People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 351 The Revolutionary Army Came

Quickly opening the Zhixin interface, Flying Squirrel wanted to inform Zhan Guo that he had a revolutionary army on his ship!

But the words had already been typed, and Flying Squirrel was entangled again.


Because, if Ning Yuan was caught, Cid would not be able to escape.

Cid had been with him for ten years!

Moreover, Flying Squirrel still had a glimmer of luck in his mind.

How could it be so easy? Maybe Cid was just an accident!

Other soldiers would definitely not be so easily persuaded by him!

Then, Flying Squirrel looked at the second soldier and began to talk about his past.

He was a North Sea man.

There was no mafia in North Sea, but there was a Germa 66 family.

Fortunately, this soldier had nothing to do with Germa 66.

But he also joined the army because of poverty.

The reason for his poverty was different from that of Cid. His parents were still alive, but his father was seriously ill.

In order to treat his father's illness, his mother sold the farmland and the house, and the family finally relied on picking up garbage on the street to eat.

You want to ask why they don't go out to sea to fish when they live on the island?

The king here said that the sea belongs to the king, and the fish in the sea naturally belong to the king. If you fish from the sea, it is robbing the king's wealth, which is a felony.

Their family was already in a difficult situation, but the roof leaked and the wind and rain continued. His mother encountered pirates when she went out.

No one knows what happened, but we only know that his mother's belly gradually grew bigger.

Ten months later, he had a younger sister.

Don't ask why they didn't abort the child. They couldn't afford the medical expenses, and the doctors in the town didn't have the skills.

With one more person in the family, life became more difficult, so much so that the father had to beg on the street because of his illness.

Until one day, the conscription team came to the town.

In order to get some resettlement fees and allowances, the soldier joined the navy and became a glorious navy soldier.

It has been five years so far.

This situation is normal for the flying squirrel. Whose family has not had a disease disaster? And there are many soldiers in the navy who are like this!

If it weren't for the food, who would want to be a navy?


Don't be ridiculous, who is for justice? Justice is what the high-level navy shouts.

Let alone a grassroots marine, even a colonel of Smoker's level is not qualified to talk about justice. That is something that only the three admirals and lieutenant generals are qualified to talk about.

The navy below only needs to obey orders, otherwise, what will happen, you, a major general colonel, say that you are lazy justice, and then don't perform the mission?

Then this very common situation is still found by Ning Yuan.

The family situation of this soldier seems to be caused by illness, but in fact it is caused by the nobles.

Intuitively, if there is no order from the nobles, their family can at least fish for food, right?

At the implicit level, small farmers have poor risk resistance. A disease can force their family to sell their houses and fields, which is caused by the inaction of the state.

First, the state does not prohibit the sale of land. If you do not order a ban, it is encouraging land annexation.

Second, the peasants had no say, nor the right to set prices for their land, so the nobles said that your land was worth whatever it was, and your house was worth whatever it was, and this process was definitely exploited.

There is a third one.

The soldier did not say it, but Ning Yuan analyzed it.

Ning Yuan believed that the noble who took away the soldier's land and house did not pay at all!

Because after the soldier moved out of his home, he seamlessly started sleeping under the bridge, and did not take his father to see a doctor.

Obviously, they did not get the money at all!

If not the nobles, who should be blamed?

Ning Yuan's unified analysis made the soldier's eyes red, and he even wanted to get off the ship and fight the nobles right now.

And the way he looked at Ning Yuan was just like West Germany, full of passion and admiration!

Is this still an exception?

Soon, the flying squirrel saw the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth!

When the navy recruits soldiers, are they recruiting good family boys?

Bullshit, what can't good family boys do? Go to be a grassroots navy?

The second generation of the military?

It is even more impossible for the second generation of military personnel to become a grassroots navy.

They have devil fruits to eat when they start, and are guided by famous teachers.

When they grow up, they have specially customized troops and powerful navy to lead them to make meritorious deeds.

Yun Que doesn't even know if he has reached adulthood, but his rank is already a lieutenant colonel. This is the normal process!

It is impossible to say that all ordinary marines come from poor backgrounds, but if we calculate the probability, at least 90% of them come from poor backgrounds!

What does it mean that 90% of marines come from poor backgrounds?

It means that after a conversation, nearly 250 of the 280 marines have begun to get close to Ning Yuan!

No, this is more than close, it is simply a die-hard fan!

The flying squirrel has never seen them look at him with such eyes, but now such eyes fall on Ning Yuan!

Inexplicably, the flying squirrel is actually a little jealous. My soldiers, they are all my soldiers!

As the last marine finished talking about his background, Ning Yuan set his eyes on the flying squirrel.

"Should I, should I say something too?" The flying squirrel asked cautiously.

"Of course you can say what you want to say!" Ning Yuan said.

"Then I won't say anything!" The flying squirrel shook his head: "I already understand your idea, but I can only say that your imagination is too naive. The nobles of the East Sea, South Sea, and North Sea, and the mafia of the West Sea, what a huge force it is. How difficult it is to overthrow it!"

"What's more, there is an even more terrifying giant standing behind them: the World Government!"

"You can see it very clearly!" Ning Yuan laughed.

"What's the use of being clear!" The weasel laughed. He was a lieutenant general, not a major general or brigadier general. He also participated in the Celestial Dragon Hunt.

But what's the use of participating? Quitting the navy and joining Dragon to start a revolution?

"You don't know how powerful the World Government is. Your actions are ultimately in vain!" No more words like Ning Yuan is a revolutionary army, because the flying squirrel has confirmed that he is!

The flying squirrel even feels that Ning Yuan's army is a more authentic revolutionary army than Dragon!

At least he wiped out the previous revolutionary army when he saw it.

But he actually recognized the man in front of him, and even wanted to follow him.

But reason told the flying squirrel that Ning Yuan's imagination was not realistic at all.

"Whether it is in vain or not, you will know after trying it!" Ning Yuan said lightly: "But I know that the justice you believe in will definitely not be obtained in the navy!"

"But only in the navy can you try to maintain justice!" The flying squirrel said lightly.

"The direction is wrong, the more you do, the bigger the mistake!" Ning Yuan retorted: "You are not maintaining justice, you are helping the evil!"

The flying squirrel's identity is not ordinary. He is Zefa's disciple, so Ning Yuan is willing to say a few more words.

If it were someone else, he would definitely not waste words.

The flying squirrel was silent.

"I can understand the thoughts of you people. You may think that even the worst order is better than no order?" Ning Yuan smiled.

The flying squirrel was stunned, and then nodded, as if it was really the case.

Even if the justice order he maintained had problems, it was better than the pirates completely flooding!

"But I think that instead of watching this person slowly rot, it is better to destroy it and then rebuild it, bury it directly, and then grow new branches on it!"

The flying squirrel was thoughtful.

"The world government can do evil for 800 years because there are too many people with your ideas. If everyone wants to change, insist on their own justice, rebel against the world government, or the Age of Exploration lasts for 500 years, maybe true justice will come 500 years ago!!"

"Impossible!" The flying squirrel shook his head firmly.

"Even if it fails, it will change after all, right!" Ning Yuan smiled and said: "After the revolutionary army left, the kings who replaced them were all very kind. Is it a change from their hearts? No, it's because the revolutionary army came!"

The flying squirrel was completely silent.

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