People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 94: Wood Release Chakra

"The seal of the bird in the cage looks difficult, but it is an old thing from decades ago after all. It has no resistance to the modern sealing technique that has been updated countless times!" Ning Yuan smiled and said, "This is also my consistent concept. History is developing, civilization is progressing, and old things are always replacing new things!"

"Really!" Orochimaru curved his eyebrows: "You mean, you will also replace us old ninjas who are out of date!"

Tsunade said unhappily: "Don't bring me when you say this!"

Ning Yuan smiled and said, "If you can keep learning, update your knowledge system in time, and keep up with the times, such people will certainly not fall behind, but will always be on the wave of the times!"

Orochimaru was stunned: "Keep learning, knowledge system, keep up with the times, the wave of the times?"

He silently savored Ning Yuan's words, and then nodded: "It's hard to believe that such words come from the mouth of a five-year-old child."

Obviously, they are words that I have never heard of, but the meaning is easy to understand.

Moreover, these words are accurately summarized and have a sense of nobility.

It is not likely that this is because the Hyuga clan has a history of thousands of years, because he has also seen Hyuga clan ninjas, and none of them talk like this.

"Because I am a genius!" Ning Yuan said lightly: "I can draw inferences from one example, I have a photographic memory, and I can see the slightest detail. The knowledge I learn in one day is comparable to that of others in a year. I walk through the village once, and the worldly affairs I learn are comparable to those of others in half a lifetime. I just flip through history and look at notes, and I can see the essence of this world."

"Roar?" Orochimaru widened his eyes, then licked his lips: "Interesting!"

Then he looked at Tsunade, and the meaning was very clear. Is this the genius you brought?

Too arrogant!

Tsunade did not blush at all, but looked serious: "The sealing technique was taught to him on Monday!"

Orochimaru was stunned, and the smile on his face froze immediately.

The sealing technique learned on Monday, and the caged bird was released on Saturday?

No matter how smart, no matter how simple the caged bird is? It can't be so fast!

Normal people, let alone removing the seal, would not even have enough time in six days to learn all the seals, and they might not even be able to learn one seal!!

"I heard you were studying Wood Release?" Ning Yuan asked.

Orochimaru opened his mouth wide: "You wouldn't..."

Ning Yuan smiled and nodded, raised his hand to seal: "Wood Release·Four Rooms and Two Halls Technique!"

He even figured out the branch of Wood Release, so Wood Release is naturally a piece of cake.

As for chakra, not to mention that the consumption of Wood Release in the forest is very small, he has been refining Hashirama's chakra these days, and the amount of true energy in his body has been greatly improved.

With a rumbling sound, the wooden pier where the three ninjas were located directly split apart, and then formed wooden strips and pillars, and then built a wooden building with four rooms and two halls one meter above the ground!

"This!" Orochimaru and Tsunade widened their eyes at the same time.

The former has been studying Hashirama's cells for two years, but has made no progress.

The latter has also tried to awaken Wood Release since childhood, but has never succeeded.

Such a difficult, even impossible escape technique was actually used so easily by a member of the Hyuga clan.

Orochimaru suddenly felt an unprecedented absurdity and even began to doubt his talent.

Am I really a genius?

Tsunade was even more excited. She rushed directly to Ning Yuan and put her hands on his shoulders: "How did you do it?"

"Do you remember the necklace you gave me?" Ning Yuan took out the wood escape necklace from his pocket.

"Is it because of this?" Tsunade widened her eyes: "But, it's impossible, I've worn this necklace for more than ten years, why haven't I awakened Wood Release?"

"Because you're using it wrong!" Ning Yuan laughed: "This necklace contains a lot of the first generation's chakra, that is, Wood Release chakra. We just need to absorb the Wood Release chakra into our body, and then let our body adapt, the body will mistakenly think, ah, I actually know Wood Release, and then I can awaken Wood Release!"

"How is this possible!" Tsunade widened her eyes: "Is it that simple?"

"It's that simple!" Ning Yuan nodded: "Anyway, that's how I awakened!"

"Impossible!" Orochimaru blurted out: "According to what you mean, doesn't that mean that the first generation can directly inject his chakra into others to help them awaken Wood Release? Then why is he the only Wood Release ninja in the entire Senju clan?"

"So, did he do that?" Ning Yuan asked back.

"Ah this." Orochimaru was stunned, yes, did the first generation do this?

He turned his head to look at Tsunade, I don't know this, I have to ask Tsunade.

Tsunade also shook her head in confusion: "It seems, I haven't tried it before!"

"But." Orochimaru asked again: "Everyone's chakra is different, how can other people's chakra be injected into other people's bodies?"

"Have you never been hit by an illusion?" Ning Yuan asked again.

Orochimaru was silent.

Illusion, isn't it just injecting your own chakra into someone else's body, or into such extremely sensitive places as the five senses.

Did something happen to the recipient?


Unless the illusion ninja uses a kunai to poke, otherwise the illusion will still be alive and kicking.

In other words, there is actually no problem in invading your own chakra into someone else's body!

This is true for ordinary people's chakra, and the same is true for Wood Release.

In other words, the method of awakening Wood Release is really that simple, just inject Wood Release Chakra into other people's bodies?

Only Ning Yuan knew that all the chakra in the world belonged to Kaguya, and the Shinobi Clan back then had a method of exchanging chakra to transmit information.

What does this mean?

It means that everyone's chakra is essentially the same. If you can do Wood Release, I can do it too!

Not yet, just because I haven't found the right method.

You can directly inject Wood Release Chakra, which is equivalent to copying the answer directly to you.

If you still can't learn it, it means that your talent is somewhat poor.

"I know you don't believe it, and I don't believe it either, but the fact is that it is that simple!" Ning Yuan spread his hands.

Although he succeeded with the help of the system and multiple skills, the system can only go from 1 to 10, but it can't create something from 0 to 1 out of nothing.

So his paper release was indeed born from Wood Release Chakra, without any water.

Looking at the confused expressions of the two, Ning Yuan smiled and said, "I know you still don't believe it. How about this, let's try it, right?"

"How to try?" Tsunade asked subconsciously.

"There is still a lot of Wood Release Chakra in this necklace. I will send it into your body!!" Ning Yuan looked at Tsunade: "You are the granddaughter of the first generation. You are more likely to awaken Wood Release. Maybe you can see the effect immediately!"

"If you believe me!"

"Why don't I believe it!" The four-room and two-hall technique is in front of us, what else is there to disbelieve!

Replicating Wood Release is not only the obsession of Konoha, but also the obsession of the Senju clan.

Tsunade looked at Ning Yuan with eager eyes: "What do you need me to do?"

"Sit down cross-legged, don't move the chakra in your body to resist me!" Ning Yuan said.

"Okay!" Tsunade sat down cross-legged, and saw Ning Yuan standing behind her, and a ball of green chakra emerged in his hand.

Wrap it with telekinesis, and then invade Tsunade's Baihui point on the top of her head.

Tsunade was excited. As a medical ninja, she certainly knew how important this acupuncture point was.

She was not prepared at all now, which meant that if Ning Yuan had the slightest evil thought, she would be killed in an instant.

But she gritted her teeth and made up her mind, and she still chose to believe Ning Yuan.

The blazing eyes of this kid when he looked at her chest were not fake, so how could he kill her before getting her!

The next second, she felt a warm chakra pouring in from the top of her head, and then went down along the chakra meridians, and finally merged into her dantian.

After all, this was not her own chakra. Tsunade keenly felt a slight sense of rejection, as if she had eaten something indigestible.

But she still endured it, until this chakra entered her dantian, this weird feeling was finally unbearable.

The powerful chakra burst out instantly, rushing up, and this chakra that did not belong to her was completely annihilated by her own chakra in a moment!

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