Chapter 213 The Divine Species Gather Again! World Co-Lord!!

No one thought that Kitahara Hakuaki would not get the Star Cup this time.

This is something that everyone recognizes.

After all, the last time it was successful, this time there is no reason for unsuccess.

The upper limit of the God of War, the upper limit of the world is there.

Artexiu’s strength could not make another breakthrough and make an improvement.

“Lord White Night!”

After Kitahara Hakuaki kills the Mori god Kainas.

Xinku Nirbarian was also excited to directly soar up and hug Kitahara Baiqiu.

His face was flushed with redness and excitement.

“Lord White Night! Lord White Night! You’re stronger than last time! And even more handsome! I really like you! ”

Not really.

Although Kitahara Baiqiu also solved the Mori God Kainas cleanly last time, he did not kill it with one sword like this time.

Similarly, although the last time Kitahara Baiqiu was also extremely cute and moving, after all, he was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and what was comparable to the current heroic posture.

Xinku Nirbarian saw this state of Hakuhara Baiqiu for the first time, and he was naturally extremely excited.

“Okay, you’re the Empress of the Sen Essence, what does this look like?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu playfully touched Xinku Nirbaren’s head and said softly.

“They? I don’t care about them! What happened to the Empress? The Empress is also human! ”

With that, Xinku Nirballian kissed Kitahara Baiqiu’s face in front of everyone.

This time, it directly made the scene an uproar.

The Mori Essence Maidens undoubtedly knew that their Empress and Kitahara Bai Qiu were intimate.

But they never imagined that the empress would be so bold.

Bold in every sense.

You know, the other party is a god.

Suddenly, the faces of the Sen Essence Maidens also appeared red.

And then………

“White Night! White Night! ”

Another excited voice!

At this moment, it also suddenly sounded.

It’s Arram, the god of love!

All the Sen Essence Maidens only felt a wind blowing in front of their eyes.

The creator god of the goblin species ——— the goddess of love, Arram.

Together with his own empress, he excitedly hugged Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara Baiqiu directly staged a left arm and right hug in the air.

“Wow! See the white night again! This is the third time! ”

“Hey hey, hey hey, White Night will definitely be able to defeat the God of War Altexiu this time, according to the agreement, from now on, White Night will be mine!”

Arram, the god of love, hugged Kitahara Hakuaki.

Directly is the expression of the idiot, almost no drooling, so swearing.

“What I am mine, you should be mine.”

Kitahara was not surprised by the appearance of Arram, the god of love.

Just after hearing her words, he knocked on the god of love and corrected him without anger.

“Same! Same! ”

The god of love, Arram, didn’t care, and smiled straightly: “Anyway, the agreement has been established, and you can’t get rid of me in the white night.” ”

“You know, I’m the god of love, do you want to see the persistence of the god of love?”

The goddess born in love, said triumphantly.

A belated goblin species.

At this moment hear the words of their own goddess.

It was also an excited shout: “It is!” We goblin species! Our god Lord! The persistence in love is absolutely unmatched! ”

“Lord White Night! Even if it’s you! Once entangled with our goddess Lord! There is absolutely no escape! ”

“Yeah, yeah! Forget about anything else, in terms of love, we goblin species, we goblin breed gods, that is still a little confident. ”

“Hey, hey, hey, although Lord Arram is like this, if Lord White Night wants to regret it, it will be absolutely too late!”

Goblin maidens giggle.

The Sengol Breed and the Goblin Breed are not far apart.

They are all located in the forest, and when they think about it, they naturally come the fastest.

As a race of love supremacy.

For the goblin species.

In front of love, everything has to stand aside!

Only love is the first ladder, and everything else has to be under love.

They are.

Naturally, the same is true of their gods!

So, Lord White Night, you can’t escape, you’ve been caught!

“Hey! The one over there! What is called a white night, even if it is too late to regret it! White Night will not regret it!! ”

When Eros heard the words of his own race, he also gritted his teeth and said that he knew that these guys couldn’t say anything good!

When the goblin heard the words, there was a sudden booing.

They respect their gods.

But unlike other races, they have a very good relationship with their own gods and get along very happily.

Arram, the god of love, heard the boos and was in a hurry. Rush up to discipline your own race.

Really three days without fighting, go to the house to reveal the tiles.

Too big or too small! I am your god!”

However, just when Arram, the god of love, was about to leave the arms of Kitahara Hakujo.

Kitahara Baiqiu pulled her aside and made her stunned.

Kitahara looked at Arram, the god of love, and said softly, “You are right, I will never regret it, our love will be eternal, just like we agreed.” ”

Saying that, Kitahara Baiqiu also kissed the god of love, Arram.

The power of contracts.

At this moment, it is also in the two people that it begins to form.

The goblin species below, the Sen Essence Breed girls can’t see the specifics.

They just know.

After kissing the god of love Aram in Kitahara White Autumn.

The bodies of the two began to emit endless light.

A mysterious force.

It seems to have arisen between Kitahara Hakuaki and the god of love, Arram.

Even if you don’t know what’s going on.

They can feel it too.

In between.

At this moment, it is undoubtedly more intimate!


After the contract, Eros blushed and could not say a word.

She was feeling.

Feel the power and nature that the contract brings to her.

And in Kitahara Hakuaki ended his pact with Arram, the god of love.

When it was time to sign a contract with the other side, Shin Ku Nirbaren.

Shinku Nirbaren.

He took the initiative to kiss Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara Baiqiu was stunned by this.

But he still closed his eyes and let the power of the contract begin to form an endless light between the two of them to reappear in the two of them.

Kitahara Bai Qiu suddenly remembered.

Originally, Jibril said that Shinku Nirbarian was a fox spirit.

In the past, Kitahara Baiqiu was still a little suspicious.

Now, he believed Jibriel’s words.

This noble empress of the Sen Jing Breed seemed to be really a fox spirit lady, and Kitahara Bai Qiu felt a little funny in her heart.

But who would hate Miss Fox who only has your heart in mind? Under the initiative of Shinku Nirbaren.

The contract is also completely established.

After the contract was completed, Shinku Nirbaryan was stunned to find out.

The power in your own body.

I don’t know how much is so powerful! It’s alright… Comparable to a god!

This made Shinku Nirbarian feel surprised and delighted.

Looking at Kitahara Baiqiu’s eyes, full of tenderness and love, his eyes became wet at this moment.

“Lord White Night, I feel like I’ve really made a lot of money.”

Shinku Nirbarian said.

Kitahara White Autumn heard the words.

Suddenly crying and laughing, she couldn’t look at this fox spirit lady, and said without anger: “Ah yes yes, yes, you have made a lot of money, and I have lost even my underwear.” ”

Shinku Nirbaryan’s face turned red.

After the contract with the god of love, Aram and Shin Ku Nirbarin.

Kitahara Baiqiu also beckoned to Hubi and Fan Lou.

“What is…… Indenture? ”

Hughby asked doubtfully.

“It was I who told Huby that Huby would accompany me for the rest of his life, forever, not just an eternal contract of 892.”

Kitahara White Autumn

Smile in reply.

Once, Kitahara Bai Qiu asked Hugh if he would like to accompany him all the time.

Huby shook her head and told Kitahara that her life could only last for 892 years at most, so she could only accompany Kitahara Hakuaki for 892 years, and could not accompany her forever.

At first, Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and said that if Hubi was willing, he would let Hubi accompany him all the time.

Hughby agreed.

Now, of course, it is time to deliver on promises.

“That’s the way it is, then, I do.”

Huby said that she also took the initiative to kiss Kitahara Baiqiu. It’s just that she and Shinku Nirbarian are different.

She is very simple, not a fox spirit.

The power of the contract undoubtedly began to take shape between the two.

Once Kitahara Shirai’s favorite machine Kai breed girl.

At this moment, it is undoubtedly the whole body that belongs to the Northern Plains White Autumn.

Then, when it was the turn of the Sail Building………

“What is a contract? Why sign a contract? ”

“After the contract, there will be a deep connection, is there any basis for this?”

“If you sign a contract with White Night, does that mean that I am your wife at White Night?” If not, what does that represent? ”

“Why do you have the power of the contract in the White Night, and how many people have signed the contract with the White Night?”


When the goddess of fox doubted faced the contract, her face was full of curiosity, and a large number of questions kept popping up.

At the beginning.

Kitahara Hakuaki also patiently replied.

But as soon as there were many problems, he couldn’t help but jump his eyelids, and his mood was extremely delicate.

Looking at the cute girl who chattered, Kitahara Baiqiu really couldn’t stand it anymore and directly chose to start signing the contract.


Fan Lou, the god of doubt, did not get an answer, and his face was full of surprise.

But apart from the astonishment, she had no other emotions, and she did not resist it at all, and slowly closed her eyes.

After the contract between the two is completed.

The Goddess Lord looked at Kitahara Baiqiu with a gloomy look: “White Night, you have changed, you obviously promised me, you will answer all my questions.” ”

“I’ll answer you later.”

Kitahara White Autumn Road.

“Later? But they have already made a contract, and the feeling will be different in the future, ah, get on the bus first and then make up the ticket? I don’t think that’s right. ”

The suspicious god Fan Lou said softly.

When she said this, she did not notice that she had always been deeply dependent on Kitahara Baiqiu.

Be aware.

As the god of doubt, Fanlou is also the god of trust.

The object of her trust is undoubtedly Kitahara Baiqiu.

After signing a contract with all the girls.

[Satoshi Dragon] Reginrefer, the god of forging, Okan, and other divine species have undoubtedly arrived at the territory of the Sen Jing Species.

[Satoshi Dragon] Lai Jin Lev saw Kitahara Bai Qiu. It’s just laughter.

At this moment, the rest of the gods were undoubtedly smiling at Kitahara Hakuaki and kindness.

Kitahara Baiqiu undoubtedly fulfilled the original agreement with them.

Even the last time he got the supreme star cup, he gave up returning to the original point.

This undoubtedly made Kitahara Hakuaki gain the recognition of all of them.

“Lord White Night, to tell you the truth, if I didn’t know that you were the God of the Killing God, I would have doubted whether you were the God of Swords, and that sword was really terrifying!”

[Conglong] Lai Jin Lev came to the front of Kitahara Baiqiu and said to Kitahara Baiqiu in surprise.

When the other gods heard this, they couldn’t help but nod their heads.

Kitahara Shiraaki kills the sword of the Mori god Kainas.

No doubt shocked all the gods.

Even if there really is some god born from the concept of the sword in this world.

They felt that they were probably inferior to Kitahara Baiqiu in the sword path.

Kitahara Baiqiu just smiled at this and glanced at the Demon Slaying Holy Sword in his hand.

There is the credit of his talent, but naturally there is also the great credit of Esther.

“No matter what, Lord White Night, the god of the gods, you have fulfilled your original agreement with us and come back again.”

“Even if we actually got the Star Cup, we gave up and let us be resurrected.”

“Then it is time to fulfill our original promise to you, and from now on you will be the co-Lord recognized by all our races!”

“The co-lord of the world!”

The god of forging, Okan, represents the divine species at this moment, and also swears an oath to Kitahara Hakuaki.

The rest of the gods also nodded at this moment, their eyes firm. And it was when the god of forging, Okan, swore an oath to Kitahara Hakuaki.


All races, except for the Celestial Wing Race, also began to declare their submission to the Northern Plains White Autumn.

This is the order given by many gods to their own race before leaving.

This move also shocked the world.

All human species are not stunned at this moment.

Because, I haven’t won the Star Cup yet.

Their Holy Emperor had already become the Holy Emperor of all races! At this moment, the Northern Plains White Autumn is undoubtedly it.

The world is co-lord!

The human race was in an uproar.

Surprises, cheers suddenly resounded throughout the world!

After signing a contract with the goddess of love, Aram, Huby, Fanlou, and Shinku Nirbaren.

After chatting with the [Satoshi Dragon] Regin Raveu and the gods who came to him for a few words, Kitahara Baiqiu did not stay.

Set off again and set off for the last Celestial Wings.

As always, he did not accept everyone’s help.

Instead, one man and one sword, he came to the god of war, Artexiu, again.

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