People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 7 Ideas for developing Hyuga Chakra

Chapter 7 Hyuga Chakra Development Ideas

"Hyuga Ningyuan, who is Yuhi Kurenai?" Obito asked curiously just after Ningyuan said this.

Which woman has such great charm that he would marry Yuhi Kurenai?

Ningyuan raised his eyebrows and pulled up his deskmate.

"I, I am Yuhi Kurenai!"

"Hey~~~~" The whole class was boiling, and all the boys immediately looked at Yuhi Kurenai. Those sitting in the back even stood up and ran to the front to see.

After reading it, I felt that there was nothing wrong with this statement. Yuhi Kurenai is really cute!

As for the girls.

"What's the matter, I'm cute too!"

"Yeah, we're not bad either!"


"What?" Obito pouted and turned his head and said, "I feel he's even more arrogant than you!"

Kakashi rolled his eyes. What does it have to do with me!

However, he didn't study hard at such a young age, but was thinking about getting married. He thought that the Hyuga clan was famous, and his children would be a good opponent.

Now it seems that it's just so-so!

"Ahem!" Zhaobi Cangyun knocked on the table: "Quiet, quiet down, listen to Yuhi Kurenai's self-introduction!"

"Um, I'm Yuhi Kurenai, I like spicy food, hate desserts and cakes, and my future dream is to become a great female ninja like Tsunade-sama!"

"It's over, you have no chance!" Shenyue Izumo said to Gang Zitie: "You like sweet food, I like spicy food!"

"What does it have to do with me?" Gang Zitie rolled his eyes unhappily.

To be honest, he was really sad. Although he knew he had no chance, what if.

When Xiri Kurenai sat down, Hyuga Ningyuan came over and whispered: "Believe it or not, you are going to be famous. Within half a day, everyone in this school will come to see you. When you go home at night, your house will be crowded with people. In three days, the whole Konoha will know your name!"

"How is it possible!" Xiri Kurenai didn't believe it: "Just based on your words?"

"Just based on my words!" Hyuga Ningyuan laughed: "Don't underestimate people's gossip hearts!"

"Uh" Xiri Kurenai blinked, not quite understanding.

"Just wait and see!" Hyuga Ningyuan closed his eyes after saying that, and then opened the system interface.

It's okay to flirt occasionally, but too much is as bad as too little.

"Weird" Xiri Kurenai blinked and ignored you!

[You have carried out a marching activity, marching experience +1, general experience +1]

This is what I got after walking all the way from the Hyuga family to the square formation gathering. Combined with the previous sleep and diet, Hyuga Ningyuan has grasped some of the uses of the system.

From the beginning to the end of a task, it is counted as an activity and recorded as an experience.

Then the question is, he was still talking, dating, and holding hands while walking, why are these not counted as skills?

Is it impossible to carry out two activities at the same time?

Or these activities only start but not end, so they are not counted?

Or only the main activities are recorded for a period of time?

"Put your hands together!"

"Physical energy!"

"Spiritual energy!"

If chakra is extracted from scratch, it may take a lot of time, at least one or two days, and at most three or five days.

However, his predecessor has already eaten all these hardships for him. Now Hyuga Ningyuan has physical memory, but he can feel it as soon as he closes his eyes.

A little bit of physical energy and a little bit of spiritual energy merged into a ball of chakra.

"It seems, not difficult!" Feeling a ball of warm stuff in his abdomen, Hyuga Ningyuan was sure that this was not an illusion.

Then, try to control these chakras.

The way to control is very simple, just think about it.

After all, part of chakra is spiritual energy, so it can naturally be controlled by mind, shaped by mind, and moved by mind.

However, the textbook also said that seals are the way to control chakra.

Hyuga Ningyuan tried to make a seal, confirmed the changes of chakra, and then understood the difference between mind control and seal control.

Chakra controlled by mind is just controlling chakra.

However, using seal control is to process chakra, or program it.

When chakra is controlled by mind and sprayed out from the mouth, it is a group of attributeless chakra, but it can spray water and fire when sprayed out with seals.

Opening his eyes, Hyuga Ningyuan opened the textbook "Ninja Knowledge" and the meridian-related entries. While browsing, he realized chakra by himself.

There are five places where the human body can discharge chakra, namely the palms of both hands, the soles of both feet, and the mouth. Among them, the meridians at the mouth are the widest, followed by the feet, and finally the hands.

Therefore, large-scale techniques are often sprayed out from the mouth, followed by pressing the ground with both palms to inject chakra into the ground.

There are also techniques that use the meridians on the feet to release chakra, such as the second generation of water rush wave technique, where water is directly generated from the feet.

In addition, the instant body technique should also be released through the chakra of the feet.

There is also a tree climbing and stepping on water, which also releases chakra from the feet.

However, these are the experiences of ordinary people. Hyuga Ningyuan is from the Hyuga family. His family's chakra is more special and can be released from all acupuncture points in the body.

"Release the chakra in the air, the chakra can be retained for 44 seconds!"

"Chakra seems to have a certain ability to interfere with matter." Hyuga Ningyuan tore a piece of paper from the notebook and placed it on the chakra in the palm of his hand. The chakra actually lifted the paper scraps.

Hinata Ningyuan turned his head and saw Yuhi Kurenai, who looked surprised with her eyes wide open.

"What's wrong?" Hinata Ningyuan asked.

"How did you do this?" Yuhi Kurenai pointed at Hinata Ningyuan's palm curiously.

"Hold up the paper?" Hinata Ningyuan thought for a while and said, "The chakra of the Hinata family is like this!"

"Oh!" Yuhi Kurenai nodded. It's a bloodline characteristic, so I'm not curious about it.

"So the chakra of ordinary ninjas doesn't have this characteristic!" Hinata Ningyuan thought about it and determined that the characteristic of being able to hold up matter should be exclusive to the Hinata family.

So the Hinata family has skills like empty palm, because the Hinata family's chakra can directly interfere with matter, so as long as the chakra is concentrated and then hit out, it can hurt people.

He suddenly understood why the Hinata family didn't play attribute ninjutsu, because it seemed unnecessary.

Others still need to attribute chakra to have lethality, but the Hinata family doesn't need it to be so complicated at all, chakra comes with it.

"Tailed Beast Chakra, Activated Chakra!" Hyuga Ningyuan extended his thoughts. Their chakra is special, but not unique.

Tailed Beast Chakra also has the effect of interfering with matter, and the effect is better and the lethality is more amazing, because Tailed Beast Chakra is attribute + chakra.

Activated Chakra is the chakra of the Star Ninja Village that is interfered by radiation, the nature changes, and then it also has the ability to interfere with matter.

So the Star Ninja Village Ninja developed the Peacock Magic, which can not only allow chakra to form a beast to attack the enemy, but also form wings to fly!

These two types of chakra provide Hyuga Ningyuan with two ideas for developing chakra.

The former is the attributeization of chakra. Once the chakra of the Hyuga family is completed, its power is definitely stronger than that of ordinary people, and may even be comparable to the tailed beast.

The latter is to further deepen this ability to interfere with matter, and then combine it with the change of form. At that time, it can not only form wings to fly, but also be shaped into a Gundam!

Who said that only the Uchiha clan can drive a Gundam, can the Hyuga clan do the same!

If the attributes, activation, and form are all developed to the extreme, it may not be worse than Wood Release!

After all, who is not a descendant of the Six Paths?

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