Chapter 215 Six Thousand Years Later! A Changed Future!!

After the game Life World is qualitative.

Kitahara looked at the world in front of him.

Feeling the power brought to him by the Star Cup in his body was also very emotional.

At this moment, he fused with the Star Cup.

It really is, literally, omnipotent.

Of course, this omnipotence.

It’s also limited to the game life world.


This is not his true power, but brought to him by the Star Cup.

Feel the seemingly omnipotent power that the Star Cup brings to you.

Kitahara White Autumn had a whim.

Reminds me of the game Life World in the main drama six thousand years after the end of the war.

He suddenly had the interest of using this power to go to the world six thousand years from now.

Kitahara Hakuaki was in no hurry to go down.

Instead, he directly used his power and came six thousand years later.

This ability to travel through time.

For Kitahara Baiqiu, who is now the only god in the game life world, it is naturally nothing.


Kitahara Hakuaki did not intend to do anything after six thousand years.

Instead, I want to be a simple spectator.

Look at today’s game life world six thousand years later.

Because what will he become again.




It was a moment after the arrival of the Northern Plains White Autumn for six thousand years.

A girlish exclamation.

At this moment, it also suddenly sounded.

Kitahara Baiqiu was stunned and subconsciously looked at it.

He saw a beautiful girl with long ears and blond hair, who was now soaking in the bath.

For the sudden appearance of seeing Kitahara White Autumn.

The blonde girl’s face was flushed with redness and anger.

In addition to having a golden hair, the girl’s face is also as cute as an angel, her skin is like gelatin, and she also has a noble princess-like temperament on her body.

At this moment, in addition to shame and anger, there was also sluggishness and dazedness on her beautiful and vulgar face

Obviously, she was full of shock at the sudden appearance of Kitahara Baiqiu here.

“Ah, sorry sorry, I didn’t mean it, so I left.”

Kitahara Baiqiu was also slightly surprised that the place where he had landed had changed dramatically.

However, after he smiled lightly at the girl, he was also ready to leave directly.

He came as a spectator.

Naturally, at this moment, he will not have too many other emotions.


However, just as Kitahara Hakuaki was preparing to leave.

The girl in the bath suddenly stopped Kitahara Baiqiu.

The expression on his face also began to change into shock: “Please ask you to be… The only god, Lord White Night? ”


Kitahara Bai Qiude stopped his steps, looked back again, and asked in surprise, “Do you know me?” ”

“Lord White Night said with a smile, in this world, who doesn’t know you?”

The blonde girl quickly got up and respectfully performed a salute to Kitahara Baiqiu.

However, after the salute, I became aware of my state.

Even Lian also made up clothes to put on himself.

It was a service like a witch’s garment, dressed in white, red, and black woven colors.

A girl in a witch’s costume.

At this moment the charm was also released again, shining with long blonde hair and long ears representing the identity of the orc race, as well as two golden tails on the back.

It makes her look extremely different.

“The Plenipotentiary Agent of the Eastern Alliance, the Fourteenth Orc Queen in the Sixteen Races Sequence, the Witch, meet the Lord of the White Night.”

After putting on the witch’s clothes, the witch also saluted the North Plains White Autumn again.

This time, it seems to be even more deliberate.

Kitahara Bai Qiu fixed his eyes and found that it was really the original fox glasses lady, who almost didn’t recognize it just now.


Kitahara nodded slightly.

“I wonder what happened when Lord White Night came to the Eastern Union this time?”

The witch’s face was inexplicably red, and she looked at Kitahara Baiqiu with a strange look in her eyes and asked.

“I just want to see how the world is now.”

Kitahara smiled lightly and said to the witch.


The witch’s face was confused.

“Well, I’m from six thousand years ago.”

Kitahara Baiqiu said it without any scruples.


The witch was suddenly shaken! Six, six thousand years ago?!! No wonder.

The witch suppressed the shock in her heart and said, “I don’t know what Lord White Night wants to know?” Maybe I can help Lord White Night? ”

“Is it…… Then you say that the sixteen races are all Huai as full agents, right? ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu suddenly became interested and asked curiously.

Hearing this, the witch hurriedly said, “Yes, the current orc race is the one who is holding the position of full agent, and you already know this Lord of the White Night.” ”

“In the case of the Divine Species, Lord Fan Lou of the Fox Doubtful God is holding the position of Full-Power Agent, and the Celestial Wing Species, Azriel is holding the position of Full-Power Agent.”

“Sen Sei, with Empress Ori Elle Fioruhat as Plenipotentiary.”

The position of Steward, a leprechaun species, is the full agent of Queen Foye Nicolán.

“The marine species, with Queen Lyra Lorelei as Plenipotentiary Agent… The witch kept introducing Kitahara Hakuaki. ”

Kitahara Hakuaki was still listening carefully at first.

Then the more he listened, the more wrong he became, and he asked in surprise, “Wait, wait, why is it that the queen and the empress are holding the position of plenipotentiary agent?” ”

Not really.

Listen to the witch’s description.

The plenipotentiary agents are simply all the queen and empress.

Even the witch lady in front of her, isn’t she also the queen of the orc race?


The witch’s face froze for a moment, as if she had something to worry about.

He hesitated and did not know whether to say it or not.

“But it doesn’t hurt to say it.”

Kitahara saw her hesitation and spoke directly.

The witch breathed a sigh of relief and explained this time, “This is actually because of you Lord White Night. ”

“My reason?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu was stunned when he heard this.

“Yes, I heard about it from our gods, six thousand years ago.”

“Empress Sinku Nilbarian of the Sen Essence, Empress Cloni Dora of the Human Race, Lord Azriel of the Celestial Wing Species… The queens of these races are all related to you and to you. ”

“Therefore, Lord Gods and many races have speculated whether Lord White Night is very fond of the Queen and Empress, so for six thousand years, many races and plenipotentiaries have basically been women…”

The witch spectacle lady kept talking, and her face was full of redness.

After all………

Why is it all the Queen and Empress.

Isn’t it self-evident what the gods and the major races are fighting?

When Kitahara Bai Qiu heard this, the whole person was stunned.

He…… Kitahara Hakuaki loves the empress?

What a ghost rumor this is!

He just likes someone who happens to be the Empress!

“So, now sixteen races…… The plenipotentiary agents are all women? ”

Kitahara smirked.

As a spectator, Kitahara Baiqiu also wants to be calm.

But……… It was a bit of a surprise to him.

“Yes… No, no, not exactly. ”

The witch glasses lady nodded subconsciously, then remembered something, and then opened her mouth to say that Kitahara Baiqiu was suddenly relieved.

He said, how can it all be empresses.

It seems that there are still reliable races and gods in this world.

“The plenipotentiary agent of the vampire species is not the Empress, but a male vampire named Bram.”

“No, but Lord Bram agrees that he is also very beautiful, and he has no male characteristics on his body, and even most women are not as good as him.”

“This, this is the vampire gods feel that the empress or something is too ordinary, and the existence of Lord Bram may have more unexpected effects…”

The witch glasses lady whispered more and more.

Because she found that the face of the only god White Night Lord seemed to be completely frozen.

Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was indeed frozen at this moment.

Listening to the witch’s description, he didn’t know what kind of existence Bram was.

Pseudo, pseudo-bride?!!

Which vampire god is coming?

Nyima can think of this method, saying that he can’t go back and really ‘thank you’ him!


Kitahara Baiqiu’s heart was also a little desperate.

Changed, completely changed.

He remembered that in the original work, it seemed that the plenipotentiary agents were not all the queen and empress?

But now because he has become what he is.

Now it’s just sixteen races and fifteen brains broken, and one is a pervert… Dry……

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