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Chapter 291 The Revolutionary Army is institutionalized and ready to write unofficial history

Chapter 291 Institutionalization of the Revolutionary Army·Prepare to write unofficial history

It was obvious that Bellobetti was very happy, but Ning Yuan didn't know what she was happy about.

It may also be that you are happy that your career has made progress! ?

He never imagined that Bellobetti would worship him. After all, according to the inertia of thinking, shouldn't the old men of the revolutionary army worship Dorag?

Ning Yuan glanced at Dorag, and then withdrew his gaze.

Now Dorag listened to Ning Yuan's opinion and stopped wearing the hood, but Ning Yuan wanted to suggest that he wear it back.

This guy looks really scary.

"Let me give you some advice!" Ning Yuan looked at Bellobetti and said, "We must convey our philosophy to every soldier. What we hope is that they sincerely recognize our philosophy and fight for everyone, not because of encouragement. Fight with the power of the fruit!"

"Yeah!" Bellobetti nodded repeatedly: "I will!"

"Of course, you can't use this fruit. You can use it during battle to increase your fighting spirit!"

"Yeah!" Bellobetti nodded heavily: "Do you have anything else to give me?"

"Your clothes!" Ning Yuan pointed at Bellobetti's clothes.

The girl was wearing a red long-sleeved waistcoat, no underwear and her top was open. The lower body is wearing a long skirt, and the legs are wearing red boots and red and white stockings.

"We are in a serious business, but what you are wearing seems a bit unserious!"

Bellobetti blushed. In fact, she was dressed up like this mainly to facilitate the use of the Encouragement Fruit. Fighting for beautiful women is also an encouragement!

But since the consultant said this suit of clothes is not good, I will change it when I get back!

After thinking about it, Ning Yuan looked at Dorag again: "By the way, don't we have a unified military uniform?"

Dorag's face froze: "What, there was no stable base before, so there were no resources to produce these!"

"Alas!" Ning Yuan was speechless, and then said: "Okay, once we have established a base, we must unify the military uniforms first, otherwise, if everyone wears their own clothes now, how will they look different from pirates!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Dorag nodded quickly. Although he is still the leader, he has always known that Ning Yuan is actually the person who understands the revolution best.

Whatever he says, that's what it is!

Of course, the main thing is that what Ning Yuan said makes sense.

"I know a little about painting, let me draw the military uniforms!" Ning Yuan reached out for some tea on the table, and then drew a pattern of a twelve-star flag on the table: "There is also a flag, let's use this instead in the future! Yellow stars on a red background, the full name is the Twelve Stars Red Flag!”

"What does this mean?" Dorag had no objection to changing the flag, because the previous flag was not specially designed.

The main reason is that the revolutionary army lacks art students.

Since Ning Yuan is a professional, let Ning Yuan come.

"The red flag symbolizes blood!" Ning Yuan said: "Our flag is dyed red by the blood of the soldiers!"

"The twelve stars can symbolize a lot, but what they represent here is mainly time!"

"There are 12 hours in a day and 12 months in a year. Printing these twelve stars on the flag means: the revolutionary cause will last day and night!"

"Revolutionary cause, work day and night!" Dorag savored these eight words, and then nodded heavily: "Well said!"

Don't give up day and night, that is, there is no day or night.

We, the revolutionary army, must work hard day and night to save more people!

"Smog, Bellobetti, and Sabo, what do you think of this flag?" Ning Yuan asked the other three.

"Very good!" Smoker nodded heavily: "At least it's more beautiful than the navy's flag!"

The navy's flag is just a seagull flag, which is not really ugly, but now Smoker hates the navy very much, so naturally he also hates the navy's flag.

"I think it's beautiful too!" Bellobetti nodded excitedly. You can tell from her clothes that she likes red very much.

Now the color of the flag is directly dyed red, how could she not like it!

Sabo also thought the flag looked good and its meaning was simple and clear.

Unlike the previous flag, it had letters on it!

Many people don't even know the letters, so how can they know the letters?

Now this is very good. The revolutionary cause is carried out day and night, and everyone can understand it.

(The picture shows Bellobetti and the original flag of the Revolutionary Army)

"Since the military uniforms and flags have been changed, how about!" Ning Yuan stroked his chin and thought for a moment: "Just let the revolutionary army be formalized, organized, and institutionalized?"

"What is formalization and organization?" Dorag asked.

"For example, if you die, who will lead the revolutionary army to continue?" Ning Yuan asked.

Those present were all intelligent people. Of course, they would not dwell on the question of whether Dorag would die, but began to study the things behind this question.

"After I die, won't I still have you!?" Dorag asked.

"What if I die too?"

"That's Sabo!"

"Is Sabo dead too?"

Sabo's face trembled and he silently wrote down these words.

Dorag was silent, because there seemed to be no one under Sabo.

There are still commanders of the Fourth Army, but the commanders of the Fourth Army are only good at military affairs. It is somewhat difficult for them to lead the revolutionary army.

"Look, although we say we are the Revolutionary Army, in fact, our organizational structure is no different from that of ordinary pirate groups. You are the captain, I am the vice-captain, this one is the second captain, and the commander of the Fourth Army is the captain of the Fourth Division, right?"

Drag smiled awkwardly, as if they were really similar!

"The Revolutionary Army developed slowly in the past. On the one hand, there was no clear program and development plan, and the system was scattered and unsystematic!" Ning Yuan said lightly: "Since our goal is the World Government, then our organizational structure should at least be clearer and more advanced than the World Government, otherwise how can we replace the World Government!"

"This!" Dragon began to scratch his head. He was just a vice admiral before, how could he understand these things?

"You mean, we also have a Five Elders?" Smoker asked.

"Yes!" Ning Yuan nodded: "But we are different from the World Government, so the structure of this star must also be differentiated!!"

"The Five Elders are in charge of the environment, scientific defense, legal affairs, finance, and agricultural affairs, but they do not involve many functions such as education, transportation, public security, industry, medical care, health, and military. This is because the World Government mainly manages the member states, and the departments I mentioned are only needed by these countries!"

"And the country that our revolutionary army wants to establish has abolished the aristocracy and directly led the people, so we can't lack these departments, and we have to make up for them!"

"So we have to have thirteen elders?" Smoker counted with his fingers, five plus eight, which is thirteen!

"That's about right!" Ning Yuan said, "Set up thirteen or more departments, and the leaders of these departments are also called stars, not old stars!"

"Above these thirteen stars, we have to set up two general affairs departments, one in charge of government affairs, and the other in charge of everything! The former is called Taiyin Star, and the latter can be called Taiyang Star!"

"In other words, the leader of the revolutionary army in the future will be Taiyang Star, the deputy leader will be Taiyin Star, and under the two stars there will be thirteen stars in charge of various government affairs!" Drago said, looking at Sabo's notebook.

This organizational structure has been drawn on Sabo's notebook.

"That's right!" Ning Yuan nodded: "Of course, this is only the government affairs direction, and there is also the military affairs direction. In the military, we should form two arms, the army and the navy. The former is used to fight against the Kingdom Guard, and the latter is used to fight pirates and fight against the navy!"

Sabo added an army and navy to the thirteen stars!

"In the specific management of the jurisdiction!" Ning Yuan continued: "In the world today, there are big countries and small cities. The smallest ones are called towns, and the smallest ones are called villages. Our administrative districts can also be divided according to this level!"

"Of course, there is only one country in our territory, so the country level does not exist. It can be changed to a state, and then a city, a town, and a village!"

"Take Kokosia Village as an example. Suppose the name of our country is the Blood Flag Country. We set the Conomi Islands as the Conomi State, and Kokosia Village is the Neisha Town of the Conomi State of the Blood Flag Country, Kokosia Village!"

Sabo wrote down this organizational structure with excitement.

I don't know why, even though he didn't do anything, the East China Sea was still a blank sheet of paper. Just watching these organizational structures written out one by one from his pen, he had a feeling that great things could be accomplished.

This is much more stable than the previous revolutionary army!

Dorag didn't know that his little fan next door had already rebelled.

Now he tilted his ears and listened carefully!

"The Thirteen Stars should be set up in every state and city. There is no need to set up all the departments in towns and villages. Instead, we can set up some defense and public security departments!"

"After you go back, set up these departments immediately. After conquering a country, we must let these departments move in quickly and start work! We can't just destroy without building, and we can't continue to hand over the new country to those old nobles. We can't give them any power!"

One after another, the rules and regulations, methods and methods were described from Ning Yuan's mouth.

Including what to do after entering the city, how to choose a site for the school, how to judge the nobles, how to recruit soldiers, how to collect taxes, how to develop production, how to develop water conservancy, and how to develop agriculture.

Sabo memorized one book after another, and Smoker was stunned when he listened.

Belo Betty's eyes almost turned pink!

In the mouth of the leader, this consultant was already rare on the ground and unparalleled in the world. I didn't expect that after seeing it with my own eyes, it was even more exaggerated than the leader's description!

Under the leadership of the consultant, our red flag can definitely be planted all over the world!

On the other hand, although Dorag was also very excited, he was very calm.

I knew it a long time ago, the person in front of me is a god!

God knows everything and can do everything, isn't this normal!


He looked at Belo Betty, who was almost pressing his eyes on Ning Yuan, and then sighed.

This god is good in everything, but he is a little philandering. If Belo Betty sinks into this, I don't know what the result will be.

However, philandering is actually not a problem.

After all, these days, men go to sea in large numbers, and women stay at home to farm and give birth, which is a situation where there are more men than women.

After overthrowing the World Government in the future, the Blood Flag Country may also introduce a polygamous policy to restore the population.

I don't know how long it has been, I only know that it got dark outside once, and then gradually became brighter, and Ning Yuan finally said almost everything.

Saab has recorded four major books!

"That's it for today. If there are any problems in the future, let's solve them slowly!" Ning Yuan patted the table: "The meeting is over!"

"Eh?" Smoker was stunned: "Wait, I haven't said what I did yet?"

"Ah?" Ning Yuan was stunned, and then his face turned red: "Oh, oh, by the way, we are here to report on our work, why did we go off topic inexplicably?"

"So cute!" Seeing Ning Yuan blushing, Bellobetti immediately covered her heart.

"It's okay, that's a good digression!" Smoker said with a smile: "I joined the Revolutionary Army on impulse, and I regretted it afterward."

"But now that I have seen this organizational structure, I have no doubts in my mind! The Blood Flag Nation will definitely succeed!"

"Are you so confident in this organizational structure?" Dorag asked.

"It's not that we have confidence in this structure!" Smoker looked at Ning Yuan: "It's that we have confidence in the person who proposed this structure!"

Ning Yuan was speechless: "I remember you don't like flattering and collaborating with others, so you were demoted to Rogge Town!"

"Those people are a bunch of trash. Of course I won't flatter their horses!" Smoker said nonchalantly: "But you are different. You are really powerful, so I am not flattering you. I am flattering you." Sincere praise!”

"Okay, I believe it!" Ning Yuan shrugged: "So, what did you do this week?"

"I have developed 26 members in the branch!" Smoker proudly took out a stack of paper and distributed it to several people.

Ning Yuan spread it out and saw that there were names, height, weight, age and other information on it.

He immediately took away the information from Sabo and Bellobetti, and then said angrily: "Can these things be sent randomly?"

"Aren't these all our own?" Smoker asked awkwardly.

"We are our own people, but we cannot guarantee that everyone will always be our own people!" Ning Yuan said.

Seeing the strange expressions on several people's faces, Ning Yuan said: "I'm not doubting you, but we are doing the job of losing our heads. No one knows whether we will encounter danger one day or whether we will be arrested by the world government. , when the time comes to know less information, it is possible to save one more comrade’s life!”

"We understand!" Bellobetti nodded quickly: "And I won't let this happen!"

If I am caught, then what they get will definitely be my body!

"You have done a good job, but you must keep up the good work!" Ning Yuan handed the paper back: "Of course, your own safety and concealment are more important than anything else!"

"I understand!" Smoker nodded.

After talking about Smoker, Ning Yuan was left.

"What I did is pretty much what the newspapers said!" Ning Yuan pointed to the World Economic News next to the table: "Don't have any ideas. After all, the revolutionary army is still a bit shady, so many things cannot be done openly, such as Recruiting scientists, developing industry, etc., but Alabasta can do it!”

"I will develop technology, industry, and education in Alabasta, and then use it to support the cause of the East China Sea! In the future, both parties will support each other and make progress together, openly and secretly!"

"We all understand!" Dorag said quickly: "You are the adviser of the Revolutionary Army. No one we doubt can doubt your determination!"

Ning Yuan smiled, as long as you can understand, it doesn't matter if you can't understand. Anyway, in the end, whether the revolutionary army wins or Alabasta wins, the power of order is in my hands, and I win.

"That's right!" Ning Yuan looked at Dorag again: "Who is more trustworthy in my hometown? Give me your contact information!"

"Kerla is still in her hometown, she can be trusted!" Dorag thought for a while and asked, "Is there anything I need her to do?"

"Indeed!" Ning Yuan nodded: "Do you know Nico Robin, the son of the devil?"

"I know!" Dorag nodded immediately: "This is the only historian who understands ancient texts. We have been looking for her for a long time!"

At this point, Dorag's eyes lit up: "Could it be?"

"Yes, she is here with me!" Ning Yuan nodded: "But historical texts are scattered all over the world. It is unrealistic to ask her to write out the blank pages in a short time!"

"That's it!" Dorag said: "That's good. I looked for her before because the revolutionary cause has not been going well, so I placed my hope on the blank hundred years of history. Now our cause has great hope. Now, that blank hundred years of history doesn’t seem to be that important anymore.”

"A blank hundred years of history is indeed not important, but it is not useless!" Ning Yuan said.

"But?" Dorag was stunned and asked, "Didn't you say that it can't be written in a short time?"

"If you can't write it down, you can just make it up!" Ning Yuan laughed.

"Huh?" Not only Dorag was stunned, but Smoker, Sabo, and Bellobetti were also stunned.

"Wait, can this kind of thing be made up randomly?" Dorag asked in surprise.

"Of course!" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "After all, the time for the world government to rule the world is too short, and it doesn't understand a truth!"

They have ruled the world for 800 years. Is this a short time?

However, a few people wanted to know what the truth was.

Looking at the earnest eyes of several people, Ning Yuan smiled and said: "If you completely ban history, then don't blame others for treating unofficial history as official history!"

"Unofficial history?" Bellobetti asked curiously: "What kind of history is unofficial history?"

"Unofficial history is the history recorded by people with good memories!" Ning Yuan said: "Because it is a personal memory, it will inevitably be distorted, exaggerated, and entertained during the dissemination process!"

"So, unofficial history has always had a special characteristic!"

"What are the characteristics?" Bellobetti was the first to ask again.

"Wild history may not be true, but it must be wild!"

Long before the time travel, Ning Yuan wanted to help the world government write unofficial history. Anyway, you have destroyed that blank hundred years of history, so it’s not like I can write whatever I want!

If you have the ability, you can confront me with the whole book. Can you do it?

What? Are there any historians alive?

All the historians have been killed by you. Only one is left. She is still mine. Will she speak for you? !

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