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Chapter 318: Lifetime Experiences in Alabasta

Control is changing, military system is changing, education is changing, medical care is changing, business is changing, trade is changing, currency is changing, rivers are changing.

Even writing, language, and culture are changing subtly.

For example, the official documents posted by Alabasta to the outside are basically no longer in Japanese, and are all composed of Chinese characters.

Alabasta is now in a period of great change, and everything is changing.

If this were any other country, such drastic changes would not only lead to a crazy counterattack from vested interests, but also the grassroots officials would take the opportunity to take advantage, so that a good policy would be deformed during the implementation process, and eventually bring disaster to the people.

Over time, the entire country will have problems, and at the least, it will be a serious injury, and at the worst, it will be directly destroyed.

But under the attention of Ning Yuan and the control of the goddess of wisdom, the entire reform of Alabasta is not only well organized, but also quite orderly!

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar β†’ 69𝙨𝙝π™ͺ𝙭.π™£π™šπ™©, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters or disordered chapters.

Even the daily arrests of criminals outside the city to be shot have created a sense of order and rhythm.

Yisheng is currently feeling the rhythm of this chaos.

Soldiers are clearly arresting people on the street, and the person is clearly crying and shouting, but the people around them not only have no sympathy, but are standing aside and pointing, looking like they are watching the fun.

So, what's wrong with this country?

Is the king cruel, or are the people cold-blooded?

Yisheng couldn't help it, and directly grabbed the young man who passed by him and wanted to get closer to watch the fun: "Hello, that!"

"Ah, hello, hello!" The young man wanted to be angry, but when he turned around and found that he was a blind man, his attitude immediately improved a lot: "Uncle, what's the matter?"

"Ah, I just asked that person what's the situation, he was shouting injustice, why are everyone laughing?" Yisheng asked.

What surprised him was that although these people seemed to be gloating over the misfortune, Fujitora could not feel the darkness in these people.

But the problem was that he could not feel the darkness in the person who was dragged away!

It stands to reason that one side is always wrong, right?

Then the problem is the soldier?

But he could not feel the darkness in the soldier!

"Oh, sir, you are from another place, right!" said the young man.

"How do you know?" Yisheng was stunned. I had obviously changed into local clothes!

"If you were a local, you would connect to our Alabasta goddess of wisdom, and then you would not have such doubts!" ​​The young man said, "By the way, you are still blind. You need the help of the goddess of wisdom in this situation!"

"Goddess?" Yisheng frowned. He had been walking around for so many years, and he had seen people who used religion to cheat.

However, these people usually cheated small countries. It was the first time that a country as big as Alabasta was fooled.

"How to connect to the goddess of wisdom?" Yisheng asked.

He was not in a hurry to expose it, and he had no position to expose it.

He was just a gambler. He had heard that there was a big casino in Alabasta, but when he got there, he found that the casino was closed and now it was turned into a city hall!

And not only the casino in Yudi was closed, but all the casinos in Alabasta were closed. This country actually banned gambling!

This made Yisheng very curious, so Yisheng, who had originally planned to play for two days, simply stayed in Alabasta to see what the situation was in this country.

However, the more he looked, the more confused he became. Until today, he finally couldn't help it when he saw this scene.

Then he found out that there was another hidden story!

There was a guy who claimed to be a goddess controlling everything behind the scenes?

"This goddess controls people's hearts, she is not a good thing, but she does a good job in banning gambling!" Yisheng thought so, and then learned from the young man how to connect with the goddess of wisdom.

He originally thought that this should be a tedious procedure, and in the end it would test whether his heart was sincere.

In the end, he would definitely not be able to connect, and then those missionaries would say that it was not that our gods were fake, but that your hearts were not sincere!

Then they would ask the believers for money and food. Whoever gave more money would be sincere.

He had seen too many such routines.

Until the young man led him to the door of an office next to the city hall, which was labeled [Wisdom Goddess Service Hall].

"It's right here!" the young man said, "You can go in by yourself, and someone will guide you through the procedures!"

Yisheng was silent. Is this a religious ritual?

Why does it feel weird!

After a while, he sat on a chair in front of the window of the Wisdom Goddess Service Hall.

In fact, there were many people inside, but because he was blind, he had the right to jump the queue.

To be honest, since he became blind, he has felt too many inconveniences in life, but when he came here, he actually felt the benefits of blindness.

This country seems to care about the disabled?

"Hello, what business do you want to handle?" A little girl who was probably only fourteen or fifteen years old was sitting in the hall. She spoke very gently and politely, just like a girl next door.

"What business do you have?" Yisheng asked.

"Now we can open a Wisdom Goddess account and open a smart map service. We will also launch smart banking services later!" The girl said: "In your current situation, I suggest you open a Wisdom Goddess account and open a smart map. In your case , you can apply for it for free!”

"Then you can do it all for me!" Yisheng said.




"52 years old!"


"No career!"

"That's a homeless person. Where is your place of origin?"

"What is a place of origin?"

"That is, where are you from?"

"Uh, people from the West Sea!"

"People from the West Sea cannot handle the business of the permanent Goddess of Wisdom!" The girl smiled: "I can open a temporary account for you. You can use it when you are in Alabasta, but you can't use it after you leave Alabasta! "

"What if I want to use it forever?" Issei asked.

"Then you can go to the Immigration Management Office to complete the immigration procedures and become an Alabasta from now on!" the girl said: "After you go out, turn right and enter the municipal office. The Immigration Management Office is inside!"

Yisheng thought for a moment and said, "Give me a temporary account first!"

"Okay, your account has been opened. You can call the Goddess of Wisdom to connect to the Goddess of Wisdom. You can go over there to familiarize yourself with the functions. If you have any questions you don't understand, you can ask the clerk in the lobby!!" the girl said.

Yisheng nodded, knowing that he was chasing people away.

He quickly got up, sat down on the rows of chairs next to him, and then whispered: "Goddess of Wisdom?"

"Ding!" All my life I just felt my eyes light up.

This is really a bright spot, because his eyes have always been dark, but now they light up!

Moreover, he not only saw the light, but also the surrounding environment!

The clean and tidy office hall, the metal bench under his butt, the ordinary people coming and going next to him, and the little girl who had just handled business for him through the glass.

Very nice!

Wait, my eyes are bright again?

"It has been detected that the user is blind and the auxiliary vision function has been turned on. Congratulations to the user for entering the smart network for life. It is detected that your current account is a temporary account. If you need to handle permanent business, you can go to the Alabasta Municipal Office for immigration!"

"Next, we will proceed to the novice assistance interface, which will guide you to better use the various functions of the Goddess of Wisdom. Would you like to enter?"

"Ah, enter!" Yisheng was shocked by this auxiliary vision function. Fortunately, he was not an ordinary person. He quickly calmed down and entered the novice auxiliary interface.

After a while, Yisheng, who originally looked a little confused, began to realize.

He immediately came to the street. The howling man was no longer there, but Yisheng knew where he was going. In addition, the man was struggling desperately, and the soldiers were not dragging him fast, so Yisheng soon chased him. Come up.

He first looked at the two soldiers, and the goddess of wisdom gave a hint of their identities: Royal Alabasta Police.

Look at the man being dragged to the ground.

"Organizing prostitution, a first-degree crime!"

A lifetime of enlightenment.

The police and the people did not take it seriously, and there was no darkness in their hearts, because the arrested man was a criminal.

The criminals themselves had no darkness in their hearts because prostitution was not prohibited in Alabasta and it was a legal job.

He himself does not feel that he is breaking the law, and of course there is no darkness in his heart.

It's just that now the laws of Alabasta have changed, but he didn't correct his behavior in time, so he changed from a legal citizen to a criminal.

"Gambling is also regulated, and prostitution is regulated?" Yisheng thought thoughtfully, and then asked the goddess of wisdom for the latest legal provisions in Alabasta, and just stood on the road and started reading.

Then as he watched, he fell into deep thought.

Not only gambling and prostitution must be regulated, but drinking is also regulated.

It's just that you can't drive fast after drinking.

Fights should also be managed. Fighting is a first-degree crime. If someone is injured, it is a second-degree crime. If someone is killed, it can be upgraded to a third-degree crime.

Not paying for meals is a crime, spitting is also a crime, and even littering is a crime!

However, this crime is not a first-level crime or a second-level crime, but a civil penalty, divided into three levels.

I once again studied what civil penalties are and what crimes are.

It turns out that civil penalties, including imprisonment and detention, are not included in the file.

The first-level civil penalty is mainly verbal education, the second-level civil penalty is a fine and a public apology, and the third-level civil penalty is not only a fine, but also a public apology, and it will also be marked by the goddess of wisdom, hanging above your head for five days!

Yisheng immediately raised his head, looking for anyone on the street with a mark on his head.

There really is!

All my life, I saw a man with a yellow arrow above his head, and there were words written on the arrow.

Because of the distance, he couldn't see clearly, but the goddess of wisdom conveniently helped him bring the words closer.

I saw what was written on it: This person is a fishmonger. He put stones in the belly of the fish to make the dead fish float vertically, thereby selling the live fish as dead fish. He was given a five-day warning as punishment!

"Ah this!" Yisheng scratched his head and said, this was the first time he had seen this kind of punishment.

Moreover, it feels like it should be very effective, because wherever this person goes, people point fingers at him, so this person only comes out for a short while, and then immediately goes back into the house.

Yisheng looked at the crime again.

There are five levels of crime, with petty theft at level one, robbery and rape at level two, and crimes involving life and a large amount of property at level three.

Going up, it is not a crime that ordinary people can commit, such as massacres of towns and collective oppression of the people. The former is generally reserved for pirates, and the latter is generally something that only nobles can do.

There is also a fifth-level crime, which includes stealing state secrets, selling out national interests, betraying the motherland and the people, and being anti-human and anti-social.

"What's going on with this country?" Yisheng looked at the legal provisions one by one, and he felt some of them were very interesting, some of them were very incomprehensible, and some of them were very recognized.

But overall, Yisheng had a very strange feeling.

If these legal provisions can really be implemented, then people who can abide by the law in Alabasta are almost saints!

And Alabasta is destined to be different from other countries.

As for whether it can be implemented?

Yisheng looked at the interface of the Goddess of Wisdom in front of him. With the gods watching, how could it not be implemented?

That's right, Yisheng no longer doubted the existence of gods. After all, the power of the Goddess of Wisdom was not something that a devil fruit ability user could fake.

Don't say that the Goddess of Wisdom might be a world-class strongman.

He was already a world-class strongman. How could he not know what a strong man could do?

If even he couldn't understand a person's means, then even if this person was not a god, he was better than a god.

"A country governed by gods!" Yisheng was a little moved. He really wanted to see what the future of this country would look like.

Is it really possible to have a country where all people have no darkness in their hearts?

Yisheng didn't know that there was no country where all people had no darkness in their hearts. With the popularization of education and the improvement of national strength, the darkness in the hearts of the people would only increase.

Otherwise, how could they say that there were 1.4 billion people and 1.3 billion evil cultivators!

"If you want to see what this country will look like in the future, you have to stay in this country, but there are no casinos in this country anymore!" Yisheng touched his pocket. He didn't have much money.

So, find a decent job?

"Goddess of Wisdom!"

"I'm here!"

"Is there a job suitable for me in Alabasta?" Yisheng asked.

"It has been detected that the user is a Gravity Fruit user, and a related job has been recommended for you!"

Yisheng was shocked. You know all about my Devil Fruit users?

But on second thought, in the eyes of God, everything is transparent, so how could one hide his own abilities?

"Well, this job of dock loader is not bad!" Yisheng looked through the job list and found that the job of loader is very suitable for him.

Because loading and unloading once is a lot of money, and the more loading and unloading, the more money you make.

In terms of loading and unloading, only the Float-Float Fruit user can compare with the Gravity Fruit user!

"I'll go now!" Fujitora asked as he walked, "By the way, can I apply for the job if I go there?"

"Sure!" The Goddess of Wisdom said, "The job position has been arranged for you, just go there!"

"It's really convenient!" Fujitora has already felt that the people under the rule of the Goddess of Wisdom are definitely not just a matter of abiding by the law.

Their lives are much more convenient than those of citizens in other countries.

"Ding!" The goddess of wisdom suddenly reminded: "Please slow down on the road ahead!"

"Ah?" Fujitora was stunned. Why should he slow down for no reason?

He didn't understand, but he still did what the goddess of wisdom said.

Then, when he was about to reach the dock, he saw a man in blue brocade clothes crossing the dock in front of him.

"Let me slow down, it can't be related to this young man!" Yisheng smiled, although he felt that if he kept the speed just now, he should be able to just run into this young man.

But how could it be possible, the goddess would not care about someone's schedule!

So, it should be related to the loading and unloading speed, maybe I walked too fast and there was no cargo for me to load and unload?

Then he watched the young man walk farther and farther until he came to the end of the dock, and then jumped down!

"Eh?" Yisheng was stunned, and then exclaimed: "Goddess of Wisdom, someone jumped into the sea!"

"He didn't jump into the sea!" The goddess of wisdom reminded.

Yisheng was skeptical, and hurried forward a few steps, only to find that the young man was actually stepping on the sea, just like walking on flat ground, and then crossed the several kilometers wide river and went to the opposite side.

"That's true!" Yisheng was amazed: "There are people who can walk on water?"

Although Yisheng can fly, he can also walk on water, but he has never thought of this, and naturally he has never tried it. This is the first time he has seen someone walk like this!

The goddess of wisdom did not answer, and Yisheng did not take it to heart.

There are so many people in the world who hide their strength. Isn't he one of them? Why should he care about others?

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