People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 317 Sacred Knowledge Base

The Bei family has a daughter who has just grown up. Everyone knows her as a little thief.

She is naturally beautiful and can’t give up. She wins back the king’s side with one move.

She looks back and smiles, and all the beauties in the palace are pale in comparison.

In the cold autumn, she is granted a bath in Huaqing Pool. The hot spring water washes the fat.

The maid helps her up, but she is weak. It is the time for her to receive the grace.

Her hair is like clouds, her face is like flowers, and her golden step-shaking hair is like flowers. The hibiscus tent is warm for the spring night.

The spring night is short and the sun rises high. From now on, the king will not attend the court early.

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It is now 7:30 in the afternoon. It has just fallen at night in Alabasta, but Ning Yuan, who doesn’t like to go to work, has been playing with Nami for more than three hours.

Although it is the first time, the people in the One Piece world have good physical fitness. In addition, Nami is a devil fruit ability user. She has been sleeping until now.

Ning Yuan gently stroked her snowy skin with one hand, and opened the system with the other hand. There were six treasure chests again.

From top to bottom, they were from:

Zeffa: Legendary treasure chest

Hina: Platinum treasure chest

Ain: Platinum treasure chest

Binz: Platinum treasure chest

Zangao: Gold treasure chest

Fenbudi: Silver treasure chest

Yes, Zefa, as a former admiral and chief instructor of the Navy Training Camp, who brought out a large number of Navy elites, was a legendary figure, so his treasure chest was also legendary.

This was the second time Ning Yuan encountered a legendary treasure chest.

The first legendary treasure chest opened an Ashe inheritance.

It certainly can't be said to be weak, but it's a pity that it's a growth inheritance, and it takes time to exchange for strength.

Although Ning Yuan doesn't care about strength, it would be best if it could be exchanged for instant combat power.

"Zeffer is a former admiral of the navy. His main labels include admiral, instructor, justice without killing, NEO navy, iron hand, etc. I don't know what it can be related to!" Ning Yuan looked at the legendary treasure chest in front of him, feeling calm.

After all, this treasure chest is not the kind of treasure chest that can extract junk items, and it can't open items beyond this level.

Since the shipment is very stable, people will naturally not be too excited.

Moreover, in fact, Ning Yuan has an epic treasure chest that is higher than the legendary level.

After all, Alabasta has 50 million people, which has exceeded the limit of 10 million popularity.

The reason why this treasure chest has not been fully opened is because the communication is not developed, and many people don't know that Alabasta has a new king.

But it will only be a matter of a few days.

"Then, open it!"

"Ding, congratulations on obtaining the Sacred Knowledge Base!"

"Sacred Knowledge Base: You can input knowledge or skills into the knowledge base, and others can learn or pass on knowledge through spiritual connection to the knowledge base!"

"This item can be linked with the Goddess of Wisdom!"

"Oh my god, the magic network!" Perhaps because he had read too many books, Ning Yuan immediately thought of a similar item even though it was a new thing.

Isn't this the magic network? You can upload and download knowledge, and everyone can connect and learn.

If it is combined with the Goddess of Wisdom, Ning Yuan can achieve universal education in a very short time.

If you add some knowledge of ship control, cannon operation, shooting, and the knowledge of the six naval styles.

All people are soldiers, it's just around the corner!

"This item seems to be just a legendary item, but it has actually far exceeded the legendary level!" Ning Yuan was a little shocked.

Although the Sacred Knowledge Base only has the function of passing on knowledge, in fact, the slow development of human civilization is definitely a key factor in the slow learning speed.

An ordinary person needs to go through three years of preparatory classes, six years of elementary school, three years of junior high school, three years of high school, four years of college, and five years of master's and doctoral studies before he can get into a scientific research position that leads humanity forward.

Even if this person is a super genius, he will only go to school ten years less than an ordinary person at most. When he can contribute to humanity, he will be at least 17 or 18 years old.

At this time, the level of human civilization is only about 0.71!

As civilization continues to develop, more and more knowledge will be accumulated, and people will spend more and more time on learning.

The golden age of scientific research is obviously between the ages of 20 and 30, but this stage is all about learning. Even if you still have the energy to do scientific research after the age of 30, how great can your achievements be!

So if human civilization wants to continue to move forward, even to the interstellar era and towards god-level civilization, there are two ways.

First, develop brain-computer interfaces and knowledge transmission technology to save learning time.

Second, develop genetic drugs similar to NZT48, which can develop the brain and increase the average IQ of humans, also to save learning time.

And the sacred knowledge base is the finished product of the first point!

"Was my previous vision a bit low?" Looking at the Goddess of Wisdom in his left hand, the Sacred Knowledge Base in his right hand, and the History Book of Time, Ning Yuan found that just unifying the One Piece world was no longer enough to satisfy him.

His dream could be bigger, such as creating a god-level civilization?

Oh, the main body is already working on it, so that's fine!

"Well, let's call it Order Civilization!" Ning Yuan received the Sacred Knowledge Base. This thing is not like the Goddess of Wisdom, which has a not-so-small main body, but a stream of light that is bound to Ning Yuan's soul.

Soul binding means that Ning Yuan here can use it, and Ning Yuan in the Guining world can also use it.

It's better to use Guining World first.

The world of Guining has basically completed complete Chineseization, compulsory education, industrial infrastructure, and cutting-edge technology has also developed computers, supercomputers, rockets, satellites, and even the electromagnetic gun has entered the actual combat stage due to the existence of chakra, but Controlled nuclear fusion is also on the way.

Now that we have come a long way, we should concentrate our resources and continue to move forward. This is called concentrating our efforts to do big things.

After all, time travel has its own sequence, and the foundations of the worlds are also different. It is impossible to imagine all worlds advancing at the same time.

Even if orderly civilization is built in the future, Guining World will also be the capital of this civilization. It will definitely be no problem to develop Guining World first.

Moreover, there is another practical problem in the One Piece world, that is, there are no superpowers in this world, it is all islands.

Even if the entire world is unified, the development potential of this world is destined to be inferior to that of Guining due to limited resources and population.

What? Do you think the Red Continent can be demolished and reclaimed?

It would be great if you had the energy to find an unowned living planet to redevelop.

"Goddess of Wisdom?"

"I am here!"

"Integrate the sacred knowledge base into the network!" Ning Yuan said: "Then spread it among the military first. As for the people, how is the previous education reform plan going?"

"It is formulated according to the education plan of Guining World!" said the goddess of wisdom.

The education plan of the Guining world was copied from the earth.

It boils down to two things: compulsory education and talent selection!

Compulsory education allows all civilians to receive education equally.

Genius selection is a variety of competitions held from the elementary school level to select young talents and then provide special training.

But Guining is definitely doing better than Earth. After all, Earth has no superman, no immortal, and no system.

Ning Yuan's system has a [Teaching] skill, so the efficiency of teaching geniuses is naturally higher.

"We did this before because there was no sacred knowledge base. Now that we have it, the education plan must be changed!" Ning Yuan said: "Compulsory education remains unchanged, but it focuses on history, philosophy and thought, and puts aside science and technology. , focusing on cultivating children’s interests!”

"As for the knowledge that children lack, wait until they are 18 years old to develop a development direction based on their interests and hobbies, and then uniformly instill it from the sacred knowledge base!"

"Yes!" The goddess of wisdom nodded, and Ning Yuan issued the order. She could immediately generate the most scientific execution plan based on the order and then distribute it to Alabasta's political officials for execution.

Officials with strong execution ability can obtain ratings, and when the ratings accumulate to a certain level, they can be promoted.

Those whose execution is weak and whose ratings are at the bottom of the list can only say goodbye.

If someone has committed misbehavior during his term in office, it is not enough just to remove him from office. He will also have to work on a sewing machine. In serious cases, he will have to eat peanuts.

In order to ensure the fairness of the trial, Ning Yuan also removed all courts and handed over all trial rights to the goddess of wisdom who is absolutely fair and just.

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