Chapter 211 A Brief Warm Existence! Again the sword is the strongest!!


“This is…”

“This sword…”

The three of them looked at the Demon Destroyer Holy Sword that had crossed over. The expression on his face at this moment was also full of vibration. They could feel the power of the sword.

It was a power that seemed to transcend the gods! Be aware.

In this first simulation, they all participated in the final battle! I have seen the strength of many races, and I have seen the strength of the gods!

That’s why!

Just a sword actually made them feel stronger than the gods! In the hearts of all three of them, Rick only felt a pang of absurdity.

The waves are rough and full of unrest.

They were sure that Kitahara had not used this one for the first time.

But this time!

Kitahara Baiqiu had this extremely powerful sword.

As the exclusive Excalibur of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Esther’s strength.

Nowadays, even among the most people, they are actually the girls who are closest to Kitahara Baiqiu and the rest of the girls who have had a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu.

The strength is undoubtedly inferior to that of Esther.

This is the deep connection between the God King and his own weapons.

Not long after coming to the game life world.

With a burst of light.

The Demon Destroyer Sword also began to transform into human form.

A beautiful girl with silver hair and jade muscles and blue eyes appeared in the eyes of everyone.

When the three of them saw that the sword had turned into a human, their hearts were even more shaken at this moment!

But the silver-haired girl just looked at them and ignored them.

Instead, he looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu and asked doubtfully, “Bai Qiu… Here it is? Esther was still playing a game with Hestia. ”

Then it was only halfway played.

She was summoned to this world by Kitahara Hakuaki.

Looking around, Esther felt that this was no longer the original world. ”

Kitahara touched Ester’s head with a light smile and said, “This time, it looks like I’m going to fight alongside Este.” ”

Does even Bai Qiu need to use her enemies… Esther blinked cutely.

While feeling surprised, there is also a little happiness.

Because she was able to fight side by side with Kitahara Hakuaki.

“Well, I am your sword, and I will always follow you, even at the end of the earth, master.”

Esther swore so.

Together with Bai Qiu, she is not afraid of all enemies in the world! No matter who the opponent is and how strong it is.

In her heart, there was not the slightest worry. Kitahara smiled and took Esther’s little hand.

It all goes without saying.

He glanced at the three Rick people who were still standing there, and didn’t explain.

Instead, he disappeared directly with the three of them.

Artejo, the god of war, naturally wants to fight.

But before that, Kitahara Hakuaki still had some things to do.

When several people reappeared.

No doubt they came to the human gathering place where Rick and they were.

After coming to the gathering place.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not hesitate in the slightest.

Directly to everyone present to use the talent of ‘you think of grandpa’! Before anyone could confront the sudden appearance of Kitahara Baiqiu and others.

After recalling everything.

A look of surprise appeared on his face.

“The Holy Emperor is back!”

“The Holy Emperor is back!”

“Holy Emperor! Holy Emperor! Holy Emperor! ”

Huge cheers.

At this moment, it also sounded.

Everyone was looking at Kitahara Baiqiu with incomparably hot eyes.

Their hearts were agitated.

They are the most noble, the most sacred, the most revered Terran Holy Emperor.

Coming back!!!

“Brother White Night!!!”

Little Lolita Jair also flew over at this moment.

There were tears on her face again, and a smile on her face, and a frightened and dead brother who was clinging to her.

She buried her head in Kitahara Baiqiu’s chest and began to cry, crying and gently touching Kitahara Baiqiu’s face, soothing Ina’s emotions.

Everyone watched this scene with a smile on their faces.

They all know.

Before the Holy Emperor, the most favored was this little girl.

After Nonna had finished venting.

She also obediently came down from Kitahara Baiqiu.

Then he stood aside.

At this moment, everyone tacitly gave way to Kitahara Baiqiu.

And the other side of the road.

It was their empress, Colony Dora.

Kitahara Baiqiu slowly walked over and came to this beautiful empress.

“Coming back?”

Colony looked at Kitahara with a smile.


Kitahara Hakuaki nodded.

“Just come back.”

Colony gently shook Kitahara’s hands and said so.

In the past, she was eccentric and always looked immodest.

At this moment, it seems so dignified, gentle, and beautiful.

It is as if she is a wife who has waited for her husband for a long time, and finally waited for her husband to return.

Colony slowly closed her eyes and approached Kitahara Hakuaki.

In the end, he leaned on Kitahara Baiqiu’s body, didn’t say anything, and simply leaned on.

The rest of the people also left here with a tacit understanding.

Didn’t bother their Empress and Holy Emperor.

And Colony leaned on it and fell asleep.

Looking at Colony’s sleeping face, she couldn’t help but show a serene and happy expression.

Kitahara Baiqiu also gently hugged her.

The two were so attached.


“Holy Emperor, I want to understand, this time, our Terran race will send more people to help Saint Emperor get the Star Cup.”

“As for that Senshin… Kill! Before challenging the god of war, Artexiu, I felt that I should kill that damn deserter! ”

“Last time I was negligent, I promise that this time there will be absolutely no Holy Emperor, no matter what the price you pay, the Star Cup will definitely get it!”

Rick suddenly walked in at this time, constantly recounting the plan this time.

And his voice.

He also managed to wake up Clonie, who was asleep.

Rick looked at the expression of the two people who were still attached to each other, and subconsciously said, “Female, Empress Dowager… Why are you still here, all, it’s been so long. ”

Colony opened her eyes confusedly.

Realizing that he was actually asleep against the Holy Emperor, a red halo appeared on his face subconsciously.

After hearing Rick’s words, the redness was also more pronounced.

“Yes, you have to take care of it!”

Colony was shy, glared at Rick fiercely, and said in a menacing manner.

Rick was suddenly gagged.

This one…… It was indeed his fault.

He didn’t expect Clonnie to be so clingy.

Obviously the time has indeed passed a long time.

He was thinking about new plans.

After discussing with people how to start a new round of Star Cup battle.

I thought it was almost time to come to the Holy Emperor for consultation.

As a result, people are really not as good as heaven…

Kitahara laughed twice and said, “Well, this Star Cup battle doesn’t need your help, I can complete it myself.” ”

Rick was stunned.

Colony was also a little stunned to hear this, and there was still some worry on her face.

“How about that, Holy Emperor?”

Rick said excitedly at this moment: “Holy Emperor, you are the foundation of everything, as long as you can get the Star Cup, all the costs are worth it.” ”

“Even if it’s the Holy Emperor, even if it’s the Holy Emperor, I’m not allowed to risk it alone!”

Rick said so… This moment of him.

Because of excessive excitement, even a little rude.

Kitahara Shiraaki just smiled when he saw this.

He understood.

Even if they recalled, they didn’t know what happened in the second simulation.

This is also normal.

In this world, there is no help from external forces.

Even if human beings are just alive, they have already done their best, and there is no air power to control other races.

In the original book.

Rick hadn’t met Huby.

He didn’t even know the reason for the war, and naturally there could be no follow-up.

In the last simulation.

Human beings have undoubtedly not encountered any external help, so they do not know at all, nor do they have the opportunity to know everything that has happened.

This is the sadness of human beings in the game life world.

But that’s just the past.

From today onwards!

The world will become completely different! Humans will also become completely different!

“Since I dare to say so, naturally I have a certain degree of self-confidence, and Rick you can rest assured.”

Kitahara said to Rick. Rick heard the words and was suddenly full.

He’s not stupid.

On the contrary, he is still a very intelligent person.

Hear the words of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Naturally, he could guess what had happened the last time they had briefly seen the Holy Emperor.

Moreover, he also thought of the Holy Emperor’s holy sword, which even surpassed the power of the gods.

“Well, now that Colony you’re awake, it’s time to put an end to everything.”

“All you have to do is do your own thing, gather all mankind, and prepare to create your own kingdom again.”

Kitahara Hakuaki got up and said.

Colony’s face blushed slightly.

I thought that the Holy Emperor had not woken her up when she was asleep, and waited until she woke up.

Clonnie’s heart raced and she was also extremely embarrassed.

However, she still had some worries in the eyes of Kitahara Baiqiu.


Kitahara asked.


Clooney replied.

“If that’s the case, then let you see my power a little.”

Saying that, Kitahara Baiqiu also kissed Colony directly.

The power of the contract!

At this moment, it is undoubtedly beginning to form in the two people! Rick watched from the sidelines, trying to avoid suspicion.

As a result, the next second, his eyes widened directly.

Because he found.

Originally just an ordinary person, Cloni’s strength began to soar by 0 at this moment

In an instant, it surpassed the upper race and reached the level of the Divine Race! A divine species that represents the world’s pinnacle of power.

It was so easy to achieve! Only, just because of a kiss?!!

Rick’s heart, rising in waves at this moment, could not calm down at all!

Holy Emperor…… Holy Emperor, how strong is he? In this moment.

Rick finally understood.

Why is Kitahara Baiqiu so confident.

Because he has… So strong that Rick couldn’t even imagine it.

After confirming the contract with Colony.

Kitahara laughed softly and kissed the dazed Colony on the forehead again.

He took Esther and left the place directly. He didn’t intend to grind this time.

Instead, just prepare to kill the past!

First go and kill the Mori god Kainas again! Then he pointed his finger at the god of war, Artesha!!!

Standing in the same place, Clonie felt the unimaginable power in her body.

It is also the beginning of the firm belief that Kitahara White Autumn will be successful.

“Holy Emperor, I am waiting for you to come back…”

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