Chapter 282 Imperial Sanjia! Choose Alice Field!!

Moon World.

1990, Neon, Dongmu City.

Not much time has passed since the Fourth Holy Grail War began.

All participants in the Holy Grail War.

They are all preparing for the coming of the Holy Grail War.

And when it comes to the Holy Grail War in Winterwood.

Here we also have to mention the Mizo family that launched the Holy Grail War.

The Tosaka family, the Kirito family, and the Einz Belen family.

180 years ago, it was these three magic families that united to launch the so-called Holy Grail War.

The Tosaka family provided a special vein for the Holy Grail War that connected infinite spiritual powers.

The Einz Belen family provides a vessel for summoning the Holy Grail.

The Kirito family, on the other hand, is responsible for the creation of the slave system and the spell.

It is worth mentioning.

The thought of the Kirito family is not called the Kirito family, but the Macchiri family.

Thus began the first, and also the beginning, of the Holy Grail Wars.

Now, nearly 180 years have passed since the beginning of the Holy Grail War, and the fourth Holy Grail War is about to usher in.

For the Fourth Holy Grail War.

There is no doubt that the three families are all worried about their own troubles and irritability.

The Tosaka family of the Mizo family.

Tosaka Tokitomi has been a little annoyed lately.

He is the head of the Tosaka family and the administrator of Togi City, and is also a Tosaka Tokiya who has a close friendship with the church.

The main thing that has been worrying about recently is not the Fourth Holy Grail War a year later.

It was his own two daughters.

Tosaka Tomotoshi is the head of the Tosaka family.

Although he has a more profound magician bloodline.

However, Tosaka Toshitomi himself did not have a very good magician talent. Among magicians, talent can only be said to be in the middle of the upper Tosaka Shikiyoshi.

But he was unusually lucky to give birth to two daughters who were a hundred times stronger than his father.

For magicians, the birth of gifted offspring is a great joy worth celebrating with firecrackers.

But when this incomparable luck becomes the plural, this luck becomes a happy trouble.

The inheritance of the Demon Dao can only be passed on to one person.

And her two daughters are both geniuses among geniuses.

What is the saddest thing for Maxima?

It is not that there is no Bó Lè to recognize it, but it is that it does not even get the opportunity to run.

It doesn’t matter which daughter Tosaka Shitsumi passes on the magic engraving of the Tosaka family to him.

For the other daughter, it was all worth a sad life.

At least, in the eyes of Tosaka Shichen as a magician, wasting such a talent was simply a tyrannical thing.

Therefore, watching his two daughters grow up day by day, he will be more and more troubled by this matter.

He couldn’t bear to give up a daughter who was so talented.

Just when he was worried about it.

The appearance of an old man also solved this problem for him.

Tosaka calmly said that he should consider it, and temporarily took the old man away. But his heart was already ecstatic, and he was eager to agree to it immediately.

The reason for the delay for a while.

It’s just that I want to consult with my wife and children about which one to send…………

Same with the Tosaka family.

The Kirito family also has its own troubles.

That is, the magical talents of their generation are very unsatisfactory, and they urgently need a gifted child to inherit the inheritance of the magic path of the Kirito family.

When leaving the Tosaka family.

Jian Tong was also very happy, and his face was full of happy smiles.

He knew that it had already happened.

The next time he came over, it was estimated that he would be able to take one of the children of the Tosaka family with him as he wished.

As a magician, Tosaka Totomi is simply exemplary, so it is very easy to be used.

It was too easy for Kirito to figure out Tosaka’s mind.

When he proposed to Tosaka Tokitomi that he wanted to adopt a child, he had already seen the end.


Also just need to wait for a while.

Through the Tosaka family, some of the embarrassment of the current Kirito family can be relieved.

And as the last of the three families.

Einz Belen family.

Naturally, they also have their own troubles.

Because they found that the magic characteristics of their Einz Belen family were really not suitable for fighting.

To win the final victory in the Holy Grail War, it is really difficult for them to do it alone.

Pass the consultation.

They also decided to hire a magician to fight for them in the Holy Grail War.

To this end, they also did not hesitate to marry Alice Fil von Einz Belen as a small holy grail.

Let him be a member of the Einz Belen family.

And soon.

The Einz Belen family also found the right person.

Ahad, patriarch of the Einz Belen family.

After warmly greeting the visitor, he also brought it to Alice Phil.

Alice Field, like a snow elf, sat there looking up at the man, the expression on his face slightly frightened.

This was the most handsome teenager she had ever seen.

His handsomeness seemed to be as if he did not exist in the human world.

This made Alice Phil’s ruby-red pupils uncontrollably appear a hint of curiosity.

“Hello, the first time we met, my name is Kitahara Baiqiu, and I will ask for more advice in the future.”

That’s right, it was Kitahara Hakuaki who came.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at his long silver hair shining like snow in front of him with a smile.

Wearing a red high-class Western dress. A young girl with a beautiful and noble temperament.

Took the initiative to say hello.

This is the identity that Kitahara Baiqiu chose for himself.

Think about it.

Kitahara felt that there was no better identity than this identity.

Not only was she able to have a natural intimate relationship with Alice Phil.

Moreover, this is also the identity that can be contacted by Artoria the fastest, and Bihara Baiqiu chose this.

“Hello, my name is Alice Phil, please give me more advice in the future.”

Alice Fell looked a little nervous.

But he still gracefully performed a salute to Kitahara Baiqiu.

The nobility and beauty of a maiden.

It’s really a very rare kind of thing, extremely action-abiding.

And the handsomeness and temperament of the teenager.

It also made the girl’s heart full of curiosity and full of longing.

Are the people outside so good-looking?

The princess who had been locked up in the castle since she was a child could not help but think.


Under the arrangement of the Einz Belen family.

There is no doubt that teenagers and young girls are also officially married…

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