People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 308 Nami returns home and becomes unemployed


"It's so cold!" Nami felt her somewhat blocked nose. She woke up from the cold.

Subconsciously tightening the quilt around her body, Nami suddenly felt something was wrong.

I'm not on board!


Nami quietly touched her body, and was shocked to find that the clothes she was wearing were not the ones she wore before she fell into coma!

"What's going on? Are you docking?" Nami lifted the quilt. Although there was a stove in the room, she was still shivering from the cold.

Putting on the cotton coat and cotton shoes beside the bed, Nami was wrapped like a potato and finally went out.

There was heavy snow outside, more than a foot thick. Nami found that she seemed to be in a village, but because of the heavy snow, there was no one outside. There was only a tall and thin young man squatting in the yard. snowman.

"That!" Nami stepped forward and asked softly, "It's such a cold day."

"So far away from me? Come closer to me?" Ning Yuan said smoothly.

"Eh?" Nami was stunned for a moment, then her eyes lit up: "Ning Yuan?"

After saying that, she was about to pounce on Ning Yuan, but halfway she felt something was wrong and immediately stopped: "I read the newspaper before and said that you were married? Are you marrying a princess?"

Ning Yuan nodded.

Nami immediately clenched her fists. It's a shame that I still miss you so much. I'm worried every day on the boat, at Whiskey Mountain, and in the small garden. You actually married a princess and became a king?

For a moment, she didn't know whether to be envious or angry!

He then heard Ning Yuan continue to say: "The situation in Alabasta is very critical. The royal family is feared by the world government because of the D in their name. They used to have 600,000 troops to protect them, but now all the troops have rebelled, and they have lost the protection of the army. The royal family will be destroyed by the World Government just like the Straw Hat Pirates without Luffy, Zoro and Sanji!"

"If I don't stand up and take over Alabasta, then the king and princess will be imprisoned by the World Government, and Alabasta will completely fall into chaos. Then the land will be full of sand pirates, and it is no exaggeration for all the people to become pirates!" Ning Yuan raised his head Looking at Nami: "Alabasta at that time will be ten thousand times worse than Cocosia Village!"

"Yes, is that so?" Nami was stunned and immediately felt a little embarrassed.

"But, but" Nami, who was at a disadvantage, couldn't think of how to retort, so she simply argued: "How do you know it will be 10,000 times worse than Cocosia Village? You have never been to Cocosia Village!"

"I've been there!" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "Didn't you know that the person I interviewed for my first report was Colonel Mouse?"

"Eh?" Nami was stunned: "Have you ever interviewed Colonel Mouse, that bastard?"

Newspaper Bird really cannot accurately deliver every issue of the newspaper to the Straw Hat Pirates. For example, Nami did not read the first issue published by Ning Yuan.

"Just the day after you left!" Ning Yuan said: "That mouse colonel came back, occupied the evil dragon territory, and then started to dig out the money and treasures inside. I lived in Cocosia Village for two days, and there were no mice. Finished digging!”

"This damn bastard!" Nami clenched her fists: "That's all our villagers' money, I left it to them specially!"

If we had known that the mice would do this, we might as well have taken the money away with the Straw Hats!

Wow, wow, I'm so angry, this is my mother's money!

"But you didn't kill the mouse, of course they will come back!" Ning Yuan shrugged: "But it doesn't matter, the revolutionary army has already stationed in the Conomi Islands, and then Colonel Mouse will be taken care of by the revolutionary army!"

"Ah?" Nami's eyes widened: "Revolutionary Army, isn't that the most vicious criminal in the world?"

Ning Yuan smiled and said: "The boss of the Revolutionary Army is your captain's father, what are you afraid of?"

"Oh!" Nami nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there is actually no causal relationship between the character of his son and his father, Nami will feel good about Luffy's father's power because Luffy saved her.

Not to mention that the Revolutionary Army would punish rats.

As long as you kill mice, you must be a good person.

"That's right!" Nami asked again: "You said you stayed in Cocosia Village for two days?"

"To be precise, it's one night!" Ning Yuan raised a finger: "Go today, stay one night, and leave the next day!"

"Oh!" Nami nodded and asked: "Then have you ever seen Nokigao? She's just one."

"A girl with short blue hair, big eyes, a good figure, and tattoos on her arms and collarbones?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Yes, yes!" Nami nodded quickly: "That's her. How is she? That mouse didn't take revenge on her!"

"That's not true!" Ning Yuan continued to make snowmen while saying: "But we really can't stay in that village Nuo Qigao. The village policeman Ajian was uneasy and kind to Nuo Qigao. He went to patrol her house every day and pursued Nuo Qigao. All the young people in Qigao were scared away!”

"Ah?" Nami was stunned: "Is there such a thing? Why didn't I know?"

She had a pretty good impression of Jian. When she was a child, she was afraid of Jian, and then Jian put a pinwheel on his hat, and then she wasn't afraid anymore.

Therefore, Jian has always had a windmill hanging on his hat until now.

"You haven't been in the village all year round, how would you know this?" Ning Yuan shrugged and said.

"How is this possible!" Nami immediately clenched her fists, but suddenly her face turned sullen, but what's the use of knowing this? I can't go back!

"Do you want to build a snowman together?" Ning Yuan said with a smile: "I tell you, my skill in building snowmen is level 6, and there is a characteristic called lifelike!"

Nami then realized that the snowman in front of Ning Yuan was indeed very beautiful and very realistic. If it weren't for the huge difference between snow and people, I'm afraid some people would really recognize it by mistake.

"How can I be in the mood to build a snowman? No!" Nami suddenly realized that she seemed to know this snowman!

"Isn't this Nokigo?" Nami walked around the snowman: "Yes, this is Nokigo!"

Seeing this, she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Ning Yuan knew Nokigo too well, and how could Nokigo tell him that Ajian patrolled near her home every day?

"You stayed in Kokosia Village for one night. Where did you stay?" Nami asked cautiously.

"Your home?" Ning Yuan said with a smile.

"Don't be ridiculous, how could it be my home!" Nami jumped up like a cat with its fur standing on end: "There is only one girl in my family, how could the villagers let you live in my home?"

"Because I have no dealings with the villagers at all, I went directly to your sister!" Ning Yuan laughed.

Nami's face suddenly darkened: "But, there are only two beds in my home, you wouldn't?"

"Don't worry, I didn't sleep in your bed!"

Nami patted her chest, fortunately, fortunately.

"Nokigo didn't sleep either!"


Nami fell into deep thought, what does this mean?

If Ning Yuan didn't sleep in my bed, and Nokigo didn't sleep either, then where did they sleep?

Isn't there only one bed at home?

"Did you sleep on the floor?" Nami asked cautiously.

Ning Yuan smiled and said, "You don't have to guess. I'll tell you directly. My current identity should be considered your brother-in-law!"

"Brother-in-law?" Nami widened her eyes: "Wait, brother-in-law? You and my sister, haven't you only known each other for one day?"

"Haven't I and you only known each other for one day?" Ning Yuan asked back.

Nami blushed, and then clenched her fist and hit Ning Yuan: "You deserve to die, you bastard, you provoked my sister and then provoked me, left me and met a princess, and you married her?"

Ning Yuan was caught off guard and two lumps appeared on his head.

"Huh?" Ning Yuan was dizzy.

No, what's going on, can she hit me?

And it hurts, and there are lumps?

Isn't this an animation effect? ​​Nami, you're really doing it!

Seeing that Nami's fist was about to hit again, Ning Yuan quickly reached out and grabbed her arm, and then pulled her into his arms.

"Let me go, you bastard!" Nami shouted angrily, "I was moved by your Alabasta story, you big liar!"

"Uh..." Ning Yuan scratched his head. He didn't know how to refute it.

Say I'm not a liar?

Haven't I cheated enough people along the way?

Although I personally think this is called strategic fraud.

Then coax Nami?

Nami is harder to press than a pig during the Chinese New Year, and I don't know what's wrong with her fist. There is a sense of cause and effect, and even Ning Yuan can't avoid it.

After thinking about it, Ning Yuan decided to use the ultimate skill of chasing girls: insist on being shameless!

Seeing that Nami was still spitting out fragrance, Ning Yuan stretched his legs, lowered his head, and kissed her directly.

"Hmm?" Nami's eyes suddenly widened, and then she showed her teeth and was about to bite Ning Yuan, but soon she thought of another problem.

This is her brother-in-law, what if he bites it.

Wait, is this a question of brother-in-law or not? Whose brother-in-law would do this kind of thing with his aunt?

Ning Yuan: The one about Wolverine is so classic that he still remembers it even after traveling through time.

It's a pity that Nokigo doesn't have a mole on his chest, otherwise he could have reproduced it.


Nami suddenly realized that because of her opening of her teeth, this damn man put his tongue in!

She didn't even dare to bite her lips, let alone her tongue.

And Nami did have a good impression of Ning Yuan, and it was not low.

Plus some taboo feelings.

I didn't mean it, it's just that I wasn't strong enough to resist.

I don't know how long it took, Nami finally woke up from the intoxicated feeling.

Opening her eyes, a pair of handsome faces were in front of her.

Nami's cheeks suddenly turned red, and she suddenly understood her sister a little.

She has been running around all year round, and she has seen countless handsome guys. She can't stand it, let alone her sister who has never left the village and has little experience.

However, even so, it is unforgivable to have multiple relationships!

Nami hit Ning Yuan's chest hard, then pursed her bruised lips: "You did a good thing!"

"I'm sorry!" Ning Yuan admitted his mistake decisively.

"What's the use of saying sorry!" Nami's eyes were like knives: "How are you going to deal with us? Sleep and run away? Or marry both of us?"

As expected of Nami, she is a bit tough.

But it's true, she has seen examples of sleeping and running away, Usopp's father is not the case, this is a common practice in One Piece, nothing surprising.

"I'm not the kind of person who abandons after having sex!" Ning Yuan hugged Nami and said softly: "I am the king now, I can marry as many as I want, as long as you are willing to marry me, I will marry you right away!"

"Humph! Who wants to marry you!" Nami glared at Ning Yuan unhappily, but this time she didn't struggle anymore.

To put it bluntly, she never thought in her life that she could marry a king?

Although the term "King" sounds like a dirty word, it is still a strong deterrent to the civilians in the One Piece world.

Not even just civilians. Look at Doflamingo, Crocodile, and especially Blackbeard. After working hard for half their lives, don’t they just want to be a king in the end?

The king is like the capitalist. Everyone hates the king and envies that he is not the king.

"What about my sister?" Nami asked again.

"Married too!" Ning Yuan waved his hand: "When the time comes, I will make you the Heavenly Concubine and your sister the Ice Concubine!"

"Tianfei, what do you mean?" Nami asked curiously.

"She is the concubine who controls the celestial phenomena!" Ning Yuan said, "You can control the celestial phenomena, right?"

Nami smiled shyly: "Controlling the celestial phenomena is just some research on the weather. But wait, why is Nokigao the Ice Concubine? Can she control ice?"

"Yes!" Ning Yuan nodded: "I gave her a copy of Alabasta's national treasure. She can now control ice and snow. Now she is learning from Luffy's father, and she will soon be able to take charge on her own!"

"Is there such a thing?" Nami's eyes widened: "What kind of national treasure is that? Are there more?"

It's a national treasure. It sounds like something like this is worth a lot of money.

Her eyes have turned into money symbols: "I am also your wife now, you can't favor one over the other!"

"I will definitely give it to you!" Ning Yuan nodded: "But not now!"

Nami's destiny distortion value is only 23%, and there is no treasure chest to open!

"Oh, I know!" Nami blushed: "There is still a step missing, right? How about we start now?"

We're all together anyway, it's just a matter of time.

Moreover, my sister handed herself over to Ning Yuan on the first night she met her. Compared with her, I am already reserved enough.

Ning Yuan was speechless: "Don't worry, don't worry, don't look at where this place is. This house has no sound insulation at all, and the environment is so bad. Let's wait until we get to Alabasta!"

"After all, this is your first time. If it's not at your house, at least it's at my house. What's going on at someone else's house!"

Nami's face turned redder, but she soon realized something was wrong.

"Wait, where is this? Shouldn't I be on the ship? Wait, I remember I'm not sick? Where are Luffy and the others?"

She didn't know if it was because she had a fever that she was not clear-headed, but after being with Ning Yuan for a long time, she finally thought of her companion.

"You were indeed sick, but you were cured by me!" Ning Yuan said: "This is the Drum Kingdom, almost a day's journey from where you fell ill. This is a big medical country, and there is a reclusive doctor named Duo Li. Son!"

Ning Yuan pointed to the tall mountain in the distance: "Luffy went there to find a doctor!"

"Didn't you cure the disease?" Nami asked, "Why do you still need to find a doctor?"

"The illness is cured this time. Whatever happens next time, there must be a doctor on the ship!" Ning Yuan spread his hands: "So when Luffy and the others come down from the mountain, you will probably have an extra partner!"

Nami nodded, so that's it.

But we do need a doctor on the ship. We were lucky to have Ning Yuan come here this time, but what about next time?

Speaking of this, Nami suddenly remembered, doesn't this mean that Ning Yuan saved her life?

Oh, it's not a big problem. I'm going to marry him. It doesn't matter what kind of life-saving grace I have.

"Wait a minute!" Nami finally thought of the core idea and asked, "That's not right, I'm still the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates! I can't go back with you to get married and have children!"

"I'm leaving, what will happen to the pirates?"

"Don't worry, this problem can be easily solved!" Ning Yuan snapped his fingers, and a map slowly unfolded in front of Nami.

β€œCome and meet another of our national treasures in Alabasta: the Smart Map!”

Nami explored for a long time, her eyes changing from shock to hotness to dullness to confusion.

After a long time, she suddenly looked at Ning Yuan: "Am I unemployed?"

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