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Chapter 307: Saving Nami across borders

Chapter 307 Saving Nami Β· Cross-border

As the house search progresses, the funds in the Alabasta treasury are growing.

The people of Baroque Works either entered or created departments under the arrangement of the Goddess of Wisdom, and the affairs of Alabasta began to be carried out in an orderly manner with their entry.

When everything was developing steadily and well, Ning Yuan suddenly received bad news.

"Nami is sick!"

This book was first published in 𝟞𝟑 Book Bar β†’ πŸžπŸ‘π•€π•™π•¦π•©.π•Ÿπ•–π•₯, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

"Yes!" said the Goddess of Wisdom: "Yesterday, the Straw Hat Pirates completed their trip to the small garden, and then when Nami woke up this morning, she started to have a high fever!"

Ning Yuan remembered that Nami was stabbed by a poisonous tick, Caschia, in the small garden, which induced a bacterial infection called Caschia fever.

This disease is also known as the five-day disease, because bacteria will enter the wound and lurk for 5 days. Patients with the disease will first have a high fever of more than 40 degrees, followed by symptoms such as myocarditis, arteritis, and encephalitis, and will not die in pain until five days later.

"This is really, historical inertia or what" Ning Yuan frowned. He stopped the actions of the bounty hunters on Whiskey Peak and recalled the actions of the members of the Baroque Works on the small garden. Logically, the time trajectory of the Straw Hat Pirates' actions has changed, so how can the wound be pierced by insects?

Where is the promised butterfly effect? ​​Is the insect lying in that place motionless?

But now is not the time to think about these things. In the original plot, Nami was sick, and at least there was a Vivi on the ship, knowing that there was a medical power nearby, the Drum Kingdom. Now Vivi is not on the ship, and the Straw Hat Pirates may not know the Drum Kingdom.

If he doesn't take action, Nami might really be in trouble.

"Vivi!" Ning Yuan woke up Vivi beside him. After all, it was early morning on Nami's side, and it was naturally the same here.

"What's the matter?" Weiwei opened her eyes hazily.

"I'm going out for a while!" Ning Yuan said.

"Oh!" Weiwei shrank back into the bed. She thought she was just going out of the palace to do something.

Ning Yuan didn't explain, put on his clothes and flew out of Robin.

While in the air, he didn't forget to send a message to Robin, asking her to work as usual.

Crocodile is gone, and there will be no major events in Alabasta in the next two years. It doesn't matter whether he is there or not. Anyway, he can be remotely controlled by the goddess of wisdom.

It is extremely difficult to locate a ship in the vast ocean. Fortunately, Ning Yuan has the goddess of wisdom to guide the way. He is almost flying in a straight line to approach the Golden Merry.

He is still calm, but the people on the Straw Hat Pirates are almost dying of anxiety.

Nami is not only a good partner of everyone, she is also the navigator on the ship, responsible for guiding the direction, predicting the weather, and avoiding wind and waves!

The navigator is the eyes of a ship. Without the navigator, the ship is no different from being blind.

But there was no one on the ship who knew medicine, and they could do nothing except applying a towel to their foreheads!

"Nami, go and rest!" Luffy cried.

"At least, let me take you away from this storm!" Nami's eyes were weak, but still bright.

To make matters worse, a dark cloud floated over the sea at this time. Seeing that a storm was brewing, Nami could only sit on the stairs to direct the direction with her sick body.

"Nami!" A group of emotional friends immediately controlled the ship and turned the direction. After a while, the storm was finally avoided by them!

"Nami, we succeeded!" Luffy cheered and went to see Nami, and then found that Nami had fainted on the stairs without knowing when!

He hurriedly carried Nami back to the bed, but a group of people looked at a sick Nami, but they had no way to do anything.

What was even more uncomfortable was that they didn't know what to do, the ship didn't know where to go, and the doctor didn't know where to find.

"Nami!" Luffy exclaimed, it turned out that Nami was confused and woke up again!

"Nami, are you okay?"

"How can she look okay?" Zoro hit Luffy on the head, but saw Nami just raised her arm: "Direction, the direction has deviated by 2Β°!"

Sanji immediately ran out and changed direction.

Luffy asked seriously: "How long is it to the next island?"

"The next stop is Alabasta!" Zoro said: "There must be a doctor in Alabasta, and isn't Ning Yuan the king of Alabasta? He must have a way to save Nami!"

Ning Yuan stayed on the ship for half a day, but because he spoke badly and said that Luffy was the king behind the scenes, he didn't get along well with everyone.

But at this time, why bother about those things.

Don't say that it's just unpleasant to get along. Even if they were enemies in the past, as long as he can save Nami, he is still everyone's brother!

"It takes a week to get to Alabasta. We have only walked for one night, and it will take another six days!" Usopp said.

"But!" Zoro looked at Nami who had fallen into a coma again. Could she hold on for six days in this condition?

"Ning Yuan?" A cry of surprise came from outside.

Zoro was stunned. This was Sanji's voice. Why did he suddenly call Ning Yuan?

Rushing out of the room, Zoro indeed found a young man standing on the deck in a blue suit and a blue cloak on his back, who looked completely different from the last time.

There were two big words written on the man's cloak: Order!

"Ningyuan!" Zoro was stunned at first, and hurriedly turned his head and shouted: "Luffy, Ningyuan is here!"

"Ningyuan!" Luffy's eyes lit up and he immediately ran out of the room: "Ningyuan, do you know where there is a doctor nearby? Nami is sick!"

"Don't panic!" Ningyuan took off his cloak and hung it on the mast, then said: "I am a doctor, let me see Nami!"

"You are a doctor?" Luffy was ecstatic, and then he knelt down with a plop.

"Fuck, what are you doing!" Ningyuan hurried to help Luffy, but it was completely useless, he just stretched Luffy's arm.

"I said I didn't like you before, it was my fault!" Luffy shouted loudly: "But this matter has nothing to do with Nami, please save Nami!"

Ning Yuan finally held down Luffy who was about to kowtow, and then said unhappily: "Don't do this, whether you kowtow or not, I will save you, let me see Nami's condition first!"

Luffy hurriedly got up and made way.

Ning Yuan entered the room and smelled a fishy smell.

It was not the smell of Nami, but such a small room, too many people were crammed in.

"What are you all doing here!" Ning Yuan said unhappily: "All go out, and open the windows for ventilation!"

Usopp and Zoro hurriedly left the cabin, leaving only Luffy following behind eagerly.

"You go out too!"


"Don't you believe me?"

Luffy scratched his head, and then went out too.

"Sure enough, it's a bacterial infection!" Ning Yuan stepped forward to check Nami's condition.

This disease definitely does not exist on Earth, but there is a similar disease called tick fever, which also causes a high fever of 40℃ after biting a person, and also kills the person after five or six days.

The treatment for this disease is simple, and any modern person can do it.

That is: ibuprofen reduces fever, and penicillin kills bacteria.

Ning Yuan has not been in the One Piece world for a long time, and he has not really made penicillin, but it is okay without penicillin, as he has too many ways to treat diseases.

"Goddess of Wisdom, help me locate the bacteria!"

"Haki cures!"

The locals have not developed a way to use Haki to treat diseases, but Ning Yuan has developed it.

In fact, the basic composition of Haki is Haki particles, and the devil fruit technology is the technology of calling Haki particles.

In other words, theoretically, the ability of any devil fruit can be simulated through Haki.

It's just that this requires a dreamlike level of control over Haki, and the person's brain computing power must also be good enough to mobilize such a large amount of Haki at the same time to form an ability model.

Such a person does not exist at all, at least not now.

Ning Yuan can't do it either.

Ning Yuan did not simulate the ability of the healing fruit. His was a low-profile version that could only kill bacteria. The principle was not borrowed from the healing fruit, but from the technique of extracting bacteria from the neighboring fruit.

This trick may not work for other diseases, but it will be effective against bacterial infections!

Ning Yuan pressed his hand on the wound on Nami's arm, and then spread his own domineering aura in Nami's body.

Domineering aura is a kind of lethal energy. If someone uses domineering aura to hit the body, it is almost the same as being hit by internal force, both of which are extremely painful.

However, Ning Yuan's is different. First, Nami has almost no domineering aura, which will not trigger a domineering counterattack.

Second, Ning Yuan's domineering aura is softer and restrains the killing nature.

Cells cannot sense danger, so they will naturally not launch a counterattack.

After a while, Ning Yuan raised his hand.

He reached out to Nami's forehead again. People have a high fever because their immune system has to fight with bacteria. Now that most of the bacteria have been killed by Ning Yuan, the immune system naturally does not have to fight so hard.

Therefore, the temperature of Nami's forehead has gradually dropped.

As the high temperature gradually faded, Nami's frown gradually relaxed.

People who have been to Yang know that when you have a high fever, you can't sleep at all, but dream one after another, accompanied by various dizziness and nausea. This is definitely not a comfortable memory.

Now that the temperature has gradually dropped, there are fewer dreams, and Nami can finally sleep lightly.

After changing a towel for Nami and covering her with a quilt, Ning Yuan left the room leisurely.

At the door of the room, several men stood here, looking at him eagerly.

"How is it?" Luffy asked nervously: "Nami?"

"Bacterial infection, I have stabilized it!" Ning Yuan said lightly: "By the way, Sanji, cook some porridge, Nami will feel very thirsty when she wakes up!"

"I'll go now!" Sanji left in a flash.

"It's okay!" Zoro and Usopp breathed a sigh of relief, and Luffy collapsed to the ground all of a sudden.

Just now, they really felt like the sky had fallen.

"Ning Yuan, thank you so much!" Luffy said sincerely, "I said before..."

"Don't mention the past anymore!" Ning Yuan waved his hand, "Then, let's stay away from Nami's room. Talking here will disturb her!"

"Okay, okay!" Several people hurriedly left and came to the bow.

The Golden Merry was still sailing smoothly, as if nothing had happened.

However, this time it was indeed much better than the original plot. After all, Ning Yuan persuaded Laboo first, and then Luffy didn't break the mast to attack Laboo.

The mast of the Merry was at least fine.

"Luffy, let me ask you a question!" Ning Yuan suddenly said: "Do you think it is appropriate to put an ordinary person like Nami on this ship?"

"Ah?" Luffy was stunned.

"You, Zoro, and Sanji are not ordinary people. You can fight and resist, and you are also very resistant to diseases, but what about Nami?"

"She is just an ordinary person. First, she has no strength, and second, she has not experienced any training. Not to mention that the usual battles may endanger her life, even if she has a headache, she may die at any time!"

Counting the experiences along the way, Nami is simply wandering on the edge of life and death all year round!

Every level, every island, is desperate!

Fighting Enelu on Sky Island, fighting Kalifa on Water Seven Islands, and the Moria Pirates being attacked by Absalom, and directly becoming the admiral of the navy when they arrived at Shabaodi.

Although the Straw Hat Pirates always win, can people always rely on luck to live their whole lives?

Luffy was silent.

"I'm not saying that I want to snatch my partner from you, but since he is your partner, shouldn't you consider the safety of your partner?" Ning Yuan asked: "I know your dream is to become the Pirate King, but is the road to the Pirate King paved with the blood of your companions?"

Luffy was speechless.

It's not that he doesn't want to deal with it, but that he can't deal with it.

Say that he agrees to Nami getting off the ship?

It's not his style to make decisions for the crew without authorization.

Say that he doesn't agree? Isn't that selfish?

No matter how he answers, it's wrong, and Luffy naturally doesn't know how to answer.

In fact, this question should not be answered by Luffy, but by Nami.

As long as Nami wants to stay on this ship, no matter who says it, it's useless.

But now Nami is still lying on the hospital bed, she can't speak.

"I know what you are worried about!" Ning Yuan smiled, then suddenly raised his head and snapped his fingers.

Zoro next to him didn't understand, but Luffy's eyes lit up!

Because a huge arrow suddenly appeared on the sea in front of him!

"What is this?" Luffy asked in surprise.

"Smart map!" As he spoke, the arrow in front of Luffy quickly shrank, and then slowly expanded, forming a huge ocean map.

The Drum Kingdom, which is one day's voyage from the Golden Merry, Alabasta, which is seven days' voyage from the Golden Merry, and many unnamed islands and reefs around it are all displayed on this map!

"This is our Alabasta national treasure, the goddess of wisdom!" Ning Yuan said lightly: "She not only has the function of guiding directions, but also can predict weather, warn the navy, detect ocean currents, and even has voice navigation function!"

A crisp voice came out of Luffy's mind at the right time: "Welcome to use smart voice, the smart map is navigating for you, and the destination Alabasta is detected. Your current speed is 30 nautical miles per hour. There are still 156 hours and 43 minutes to reach the destination. I wish you a pleasant journey!"

"If you don't like this voice, you can switch to something else. I have Zhiling sister's voice pack, Rong Mama, and Sun Wukong here!"

"Eh?" Luffy kept zooming in and out of the map, and then watched the route he was going to pass along the way. He found that this map not only marked the route, but also the destination. You can see clearly what it looks like, and you can even see the streets, road signs and store signs in the city!

"It's worthy of being a national treasure!" Luffy exclaimed, and thought, if you have this thing, it seems that there is really no need for a navigator?

As the saying goes, the one who defeats a person is never the stronger person, but the cross-border

The one who defeated Nami, who might be the strongest navigator in history, was not another stronger navigator, but map navigation.

"How is it?" Ning Yuan watched Luffy playing with the map software for a while. This thing is simple to begin with, not to mention the assistance of the goddess of wisdom.

Even a mentally retarded person can play it, not to mention that Luffy is a little smarter than a mentally retarded person.

"Very powerful!" Luffy nodded heavily. He is not a liar. The function of the smart map is indeed no less than that of Nami.

It can even be said that it is completely stronger than Nami.

After all, the smart map will not get sick, does not need to rest, does not need to eat, and will not beat him.

From the perspective of capitalists, it is inevitable that the smart map will replace the profession of navigator.

But Luffy is not a capitalist after all.

So when Ning Yuan asked if Nami could get off the ship, he was entangled again.

"Nami is my partner!"

"Then you should consider your partner more, right!"

Luffy was silent.

Sometimes friendship and bond are really invincible.

The protagonists shouted this and were always successful when fighting the boss, but when others used this to fight the protagonist, the protagonist would be speechless.

After thinking for a long time, Luffy finally raised his head and looked at Zoro and Usopp next to him.

Zoro and Usopp stood aside, looking at Luffy silently.

For this kind of problem, only Luffy can make the decision, and they can't interfere.

"I will not abandon my companions!" Luffy said firmly.

Zoro and Usopp's faces suddenly showed joy.

They really don’t know what a smart map is, but if there is a better one, their partners will be replaced, does that mean that one day they will also be replaced?

But then I thought about it, if I forced Nami to stay on the boat, I would be disrespecting the lives of my friends.

After all, Luffy is not a hero, and he cannot say that one general can accomplish everything.

So he added: "But if Nami is willing to get off the ship, I will respect her!"

Look, who said Luffy has low emotional intelligence? I think Luffy has very high emotional intelligence!

"But if you give the choice to Nami, Nami will definitely not get off the ship!" Ning Yuan said: "After all, you regard her as a companion, and she also treats you as a companion! You cherish her life, Of course she will sacrifice her own life to make you the Pirate King, right?"

"This!" Luffy was stunned, as if this was really the case.

After all, they are partners.

Isn't it a relationship of mutual sacrifice and mutual achievement?

But as Ning Yuan said, it is really dangerous for Nami to stay on the ship!

And now that he has the goddess of wisdom, he really doesn't have the need to force Nami to stay.

After thinking about it, Luffy could only raise his head: "Ning Yuan, what should I do?"

Ning Yuan curled his lips: "It's very simple, grasp the main contradiction!"

"Main conflict?" Luffy blinked: "What do you mean?"

"What's the main reason why you don't want her to stay on the ship?" Ning Yuan asked.

Luffy was confused, since when did I not want her to stay on the ship?

However, he still followed Ning Yuan's thoughts and thought: "Because Nami is too weak, it will be very dangerous to stay on the ship!"

Ning Yuan snapped his fingers: "Isn't this problem settled? Nami's strength is weak. Can't she just improve her strength?"

"But, it's not that easy to improve your strength!" Luffy said: "None of us have been practicing since we were young, and it's only now that we have such strength!"

"This is the Pirate King here, and there are many ways to reach the sky in one step. If there is a Devil Fruit, wouldn't Nami's strength be directly improved?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Eh?" Several people's eyes lit up: "It seems like that!"

As long as Nami is given a Devil Fruit, Nami's strength will naturally become stronger. As long as she has strength, there is no need to get off the ship, right?

"But, we don't have devil fruits!" Luffy struggled.

"That thing is a secret treasure in the sea. Each one costs at least 100 million beli!" Sauron also said.

Usopp scratched his head at the side, saying that you are always discussing Nami, why don't no one think about me? I am also very weak!

"It doesn't happen now, it doesn't mean it won't happen in the future!" Ning Yuan patted Luffy on the shoulder: "You can encounter anything during the voyage, just in case you encounter a devil fruit!"

Luffy nodded, yes! !

His dream is to become the Pirate King. Couldn't the Pirate King still get a Devil Fruit?

Roger: You're right, I got one from start to finish.

"Now, isn't there a way to get the best of both worlds?" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "When we get to Alabasta in front, Nami and I will disembark together. Then Nami will stay in Alabasta for training, and you will continue sailing and find demons by the way. Fruit, as long as I find a Devil Fruit, I will send Nami to join you immediately!"

Zoro was a little speechless. Are you sure you want to keep Nami in Alabasta to train instead of doing other things?

But he remembered that Nami didn't hate Ning Yuan either, so he didn't bother to interfere in such matters.

Zoro turned to look at Luffy again, and saw Luffy clapping his hands fiercely: "Let's do it!"

He has always been a confident person. If he says he wants to become the Pirate King, then he must become the Pirate King!

If you say you want to get the Devil Fruit, you will definitely get it!

"By the way, turn the ship around!" Ning Yuan pointed to the ocean next to him: "Go to the Drum Kingdom!"

"Why are we going to the Drum Kingdom?" Luffy asked.

"Don't you need a doctor?" Ning Yuan asked: "What if this happens again in the future? I won't come without Nami on the ship! But the Drum Kingdom is a big medical country, and you can definitely find the doctor you need there. of!"

Luffy nodded heavily: "Yes, we need a doctor on the ship!"

Little did he know that the goddess of wisdom could even act as a doctor.

Luffy gave the order and the Golden Merli immediately began to change direction.

He has begun to feel the benefits of smart maps.

With smart maps, not only are navigators no longer needed, but permanent pointers are no longer needed!

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