There are many ways to heat up a bento.

Microwave heating, which belongs to lightning escape.

Vibration heating, which belongs to wind escape.

But Ning Yuan doesn't know whether Yuhi Kurenai has these two attributes.

Yuhi Kurenai has been learning illusions from her father since she was a child, and has basically never been exposed to other attribute ninjutsu.

She is not suitable for practicing attribute ninjutsu, not because she is stupid and can't learn, but because she has too little chakra.

Her chakra is only 4, and the amount of chakra is limited by the Sharingan. Kakashi, who will die after releasing a few ninjutsu, has 6!

What does it mean?

In short, after releasing an A-level Water Dragon Bullet Technique as an adult, Yuhi Kurenai's chakra is basically exhausted.

This also indirectly shows that illusion is actually a ninjutsu that does not consume much chakra, but the power of illusion is amazing.

It is a typical cost-effective ninjutsu.

Ning Yuan certainly won't show off to Yuhi Kurenai the technique she can't learn, maybe because he is afraid that his girlfriend is too friendly to him.

So he uses non-attribute ninjutsu.

That is: the power of pure chakra.

Chakra is also a kind of energy. When one kind of energy is injected into another object, the energy value of this object will naturally increase, and the external manifestation is of course the temperature rise.

However, this is not an easy task, because rice is not a chakra metal and cannot contain chakra at all.

But water can, otherwise how can ninjas step on water.

It is not easy to raise the temperature of a basin of water, but if it is just crystallized water in food, only a little chakra is needed to raise its temperature.

"I call this the Chakra Invasion Technique. The principle is to create a chakra area as large as a lunch box, and then refine the chakra to invade the water molecules in the lunch box. Once the heat of the water comes up, the lunch box can naturally be heated!" Ning Yuan introduced: "This is also a no-mark ninjutsu!"

"So powerful!" Xihi Hong stared with red eyes, looking at Ning Yuan with admiration, just like Ling Lingqi's wife looking at Ling Lingqi.

"Ahem, but this technique is not easy to learn. Let's start from the most basic!" Ning Yuan handed Xi Ri Hong a ring of paper: "This paper wristband is for you. Stick it on your wrist and cover this paper with chakra every day."

"This paper" Xi Ri Hong took the soft paper that looked a bit like a rubber band and was a little curious: "Is this paper? It looks soft"

"Of course it is paper, but if it is not soft, it must be uncomfortable to stick it on your body!" Ning Yuan smiled and said: "And the lifespan of ordinary paper is also short. If you stick it on your body, you will be a little bit hard or It ruined the time it took to take a shower!"

"This paper is not only elastic, but also waterproof and durable!"

"In addition, this paper is absolutely intolerant of chakra, but there are many gaps on the paper that are invisible to the naked eye. If you soak this paper with chakra for a long time, the chakra will gradually get used to shuttling through the tiny gaps, and your chakra will adapt to this feeling in about two months. When you soak the bento with chakra again, the bento can be heated!"

"Is it that simple?" Xiri Hong was a little surprised. In the past, learning an illusion was extremely difficult, and it was not certain that you could learn it.

This so-called Chakra Invasion Technique actually doesn't want to do anything, just soak the paper?

"It's that simple, how difficult can a technique for heating bento be!" Ning Yuan laughed.

Having said that, the technical content of this paper is actually not simple.

A thin piece of paper is actually seven pieces of paper combined into one.

The gaps on these seven pieces of paper are not the same, and they are getting finer and finer from top to bottom.

In other words, as long as Kurenai Yuhi passes this wristband, her chakra control can be improved seven times!

However, this improvement is subtle, and Kurenai Yuhi has a small amount of chakra, which is easy to control, so she may not feel anything.

She may not discover her talent in chakra control until she reaches a scene that requires chakra control in the future.

However, by then, this wristband will have completed its historical mission, and Kurenai Yuhi may have forgotten it.

In addition, this piece of paper is also attached with Ning Yuan's chakra, which can be used to monitor Kurenai Yuhi's pulse, and the pulse and heartbeat are the same, so this wristband can also be used to monitor Kurenai Yuhi's heartbeat.

Kurenai Yuhi does what he does at what time every day. If the heart suddenly speeds up abnormally at a certain time, it must be in danger.

Ning Yuan can find it at the first time.

Kurenai Yuhi is no longer the daughter-in-law of the Sarutobi family, so Sarutobi Hiruzen will no longer protect her, and Danzo may attack her.

Although she is the child of a senior ninja family, the possibility of an accident is not great, but does Danzo care about this?

Kurenai Yuhi curiously put the wristband on her thin arm, and seemed to be reluctant to let it go.

Because this wristband is not only useful, but also beautiful, with a Q version of Kurenai Yuhi painted on it, which looks very cute.

"By the way, do we have a practical class in the afternoon?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Yes!" Kurenai Yuhi nodded, but there was no expectation in her tone.

The only girl who likes this kind of class may be Hongdou.

"I may not be able to go!" Ning Yuan said: "The Hokage arranged for me to take the medical ninjutsu class!"

He has already seen the class schedule, and this class is available every afternoon.

It's not that Ning Yuan was specifically targeted and he was not allowed to attend the practical class, but there was a lot of knowledge about medical ninjutsu, which was the kind that he might not be able to memorize even if he attended classes all day for three to five years.

"Ah?" Xiri Hong was stunned, and the excitement she had when she received the gift immediately disappeared, and then she grabbed Ning Yuan's hand.

"Can I not go?" She didn't want the boy she liked to leave her side.

It's best to be together every day!

"It's the decision of the Hokage, how dare I not go!" Ning Yuan spread his hands.

"Okay!" Xiri Hong was helpless.

"So I want to ask you, do you want to go to the medical ninjutsu class with me?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Ah, can I go too?" Xiri Hong looked surprised and excited.

She may not be interested in medical ninjutsu, but if she can accompany Ning Yuan, then of course there is no problem!

"Of course!" Ning Yuan nodded: "I'm a genius, and I have a lot of face!"

If he guessed correctly, then this [Medical Ninjutsu] class was used by Sarutobi Hiruzen to hurt Zhong Yong, which means that Ning Yuan must go.

Since it is a class that Ning Yuan must attend, why can't he bring a girlfriend?

Sarutobi Hiruzen even hopes that he will bring a girlfriend, so that he can be in love every day and not focus on studying.

As for whether taking Yuhi Kurenai to the medical ninjutsu class will affect Yuhi Kurenai's strength growth.

Let's put it this way, Yuhi Kurenai is different from others, she doesn't have to waste time on practical classes.

Whether she attends or not, she is still the stupid beauty who stabbed Itachi with a kunai.

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