Chapter 281 The Legend of King Arthur Ends! Go to the Four Battles!!

As time passes.

As king, Artoria also grew a lot.

Meet her after you.

No longer the little girl who once regretted becoming king.

It is a true king who is extremely proud to be a king.

After the birth of Mordred.

Artoria has also shown a lot of maternal concern over the years.

Guillaume is also very fond of this child.

Even Morgan Lefey often likes to tease Artoria.

They are all full of love for this child.

Everyone is full of expectations for this child.

And Mordred didn’t disappoint.

From an early age, he showed a talent for swordplay like his mother.

He also showed extraordinary talent in dealing with state affairs.

This undoubtedly ecstatic everyone in the Kingdom of Britain.

It’s no exaggeration.

This is a little Artoria.

Although everyone liked Mordred, everyone loved her immensely.

But there’s no doubt that Mordred’s favorite, the stickiest person has to be you.

After all, your charm is extraordinary, and it is even more foul for children.

For this lovely daughter.

Of course, you also like it.

Mordred grew up under all kinds of pampering.

Because of her harsh education, she did not grow crooked at all.

Gradually, she also began to take over all the things and rights of the British Kingdom from Artoria’s hands.

Truly become the new king of the Kingdom of Britain!

There is no doubt that Mordred was also a wise king.

If nothing else.

The Kingdom of Britain was placed in the hands of Mordred, and there would be no problem at all, just after Mordred became queen.

You and Morgan Lefe, Artoria, and Guillaude are undoubtedly leaving.

“Is it really okay to hand over the kingdom to Xiao Mo?” We are all gone, is it too cruel to Xiao Mo? ”

Guillaude hesitated, looked at the British Kingdom at her feet, looked at Mordred, who had become the new queen, and asked intolerably.

“Of course not.”

Morgan Lefey looked at Guinifer and said without hesitation, “Didn’t we give her everything we had to hand over?” She also satisfies us all isn’t it? ”

“Well, I believe in Xiao Mo too.”

Artoria looked at the figure and said softly, “As for the future, we will definitely meet Xiao Mo, won’t we?” ”


Artoria also looked tenderly at Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled lightly and replied, “Of course, and don’t worry about Xiao Mo, after all, she is my daughter, but her body contains my power.” ”

“Although this force has not yet awakened, in this world, it is impossible for anyone to hurt her, and once she really encounters a fatal danger, then… Strength, absolutely will completely explode. ”

Although that case.

Kitahara Hakuaki felt that it wouldn’t happen.

Artoria, Morgan Lefey, and Guillaude were also relieved at this moment.

Kitahara laughed softly.

The last time he took a look at Mordred, he also left with his three daughters.

This is naturally a little unfair to Mordred.

But there’s no way………

Sorry, forgive your wayward parents, Mordred. When the next time we meet, whatever you ask for.

As compensation, I will satisfy you………

Think so. In a place where no one is.

Two small figures.

It also appears in front of Kitahara White Autumn, Artoria, Morgan Lefeld, and Guiniway.

The two are the two major inhibitors of the Moon World.

Gaia and Alayah.

The two little Lolitas nodded toward Kitahara Baiqiu after that.

Also took away Artoria, Morgan Lefey, Guillaume.

This is the agreement made by Kitahara Hakuaki and Gaia and Alaya.

The three women also knew.

In these years together, they already knew. You are from the future.

They know that one day in the future, they will definitely see you again.

So after reluctantly kissing you goodbye.

They all obediently followed the two major inhibitors and temporarily left.

You watch everyone disappear, and there is some sadness on your face.

Look back at the life of King Arthur Altoria.

I have to say that it is completely worthy of being called a legend.

Aside from teaching Artoria swordplay as a child, you didn’t interfere much with Artoria.

Countless battles, a legend of no defeat.

Wise and holy, after the war, the whole of Britain was reorganized.

Bringing the Kingdom of Britain to the right track has brought it to a peak of legend. Everything about it.

It was Artoria herself.

Now the story of King Arthur is undoubtedly more legendary than that of King Arthur in the past

It’s a perfect story.

Arthur King Artoria in the future account.

It will undoubtedly become the perfect king with many legends.

“Leah’s wish is fulfilled, then next… It’s also time to fulfill Rin’s wishes. ”

Kitahara thought with a light smile.

Then he also disappeared directly in the same place.

At first, he had promised to fulfill the wishes of the two young girls.

If Altoria’s wish is related to the Kingdom of Britain.


Tosaka Rin’s wishes. It is undoubtedly related to the four wars.

The Four Battles of the Holy Grail War.

Don’t look at the Northern Plains White Autumn now changed the Kingdom of Britain a lot, but also changed the fate of Artoria.

But the Kingdom of Britain and the Four Wars era are too far away.

The correctness of history corrects everything to its origin.

And the change and correction force in it.

All this will be borne by Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kitahara Baiqiu undoubtedly just wanted to change a certain period of history and change the fate of some people.

He can do it easily.

But as for the corrective power of history, he did not think of stopping it, or there was no need to stop it.

The Four Wars and the Kingdom of Britain were too long ago, and basically by that time the impact had been minimal.

So the four wars should still happen.

“Then again, do I want to give myself some identity or something to participate in the Fourth World War?”

“In that case, maybe the four battles will be more interesting?”

Kitahara Baiqiu thought excitedly in his heart.

Although he doesn’t have the talent of being a person with an identity now.

However, if you really engage in an identity or something.

After coming for so long, there is Gaia Alaya behind him.

Nature can do it easily.

Just do it.


Kitahara Baiqiu also began to think about what identity he should engage in. Corpse.

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