People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 85 Target: Ink Escape, Gold Escape, Sound Escape

Chapter 85 Target: Ink Release, Gold Release, Sound Release

"Sealing Technique, Paper Release, Medical Ninjutsu, Illusion, the original plan that might take four or five years to complete was completed in just a few days."

It was my first time being a genius, and I was still a little uncomfortable.

Ning Yuan thought about the perverts in his previous life who graduated from elementary school at the age of six or seven, graduated from junior high school at the age of eight or nine, and graduated from high school at the age of eleven or twelve and went straight to the genius class. After thinking carefully, his achievements were nothing.

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The only difficult "Phoenix Genealogy" was successful with the help of the system, while other ninjutsu and illusion actually tested not the learning ability, but the control of chakra and the amount of chakra.

Just like learning the Great Shift of the Universe, it is difficult to learn when the requirements are not met, but as long as the standard line is passed, it is really easy to learn.

According to Ning Yuan's personal perception, after the amount of chakra and control is sufficient, various attribute ninjutsu, illusion and even medical ninjutsu are not knowledge science at all.

They are more like sports such as table tennis and badminton. As long as you have hands and feet, you can learn them.

There is only one knowledge project, the sealing technique, but the difficulty is not high. It is a bit like learning a foreign language, or the level of foreign language in junior high school.

As long as you memorize various spells, and then use them skillfully and combine them into articles, you will be a top sealing ninja.

As for paper escape, this is a bit like skills such as violin and piano. It has begun to test talent, but it still has no technical content.

What is a technical ninjutsu?

The answer is: music player.

Ning Yuan felt that this was very difficult. He thought about it for a class, but there was not much progress.

"Then, let's make a study and research plan for the future." Ning Yuan held Hong's little hand and listened to the teacher's hypnotic class on the podium, thinking in his heart.

First of all, there is paper, how can there be no ink?

If I have ink escape, I can directly form words on the paper I made, without having to carry a can of ink wherever I go.

Secondly, I have to get the music player done, and then I will use it when I fight for the first time.

Finally, I have to study swordsmanship myself. After all, it is a skill taught by Sarutobi Hiruzen himself, and I can use it openly.

I can integrate Baguazhang, illusion, and Konoha style swordsmanship into it to form a set of powerful and gorgeous swordsmanship.

Well, clothes have to be specially customized. The clothes of the Hyuga clan are too ugly.

In the previous life, the Hanfu fever was popular. Ning Yuan had an impression of horse-faced skirts and flying fish clothes. I can make a set myself.

By then, the white clothes will be better than snow, the long sword will be cold, and the sword will destroy the enemy.

It shouldn’t be difficult to get the name of the white-clothed sword god!

Ink escape, music player, swordsmanship!


Ning Yuan looked at the music player with these five words. It’s not that the five words are not good, but Ning Yuan feels that he is a little timid.

It’s already the ninja world, why do I still have a music player? Can’t I just use sound escape?

It is not the sound escape invented by Orochimaru that requires various tools to use. Ning Yuan's sound escape should be that chakra can directly make various sounds, which can be used to attack, confuse the enemy, and excite teammates.

Otherwise, you have to carry a speaker when fighting, which is too ugly!

Since you already have ink escape and sound escape, why not have a sword and shield?

After all, this is the ninja world, a sword is not enough, but you can't carry a storage scroll with you like Tiantian.

Then it is naturally best to make a sword anytime and anywhere.

The sword is metal, but it is not gold escape, but the blood limit steel escape formed by earth escape and lightning escape.

Ink is a dissolution of graphite and water. Graphite is also in earth escape, so ink escape should be the fusion product of water escape and earth escape.

Sound escape seems ordinary, but the essence of sound is vibration, so sound escape can actually be called vibration escape.

Doesn't this sound super awesome?

So how should sound escape be born?

According to the theory of the previous life, the paper box vibrates after receiving the electrical signal, and it can make a sound.

In other words, Paper Style + Lightning Style is Sound Style.

And Paper Style is a branch of Wood Style, which is a fusion of Earth Style and Water Style.

This means that Sound Style will be eliminated as a bloodline!

Sound Style: Paper Style + Lightning Style.

Steel Style: Earth Style + Lightning Style.

Ink Style: Earth Style + Water Style.

Among them, Sound Style and Ink Style are original styles, but Steel Style is in the original work.

So after a little thought, Ning Yuan chose another route.

Earth Style + Fire Style.

Lightning can be used for metallurgy, and so can fire, so theoretically, Earth Style + Fire Style can also form Metal Style.

Two chakra attributes can never be combined to form only one style. For example, earth + water can form four styles: dissolution style, wood style, mud style (black earth), and paper style.

The main meaning of earth is too broad. In the huge periodic table, except for gases, everything can be included in earth style, so there are naturally many bloodline limits that can be born from earth style.

Even far more than these four.

For example, sand + fire can form glass, is this a new bloodline limit?

For example, white phosphorus + fire can form a high-temperature flame, is this a new bloodline limit?

"Let's study the three above first. If we have time in the future, we can study more." After discovering that sleep can restore nearly 80% of the true qi, Ning Yuan is not stingy with the true qi. Although he still has to learn from Huang Yuan on weekdays, he can be lazy if he can, and can't move if he can.

But in terms of improving strength and enriching means, he can't slack off for a moment.

Even if some means have no chance to appear at all, who knows when they will be used!

"Dinglingling" the bell rang, and the morning class was over!

The students took out their cold lunch boxes and started eating, and Xi Rihong was no exception.

But she had just taken out the lunch box when Ning Yuan snatched it away.

"Hey, do you want to eat?" Xi Rihong asked.

"No, let's eat somewhere else!" Ning Yuan said.

He opened his white eyes and observed, and found that there were already people on the roof, so he could only take Xi Rihong to a forest behind the school.

There were people here, but most of them were couples. Couples naturally wouldn't gather together, so the closest couples to them were twenty meters away.

"I'm studying medicine recently!" Ning Yuan didn't return the lunch box to Xi Ri Hong, but said: "I found that eating cold food all year round is not good for the body!"

"Ah?" Xi Ri Hong blinked, of course she believed Ning Yuan's words.

"Then what should we do? The lunch box can't be cold after being left for a whole morning! Should we go home to eat?"

"That's not necessary, let me show you a magic trick!" Ning Yuan stretched out his hand and held the lunch box in his palm, and then Xi Ri Hong saw that her lunch box actually began to smoke slowly!

Her lunch box was heated!

"What is this?" Xi Ri Hong was shocked: "Fire escape? But there is no fire!"

Ning Yuan smiled proudly: "Want to learn? I'll teach you!"

I feel that there are too many development contents written, it would be better for the protagonist to graduate directly

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