Chapter 272 The Horrified Gilgamesh! Altoria’s wish!!

Winterwood City.

Just as Kitahara Hakuaki summoned Saber Artoria.

After the creation of the Holy Grail.

All participants in the Holy Grail War.

Feel the manifestation of the Holy Grail.

At this moment, it was a huge sensation.

The expression on his face was full of shock.

Obviously, none of them have been destroyed.

Obviously, the Holy Grail War can be said to have not yet begun.

It should be the last.

The Almighty Wishing Machine Holy Grail has arrived.

How is this possible?!!

In the past, this kind of thing did not happen, it was almost unheard of.

But now it is happening before our eyes and it has become an indisputable fact?!! Whatever the reason.

The Holy Grail is coming!

All the heroic spirits at this moment, there is no time to think about it. He began to rush directly to the place where the Holy Grail appeared.

The Holy Grail War exists because of the battle for the Holy Grail.

Whatever the reason why the Holy Grail is now revealed.

But there is no doubt, as a participant.

All they need to do now is shoot the Holy Grail!


The angry voice of the hero King Gilgamesh also seemed to resound throughout the night world.

Naturally, he was the first person to come to the Tosaka family’s bungalow ——— the manifestation of the Holy Grail.

But, he was blocked!

His mighty hero king was actually blocked by a boundary! Rumble!!!

Gilgamesh sacrificed his king’s treasure, and many of the treasures were also bombarded at this moment.

Each piece of terrifying treasure carries great power and directly attacks the end but.

This enchantment was under the attack of terror, but it did not fluctuate in the slightest.

This made Gilgamesh grit his teeth and become even more irritable.

And at this very moment.

Other heroic spirits.

At this moment, too, I rushed over.

The figure of Lancer Kuchulin, holding a spear, began to appear.

Rider Medusa followed at this moment.

She glanced at Kuchulin and Gilgamesh and then at the Tosaka family, where the Holy Grail appeared.

Berserker Hercules! Caster Medea!

Assassin Sasaki Kojiro!

All the heroic spirits were gathered at this moment.

Even the assassin Sasaki Kojiro was brought over by Caster Medea.

However, at the moment.

All of them were kept out of the enchantment!

“Hey, what’s going on?” Obviously, before they even started to play the Holy Grail, it had already arrived, and this kind of thing could not be said to be true. ”

Lancer Kuchulin looked at the Tosaka family within the enchantment and said in a tone full of surprise.

It’s not just heroes.

At this moment, all the servants hiding in the shadows, at this moment, their hearts are full of shock.

Among them, some people have recognized this as the home of Tosaka Rin.

Thinking back to the handsome young man who Tosaka Rin took to school today, they also seemed to understand something.

“What a powerful enchantment, and a warlock who has never seen it before, who hasn’t appeared?”

Caster Medea looked at the solution in front of her and said with a look of shock on her face.

Although this is only the boundary that Kitahara Baiqiu has laid out in order not to let people disturb him.

Although Caster Medea is superior in this aspect of magic, he is known as a magician of the Divine Dynasty.

But if you want to crack the magic of Kitahara Baiqiu, not everyone can do it.

At least Caster Medea can’t do it now.

“Who hasn’t arrived?” saber! Saber hasn’t arrived yet! ”

“And let’s just add an Archer! These two have not yet arrived! ”

Lancer Kuchulin glanced around, and also said with a solemn look

Two of the seven followers did not arrive.

Then, the one who now receives the Holy Grail in the Enchantment is undoubtedly one of them

Or rather, it’s very likely that both are inside at the moment.

Otherwise it cannot be explained.

The Holy Grail has already appeared, and there are still followers who have not arrived.

“Get out! Amateurs! ”

“Let the king use EA to split this damn enchantment!”

The sound of the hero King Gilgamesh gritting his teeth also sounded in the air above everyone.

In everyone’s heart, at this moment, both are shocked.

To be precise.

The heroic king Gilgamesh does not belong to any of the horsemen of this Holy Grail War.

He was in the last Holy Grail War.

With the help of the Holy Grail, the heroic spirit who survived by chance.

But there’s no denying it.

The strength of the hero king Gilgamesh is the strongest of all the people present! His treasure heaven and earth are obedient to the star of the opening.

With the reputation of cutting the world, you can see how strong it really is.

As a heroic spirit.

Although it is not known why the Holy Grail came in such a strange way.

But now that it has come.

There is no doubt that there is no truth that has been issued.

So is Gilgamesh!

Naturally, others are the same!

Since the King’s Treasure was useless, Gyūyū Gammish naturally took out his strongest weapon.

“Oh, if that’s the case, I’ll help you too.”

Lancer Kuchulin’s face was full of smiles.

The red gun in his hand had also begun to emit bursts of red light.

It was clear that he was ready to release the treasure.

The other heroes did not speak.

But no doubt the same is true.

This is not the business of the heroic king Gilgamesh alone, but of all of them.

Face the Holy Grail.

They are not partnerships, but net relationships.

For these people.

The hero king Gilgamesh also had a disdainful smile on his face.

The Celestial Rising Star was fully manifested in Gilgamesh’s hands.

The breath of terror directly enveloped the audience.

“The time has come for sanctions!”

“The one who splits the heavens and the earth is my obedient sword!”

“Pick it up.”

“Heaven and earth are separated from the star Enuma Elish!”


Along with the spirit of speech, the attack that claimed to be able to split the world was also directly attacking the enchantment of the Tosaka family.

Not only that.

All the other heroic spirits.

At this moment are the release of treasures that follow.


There was a loud bang.

A loud explosion also sounded at this moment.

The field of vision was missing, and the only thing visible was the huge mushroom cloud that followed the explosion.

The hero king Gilgamesh had a confident look on his face.

However, after the smoke cleared.

What appeared in front of everyone’s eyes was still the unscathed boundary.


The hero king Gilgamesh exclaimed in disbelief.

The others watched as all the treasures were released.

Still unscathed, his face was also full of shock.

How is this possible?

How strong are the people inside? As Kitahara Shiraaki said at the beginning.

Holy Grail War.

For him.

The beginning is nothing more than a small fight.


No matter how noisy it is outside.

In the bungalow of the Tosaka family.

None of them were affected by the slightest shadow.

It can even be said that the sound cannot be heard.

“How, the Holy Grail is at hand, do you need to make a wish?” Two teenage girls. After Kitahara Bai Qiu asked slightly sarcastically. ”

Tosaka Rin and Artoria’s eyes were in a trance.

Finally accepted the absurd fact that happened right in front of me.

“Can wishes really be fulfilled? master? ”

Altoria was also nervous at this moment, looking at Kitahara Hakuaki to confirm again.

“Of course.”

Kitahara smiled slightly and replied in this way.

“Well, that’s the case.”

“I want to go back in time and back to the past so that I don’t pull out the sword in the stone and don’t become King Arthur.”

“Britain needs a more suitable king to lead it than me.”

Artoria’s body trembled a little, but she still said to her heels. Although a little strange, although not participating in the battle to get the Holy Grail.

But Artoria didn’t want to miss the opportunity.

This is the knot in her heart all along, and it is also the shadow she has always had…

In this moment.

There was no King Arthur standing here, only a young man named Artoria, who was also full of surprise when he heard King Arthur’s words.

She did not expect that this saber was actually the famous King Arthur in history.

And, Arthur’s wishes.

Is it to prevent yourself from becoming king?

As a king, she actually regretted being a king.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at Artoria and sighed silently.

Is this really the case?

“Altoria, it’s easy for you to give up pulling out the sword in the stone, but have you ever thought that if you don’t pull out the sword in the stone, others may not be as good as you?”

Kitahara looked at Artoria, shook his head and spoke.

“Indeed, Your Excellency, King Arthur, you are a legend in history, and the things you have done are not something that anyone else can do.”

Rin Tosaka also said to Artoria.

She wasn’t exaggerating, she was just telling the truth.

If you change someone, you can do better than King Arthur.

Artoria was also stunned when she heard the two men’s words.

She was tempted to say that some people were better than her.

But for a moment.

I can’t even say who is more suitable to be king than her.

Artoria was destined to become King Arthur, but she was also never destined to lose a point.

“So, instead of giving up being King Arthur, why don’t you make a wish and make the Kingdom of Britain better under your own leadership?”

Kitahara looked at the girl and asked softly.

“Is it okay to get better under my leadership?”

Artoria’s eyes were confused and she asked uncertainly.

“Of course you can.”

Kitahara nodded his head in affirmation.

Artoria’s eyes became firm, and she said, “Well, then this is my wish, please, master.” ”

Once regretted, once wrong.

How can it not be a good thing to be able to make up for it with your own hands?

“No problem, then, Artoria, what are you willing to pay as the price of realizing this wish?”

Kitahara asked.

“Pay? Do you still need to pay? ”

Artoria was stunned at first, and subconsciously muttered two directions to herself.

Then, without waiting for Kitahara to answer, she directly said, “If I can succeed, I am willing to give my everything!” ”

“So, the contract is established.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard the words and chuckled at Shangsheng Shikou.

The girl’s wish.

If you need him to help achieve it, it is naturally necessary to pay.

Willing to give everything you have?

That doesn’t look like a loss.

For Kitahara Hakuaki.

It’s just a trip back a thousand years ago.

Going back to the time of King Arthur and changing something, it wasn’t very difficult.

And at this very moment.

“Kitahara, my wish is.”

Tosaka Rin was on the sidelines, and he also hurriedly said his wishes.

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