Chapter 212 Second Sale! A sword to kill the gods! The world shakes!!

When the ghosts destroy the world.

Kitahara Hakuaki wasn’t strong enough, so he needed to find a way to lure out the Ghost Mai Tsujimu to eliminate it.

At the time of the God Killer World.

Awakening the last king Rama requires some specific conditions, so Kitahara Hakuaki also delayed some time.


Game Life World! It’s completely different!

Today’s Northern Plains White Autumn is obviously strong enough.

And the god of war, Artexiu.

It is located on the Void Throne waiting for you, waiting for all the challengers in the world.

So be it.

Kitahara White Autumn is naturally without the need for ink.

The momentum is straight into the sky without any scruples.

Today, he will pass the game life in one day! On the road.

Kitahara Baiqiu also found Huby and the Fox Suspicious God Sail Building. After awakening the memories of the two people, everything is also in silence.

Together, the three of them began to head in the direction of the Mori Seizu.

At this moment, among the forest essences.

“Not good! Lord Kainas, there are gods and spirits coming to us. ”

“And it looks menacing and ill-intentioned.”

The Elder of the Arimori Essence ran breathlessly to the forest god Kainas and said anxiously.


The Mori god Kainas was shocked and subconsciously said, “Is it the god of war, Artexiu?” ”

“No, it’s not.”

Elder Sen Jingjing was stunned and said suddenly.

Kainas, the god of the forest, was relieved to hear this.

Oh, not God of War, that’s all right.

“Not the God of War, but the gods of which race?”

The Mori god Kainas was lazy and not in a hurry.

Except for the god of war, Artexiu, whose strength was much higher than that of the other gods, he was able to kill them.

The other gods and spirits are all half a pound and eight two.

So hear not the god of war after Artesha.

Kainas had nothing to worry about.

“No, I don’t know which one it is, we haven’t seen this one before.”

Elder Sen Jing Seed answered hurriedly. Mori Kainas was stunned.

Don’t know who it is?

Immediately, the Mori god Kainas also remembered.

Not long ago, that sword qi that shot straight into the sky!

“Could it be a newborn divine species?”

Kainas Mori pondered and felt very likely.

That kind of power is obviously a divine species.

However, after thinking about it, the Mori god Kainas also smiled.

The newborn spirit species dared to come to him for trouble?

It’s just looking for death!

“Prepare for battle! Order all the Sen Sperm Breeds to prepare for battle! ”

The Mori god Kainas gave the order.

After all, the sword qi that shot straight into the sky before was still quite strong.

Even if it is a newborn deity, it is better to be cautious.


The Sen Essence Elder hurriedly responded!

Kitahara Baiqiu found Hubi and Fanlou on the road and delayed a little.


When Kitahara Hakuaki finds the Mori god Kainas.

What he saw was the Mori god Kainas standing in front of him with all the Mori Essences.

Kitahara Baiqiu was a little surprised by this.

Because the last time the Sen God Kainas did not dare to appear directly in front of him so much.

Just think about it.

What was his identity last time?

The second god of the Celestial Wing Race, behind him is also the god of war, Artexiu.

How dare the son of the god Kainas of the forest dare?

After thinking about this, Kitahara Baiqiu’s heart was full of disdain.

Mori Kainas……… What a god!

“Mori Kainas, we meet again…”

Kitahara Shiraaki didn’t care about the Mori Seizu.

Speaking directly to the Mori god Kainas Nussan.

Kainas, the god of the forest, was stunned when he heard this.

I don’t understand what Kitahara Bai Qiu means by this.

He didn’t remember seeing Kitahara Baiqiu… Before the Sen god Kainas could speak.

Kitahara Hakuaki didn’t bother to give the Mori god Kainas a chance. Directly turned on ‘Talent • You Think of Grandpa’.

And this time the range of talents is…


Spirit Species: Fantasy Species: Elf Species! Dragon Essence! Species of giants! Sky Wing Species! Sen Sei! Goblin species! Goblin species! Machine Kaise! Demon species! Vampire! Moon Chant! Orc race! Sea dwelling species! And…… Human species!

At this moment, they are all stunned.

And then……… I thought of it all!

The whole world! Sixteen races! There was an uproar at this moment! Digital Spirit Species!

And the Dragon Essence Breed’s [Satoshi Dragon] Lygin Rayover! At this moment, it is all a gaze.

With ecstasy on his face, he rushed in the direction of the Mori Essence!

It worked?!!

All the gods and spirits, as well as the [Wise Dragon] Lykin Rayver, were all thinking like this at the moment, and their hearts were very excited.

In this moment.

The whole world is undoubtedly beginning to shake!

And at this moment, the Mori god Kainas in front of Kitahara Hakuaki.

After remembering everything.

The face was undoubtedly full of despair.

“Everyone, aim me at Kainas and we’ll give him a shot!”

And that’s when it happened.

In the midst of the Sen Essence, the voice of Xinku Nirba Lian sounded.

The Void Zero Protection, which represents the strongest secret weapon of the Mori Essence, immediately targets the Mori God Kainas.

“Yes! Your Majesty the Empress! ”

With a squeal of the Sen Essence Girls.

A huge cannon of light was also undoubtedly shot at the Mori god Kainas at this moment.

Kainas was caught off guard.

He never imagined that he would actually attract the betrayal of his own race!

The last time he was simulated that he died early, he didn’t know what happened behind him!

After all, the Void Zero Protection represents the strongest of the entire race of the Forest Essence Race! Even if it is a divine species.

The Mori god Kainas was caught off guard and was also embarrassed.

Kitahara was stunned by this.

Then subconsciously looked at the beautiful figure standing in the front of the forest species, the beautiful girl playfully blinked at the North Plains White Autumn.

Cute looks.

It’s heartwarming.

Kitahara Bai Qiu couldn’t laugh at this and nodded softly at Xinku Nirbaren.

And with the exception of Shinku Nirbaren.

Many young girls of the Forest Essence Breed.

At this moment, I was also excited, excitedly looking at Kitahara Baiqiu.

This is their god.

This is their god of the forest.

They’re not stupid! How big is the gap between Kitahara Hakuaki and Mori Kainas, who is good and who is bad.

After spending so much time with Kitahara Baiqiu for so long, they still can’t see it?

Nor are they masochists.

They are all gods of the forest, and there are good ones who do not choose the bad.

This cannon may not have much impact on Kainas.

But……… This is the revenge of the girls against Kainas!

Retaliation did not take to heart the Sen Essence that had paid for him and tried his best to get the Star Cup for him.

Kainas, the god of the forest, was overwhelmed by the Void Zero Protection.

At this moment, my heart is also full of anger.

“Shinku Nirbaren!!!”

Kainas, the god of the forest, was so overwhelmed by anger that he had forgotten what the situation was now.

Dead staring at Shinku Nirbaren, his body full of murderous spirit.

The coercion of the divine species.

What a horror for Shinku Nirbaren.

This made Shinku Nilba even stiffen and feel only a chill in his body.


But Kitahara was in the way of her side.

Shinku Nirbar’s uncomfortable feelings disappeared in an instant, and he felt only a warmth.

She looked at the back of Kitahara Baiqiu, and her heart was full of tenderness.

And Mori Kainas saw Kitahara Hakuaki.

Overwhelmed by anger, he seemed to have poured cold water, and he calmed down in an instant, only to feel that his body began to stiffen.

“The gods of the Celestial Wing Species…… No, no, no… God of Wisdom……… Think about it… We didn’t have much of a conflict… Not……… Don’t fight to the death, don’t you…”

“Me, I run away…… I can apologize……… Whatever you want I can give you… Shinku Nirbaren? No problem……… Not really… I can give you the whole Sen Essence Species……”

“Just now… It was just a moment of impulse on my part…… If you are angry…… I, I… Can apologize to Shinku Nirbaren……… As long as you can let me go……”

The Mori god Kainas began to talk gibberish, and his body timidly kept retreating.

As a god species.

In order to steal his life, he even said an apology to Xinjun Nirbalian.

But no way.

Through the last escape, Mori Kainas knew that he could never escape in front of Kitahara Baiqiu.

As long as you can survive.

Face? Shinku Nirbaren? Sen Sei? So what is it?


Kitahara Hakuaki completely ignored the Mori god Kainas.

Instead, he slowly raised the Demon Destroyer Holy Sword and said to the Sen God Kainas, “Do you know why I didn’t directly remind everyone of everything that had happened to me at the beginning, but only after seeing you?” ”

“That’s because, after you think about it in advance, you throw away the entire forest essence seed and run away, after all, you have already done this once, and the second time is inevitable.”

“Even if you run away, I don’t mean I won’t find you, but it will take a lot of time after all.”

“Let me waste my time on you, you don’t deserve it yet!” Therefore, you can be ignorant and happy until now to understand everything. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu’s words word for word.

Like the whispers of demons, they reached the ears of the Mori god Kainas. The look of horror on Kainas’s face grew thicker.

He understood.

Understood the determination to kill him!

This made the Mori god Kainas show a fierce look on his face.

At the end of one’s resources.

Even if you know it’s impossible, you will fight it.

Not to mention that Kainas is a god.


“Moreover, even if you still want to fight with me, you will make people laugh when they hear it.”

With such a sound.

Kitahara’s sword was suspended in the air, and the momentum was like a sky.

Under a sword.

The Mori god Kainas had no power to resist and was directly destroyed in the sword light.

It’s a second kill?!!

Spikes…… Divine Species?!!

The Sen Essence species present were undoubtedly not stunned.

All the gods and spirits who are still rushing here.

At this moment, it was also a shock, seeing this earth-shattering sword, the footsteps could not help it.

He got stronger again!!!

All the gods and spirits were full of shock and couldn’t help but think about it.

Even in the case of Artejo, the god of war.


None of them felt such a powerful force.

Look at that reassuring.

All the gods knew that it was the Mori god Kainas who died.

Under this sword.

No one is immune except the god of war, Artexiu.

The concept of the Mori god Kainas and the divine essence of Kitahara Hakuaki have actually been taken.

Killing the Mori god Kainas Kitahara Hakuaki again will not improve much.

However, Kitahara Hakuaki still killed the Mori god Kainas.

All the gods knew.

This is because the Mori god Kainas has sinned against Kitahara Hakuaki and deserves it.

In this world.

If you offend the god of war, Artexiu, don’t offend the god of the god of war, White Night.

This has long been an accepted point by all gods.

The God of God is not only powerful, but also has the ability to return to the original point.

How can this offend?

Anyway, their concept and the Divine Essence of Kitahara White Autumn already had it.

They had no effect on Kitahara Baiqiu at all.

Therefore, as long as you do not offend Kitahara Hakuaki.

There is no need to worry about the concept of god-killing at all.

Naturally, in their hearts, after Kitahara Baiqiu got the Star Cup, what kind of attitude to treat Kitahara Baiqiu had already planned.


[Conglong] Rickin Rivers laughed at this moment.

The huge dragon body soared straight into the sky, faster than before.

He couldn’t wait.

Can’t wait to see this god-killer again!

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