People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 292 Canal Planning Business Concept

Chapter 292 Canal Planning and Business Concept

After the meeting, Ning Yuan did not take a break and flew directly back to Alabasta.

He was not idle along the way, but drew a sea map by the way.

From Upside Down Mountain to Whiskey Peak, Little Garden, Waltz Kingdom, Alabasta.

"Is this a kind of dimensionality reduction attack!" Ning Yuan suddenly had such a thought in his mind.

If Nami wants to draw a sea map of the world, she has to travel around the world by ship.

This whole process cannot be completed in a few months, and only one route can be completed in a few months.

This book is first published in 𝟼𝟿Book Bar→𝟼𝟿sʜᴜx.ɴᴇᴛ, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

She may have to walk for several years or even decades.

But if she can fly, the whole process will not take long.

During the flight, Ning Yuan also discovered a technological blind spot.

The navigation of ships in the world of One Piece is extremely dependent on permanent pointers.

This is because the magnetic poles in the One Piece world are so unstable that the compass cannot be used normally on the Great Route.

The permanent pointer is not a good thing. Not only is it expensive, but it has to stay for a long time after arriving at a place to store magnetic force.

This is a waste of time, isn't it?

Although a ship can carry a large number of permanent pointers in different positions, this kind of thing can barely be used when there are few ships. If it is the scene of thousands of sails competing and tens of thousands of ships trading as Ning Yuan imagined, the permanent pointer will definitely not be enough.

Ning Yuan certainly cannot solve the problem of magnetic force in the One Piece world, but there is a way to solve the problem of navigation.

The solution is the technology from the earth: sextant!

The sextant is an instrument that measures the angle between the sun or other celestial bodies and the sea level or horizon at a certain moment, so as to quickly know the longitude and latitude of the location of the ship or aircraft.

This instrument does not rely on magnetism, but sunlight for navigation.

The magnetic force in the One Piece world is just abnormal, and the sunlight is still fine, so the sextant can also be used normally in this world.

The premise is that this world must have the concept of longitude and latitude.

Obviously, there is no such thing in the One Piece world.

But it's not a big problem, Ning Yuan can make up a set by himself.

So, as soon as he returned to Yuyan, Ning Yuan started to get busy.

When Robin came in with a stack of documents, the manuscripts in front of Ning Yuan were already piled up.

"You're back!" Robin was wearing a white dress. Rather than a dress, it was more like a bed sheet draped over her body, so that her beautiful figure and slender thighs were completely exposed.

The main reason was that the weather in Alabasta was too hot, and it was impossible to wrap up tightly here.

"Yeah!" Ning Yuan responded, looked up at Robin, and then his eyes lit up.

It's Robin, worthy of being a little tanned in the desert, she is still so beautiful.

But he didn't make any extra moves. Although Robin had expressed her submission, her inner defense was very heavy.

If Ning Yuan wanted to force it, Robin might not resist, but then he could only get Robin's body, not her heart.

"Sit down!" Ning Yuan pointed to the chair next to him and said, "I have one last thing here, so read it to me!"

"Okay!" Robin nodded: "First of all, your identity has been arranged. I arranged for the elite personnel of Baroque Works to form a village, and all the printing factories in the nearby cities have been replaced by our people. I guarantee that there will be no problems."

"Yeah!" Ning Yuan nodded: "Well done!"

The people of the World Government may not come to investigate his identity, but they must be prepared for their coming.

"The second thing is that the rebels have been pacified by Weiwei. Weiwei asked you how to deal with them next?"

"The leader will be executed, and the others will be stationed along the Saint Ding River first, waiting for follow-up arrangements!" Ning Yuan said.

"The leader of the rebels is Vivi's childhood playmate!" Robin asked with a smile: "Is your decision in mind, huh?"

Ning Yuan was speechless: "What are you thinking? This is a rebellion. Can such a person be allowed to live? He must die. This has nothing to do with his identity!"

"If I let him live, then other people will see that there is no punishment for rebellion, so won't they also rebel in the same way?"

Robin nodded: "Okay!"

You are right.

She still thinks that Ning Yuan is eliminating her love rival. After all, the world of One Piece has its own political gameplay. According to the thinking of people in this world, since Kosa has admitted his mistakes, he should not be executed.

But Ning Yuan's reason is reasonable.

"By the way, it is better to arrange it as suicide for secret execution!" Ning Yuan said: "Don't let Vivi know!"

"Understood!" Robin nodded: "The next thing is the third thing. King Cobra wants to resign!"

"Why resign for no reason?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Because of the article you wrote about Jinbe, Crocodile decided to launch a rebellion ahead of schedule and sent people to capture King Cobra!" Robin laughed, "By the day you killed Crocodile, Cobra had been imprisoned for four days!"

"During these four days, he didn't eat or sleep well, and was tortured severely. When he was released, his health was already very poor."

"That is to say, he needs to rest for a while!" Ning Yuan touched his chin: "Even so, he doesn't need to resign!"

After all, the emperors in his impression would not be willing to hand over the throne to their sons even if they died, let alone sick.

"There should be other reasons!" Robin smiled: "During the two days you left, two people in black suits entered the palace. According to the news from the palace maids, the two of them talked with Cobra for a long time, and some of them talked about abdication!"

"That means the World Government has taken action!" Ning Yuan thought for a while and said: "The black suits should be from the CP organization, so the World Government wants Cobra to resign and take over Alabasta itself?"

"No!" Robin shook his head and smiled: "King Cobra has issued an order to you and Princess Vivi to get married as soon as possible, and he will pass the throne to you at the wedding!"

"Pass it to me?" Ning Yuan paused with the pen in his hand: "The World Government asked Cobra to abdicate and pass the throne to me?"

He laughed, and Robin laughed too.

The World Government's plan is not difficult to guess, it's nothing more than being afraid of people with a D in their names.

But they could never have imagined that Ning Yuan would actually have the identity of a revolutionary army!

As for the Son of Prophecy and the Will of D, they are nothing in front of the time traveler.

In the Naruto world, the Son of Prophecy has not yet been born, but Ning Yuan has already unified the world.

He never cares about such things.

"Please help arrange the marriage. I don't know anything about weddings!" Ning Yuan shrugged and asked, "Are there any other things?"

"Yes!" Robin smiled and said, "This is the news received by Baroque Works. The Black Soldier Force led by Colonel Hina of the Navy Headquarters has changed its route and is heading towards Alabasta!"

"Black Soldier Force, Hina?"

"Hina is the user of the Fence Fruit, who can create fences to surround and imprison pirates!" Robin added, "This person should be very strong, and he can't be defeated with just a gun!"

"That's it!" Ning Yuan waved his hand, "If a fight really breaks out, your subordinate Daz Bonis can defeat her."

Daz Bonis, the user of the Quick Slash Fruit, can turn his whole body into a blade. He is very powerful, but he was eventually defeated by Zoro's sword, who had mastered the Iron Slash.

Robin nodded. She didn't know Hina's combat power, but since Ning Yuan said so, she felt much more relieved.

"Our identities are clean and clear, and even the casino is closed, so there is no need to be afraid of her!" Ning Yuan thought for a moment and asked, "When will she arrive?!"

"Tomorrow morning!"

"Then let me meet her!" Ning Yuan said with a smile.

Robin curled her lips, this little pervert, as soon as you open your mouth I know what you are planning.

But she doesn't care about Ning Yuan's hobby, how many men in this world are not lustful?

At least lust is a normal hobby, better than Crocodile who is thinking about finding Pluto and conquering the world!

What, you said Ning Yuan also wants to conquer the world?

How can this be the same!

Crocodile heard the news from somewhere, and then ran to find him directly. The whole action was impulsive and had no plan.

And Ning Yuan, he has people and power, plans and strategies, and he can see three steps ahead. His goal is extremely feasible.

The former is more like a dream than a dream.

The latter is equally difficult, but at least Robin can see the possibility of realization.

"This is the last one!" Robin picked up a thick fold of paper: "This is the latest and most detailed topographic map of Alabasta drawn by Baroque Works after more than three years of investigation in various places. Even the royal family of Alabasta will not have such a detailed map!"

Ning Yuan took the map and handed the manuscript paper in his hand to Robin: "Take a look at this, and then arrange for the navigation and engineering departments to learn to make it!"

"What is this?" Robin took the drawing and saw a sphere with crisscrossing circles and grids drawn on it.

Another drawing had a fan-shaped instrument drawn on it.

"Longitude and sextant!" Ning Yuan said: "This is a new type of navigation instrument. With this, ships do not need to use recording pointers, and can go wherever they want!"

"Is there such a thing?" Robin's eyes lit up and he immediately studied the drawing.

Having controlled a force for decades, Robin certainly knew the importance and disadvantages of recording pointers.

If there is really a navigation device that can go wherever you want without the restriction of the magnetic pole, it would be too convenient for a force!

And Ning Yuan also spread out the map and studied the terrain of Alabasta.

Alabasta is a huge island with a total area of ​​7 million square kilometers.

This island is very similar to Australia in the previous life in terms of area and shape.

And the situation on the island is basically the same as Australia.

That is: most of the island is a desert Gobi that is not suitable for human survival. Humans can only form gathering areas in a few areas with rainfall, and later developed into several large cities.

But Alabasta and Australia are also different in one aspect, that is: in the center of Alabasta, there is a wide river that almost runs through the entire Alabasta.

This river is called the Saint Ding River, and it is also the mother river of Alabasta.

However, there are not many human settlements near the Saint-Ding River. There is only Albana in the middle, which is the capital of Alabasta, and there are two port cities at the end of the Saint-Ding River.

There is a river, but there are very few cities along it. Why is this?

The answer is simple, the St. Din River is an above-ground river!

Because the St. Din River flows through a large desert, the sand in the upper reaches is constantly washed down by the river water. This sand continues to raise the bed of the St. Din River, causing the St. Din River to get higher and higher. .

Over thousands of years, it turned into an above-ground river similar to the Yellow River.

So the question is, the Yellow River often floods. Is this the case with the Shengding River?

Yes, of course it does, and often!

How often?

Albana, the capital of Alabasta, was not built on flat land at all. Instead, it was first built with earth to form a flat-topped mountain, and then the city was built on the mountain.

Five huge drainage outlets were built around the city for fear that the St. Din River would overflow and flood the city.

"If Alabasta wants to develop, it must first control sand. If it wants to control sand, it must first control rivers!" Ning Yuan tapped the table lightly and read.

Robin next to him suddenly raised his head with surprised eyes.

Ning Yuan put down the map. The map was indeed very detailed, but it did not have a common symbol on modern maps: contour lines!

So much so that Ning Yuan only knew that the Shengding River was an above-ground river, but he didn't know how much higher it was than the ground, where it was higher and where it was lower, and what the conditions were like nearby.

"You arrange for someone to do the things in the manuscript, and I'll go out!" Ning Yuan simply stood up with the map, and then flew out through the window.

Robin was a little speechless. Isn't there a gate? Why don't you leave?


“If you want to develop, you need to control sand first. If you want to control sand, you need to control rivers first?”

"This new king seems different from the previous king!!" Robin thought thoughtfully.

At least the previous kings didn't seem to be so concerned about the St. Din River.

Although the king also cared about the people, he only paid lip service to it.

As for what to manage the St. Din River?

Not to mention that Kobra hadn't thought about it, not even a single king of Alabasta had thought of this for dozens or hundreds of generations.

So, is Ning Yuan different from others, or is it because of the revolutionary army?

Robin became interested in Ning Yuan's ideas.

She stood up quickly, handed the manuscript paper in her hand to the craftsmen of Baroque Works, and then returned to Ning Yuan's office, handling trivial matters while waiting for Ning Yuan's return.

At noon, she arranged the food so that Ning Yuan could eat it as soon as he came back.

But Ning Yuan didn't fly back until after four o'clock in the afternoon, covered with dust.

Of course, this is just an adjective. In fact, Ning Yuan's body was clean and there was no dust at all.

"Come next to me and look at the map together!!" Ning Yuan said.

Robin immediately stood up and came to Ning Yuan's side, only to find that the map was still the same map, but there were many circles and lines on it that he didn't recognize.

"This is a contour line, used to describe the altitude of this place!" Ning Yuan introduced: "And these blue lines are the canals I selected. The St. Din River is too high, and the water volume is huge, so Once it floods, it will destroy most of Alabasta!"

This is why there are no cities in the lower reaches of the St. Din River, they are all flooded.

"I want to dig 14 canals on both sides of the St. Din River to divert the water of the St. Din River, so that there is less water in the St. Din River but more territory is covered. Moreover, the terrain on both sides of these fourteen canals is flat. It can definitely be improved into cultivated land, and by then Alabasta will have hundreds of millions of acres more cultivated land!"

"The area covered by the river water will be larger, and the area covered by water vapor evaporation will also be wider. When the time comes, these areas will gradually start to rain, and the drought and lack of rain in Alabasta will also change!"

“As for the St. Din River, when the water volume is reduced, we can also build large sand dredgers to lower the height of the river, or we can artificially dig the river channel to change the course of the St. Din River. Then there will be no worries about the flooding of the St. Din River! "

"This!" Robin's eyes widened, looking at the circles and lines on the map, and asked in shock: "Can this be done?"

What is the concept of hundreds of millions of acres of cultivated land?

It can feed hundreds of millions of people!

The total number of people in Alabasta is less than 100 million!

"I not only conducted on-site inspections, but also made careful calculations. It is absolutely feasible!" Ning Yuan said with a smile.

After all, he is not fighting alone!

"The only problem is that such a huge project requires a lot of manpower and material resources!" Ning Yuan continued: "So I divided the entire project into six phases, one every four months, and strived to complete it within two years!"

"The rebels will be the workers digging the rivers! In addition, poor civilians will be recruited in the future to provide work in exchange for relief!"

"This workload is not small!" Robin frowned: "With 600,000 people, I'm afraid we won't be able to dig a single canal in four months!"

"It can be done!" Ning Yuan drew the shape of the canal on the paper next to him and said: "From the middle, dig on both sides at the same time, and advance in four directions. The longest canal here is only 1,800 kilometers, which means that each section only needs to dig 450 kilometers. In 4 months and 120 days, 150,000 soldiers dig 3.75 kilometers every day. The canal is 20 meters wide at the top, 10 meters wide at the bottom, and 15 meters high. 3.75 kilometers means 843,750 cubic meters of soil are dug every day, which is equivalent to 5 cubic meters per person per day. This is not difficult!"

"This!" Robin looked at the calculation process on the paper and widened his eyes. The length of this canal was extremely terrifying at first, but after it was converted into numbers, it suddenly became no longer out of reach!

It seems that it can really be done?

"In the first phase, the two longest canals will be dug at the same time. As long as these two canals are dug, the situation in Alabasta will be greatly improved!"

"But the question is, where does the money come from?" Robin asked: "The money for hiring soldiers is still their previous salary, but what about the money for civilians?"

"The work that 600,000 soldiers can do will cost at least one million civilians. One million civilians, even if each person is only paid 30,000 Beli per month, will cost 30 billion! Four months is 120 billion Beli!"

"Does the Alabasta royal family have no money?" Ning Yuan asked.

"We haven't taken over the financial work of Alabasta yet, but as far as I know, there should be no money!" Robin said: "One of the reasons why these soldiers participated in the rebellion is that they haven't been paid for a long time!"

Many cities did not rain, which led to the collapse of Alabasta's finances.

The collapse of Alabasta's finances led to the inability to pay soldiers' salaries.

Soldiers will naturally rebel without salaries, and the logic is established.

"How much money does Crocodile have?" Ning Yuan asked, "The Rain Feast has been here for a long time, right? He should also be able to obtain treasures by fighting against pirates!"

"Crocodile doesn't have much money!" Robin shook his head and said, "It takes money to maintain the Baroque Works. If we squeeze a little, we should be able to come up with more than a billion?"

But more than a billion is just a drop in the bucket for the huge amount of work!

Ning Yuan thought about it and asked again, "There are nobles in Alabasta, right?"

"Yes!" Robin nodded.

Alabasta has not always been a single-line inheritance. There were also royal families that were separated before. When these royal children went to the local area, they were nobles one by one.

"How much money can we get if we copy all these nobles?" Ning Yuan asked.

"This!" Robin was stunned and shook his head, "I really don't know. No one will calculate how much assets these nobles have, but what is certain is that it will not be less!"

"After all, these nobles do not need to pay taxes, and they can also get taxes from various cities. Moreover, they will form fleets and do business everywhere! Because of their noble status, they can often monopolize the main industries of a city!"

They are doing monopoly business and making a lot of money.

But they don't have to pay taxes!

Alabasta has existed for five thousand years, and these nobles have accumulated wealth for five thousand years.

So how much money do these nobles have?

"Then take the money from these nobles!" Ning Yuan said lightly.

"But!" Robin frowned: "They are nobles after all, we can't attack them openly!"

"With Crocodile gone, the deterrent to pirates has decreased!" Ning Yuan spread his hands: "Pirates are rampant, and then bloodbathed the nobles' families, what can we do!"

Robin's eyes lit up, and she instantly understood what Ning Yuan meant.

It's still the old way, let Baroque Works pretend to be pirates!

The only difference this time is that there was a Crocodile to fight pirates before, but now there is no one!

She immediately wrote this matter down, and then began to think about who to let do this.

Well, Daz Bonis.

He is loyal and a killer, so he is very suitable for this.

"By the way, that Whiskey Mountain, let me know, don't rob pirates anymore!" Ning Yuan thought for a moment and said.

"Why?" Robin asked, "These pirates all have huge bounties on them, which is a rich source of funds!"

"It's too low-level to make money this way!" Ning Yuan shook his head and said, "Let's switch to raw material processing, financial settlement, and tax collection!"

"I can understand tax collection, but raw material processing? Financial settlement?" Robin asked, "What are these?"

"These are complicated!" Ning Yuan smiled and said, "I'll write a book to explain them to you later!"

Raw material processing and financial settlement may seem insignificant, but in fact the profits are huge.

Singapore, which is close to the Strait of Malacca, started out this way.

Singapore only has a few routes, just one!

And what about Whiskey Mountain?

Ships from the East China Sea, West China Sea, South China Sea, and North China Sea, as long as they come from the Upside Down Mountain, will eventually gather here!

What a huge fortune this is, but no one has ever taken it seriously!

Not only is Whiskey Peak, but there is also Twin Cape which is even closer to Upside Down Mountain. You can make a lot of money even if you open a snack bar here!

What is there?

Just a lighthouse!

What a waste! It's just a huge waste!

I can only say that the people in the One Piece world don't know how to do business.

Of course, most of the merchants in the One Piece world are officials and businessmen who are backed by nobles, and they all do monopoly business.

If you can make money without any brains, why bother to think of ways to make money.

As a result, now, all the benefits have gone to Ning Yuan.

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