People in Naruto, infinite evolution

Chapter 121 Mountain Rain Is Coming (Please Subscribe!)

Reflect on the experiences of the past few months.

Suddenly, Shiraishi realized that now, the limitation of his evolution speed has changed from lack of energy to insufficient transformation speed.

Just one [self-healing], it took almost nine months from level Ⅷ to breaking the boundary.

As for this level of ability, he still needs to improve several, not to mention those lower than it. How long will it take to put it all together?

Therefore, next, he needs to give priority to increasing the level of [Energy Absorbing Skin], in order to convert the most energy in the shortest time.

However, before that, he had one more thing to do.

"Obito Uchiha"

Shiraishi groaned, let go of his senses, and after confirming that there was no one around, he made a seal with both hands, and performed the S-level soul ninjutsu—the art of spiritualization.

Turning into a spirit body, Shiraishi's perception was infinitely magnified, and in an instant, he locked on the current position of Uchiha Obito.

"Huh? This is Konoha?"

That's right, in his perception, Uchiha Obito is now in Konoha Village, and the souls of Namikaze Minato, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Shimura Danzo are clearly visible nearby.

"What is he doing in Konoha?"

Baishi was puzzled, but no matter how much he searched, he couldn't figure out why.

"Forget it, don't want to, let's talk about it first."

With this in mind, Baishi lifted the 'Spiritualization Technique', then locked on to a mark hundreds of kilometers away, and activated the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Since [Enhanced Spatial Perception] was promoted to level IX, the maximum teleportation distance of his Flying Thunder God Art has become 500 kilometers.

Of course, as the teleportation distance increases, the consumed chakra is also rising sharply.

However, for the current Baishi, this is just a drizzle.

Not to mention that he can draw Nine-Tails Chakra at any time to supplement himself, the more than 800 Chakra points he possesses alone are enough.


at the same time.

The northwest corner of Konoha.

In the land of the Uchiha clan.

Thirty or so ninjas of the Uchiha clan, led by Uchiha Yatsushiro, Uchiha Inahura, and Uchiha Tetsuhiro, stood quietly, as if they were waiting for something.

Although under the influence of Shiraishi in this life, the Nine-Tails Rebellion did not bring too much loss to Konoha, but when Nine-Tails went mad, the Sharingans reflected in the pupils were still clearly visible.

And this undoubtedly exacerbated the fear and dissatisfaction of many people in the village towards the Uchiha clan.

In this case, even if Namikaze Minato announces the identity of Uchiha Obito, it will not help, because Uchiha Obito is also a member of the Uchiha clan.

In order to avoid more troubles, Namikaze Minato chose to conceal, and did not tell too many people about Uchiha Obito's identity.

Danzo, on the other hand, took advantage of the opportunity of village reconstruction to propose redistribution of the territories of various ethnic groups.

Like the previous life, he directly expelled the Uchiha clan from the core area of ​​Konoha.

Namikaze Minato intends to stop it, but Mitomon En and Zhuanju Koharu are on Danzo's side, and Sarutobi Hiruzen, who has the most say in the previous generation, acquiesces in this proposal.

Helpless, Namikaze Minato could only agree.

In order to ease the conflict, Namikaze Minato ignored the opposition of Danzo and others, and began to vigorously promote the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, allowing them to participate in the affairs of the village.

Namikaze Minato's approach is indeed very effective. With the continuous communication between the two parties, the gap between the Uchiha clan and the village is decreasing day by day.

It is foreseeable that if such a policy continues for more than ten or twenty years, the Uchiha clan will inevitably reintegrate into the village.

However, the bad thing is that some people don't want to see this scene.

The first is Danzo. Secretly, he either spreads rumors that are not conducive to the Uchiha clan, or deliberately arranges people to find fault.

In short, I just don't want the Uchiha clan to reintegrate into the village.

This is nothing, with Namikaze Minato, some small tricks will not be able to get on the table at all.

On the contrary, Obito Uchiha is more threatening.

If you know what you want to do, you will definitely become an enemy of the entire ninja world.

Therefore, Obito Uchiha didn't want to see a strong Konoha.

Last time, releasing Nine-Tails failed to achieve its goal.

This time, he set his target on the Uchiha clan again.

Born in Uchiha, coupled with Uchiha Madara's popular science, he knows the Uchiha family very well.

Just a little revealing of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, some hawks in the Uchiha clan began to look after him.

After all, the gap is still too great. Even though Namikaze Minato tried his best to bridge it, the time is still short, and many people in the Uchiha clan still have doubts about the village.

After a while of Uchiha Obito's instigation, he naturally stood by his side.

'However, it is not enough. '

He wanted these people not to have more subordinates, but to trigger a civil war between the Uchiha clan and Konoha, thereby weakening Konoha's overall strength.

Therefore, a person with a stronger appeal is needed to stand up, so that the Uchiha clan will have more ninjas on his side.

Is there such a person?

The answer is: yes.

Uchiha Setsuna - a ninja who inherited Uchiha Madara's will, once instigated the Uchiha clan to rebel during the Second Hokage period.

It's a pity that Senshou Tomona found out in advance and ordered Anbu to arrest and imprison him. It has been fifteen years since Uchiha Yatsushiro and others were waiting for him, and Uchiha Obito promised to rescue the other party.

Although the opponent's strength is not as good as before, its influence lies there. Many hawks in the Uchiha clan were once his subordinates.

As long as he raises his arms and shouts, there will never be fewer people responding.

In this way, the purpose of Uchiha Obito is achieved.

At that time, it will be too late to say anything.



Suddenly, there was an explosion.

In the Hokage office, the figure of Minato Namikaze disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he had already reached the roof of the Hokage Building.


Looking into the distance, Namikaze Minato murmured.

A few minutes later, an Anbu came to him and reported: "My lord, someone broke into the severe punishment prison, released the prisoners, and all the guarding ninjas were killed."

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato pinched his chin, thought for a while, and said, "Send the materials of those prisoners immediately."


After the Anbu ninja below responded, he disappeared in place with a teleportation technique.

Soon, the prisoner's information was delivered, and Minato Namikaze began to look through it immediately.

After a while, his eyes fixed on a person.

Judging by his name, it was Uchiha Setsuna. As if realizing something, Namakaze Minato suddenly stood up, his eyes full of solemnity.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Minato Namikaze ordered: "From now on, Konoha has entered the first level of alert, and no one is allowed to move."

"Also, notify the ninja class to gather."


After receiving the order, the Anbu ninja did not hesitate at all, and immediately agreed, and then left the Hokage office quickly.

After thinking quietly for a while, Namikaze Minato suddenly said to himself: "No, we can't let things get worse like this."

With this in mind, he activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

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