Chapter 286: Sensible Sakura! Shi Chen came out to carry the pot!!

The next day, early in the morning.

Kitahara Waka woke up from bed slowly, naturally surrounded by Alice Phil.

Look at the beautiful people around you.

Kitahara Baiqiu also smiled lightly and bowed his head and kissed her.

Since the birth of Ilya.

Every time, this little guy was clamoring to sleep with his mom and dad

As a result, Kitahara Bai Qiu had not slept alone with Alice Phil for a while.

Yesterday, Sakura Tosaka arrived.

Considering that Sakura Tosaka’s mood may be unstable, she let Ilya accompany her.

Ilia is a well-behaved and kind child.

Knowing that Sakura Tosaka was very sympathetic to her, naturally he did not refuse

Kitahara Baiqiu stretched out a lazy waist, and also got out of bed lightly.

Didn’t wake Alice Phil.

After walking out of the room.

Kitahara Baiqiu was also surprised to find it.

Early in the morning.

There was a noise coming from the kitchen.

After Kitahara Baiqiu came to the kitchen, he found a small figure busy with something.

“Sakura, did you get up so early?”

Kitahara Baiqiu saw the figure, then looked at the kitchen, and also asked softly.

“White, Brother Bai Qiu, good morning.”

Sakura Tosaka saw the figure of Kitahara Hakuaki and seemed to be startled.

The whole person was a little afraid, and said timidly.

She hid what she had in her hand behind her back, looking extremely embarrassed.

“Good morning, Sakura, what are you doing?”

Kitahara Hakuaki came to Sakura’s side and crouched down to ask curiously

Sakura Tosaka knew that she couldn’t hide it, and she also carefully took out the things behind her, and said in a small voice, “Yes, I am preparing breakfast for Brother Bai Qiu, Sister Ailie, and Sister Ilya.” ”

At the strong request of Ilia.

Sakura Tosaka eventually called Sister Ilya.

This made Ilia very satisfied.

Chaos is a little messy, but who called Kitahara Bai Qiu said, everyone has their own monographs.

As for Sakura Tosaka.

The reason why I got up so early was indeed to prepare breakfast for three people.

She was a very sensible and well-behaved child.

The Kitahara Baiqiu family took her in, and she also wanted to do something for Kitahara Baiqiu and others.

“Although, although I can only make simple bread and milk now, I will work hard, and when I grow up, I will definitely learn a lot of cooking.” 」

Sakura Tosaka’s small body was a little embarrassed at first, and then she said with a determined face.

She was still young.

Even if it is sensible and well-behaved.

It is also really just a simple hot bread, beat an omelette, and then pour milk for everyone.

But at her age, doing these things is actually very rare.

The sensible ones are simply heart-wrenching.

However, even if it is such a sensible child, it is not impossible to know what is not to be cherished.

“When you grow up, Sakura, do you want to live in our house forever?”

Kitahara Baiqiu laughed softly and couldn’t help but ask.

What Tosaka Sakura will become in the future, Kitahara Hakuaki knows.

Naturally, he also believed Sakura Tosaka’s words.

“No, can’t you, Brother Bai Qiu?”

Sakura Tosaka was very nervous and looked at Kitahara Hakuaki with a worried face.

“Of course, as long as Sakura wants to, you can always live in our house, and no one can take you away, I promise.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu was stunned at first, and then touched Sakura’s head and said.


Sakura Tosaka’s eyes lit up and she nodded happily.

Then she thought of something and said again, “Thank you Brother Bai Qiu, as long as I can do it, I will do it.” ”

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled slightly, this is the girl’s own intention, naturally there is no need to deny.

Under Tosaka Sakura’s stunned and shy expression, he also picked up Tosaka Sakura’s body and said, “Go, since this is the case, then I will also teach you how to cook.” ”

“Today, let’s simply make a sandwich.”

Kitahara smiled lightly, and Sakura continued to walk to the kitchen with the sensible Sakura and nodded.

Someone taught her, and that was naturally better.

Lying in Kitahara’s arms, Sakura Tosaka felt really warm.

It’s not like Mom’s embrace.

It’s the feeling that makes people want to rely on it for the rest of their lives.

After the two of them have made breakfast.

Alice Phil and Ilia were naturally awake too.

After the mother and daughter simply washed up, they sat at the table and ate breakfast.

After learning that the breakfast was actually prepared by Sakura Tosaka, Alice Phil directly exclaimed.


“Did Sakura actually prepare the breakfast?” No wonder you get up so early…”

Alice Fell looked at the exquisite breakfast in front of her in disbelief.

While this breakfast is exquisite at the same time it is indeed very simple.

But you have to consider how old Sakura Tosaka is now!

Sakura Tosaka heard this, her face turned a little red, and she said in a panicked voice, “No, no, most of them are done by Brother Bai Qiu, I am just helping on the side.” ”

“That’s already pretty awesome!” Unlike our family, Ilya, there is no such thing as this thought. ”

Alice Fell was very touched and said to Sakura Tosaka.

“Cough cough cough.”

Ilya, who was lying innocent of the gun, heard the words and suddenly coughed fiercely.

She looked at her mother and protested, “Mom, aren’t you like this?” Why do you say me? ”

“Huh? I’m different, I have Bai Qiu, so it doesn’t matter. ”

Alice Phil blinked and retorted.

“Daddy? Then I also have a dad in ah, so what does it matter? ”

“No, no, no, no, I’m Bai Qiu’s wife, so it doesn’t matter, but Iliya, you’re just Bai Qiu’s daughter, and sooner or later you’re going to be independent.”

“Huh? Who says you can’t be with your dad when you grow up? I’m going to stay with my dad for the rest of my life. ”

“Oh, that’s why Iliya, you’re a headache, and it’s so worrying to see Sakura.”

“The mother who hates her daughter is not much better…”


The two mothers and daughters also began to sharpen their mouths.

Sakura Tosaka watched with a somewhat flustered look, a look of anxiety and no idea what to do.

She thought the two had started arguing.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Kitahara Shiraaki smiled softly when he saw this, and also comforted Tosaka Sakura and said, “They often do this, just get used to it.” ”

Sakura Tosaka was stunned when she heard this.

Is this often the case?

Although it was a little unbelievable, Tosaka Sakura’s heart slowly calmed down

Look at Alice Phil and Ilya.

Sakura Tosaka, who knew that the two were just playing, was also a little envious.

In Sakura Tosaka’s line of sight.

The two really don’t look like mother and daughter, but more like sisters.

Such a way of getting along.

It was almost the envy of Sakura Tosaka.

Since then, Sakura Tosaka has also completely slipped down at the Einz Belen house.

Sakura’s sensibility.

Through a few days of getting along, it was all in Alice Phil’s eyes.

“Bai Qiu, what kind of scum are Sakura’s parents, and it is too much to discard such a well-behaved little girl.”

Alice Fell said indignantly.

Well-behaved, sensible, cute and obedient.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is simply to satisfy everyone’s fantasy about their daughter, and the result is that it was abandoned?

Sakura Tosaka was reluctant to say anything about herself.

Alice Phil naturally felt that Sakura had been abandoned.

This also made her very angry.

Obviously her daughter Ilya was so disobedient.

She was very fond of Ilya and never wanted to abandon her.

As a result, some parents would not like Sakura, who is stronger than Ilya?? Towel?

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