People in Naruto: Hyuga Branch? Start now!

Chapter 95: Explanation of the Program

After a while, Tsunade, who had had enough fun, returned to the table.

"Don't you want to try?" Tsunade saw the green color on Orochimaru's fingertips.

Orochimaru shrugged, am I the kind of person who shows off when I get a toy?

"Okay, let's talk about business!" Ning Yuan knocked on the table: "Uncle Snake, you should be willing to join my organization now!"

In fact, he has seen that Orochimaru's recognition of Ning's organization has increased to 94!

Tsunade is only 91!

But you still have to ask what you should ask, just go through the motions!

"I wonder what the purpose of our organization is?" Orochimaru asked with a smile.

"Didn't you say?" Ning Yuan turned to ask Tsunade.

"Ah, didn't I say that?" Tsunade was also confused.

Orochimaru rolled his eyes: "Do you want me to act out the scene again?"

"Okay, okay, if you didn't say it, you didn't say it. It's not too late to say it now!" Tsunade waved her hands, absolutely unwilling to admit that she had forgotten.

"Then let me explain!"

He is not Payne. The organization has been established for a long time, and the members do not know what the purpose of the organization is.

Zhang Muzhi has a saying that Ning Yuan agrees with very much. If you don't understand what you say, things won't get done!

Moreover, the Ning Organization is not a shady organization.

Ning Yuan clapped his hands, and a huge piece of paper five meters long and four meters high hung from the roof behind him. It actually split the entire living room in two!

"By the way, Uncle Snake, do you know what the raw material of paper is?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Wood?" Orochimaru was stunned and replied.

"That's right!" Ning Yuan nodded: "So we go back and try to develop paper escape. This escape technique is very useful!"

Orochimaru and Tsunade nodded. They are both old ninjas. If you tell them about escape techniques, they can probably deduce the application direction.

Paper escape is indeed very useful.

"The name of the Ning organization comes from my name, but you can't say that to the outside world!" Ning Yuan said: "The external saying is that our organization is for the peace and tranquility of all living beings in the ninja world!"

Orochimaru nodded. As a preliminary Hokage, he was no stranger to political matters.

"As for the program of Ning's organization, it is: eliminate daimyo, establish a country, cultivate civilians, transform ninja into an army, split up families, and unify the world!"

Just as Orochimaru was about to speak, Ning Yuan continued: "Of course, the last four words among these 24 words are the core, and the rest are action plans!"

He hasn't developed Mo Dun yet, but if he slightly changes the fiber density distribution, he can still display words on the paper.

"Unify the world?" Orochimaru frowned: "This program."

"It will cause a lot of people to reject it, right?" Ning Yuan asked.

Orochimaru nodded. He had already identified this organization and naturally had no intention of going back on his words.

Mainly because he saw that Ning Yuan was smarter than him.

He won't accept anyone who is just better than him, because he believes that he can always become stronger, so even if it's Pain, he will still fight against him if he should.

But if he can crush him in terms of IQ, Uncle Snake will be very loyal.

Because he has relied on wisdom to reach this point, he can better understand the power of wisdom, which is a power that can judge strength, power, talent, and blood stains!

"Unifying the world will of course attract the rejection of many people, but it will not work without unification!" Ning Yuan said lightly: "A great man once said that only war can eliminate war. The current structure of the ninja world has only been established for 42 years. There were two wars. However, these two wars did not change the system or hatred of each village, and no village was completely wiped out. In other words, the causes of the war are still there, because the hatred spread by the war is still there! "

"Next, the war will start, and if the shinobi village system does not change for one day, the war will always start."

Ning Yuan looked at Orochimaru: "Do you agree with my statement?"

Orochimaru thought for a moment and then nodded. He didn't know why the war started, but he knew that the war would never end.

The current peace is only temporary, and war will break out again sooner or later.

"Then our goal is very clear, peace!" Ning Yuan displayed two huge words on the paper.

This is the dream of everyone in the ninja world anyway, so let’s join in the fun.

This is political correctness in the ninja world.

Orochimaru nodded and asked, "So, for the sake of peace, we want to unify the world?"

"Of course!" Ning Yuan nodded: "Only war can eliminate war, but war has been eliminated, but the people who started the war are still there, so if we only eliminate the war without eliminating the root cause of the war, then the war will rekindle sooner or later! "

"What is the root cause of the war?" Ning Yuan knocked on the PPT: "In my opinion, there are too many countries in this world, and there are too many ninja villages!"

"In a small ninja world, there are actually more than twenty countries, large and small! There are also more than a dozen ninja villages. How can this not lead to a war?"

Tsunade asked: "But will war be eliminated by unifying the world?"

The reason why she joined the Ning organization was mainly because she was disgusted by Hiruzen Sarutobi. She only heard about the war of elimination and did not understand it in detail at all.

In short, she doesn't care about world peace or not. She joins the organization just to kill Sandai.

But now, what Ning Yuan said really aroused her interest.

"Of course!" Ning Yuan said: "Didn't your uncle verify it?"

"Ah?" Tsunade blinked: "The first generation, can you rule the world?"

"No, but he unified a small part, such as Senju, Uchiha, Hyuga, Sarutobi, Shimura, Ino-Shika-cho. What was their status before Konoha was established, and what was their status after it was established?"

Tsunade was stunned, and then suddenly realized.


Before Konoha was established, these ninja clans fought every three days and every five days, and never stopped.

But after Konoha was established, everyone was a companion. Except for the students of the ninja school or the Chunin exam, where did they fight?

Now the five ninja villages can be regarded as five ninja clans that are constantly fighting.

The war between ninja clans in the past could be resolved by establishing a village, so the current ninja village war can certainly be resolved by establishing a larger ninja village!

By then, the Sand Village, Rock Village, and Cloud Village will all be their own people. One lives at the head of the village and the other lives at the end of the village. Not only are they next to each other, but the villagers also intermarry with each other.

Can they still fight?

Will the war be over?

"Why didn't grandpa think of it back then?" Tsunade murmured.

Orochimaru was also puzzled. You have already thought of establishing a ninja village, why didn't you think one step further and merge other villages into it?

Hashirama plus Uchiha, it's not impossible!

"It seems that you two have no objection to the unification of the world," Ning Yuan asked.

They both nodded.

"Since everyone has recognized the basic rule of unifying the world, let's talk about other things!" Ning Yuan pointed to the first one: "Uncle Snake, why do you think the daimyo should be eliminated?"

Orochimaru thought about it, then shook his head.

You can't blame him for being stupid. The main reason is that the daimyo runs through the history of the ninja world. People here have never seen other systems, so naturally they can't understand what the world without the daimyo would be like.

Just like China in the feudal period, it is hard to imagine what the world without the emperor would be like.

"Because they can't possibly agree to unify the world!" Tsunade spoke up: "There are more than 20 countries in the ninja world, and each country has a daimyo. If the world is unified, then only one daimyo can be left? The other daimyo are destined to be killed, otherwise it would be a waste to keep them alive?"

"More than that!" Ning Yuan shook his head: "Not a single daimyo can be left!"

"Ah?" Tsunade was stunned, and then heard Ning Yuan ask: "You should have seen the daimyo of the Land of Fire, what kind of person do you think he is?"

"He is a very kind person, and he treats me very well," Tsunade thought for a while and said.

Ning Yuan looked at Uncle Snake again: "Uncle Snake, what do you think?"

"Greedy, lustful, and doing whatever he wants, it doesn't matter whether this kind of stuff exists or not!" Orochimaru thought for a while and said.

"Are we talking about one person?" Tsunade was speechless.

"As a princess of the Land of Fire, how can the daimyo treat you badly!" Orochimaru smiled contemptuously: "So the daimyo you see is not the real daimyo. Only when you take off your identity as a princess and use the perspective of a commoner can you see the real daimyo of the Land of Fire!"

"The perspective of a commoner?" Tsunade murmured.

Orochimaru nodded: "From the perspective of a commoner, the daimyo's death ten thousand times is not enough!"

Ning Yuan nodded. He actually didn't know what the daimyo was like, and there were not many performances in the anime.

However, how many feudal monarchs were good?

There are more than 400 emperors in China, and the number of those who were wise from beginning to end can be counted on one hand, and this is the emperor under the feudal patriarchal system.

The daimyo has no responsibility for the people, and there are ninjas to guarantee the daimyo's rule, and there is no threat of uprisings, riots and other movements.

How can the daimyo under this system be wise?

"Then do you think that if the world is unified, such a daimyo can be used to govern the country?" Ning Yuan asked again.

Orochimaru curled his lips and said, "Governance, stop joking. Do you know how to write these two words, Daimyo?"

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