Chapter 214 Becoming the One God! Ten Covenants!!

None of them have yet appeared in the Star Cup.

In the case that the Star Cup has not yet been obtained.

The whole world.

Almost all races.

But it has already chosen the co-lord of the world.

This is undoubtedly extremely shocking and unbelievable.


Now this fact is happening before everyone’s eyes.

Even if it’s amazing, even if it’s unbelievable.

People have to believe it too, because that’s the truth.

Among these many races.

The most excited, the most cheering.

It is undoubtedly the human race of the sixteen races.

At this moment, Colony and Ina were already crying bitterly, and their hearts were full of pride.

It is very different from the human race, and it is very different from the world. It is undoubtedly the sixth Celestial Wing Species in the sequence of the Sixteen Races.


It is the only race that has not sworn allegiance. At the same time, at this moment, it seems that the world is also the enemy.

Even if it is them, even if it is the Celestial Wing Species.

In the case of the enemy of the whole world, it will only be crushed mercilessly, and there will be no resistance at all.


Although the Celestial Wing did not swear allegiance.

But……… All races know.

The complex relationship between the Northern Plains White Autumn and the Celestial Wing species.

Naturally, it was impossible to find trouble for the Heavenly Wing Species.

Everybody knows.

If only someone dared to trouble the Celestial Wings.

That is, the horse’s ass slapped on the horse’s leg, which was simply a dead end.

At this moment, the sky city where the Celestial Wing species is located ——— above Abant Heyim.

All the Celestial Wings were silent at this moment.

Azriel, who was the leader, was even shaking at the moment.

And just as they were silent.

Kitahara White Autumn.

No doubt it is once again on top of this sky city.

When the Celestial Wing Maidens saw the arrival of the Northern Plains White Autumn, their eyes were full of complexity, but there was no overreaction.

“The host!!!”

A figure rushed out of the sky wing species and directly hugged the Northern Plains White Autumn.

“Master master, you have finally arrived.”

“I tell you, these guys, Azriel is so stubborn!”

“I told them to serve you as Lord together like everyone else, and Azriel ignored me at all!”

The girl hugged Kitahara Bai Qiu and chattered.

And the identity of the girl can only be Jeephril.

Among the entire Celestial Wing species.

Only she expressed her love for Kitahara Baiqiu without pressure, and stood on the side of Kitahara Baiqiu without pressure.

Kitahara Hakuaki also smiled at Jibril and kissed her on the cheek.

He looked at the leader of the Celestial Wings, Azril.

Azriel took two steps forward, only to stumble and almost fall.

Heavenly Wing species.

God-killing weapons.

As a result, I couldn’t even walk.

It is enough to see how shaken Azriel is at this moment.

“You, why are you coming back?”

Azriel trembled and asked softly.

That being asked, though.

But there was no blame in her tone, no resentment.

There is only endless complexity.


And just when Jibril showed an angry expression on her face, just when she wanted to scold Azriel who asked such a question.

The voice of the god of war, Artexiu.

But it was ringing all over the sky city.

In his voice, there was also some blame for Azriel.

With the appearance of sound.

The figure of Artejo, the god of war, also appeared in front of everyone.

“Do you remember that I once said that once I was defeated, I would surrender to the god of the gods, White Night?”

The god of war, Artexiu, looked at Azril expressionlessly and asked.

“Remember, remember.”

A cold sweat appeared on Azriel’s forehead and she spoke.

“Then do you think that I lost last time, can I win this time?”

Ares Arthur asked again.

Azriel was silent, her heart full of wavering.

“Now that you understand! Is this your attitude towards the White Night, the god of God? ”

The god of war, Arte, was expressionless.

There was no blame in his tone, but as if stating a fact.

Azriel could no longer hold back, and the girl fell straight to the ground.

But the god of war, Artejo, ignored her.

Instead, he looked at all the Celestial Wing Maidens and said, “I hope you understand that the god of the gods, White Night, has never been my enemy.” ”

“It’s my opponent!” My best friend! Fulfilled my long-held wish! Fulfill the existence that I have always pursued! ”

“I am the God of War! Born for Battle! To the death of the Hugh! Being able to die in battle is the best place for me, and it’s what I’ve been striving for! ”

“An invincible world… It is too lonely, the space is empty, it is me, and I long for the existence of a god-killer in the world who can match me, even surpass me. ”

“Defeated? Death? To me, it’s nothing. ”

The voice of the god of war, Artexiu, was full of majesty, but it seemed to be incomparably calm in his heart.

For the first time, it was said in front of all the Celestial Wing Maidens.

The Celestial Wing Maidens heard the words.

At the same time as the shock, there was also silence.

Only now do they know themselves as a god.

What he wanted was never a star cup.

It’s defeat.

“Don’t forget that the god of the Killing God is also the god of the Celestial Wings, and… He cares more about you than I do. ”

“Today I will have a battle with the God of God, and after this battle, I hope that you will surrender to the God of God, this is my last command!”

The god of war, Artexiu, was also silent at this point.

Once, Kitahara Baiqiu’s love for the Heavenly Wing Seed was all in his eyes.

All he was relieved to give the Heavenly Wing Seed to Kitahara Baiqiu.

The Celestial Wing Maidens were also even more silent at this moment, still not speaking

Of course, they had not forgotten that Kitahara Baiqiu was also the god of their Heavenly Wing Species, rather than that they had always remembered it clearly.

The god of war, Artexiu, ignored them when he finished.

Instead, he smiled and looked at Kitahara Baiqiu, without a lot of nonsense, and directly asked: “Void War?” ”

“Well, Void War.”

Kitahara nodded and responded in this way.

And then.

The figures of the two also disappeared directly in the same place.

This time, Kitahara Bai Qiu was holding the Demon Annihilation Holy Sword in his hand.

In an instant, the god of war, Artexiu, fell into the ascendant, and could even be said to be in danger.

However, Kitahara Hakuaki was in a position of respect for the god of war, Artexiu, a truly powerful man, to give him a chance.

Let his god of war, Artexiu, raise his strength to the limit of this world, and then burst out into full force to fight with one.

And yet, even so.

After reaching the limit, the god of war, Artexiu, although powerful, was still at a comprehensive disadvantage in battle.

The Demon Slaying Sword conjured by Kitahara Shiraaki and Esther.

The two stay together, and the strength improvement is not as simple as one plus one.

Altexiu, the god of war who had once been able to achieve an equal match with Kitahara Baiqiu, naturally could not do it.

“Hahaha! Cool! Is this the full power of the God of God? ”

But the God of War is worthy of the God of War.

Even if he was defeated with an absolute inferiority, he did not have the slightest resentment on his face.

His face was full of hearty smiles.

“I really didn’t expect to be able to fight with you twice, which is really happy.”

“To be honest, last time I actually lost a little reluctantly, thinking that I may not be impossible to win.”

“But this time, I was convinced.”

“Victory is yours.”

“After that, the Celestial Wing Seed will trouble you.”

The God of War, Artexiu, with a smile, slowly dissipated again between heaven and earth.

The God of War died in the war, and there is no regret.

This was something that even Azriel knew, she simply did not want the god of war Arthur to die.

After the death of the God of War.

Star Cup.

It was undoubtedly at this moment that it appeared again.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the star cup in front of him and directly reached out and shook it.

After holding the star cup.

Kitahara Baiqiu also deeply felt what the power of world sovereignty was.

No energy is required! No effort required!

Just think about it with a single thought.

You can reforge the whole world, reforge the whole universe!

This is a universal cauldron that can make people wantonly rewrite the world and restore it arbitrarily, without any restrictions.

Hold the glowing regular dodecahedron in your hand.

The Star Cup is also slowly integrated into the body of Kitahara Baiqiu.

Look at a world that has long since become dilapidated because of thousands or even thousands of years of war.

Kitahara Baiqiu waved it casually.

The whole world began to reset, condense, create.

It’s like going back in time—

The world began to return to the way it should have been.

Warm sunshine, clear blue sky.

The lithosphere, the atmosphere, the forests, the vegetation, the sea…

Everything began to return to its former beauty, its former luxuriant appearance.

These are all extremely ordinary things.

However, after the beginning of the Great War, it became a legend.

Especially for the human race.

It’s as if it’s beauty that exists only in stories.

Many races.

Look up at this moment and watch this miracle happen.

They know.

This is Kitahara Hakuaki winning. The war lasted for thousands of years.

It’s finally over at this moment.

Many races showed a look of surprise on their faces at this moment.

The race that longed for the end of the war has always been not just human.

And now, no doubt it has come true.

Everything in the world, which represents the good, appeared before them.

“All sixteen races with intellect!”

“I make a new covenant here in the name of the One God!”

And at the same time.

The voice of Kitahara White Autumn also resounded all over the world.

[First, this world forbids all killing, war, and plunder. 】

[Second, all disputes are resolved by winning or losing in the game. 】

[Third, the game must be betted on bets that both sides agree to be equal.] 】

[4. Without violating Article 3, the game content and bets are not restricted. 】

[5. The challenged party has the right to decide the content of the game. 】

[Sixth, the bet made by ‘swearing an oath to the covenant’ must be absolutely kept. 】

[7. A plenipotentiary agent shall be appointed for a group dispute. 】

[Eighth, there are improper actors in the game, and once they are exposed, they are regarded as defeats.] 】

[IX.] In the name of God, it is declared that all of the above are immutable rules. 】

【10, let’s play peacefully together!】 】

Kitahara White Autumn is not conducive to change.

If he were a man of this world, he might try to change.

But he wasn’t.

Have to admit.

No matter what world it is, as long as there is an intellectual race.

Then strife is inevitable.

Peace, at best, is short-lived.

Fighting, chaos, casualties………

Everything is nothing but a cycle of reincarnation that cannot be avoided.

And the ten covenants in the original book.

Undoubtedly channeling this strife into the game.

The cost of strife is minimized.

Naturally, Kitahara Hakuaki also recognized this.

So he followed everything from the original.

Right now!

Accompanied by the orders of Kitahara Hakuaki.

The world has also changed!

The whole game life world is about to usher in a new era!

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