Chapter 240 The Great Improvement Brought by the Lingge Correction! Invincibility!!

Unknown divine lineage………

Although the White Night Fork could not understand and could not believe it.

This era.

Why are there still unknown gods appearing?.

This side of the box.

Why not the slightest bit of awareness.

It was as if this unknown divine system did not exist at all, did not appear at all, but the White Night Fork knew.

The king of the gods is the king of the gods!

Kitahara White Autumn represents a whole Kamihara!

Moreover, it was the kind of god king who was a three-digit peak god system.

The identity of Kitahara Hakuaki.

It itself represents a divine lineage.

This is also doomed.

He is different from the original three major problems of the children White Night Fork, Alger, and Halloween Queen.

The original three major problems of children are strong.

Even strong enough to say that it is the peak of the box.

But after all, they are all alone.

Even if it’s strong.

In the face of a supreme god lineage, it will also be a little weak. Alger is a typical example of the three problem children.

She had been given to her by the entire Greek gods.

Kitahara White Autumn is different.

As the king of the gods.

He represents more than just himself.

He represents a huge force, an incomparably powerful divine lineage.

Even if it is directly out of the world.

Appearing on the upper floor of the box court is also enough to change the layout of the current box court.

The million gods in the box court had to accept it.

This is the gap between the individual and the divine lineage.

But what makes White Night Fork wonder.

Why didn’t Kitahara Bai Qiu come with his entire divine lineage?

It’s just a single person.

It also joined the ‘NoName’ where the black rabbit is located.

The White Night Fork is completely incomprehensible.

As the king of the gods.

Kitahara Bai Qiu should be able to pull the entire Divine Sect into the box court.

There is one more thing besides that.

White Night Fork found.

In addition to being able to see through the personality of the King of the Gods of the White Autumn of the Northern Plains.

The rest, she couldn’t even see through?

No, it should be said.

It was Kitahara who used the King of the Gods to hide his other personalities and gifts.

This made White Night Fork cry and laugh.


Is there any personality and gifts in this boy who are even more exaggerated than the king of the gods?

Thinking about it……… The White Night Fork was suddenly stunned.

Stop……… Probably there really is!

After all, if not, why did Kitahara Baiqiu do this?!! The White Night Fork who realized this was shocked.

A person or gift that needs to be covered up by the kingship of the gods.

What kind of existence must that be!

This guy……

Bai Ye Fork looked at Beiyuan Bai Qiu in shock, and his heart was full of disbelief.

“Top three-digits?”

Kitahara looked at his hand.

I feel the strength in my body and feel very satisfied.


It’s really skyrocketing!

Under the Lingge correction of the center of the box court.

Even if it is the Northern Plains White Autumn, the strength has once again been greatly improved.

This kind of doing nothing can get such a huge boost.

Let Kitahara Baiqiu sigh, worthy of the box court world.

Three-digit peak strength.

It is also within the range of Kitahara White Autumn estimates.

In Kitahara’s original estimate, he should be between three and two digits.

As for the double digits………

Represents another level.

Even now he didn’t think he could break through.

So it can reach the peak of three digits.

Kitahara Hakuaki is already satisfied enough.

After all, the whole box court was stronger than him, but it was only the day ratio.

After the completion of the Kitahara White Autumn Linge.

Looking at the people below, they also smiled and landed in their direction.

And just when Kitahara Bai Qiu came to everyone.

Hisato Asuka and Kasuga had a straight face, clapped their hands, and hurriedly bowed to Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kitahara was stunned when he saw it.

Then he cried and laughed and said, “What are you doing?” ”

“Worship God.”

The long-distance bird had a serious look on his face and said excitedly, “God is actually by my side, so I can’t hurry to worship.” ”


Kasuga and Hisato Asuka did the same thing, and the expression on their faces was serious, like a pilgrimage.

“What I said makes so much sense, I have to hurry up and say goodbye.”

Sending back the sixteenth night to hear the news, I suddenly felt funny, laughed and even learned that the two of them were paying homage to Biyuan Baiqiu.

Kitahara Bai Qiu only looked at these three people with amusement, shook his head, and said, “I am not a god.” ”

“Ah, almost a little brother, the same level of existence as God, not God is also God.”

Sixteen Nights smiled and waved his hand, his face straight, as if he had worshiped reverently.

“I really didn’t expect that we not only met the gods, but also met big people similar to God.”

Kasuga spoke softly, and her tone was full of emotion.

“Hey, hey, so yeah, we have to hug our thighs quickly, maybe the first angel in the future is that I may also be sure.”

With a smile on his face, the bird said confidently looking at these three funny people.

Kitahara Baiqiu was not angry with a man who gave a head hammer.


“It hurts.”

“It’s too much!”

Three cries of pain sounded directly.

The three major problems of children directly protested to Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara White Autumn completely ignored it.

Bai Yecha looked at this scene and said helplessly, “You are really casual, if others know the identity of this King of the White Autumn Gods of the Northern Plains, it is estimated that they will not be afraid to speak, and the atmosphere will not care about how respectful it is, even if you have no scruples.” ”

Kasuga and Hisato Asuka glanced at each other, and their faces showed a confident look of blue.

Although they spent a short time with Kitahara Hakuaki, they did not know Kitahara Hakuaki.

But to say that the nature of Kitahara Baiqiu, through brief contact they still know something.

Sixteen Nights is not to be mentioned.

Problem children though, though some casual, arrogant, and unscrupulous people.

But they are also the representatives of keen observation, emotional intelligence and IQ are both extremely high, and high IQ.

Kitahara just smiled at that.

“Speaking of you, this guy, I really didn’t expect that it was actually a god king?” It’s unbelievable. ”

After Bai Ye spat out a sentence of three major problems for children, he also looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu with a serious face and said.

“I never said that I was an ordinary deity, the star spirit who controlled the sun and the white night, and the ten white nights.”

Kitahara said with a smile as he looked at the white night.

“You guy, you really know me, but I have helped you hide it as you wish, and in a short period of time, those gods and goddesses can’t find you, and you owe me a favor.”

White Night forked his hands at his waist and said naturally.

It was calculated, but she still chose to help Kitahara Baiqiu, what happened to the doctor’s personal feelings?

“Okay, no problem.”

Kitahara answered without hesitation.

“Speaking of you, what kind of god king is this guy?” Can you easily penetrate it? ”

After the White Night Fork obtains the consent of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Looking at Kitahara Baiqiu curiously, he couldn’t help but ask.

No way, everyone will be curious.

You know, whether it is Kitahara Baiqiu or his god lineage, it seems like it appeared out of thin air.

How can this not make people stunned, curious!

“Me? The god system I belong to is called the elegant god system, I am the god king of the elegant god system, and my real name is actually called White Night. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly, but replied with his mouth.

White Night’s fork’s face suddenly froze.

White Night…?

Elegant Shinigami…?

White Night Fork thought about it for a moment, making sure he hadn’t heard of it.

But if the God King is a three-digit Extraordinary Level, the God System should not be obscure, right?

White Night Fork felt that if it wasn’t his own problem.

That was the problem with Kitahara Hakuaki.

This guy…… It’s incredibly mysterious.

And the real name White Night……… Is it a little too imaginary to her name?

Come to think of it.

Bai Ye Fork also couldn’t help but glance at Kitahara Bai Qiu.

Bai Yecha asked again, “Since you are a god king of the Divine Lineage, why didn’t you come with your own Divine King?” Instead, ‘NoName’, where the black rabbit is located, was added. ”

“If you come with your own divine lineage, you should be able to become the strongest community in the box court world in an instant, one of the strongest divine lineages.”

There were too many doubts in Kitahara Baiqiu’s body.

Let the White Night Fork really can’t help but ask two more questions.

“Why didn’t they come with them, naturally it is not the time.”

Kitahara smiled lightly and said.

Not at that time?

The White Night Fork was stunned again, not understanding what this meant.

However, when I think of the doubts in Kitahara Baiqiu’s body.

White Night Fork pondered that there was probably something hidden or something.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not explain, but looked at the black rabbit and said, “Besides, isn’t the black rabbit’s community also quite good?” There is a black rabbit in the pass, then it is worth my joining”

Kitahara Bai Qiu had not forgotten his purpose of taming the black rabbit.


After learning that Kitahara Hakuaki is the king of the gods.

The black rabbit, who had been in a state of worry, was also flushed when he heard Kitahara Baiqiu’s words.

“White, Lord Bai Qiu! Please don’t say that! What a foul! ”

The black rabbit covered his face.

The heartbeat is also extremely fast at this moment.

It’s a foul indeed.

In itself, it is a being that makes people naturally feel good and admired, saying anything for you to do, giving up glory and wealth, accompanying you to suffer and suffer with you………

Who can stand this?

Black Rabbit felt that this had nothing to do with whether he was stupid or not.

Most people can’t stand it.

The smile on Kitahara Baiqiu’s face when he looked at the black rabbit was also even bigger.

But he said so.

But to be honest, the Elegant Divine System is really not suitable for the Advent Box Court now.

First, the world of the God Killer and the world of Comics have not yet been completely integrated.

Kitahara Bai Qiu wanted the Elegant Divine System to descend across the two worlds or it was still a little difficult to wait for the complete integration of the God Killer World and the Comprehensive Man World.

Kitahara Bai Qiu was able to easily pull the entire elegant god system to the box garden.

The second is due to the special nature of the box court.

As an elegant deity that descended on the corpses of Greek gods.

Once it comes to the world of the box garden.

Then, there must be a conflict with the Greek gods of this world.

In between.

And it is inevitable that only the next one remains.

This is also the main reason why Kitahara Baiqiu will not let the elegant god system descend at present.

In the view of Kitahara Hakuaki.

It’s not that time.

Although his strength reached three digits under the Lingge correction of the center of the box court.

All the goddesses of the elegant divine system with whom he had contracts descended on the box court would inevitably only weaken him and reach the four-figure level.

But three digits are simply too few.

In addition to him, it is estimated that only Athena, and Eszi can reach three digits.

The Greek mythology of this world is not simple.

Especially the god king Zeus of Greek mythology.

Even among the many gods in the box, it was an extremely powerful and special existence.

It doesn’t have to be a win-win fight.

But……… Not necessarily.

After Kitahara Baiqiu’s strength reached double digits.

Wouldn’t it be nice for the goddesses with whom he had contracts to reach three digits and then make trouble?

In this way.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally would not let the elegant god system descend on the box court, at least not now it would be sure later.

That’s not just Greek mythology.

Instead, he had to make a fuss about the whole box.

He’s not a White Night Fork.

Alone in one! Even if it’s double digits.

Once the strongest except the wind of decadence! Both experienced three defeats in the box court.

Once Kitahara Baiqiu strikes, it means undefeated!

“Forget it, you can’t ask anything, can you show me the gift card?”

White Night forked a white eye, sighed and asked.

Everyone has their own hidden feelings.

Since Kitahara Baiqiu did not say it, naturally he would not investigate deeply.

Curious, he asked Kitahara Baiqiu to see if he could ask for a gift card.

“Okay, no problem.”

Kitahara said without scruples.

Then he directly handed the gift card to the White Night Fork.

White Night was stunned at first, not expecting it to be so easy.

Then she took the gift card and looked at it as well.

On the Kitahara White Autumn Gift Card.

Except for two words. Nothing.

And those two words are exactly.

【Invincible!!! 】

The White Night Fork was stunned to see these two words.

What is this?

White Night’s heart was crying and laughing.

Of course, she knew that this could not be the full gift of Kitahara Bai Qiu.

But see such a gift.

It was also something that White Night Fork did not expect.

Can’t even the supposedly all-knowing Laplace piece of paper detect the truth of this guy?

No wonder………

No wonder this guy has a way to temporarily conceal the detection of the box court center, and there is a way to delay the detection of the box court center.

White Night Fork feeling. It was as if he had been tricked again.


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