People in Naruto, infinite evolution

Chapter 122 Opportunity (please subscribe!)

Time went back to a few minutes ago.

At that time, the explosion had not yet occurred.

Shiraishi had already arrived outside Konoha Village.

After performing the "spiritualization technique" and confirming that Obito Uchiha was still in Konoha Village, Shiraishi did not launch a surprise attack immediately, but took the lead in finding a ninja from the root organization.

As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

If you don't know what Obito Uchiha wants to do beforehand, what if you fall into a trap?

Even if there is no trap, if you do something without knowing anything, it is not decisive, but reckless.

Since he intends to get rid of the scourge of Uchiha Obito, it must be a one-hit kill, otherwise it is very likely that he will not die from the snake and suffer from it instead.

Shiraishi didn't want to leave any hidden dangers behind.

Just in time, before the Nine-Tails Rebellion, he left a few nails in the root tissue.

Now it is entirely possible to use them to understand the current situation of Konoha, so as to speculate on the purpose of Uchiha Obito, and then formulate corresponding plans.

Shiraishi didn't believe that the other party would not make any moves while staying in Konoha. As long as he did, he could infer more things based on the memory of his previous life.

At that time, everything will be easy to handle.

Quietly, Shiraishi appeared behind a root organization ninja.

Suddenly, the opponent's body froze.

The next moment, he was about to strike back, but after sensing Baishi's aura, he immediately stopped his movements, turned around and said, "My lord!"

Baishi nodded slightly, without saying a word, he directly put his hand on the top of his head, and performed the secret technique of the mountain clan - the technique of reading mind.

Communication is too time-consuming, Shiraishi chooses to directly read his memory of the last year.

His powerful mental power allowed him to complete this process easily.

In just a few minutes, Baishi withdrew his palm, and then rubbed his temples while sorting out those memories.

From these memories, Shiraishi learned that Konoha and Yunyin have basically ceased fighting. Although they have not yet signed a peace treaty, they will not be able to fight for a while.


Suddenly, Baishi saw an interesting thing in the memory of the other party.

It is said that there is a place called Linhai Town. More than a year ago, a giant tree suddenly appeared, and a lot of fruits were born on the tree. People who ate the fruits unknowingly fused with Chakra.

This incident caused a sensation at the time, and many forces went to investigate, but to no avail, and the root organization was no exception.

"Isn't Linhai Town the town where I summoned the Mother Tree of Life?"

"Hehe, it looks like the wind is blowing!"

With a chuckle, Shiraishi skipped this, and instead focused on the information in Konoha Village.

‘Are the Uchiha clan still forced to move to the corner? No wonder I sensed a lot of souls there before! '

'Some of the hawks of the Uchiha clan have been very active recently, and there seems to be some action, and Danzo ordered people to investigate secretly. '

“Sure enough, there are tricks”

Shiraishi murmured, and continued to look through the memory.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and he secretly said: "Not good!"

Just at this moment, subtle footsteps came from the surroundings. Although they were far away, Level Ⅷ [Five Senses Strengthening] is not a vegetarian.

Based on his hearing alone, Baishi could tell that he was surrounded.

It turned out that as early as after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Konoha began to upgrade the perception barrier on a large scale, giving it the ability to detect space-time ninjutsu.

It was only after seeing the relevant memories that Baishi realized that his whereabouts might have been exposed.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before someone surrounded the place.

However, Baishi was not too flustered. First, the opponent was far away from him, and second, he could leave at any time without fear of being surrounded.

Even, he still had time to think about whether Obito Uchiha had also been discovered.

Since his flying thunder god technique can be detected by Konoha's perception barrier, it makes no sense that Uchiha Obito can escape.

'Wait, maybe it's really possible'

According to the memory in my mind, due to various reasons, Konoha's latest perception barrier did not cover the territory of the Uchiha clan, and the original perception barrier could not sense space-time ninjutsu.

In other words, as long as Obito Uchiha goes in and out there, Konoha won't be able to find it.

After thinking for a while, realizing that the encirclement was shrinking, Shiraishi planned to leave here first.

But at this moment, an explosion sound suddenly came from a distance.

Baishi's ears moved slightly, and he jumped up to the top of the tree, then looked in the direction of the explosion, and murmured: "Severe punishment prison."

‘It seems that Obito Uchiha was there just now and he did it? '

'What is his purpose? '

'Create confusion? Or to save people? '

For a while, Shiraishi thought a lot.

After such a delay, the nearby ninjas had already surrounded him.

Baishi didn't want to meet them face to face, so he locked another mark, activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, and left the place.

As for the ninja from the root organization, he left it where he was.

In this way, it can not only distract Konoha's attention, but also cause trouble for Danzo.

As for betrayal, it's simply impossible.

Implanted by him with the 'spiritual seed', no matter what, the ninja of the root organization would not betray him, which has been verified by many people.

When he was on Moon Island, he implanted 'spiritual seeds' in many captives, and many of them were found to be abnormal shortly after returning.

However, so far, no one has leaked his information, whether it is active or passive.



Outside the severe prison.

After spending a few minutes, Shiraishi finally arrived here.

Before him, Konoha's emergency troops had arrived, and they were searching for escaped prisoners, and fighting would break out from time to time.

Ignoring these Konoha ninjas, Shiraishi easily found a few fugitives with his keen perception.

After knocking them down three times, five times and two times, Shiraishi began to read their memories.

After a while, Baishi showed joy, and said to himself, "What luck!"

From their memories, Shiraishi saw the figure of the intruder, and there was no doubt that it was Obito Uchiha.

And I also know that the other party broke into the prison to save a person-Uchiha Setsuna.

That's right, Shiraishi knew the name of Uchiha Setsuna from the memories of these people.

It is precisely because of this that he said that luck is really good.

Because ordinary prisoners really don't necessarily know Uchiha Setsuna, only one of the few prisoners he caught happened to have an intersection with him, and only then did he recognize the other party.

Otherwise, even if he knew that Obito Uchiha had taken someone away from prison, he wouldn't know who he was.

Well now, knowing the name Uchiha Setsuna, he immediately recalled its information, knowing that this is a ninja who inherited Uchiha Madara's will.

In this way, combined with the information about the changes in the Uchiha clan's hawks that he had just received from the root ninja, Shiraishi basically guessed what Uchiha Obito was thinking.

If his expectations are not bad, Uchiha Obito is trying to create conflicts within Konoha, and use the hands of the Uchiha clan to weaken Konoha's overall strength.

After thinking this through, Baishi keenly realized that this was a very good opportunity.

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