People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 6 Marry a wife who is your past

Hinata Ningyuan didn't know that Yuhi Shinku had already discovered his movements, and he was not afraid even if he knew.

He had already pulled Yuhi Shinku to the class formation.

This class was obviously not randomly divided, because Hinata Ningyuan saw the blonde Yamanaka clan, the fat Akimichi clan, the pineapple-haired Nara clan, the Aburame clan wearing sunglasses, and Uchiha Obito.

Not long after, Kakashi was also brought over by the teacher.

It was Nohara Rin and Might Guy who went to other classes. Ningyuan guessed that there would be another division based on talent in the future, and then they would be put in the same class.

At eight o'clock in the morning, all the students arrived, and then the Third Hokage appeared on the podium in front of the formation on time.

"Hello, students. I am the school principal and the village Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen. I am very happy to see another class."

"Where the leaves are flying, the fire is also endless."

"I hope all students will study hard and grow up in the next few years."

Sarutobi Hiruzen is 46 years old and in his prime. Not only is he strong and energetic, but his eyes are also extremely sharp.

Hinata Ningyuan was a little uncomfortable when he saw the young Hiruzen after being used to seeing the old Hiruzen.

However, this Sarutobi Hiruzen was not like many fan fictions, where he gave a speech for several hours. He only spoke for more than ten minutes and then declared it over.

Think about it, a group of five-year-old children may not understand no matter how much you say, but they will think you are too long-winded.

Next, the teachers of each class led the students into their respective classes in an orderly manner, selected seats, and then took a few students to carry and distribute textbooks.

When all the chores were done, it was already past nine in the morning.

Hinata Ningyuan flipped through the three textbooks in his hand, "Standard Language", "Mathematics", and "Ninja Knowledge".

The first book is for learning Chinese characters, starting with the 50-sound chart and then various common words.

However, Hyuga Ningyuan had already learned these things at home, and with his adult thinking, he almost knew them all after reading it from beginning to end.

"Mathematics" is even simpler, at the elementary school level, the whole book starts from recognizing numbers to addition and subtraction, and then there is nothing more.

Hyuga Ningyuan opened the third book, the "Ninja Knowledge" textbook.

As the name suggests, this book is about ninja knowledge, and it is divided into three chapters, namely "Chakra", "Hand Seal" and "Meridian".

"Chakra is the product of the fusion of physical energy and spiritual energy extracted from 130 trillion cells. Meridians are the paths for chakra circulation, and hand seals are the methods of calling chakra"

"To extract chakra for the first time, you need to put your hands together and mobilize your body energy as much as possible. To extract chakra in the future, you only need to use the knot seal!"

"So, there is no so-called chakra refining technique. As long as a person puts his hands together, he can try to extract chakra?" At first glance at these things, Hyuga Ningyuan felt a little incredible. Isn't this a bit too simple?

"It seems that the family didn't teach any chakra refining techniques. The chakra refining method I learned is the same as the one in the textbook, and there is no such thing as a chakra refining technique exclusive to the Hyuga clan." Hyuga Ningyuan looked at the knowledge in the textbook, and recalled the teachings that Hyuga Ningyuan received in the family, and found that there was almost no difference between the two.

In other words, chakra extraction is really a very simple thing?

"Wait and try!" In fact, when Hyuga Ningyuan just woke up, he wanted to extract some chakra to test it, but he is a beginner now. Extracting chakra requires a quiet environment and takes a long time. He is busy eating, washing and going to school, so he can only put it aside first.

There is no way to try it now, because the teacher has come in.

"Hello everyone, I am your class teacher, my name is Teruhi Soun!" The person who came was the Chunin who just picked up Hyuga Ningyuan and Yuhi Kurenai. He was less than 1.65 meters tall and thin. He might not be 20 years old.

"I like apples and hate spicy food. As for my dream, I want to be a great teacher in a ninja school!"

Writing his name on the blackboard, Zhao Bi Cang Yun said: "Next, everyone should introduce themselves. Just follow what I said just now and talk about your preferences, future dreams, etc. Well, let's start with you!"

He was referring to the classmate sitting at the door.

This classmate was not at all stage frightened and stood up directly: "I am Shenyue Izumo. I like cleanliness and hate untidy things. My future dream is to become a person that everyone trusts!"

"Then you really did it. Even Pain dared not walk through the gate guarded by you!" Hyuga Ningyuan complained.

"I am a steel man. I like sweets and hate spicy food. My dream is the same as Izumo, to become a person that everyone trusts!"

Hyuga Ningyuan touched his chin, wondering if he should say that his dream is to become a dancer?

Think about it and forget it. You can do this, but it's better not to say it, otherwise it will be too unconventional.

By the way, why don't many people dream of becoming a Hokage? It's abnormal!

"I am Uchiha Obito, and my dream is to become Hokage!"

Here it comes, finally someone says that his dream is to become Hokage!

To be honest, he is still very close to the position of Hokage. After all, he is Minato's disciple, so wouldn't it be his turn after Minato?

"Kakashi, I don't like anything, I don't hate anything, and I don't want to talk about my dreams!" Obito was the next, and Kakashi was the next.

"Didn't you say anything?" Obito asked unhappily.

"Heh!" Kakashi glanced at him and then retracted his gaze.

"Asshole!" Obito clenched his fist and stood up directly: "What are you bragging about!"

Kakashi didn't bother to pay attention to him. As a ninja, isn't it natural to protect his own information?

He was born in a famous family, with a profound family background, and he was a genius. To be honest, he looked down on these classmates in the class.

In his mind, I won't stay in school for long anyway, so there is no need to get along well with classmates.

Then his attitude, which was more pretentious than Uchiha, was remembered by everyone. Some people admired him, some people were dissatisfied, and some people wanted to challenge him.

Hyuga Ningyuan watched silently, and then began to think about what he would say next.

How about copying a wave of famous quotes?

Nohara Lin, Tobiko Dragonfly, Uchiha Tiehuo.

As the classmates introduced themselves one by one, it was finally his turn sitting in the back row!

Hyuga Ningyuan stood up solemnly: "Hyuga Ningyuan, tell me what you like later. I don't think I have anything I hate. As for my ideal!"

"I want to describe my ideal with a poem!"

"I want to marry Yuhi Kurenai, and I want to marry the second generation ninja!"


Yuhi Kurenai's face turned red. Who, who wants to marry me?

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