In addition to cutting, wind escape also has barriers and floating.

If one attribute chakra can show multiple property changes, and then these property changes are combined together, secret techniques similar to Flame Escape, Purple Lightning, and Black Thunder can be born.

This kind of secret technique is as powerful as a bloodline limit, and is not restricted by traditional attribute restraints.

So the flattering Sakyi is actually a bloodline limit strongman at the level of Kage.

Although the fourth generation Ai has not yet ascended to the throne, his strength is not much different from his father.

These three people together are three Kage-level strongmen. It is not easy to capture the three commanders of the Guining Army, right?

"Send someone to contact the reserve troops and let them speed up their march!"

Taking the second book handed over by Sakyi, the third generation Ai opened the book while giving instructions.

He had to study the contents of this book carefully before writing to the other side.

And these ideas of the Ning Organization are very good. After the Ning Organization falls, he will inherit these ideas of the Ning Organization.

No, there is no Ning Organization. These ideas are of course my original!

"I still have to memorize books!" The third generation Ai scratched his head. He was in his 40s and his memory was not as good as when he was young, and he was not a person who loved to study.

However, when he thought that he would unify the world in the future.

How can the person who unified the world be an illiterate and reckless man? He must learn, learn!

After reading two more pages of the book, the thoughts of the third generation Ai began to diverge again involuntarily.

Speaking of which, the founder of the Ning organization is also a Konoha person, why didn't he continue to use the name of Konoha, but instead created the Ning organization?

Although I don't know why, he must have his reasons for doing so.

Should I also create an organization, the Ai organization?

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