People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 352: Shichibukai Meeting

"Good, so many beauties!"

"Hancock, that's the world's most beautiful woman, Pirate Queen Boa Hancock!"

"And behind her, there are so many beauties!"

The Flying Squirrel's ship had just docked, and the navy on the coast was already boiling.

It was because Hancock was on this ship.

Even if it was just Hancock, it would be enough to make all the marines excited, not to mention that behind Hancock, there was a heroic guard team dressed in red!

The marines were looking at Hancock, but the high-ranking navy officers were looking at the marines who followed the Flying Squirrel off the ship.

"Are those Flying Squirrel's soldiers? How do you feel?"

"A lot more energetic?"


Vice Admiral Doberman and Huoshaoshan were standing at the port chatting, and happened to notice the navy soldiers following the Flying Squirrel.

The navy soldiers at the port were as excited as monkeys after seeing the beauty, but the navy soldiers on the flying squirrel ship were able to maintain a complete formation, and their faces did not blush, and their heartbeats did not speed up!

This quality of soldiers is a bit incredible!

Is it because the flying squirrel is good at training soldiers?

Impossible, we saw the soldiers under the flying squirrel a few days ago, and they were not like this!

"Maybe these soldiers want to show off in front of the beauty?" Another navy vice admiral joined the discussion.

Doberman and Huoshaoshan nodded, it can only be like this.

It can't be said that these soldiers' spiritual will has risen to a higher level in just a few days.

What they don't know is that the fact is really so.

Whether it is the ninja world or the world of One Piece, they pay more attention to the dream.

This thing seems to have some youthful spirit, but in fact it adds real strength.

As the saying goes, practice first and set your goals. With a clear ambition, you will go all out in your usual practice and study, and the final results of all-out study will naturally be greater.

From the perspective of practice theory, human will is equivalent to spirit. With clear ambitions, the spirit will be more concentrated, thus strengthening the soul, which in turn affects the body.

It sounds complicated, but it is actually very simple.

People with ambitions or dreams are more likely to become stronger than those who have no dreams and just get by.

The soldiers under the command of the flying squirrel used to have a sense of getting by. Even if the navy believed in justice, it was just a slogan for them.

But now, after being preached by Ning Yuan on the ship for two days, these people have clear goals and directions in their minds.

When people have dreams, their spirits will naturally be different.

Now it may seem that only the mental outlook is different, but after getting along for a long time, they will find that these people will train hard, fight more bravely, and even be promoted faster.

In time, it is not impossible for the backbone of the Navy Headquarters to be completely filled by the group of subordinates of the flying squirrel.

Moreover, the number of these people is not fixed. Some people will inevitably die in the war, but there will definitely be people who spread their ideas in the navy, and eventually spread slowly, slowly.

In essence, red faith is more convincing than illusory justice!

Of course, Ning Yuan also packaged his ideas with justice, at least no one can see the abnormality without in-depth understanding.

After all, justice itself is also an important part of red faith.

The marines of Flying Squirrel led a group of people to a heavily guarded naval family area. After entering, they came to a manor.

"This is your residence!" Flying Squirrel said: "In addition, add the marshal's account on Zhixin, and the subsequent meetings will be notified on Zhixin!"

Hancock responded casually, and then ordered the guards to clean the room.

Ning Yuan didn't say anything else to Flying Squirrel. What should be said had been said on the ship. If he continued to talk here, he would be exposed.

"The Navy's hand is really big!" Looking at the manor in front of him, Hancock curled his lips: "I don't know how much military funds were embezzled to build such a luxurious manor!"

You know, there is more than one manor, and there are more than a dozen manors in the entire community!

And these dozen manors are still uninhabited, they are prepared for outsiders such as the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Hancock doesn't think the navy will leave the bad ones for herself, so the navy must have better ones.

"This is all normal operation!" Ning Yuan laughed: "I have seen a teacup selling for 8,000, a bag of screws selling for 90,000, and a cart developing for hundreds of millions. It's just a villa!"

Moreover, the cost of building villas in the navy can be said to be quite low. After all, the land on the island is free, and the construction can be done by pirates, and there is no need to pay labor. Only the decoration inside needs money, but for the navy, isn't this a drop in the bucket?

"Snake Princess, Ning Yuan, the bedroom has been cleaned up!" Hancock is a big beauty, and her two sisters can't look bad.

People's foundation is really good, so they look really good when they lose weight.

Two slim beauties with fair skin, one with long green curly hair and one with brown twin ponytails ran out of the house with excitement, and then whispered.

Well, although these two sisters have become beautiful, there is also a little disadvantage.

It may be the effect of the devil fruit. These two people are quite tall, one is 4.53cm and the other is 4.32cm.

"Bedroom!" Hancock blushed and responded, then lowered his head and looked at Ning Yuan.

Don't ask why you tidied up the bedroom first.

Hancock and her two younger sisters had also tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, and Ning Yuan had personally experienced it.

As for why the Celestial Dragons didn't do anything to them, it was because they were 13 years old when they were caught and 16 when they escaped. The three of them at that time could not be called beautiful. The Celestial Dragons were lustful, but not blind.

Moreover, they were captured as slaves as Amazon female warriors, so naturally they were treated like warriors in Mariejoia. The Celestial Dragons gave them Devil Fruits in order to let them participate in the battle.

We are all young people. After tasting the forbidden fruit for the first time, we naturally understood the taste. However, we only stayed in Jiu She for one day and it was not satisfying at all.

There was nothing that could be done on the ship in front of so many sailors, so he had to endure it for two days.

This has already reached the Navy Headquarters, how can we still endure it?

"Um, I still want to take a stroll at the Navy Headquarters!" Ning Yuan scratched his head. He's already here, why don't he just look around and take in the scenery?

But looking at the somewhat disappointed look in the three sisters' eyes, he still nodded: "But it's not a bad idea to relax and play for a while first!"

"Yeah!!" Hancock clenched his fist lightly, then directly picked up Ning Yuan and plunged into the room.

The two sisters looked at their anxious sister, smiled softly, and then silently stood guard at the door.

No matter how anxious you are, you can't compete with your sister!

On the other side, in the Navy Headquarters and the Marshal's Office, Flying Squirrel is returning to the Warring States Period.

"Hancock is already here?"


"How strong are the fifteen members of her bodyguard?" Warring States asked again.

"There's no test, so I'm not sure!" Flying Squirrel said, "But it shouldn't be too strong!"

Warring States nodded and asked again: "Have you met Ning Yuan? What do you think of this person?"

"Uh!" The flying squirrel thought for a moment and said, "Very handsome and very smart!"

"That's all?" Warring States frowned: "Where's the combat effectiveness?"

Although everyone said that Ning Yuan's combat power was not strong, he had already killed two Qiwuhai. One was by chance and the other was also by chance?

"In terms of strength, there seems to be nothing special!" Flying Squirrel shook his head: "He doesn't have the slightest trace of a master's temperament!"

"Is that so!" Warring States knocked on the table, thoughtfully: "So Hancock fell in love with him just because he was handsome?"

"This, maybe it's like this!" The flying squirrel said reluctantly.

Warring States period, he really couldn't understand what these women were thinking, just like he couldn't understand why the pirate nobleman Cavendish was so popular.

Isn't it just that he looks a little handsome? Can he be handsome enough to be eaten? Can Shuai uphold justice?

"Early tomorrow morning, Ruler Hancock will come to hold a strategy meeting, and he will bring Ning Yuan with him!"

I want to see how handsome he is!



"Why are you so handsome!"

It's the next day, October 16, 1520 in the Hainan calendar. Ace's public execution is tomorrow. The navy's formation positions have been assigned. Today, the Shichibukai are assigned.

Then, Warring States finally met Ning Yuan as he wished.

The first time he saw Ning Yuan, Warring States couldn't help but sigh.

This kid is really handsome!

And Warring States discovered that he was more than just a man with good facial features.

His skin is white and clean without any dirt, there are no snowflakes on his hair, his face is indigo without blood vessels, there are no dark circles around his eyes caused by sleeping with women or staying up late, and there are no dirt such as eye mucus or nose excrement, white The teeth are neat and distinct, with no leaves or crookedness on them.

This man is extremely clean.

It can't even be described as clean, because the Warring States Period has never seen such a clean person. Even if the crane eats the washing fruit, there is occasionally dandruff on the hair!

This is more like the gods described in various religious scriptures, the bodies that only gods and Buddhas have!

Is Ningyuan just clean?

That’s not all!

His eyes were very dark, as if they had converged all the surrounding light, making them appear very deep and eye-catching.

With these deep eyes, coupled with his beautiful facial features and pure body, he has a noble and flawless temperament with wisdom in hand.

A man with this kind of temperament can't help but feel close to him, let alone a woman?

Sengoku understands Hina a little bit, but he still has some lingering fears. Fortunately, he didn't bring Gion back, otherwise if Gion saw it, he might also fall into it!

He also understood Weiwei, why was she willing to hand over her country to others?

If I had a daughter who married him, I would also be willing to pass on the position of marshal to him!

Oh, I said nothing about the position of marshal, then it’s okay!

"Marshal? Marshal Sengoku??" Major Brannu of the Navy Headquarters gently pushed Sengoku. Sengoku woke up suddenly, and then found that the eyes of several Shichibukai looked at him, which seemed a little strange?

"Ahem!" He cleared his throat to relieve the embarrassment. Warring States felt a little aggrieved. You didn't look at that person carefully. If you looked carefully, you would be in a daze!

"Everyone must know that tomorrow is the day of Ace's public execution. I have summoned you today to arrange your battle for tomorrow!"

Logically speaking, there was a prelude to call out the trash here, but since Ning Yuan was also sitting here, Warring States didn't say anything.

"Wait a minute!" Doflamingo tapped the table lightly: "If I remember correctly, the people participating in this meeting should all be the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Why are there only four people? And who is he?"

"Blackbeard has other important matters!" Sengoku said with a dark face: "Mogami Moria has been executed by the World Government!"

"What?" Mingge was stunned, and Hawkeye subconsciously raised his head.

"Why was he executed?" Mingge asked curiously.

"That's the World Government's business, I don't know much about it!" Zhan Guo knocked on the table: "And his business has nothing to do with you, don't change the subject."

"Okay!" Ming Ge sat back, and then looked at Ning Yuan again: "So, is this the new Shichibukai who replaced Moria?"

"He's not a pirate!" Zhan Guo said unhappily: "He is the king of Alabasta, a member of the World Government!"

"Roar?" Ming Ge was stunned, and his smile gradually became perverted: "The king of a member of the World Government dares to appear in such a place, aren't you afraid of death!"

Hancock turned his head, staring at Doflamingo with sharp eyes: "Asshole, are you looking for death?"

"Don't quarrel!" Zhan Guo slapped the table angrily, and didn't know what to be angry about. Anyway, he was angry and his face was red.

"After all, the purpose of eliminating pirates is to maintain public order. It's normal for the member of the World Government to send people to supervise the war situation!" Zhan Guo glanced at Ning Yuan unhappily. You have nothing to do and wander around, so I have to help you think of a reason.

If he didn't want to, he couldn't. If he was an ordinary king of a member country, Zhan Guo would not bother to pay attention to him, let alone please him.

But Ning Yuan is the owner of the smart network. Now the navy and the smart network are in deep cooperation. Alarm, map, arrest, office, none of them can be separated from the smart network.

And the more you know, the more you can't do without it.

"Observer!" Ming Ge grinned and finally settled down.

Ning Yuan didn't react to Ming Ge's performance. After all, they were all his own people.

Then he saw Branno behind Zhan Guo spread out a projection screen, and a map appeared on the screen.

"Everyone, this is the map of the Navy Headquarters, and this is the square in front of the Navy Headquarters, the front bay, and the execution platform is here!"

"And the battlefield, we expect it to be here!" Zhan Guo picked up a pen and circled a big circle in the bay.

Ning Yuan nodded.

Many people in the previous life said that Whitebeard came from the bottom of the water and gave the Navy a big surprise, but judging from the fact that the Navy deployed its troops in the front square, this was not actually a surprise. The Navy had been prepared.

Or, if you put Ace's execution platform here, the battlefield is destined to be here.

But it's not an accident.

The navy has also deployed a large number of artillery batteries outside the bay, and Whitebeard bypassed the artillery batteries with this move, which can be regarded as avoiding early casualties.

"And Doflamingo, Bartholomew Bear, Hawkeye Mihawk, your positions are here!" Sengoku drew a line at the junction of the square and the bay.

This is not somewhere else, it is the front line of the battle.

After the pirate climbed up from Oz's body, he faced the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The feasible imagination is very beautiful, but the reality is very skinny. The Seven Warlords of the Sea are more capable of slacking off than each other. They all went to fight the soldiers and didn't fight hard battles at all!

"Boya Hancock!" Sengoku looked at Hancock again: "I heard that you brought 15 guards here?"

"So what?" Hancock said coldly.

"Since you brought 15 guards, this part of the area will be handed over to you!" Sengoku drew another line.

The area defended by the other three Shichibukai is this long, and Hancock's area alone is also this long.

I have more people with me, so I have to work harder?

It's obvious that this is bullying honest people.

After Zhan Guo finished speaking, he looked at everyone: "Did you all hear it!"

Ning Yuan raised his hand leisurely.

"Ning Yuan, do you have any questions?" Zhan Guo frowned, but still asked.

"Of course, there is, and it's very big!"

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