Chapter 287 Inter-Tong Dirty Stone! The Kirito family collapsed!!

Tosaka Sakura disappeared these days.

Both the Tosaka family and the Kirito family are naturally very anxious.

Desperately searching for traces of Sakura Tosaka.

But Kitahara Hakuaki didn’t want them to find it.

Naturally, it was impossible for them to find Tosaka Sakura.

As Kitahara Shiraaki said.

What about making them anxious? Kitahara Bai Qiu wouldn’t bother with their business.

Sakura Tosaka was still just a child anyway.

Although Kitahara and Alice Phil are both nice to her, they also have Ilya as a playmate.


After all, children are just children.

After a long time away from home, I will always miss my home.

She sometimes thinks about her sister and mother.

For the Tosaka family Kitahara Hakuaki does not care.

But look at Sakura Tosaka’s appearance.

Kitahara smiled lightly and felt that it was time to solve this matter.

After talking to Alice Phil and Ilya.

The two also expressed strong support for Kitahara’s decision.

Alice Fall even said that she must bring back Sakura Tosaka and teach the bad guys a lesson.

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally smiled and agreed.

Entering their house, Sakura was also a member of their family.

How could it be possible to let her run away.

“Let’s go, Sakura, I’ll take you to solve your problem.”

Kitahara came to Sakura Tosaka and smiled.


When Sakura Tosaka heard this, the expression on her face was first stunned, and then she said with some panic and nervousness, “Yes, is there something I did wrong?” Brother Bai Qiu, are you going to send me back to my parents and parents? ”

As a child, she thought that Kitahara Baiqiu had found her parents, so she wanted to send her back.

The previous words were just to comfort her.

After all, she was just a little kid, and to soothe her emotions, it was normal to use some kind words, wasn’t it?

“Hahaha, of course not, I said, Sakura if you want to stay in our house, there is no problem staying forever.”

“You know how much your sister likes you, don’t say that I sent you away, even if you want to leave yourself, she will be very sad.”

“This time it’s just to help you solve some problems, and when you want to see your sister and mother after the solution, you can see you at any time.”

Kitahara touched Sakura’s head and said comfortingly…

Sakura Tosaka heard this and was immediately relieved.

Hearing that you can meet your sister and mother at any time is also very heartfelt

Without having to be sent to the Tong family by his father, he can still meet with his mother and sister at any time, which can be said to be the most understanding thing about this little guy.

“Thank you, thank you Brother Bai Qiu.”

The sound of Lolita, which needs to be weak and weak, also comes from the mouth of the distant restaurant.

She knew that this was the kindness of Kitahara Hakuaki.

In the cognition of the little one.

Accepting the kindness of others is something to be repaid.

Originally, Kitahara and Alice Phil were willing to adopt her, and she could not repay her

Accepting this now, she will be even more unable to get up.

However, this matter, Tohana Sakura could not refuse.

Sakura Tosaka looked at Kitahara Hakuaki.

From the first time I saw Kitahara White Autumn, the first time I saw Kitahara White Autumn.

In fact, she felt very close, very reassuring.

Through getting along with Kitahara Baiqiu, the little guy is very fond of Kitahara Baiqiu

But alas.

Brother Bai Qiu already had Sister Ellie.

“It’s just a little thing.”

Kitahara Shiraaki smiled and gently hugged Sakura Tosaka.

Tosaka Sakura obediently was picked up by Kitahara Hakuaki, and Duan resisted in the slightest.

Leaning on Kitahara Hakuaki, Tosaka Sakura closed her eyes and thought.

Sure enough, Bai Qiu’s brother’s body can always make people feel warm, so reassuring.

After picking up Sakura Tosaka.

Kitahara Baiqiu stepped out one step and disappeared directly in the same place.

This made Sakura Tosaka, who saw Kitahara’s ability to use it for the first time, simply widen her eyes.

Subconsciously, he looked at Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara Shiraaki smiled slightly at Sakura Tosaka.

Sakura Tosaka was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on her face, lying in Kitahara’s arms in Hakuaki.


Brother Bai Qiu is Brother Bai Qiu.

The first stop that Kitahara Hakuaki came to with Tosaka Sakura was naturally the Kirito family

He was ready to solve the root problems first, and then he would be a long-term version of the French War.

After coming to the door of Kiri’s house.

Kitahara Shiraaki also gently put down Kitahara Sakura and said, “Sakura, you wait for me here, I’ll go in and help with something.” ”

Sakura Tosaka timidly grabbed the corner of Kitahara’s white autumn coat, looked at the Kitahara Kiritsu family in front of her, and also asked with her head shrunk, “Brother Bai Qiu, is this the Kirito family?” ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu took a moment and replied, “Yes.” ”

“Then, why can’t Brother Bai Qiu take me in?”

Sakura Tosaka didn’t want to stay here alone.

“Because of the things inside, there is a little cruelty to Sakura, so Sakura will wait for me here, rest assured, it will not be too long.”

Kitahara touched Sakura’s head and said softly.


Sakura Tosaka’s pupils narrowed.

She didn’t know why Kitahara Bai Qiu said this, but she did feel afraid.

But this was the place where her father had originally sent her over, and it was also the place where she inexplicably felt resisted.

The truth is in front of her, will she have to give up and live in the days of not knowing the truth for the rest of her life?

Sakura Tosaka shook her head and looked firmly at Kitahara Hakuaki, “Brother Hakuaki, I want to go with you.” ”

Kitahara was stunned, then looked at the serious expression on Tosaka Sakura’s face and smiled, “Okay, if you feel afraid, just rely on me.” ”

Although Kitahara Hakuaki felt that the Kirito family was too cruel to the young Tosaka Sakura

But since Sakura Tosaka insisted on it herself and was mentally prepared, there was really no need to refuse.

With him there, nothing will happen.

The Kirito family.

Kirito has not been in a very good mood lately.

The Tosaka family and the Kirito family searched for several days, but they had not found a little girl who had run away from home.

So little child, where can she run, how far can she run? This made Jian Tong have to be suspicious.

Sakura Tosaka may have really had an accident.

This made Jian Tong’s face a little gloomy.

After all, the things that have been planned for so long are over before they have even begun, and no one is in a good mood.

However, what surprised the Dirty Stone was that.

Just when he was ready to give up.

Someone actually brought Sakura Tosaka to him.

In the courtyard.

Kirito leaned on his crutches and smiled as he looked at Kitahara Hakuaki, who had walked in with Sakura Tosaka.

“There are distinguished guests visiting, and the old decay is really far away.” In the middle of the Kirito family. ”

Very dark, with an inexplicable repression and heaviness.

Sakura Tosaka’s heart was very nervous.

After seeing the Jian Tong Dirty Yan, he was also more nervous, and tightly grasped the collar of Kitahara Baiqiu.

“It seems that your guest has also brought back the old and decaying granddaughter, and about this matter, the Jian Tong family will remember your guest’s affection.”

Kirito looked at Sakura Tosaka, and his mood was also very good, and he directly opened his mouth and promised.

He could see at a glance that Kitahara Baiqiu was not simple, because Kitahara Baiqiu did not hide too much.

However, Kirito didn’t take it to heart, what was important was the Tosaka in his hand.

“The Holy Grail War Imperial Three Families of the Tong Family’s human feelings, it sounds really incredible.”

Kitahara Shiraaki smiled slightly, and also said, “However, I remember that she was a child of the Tosaka family, right?” When did you become the Kirito family? ”

“Hahaha, it’s no secret, just a few days ago, this child was already passed on to our family by Tosaka Shichen, so now she is not called Tosaka Sakura, but should be called Kiritsukura.”

Jian Tong smiled and looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu and said the same.

That’s right, although the far rice waist is missing.

However, during this period, Tosaka Sakura was still passed on to the Kirito family by Tosaka Tokita.

This means that even if Tosaka Sakura is found later, it has nothing to do with the Tosaka family.

The Holy Grail War is about to begin.

As a participant in the Holy Grail War, Tosaka Tokitoshi.

He felt that he would not be surprised to die in the Holy Grail War.

He thought it was a way back for his daughter.

And Sakura Tosaka himself heard this with a look of disbelief.

She ran away from home, but she still couldn’t stop her father from passing her over to Jian Tong

It made her feel a huge shock inside.

“Tosaka Sakura or Kiritsukura, I can’t control it, all I’ve come to tell you is that Sakura will be our family in the future, and it has nothing to do with your Tosaka family and the Kirito family.”

Kitahara touched Sakura’s head and comforted her.

“That’s not okay, this distinguished guest, it seems that your guest is also a bad visitor.”

Jian Tong had a smile on his face, and he also knocked on the ground when he grasped his cane.

A dense group of insects also came from all directions under black pressure

Whether it’s in heaven, on earth, on the walls.

All can see countless terrifying bugs.

Sakura’s pupils shrank suddenly, and her face instantly turned pale.

She didn’t think of anything at all.

The place where her father had always wanted to send her over turned out to be such a place. It’s a magic abyss.

Closing her eyes, Tosaka Sakura was trembling all over her body and buried her head in Kitahara’s arms.

At this moment, she also understood, no wonder Bai Qiu’s brother didn’t want to bring her in just now.

However, although she was afraid, Sakura Tosaka did not regret it.

Because she believes that Kitahara Hakuaki…

“I’m not here to ask for your consent, but to inform you, and… The Kirito family between you is really disgusting, and it scares Sakura. ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu just glanced around.

Then all the bugs present were directly fireless naturally.

Wrapped in flames, countless insects suddenly let out terrifying cries.


Kitahara frowned.

Then the next second, many insects, even unable to scream, instantly disappeared under the flames.

Loud noises.

Also ringing in the room, all the bugs even this paragraph you left behind.


When Jian Tong saw this scene, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Up to now, he didn’t know how strong he was than Yuan Baiqiu.

The panicked voice of the intermediate was also heard again: “Wait, wait, this Excellency.”

Jian Tong just wanted to say something.

But Kitahara Hakuaki didn’t give him that chance at all.

Instead, he looked at the bald head of Jian Tong, a pair of eye sockets deep into his eyes, and the whole person looked like a cool woman, and shook his head: “Look at the way you look now, or which point is like the original, do you remember your real name?” ”

After saying that, Bihara Baiqiu also has a dirty stone in the pipe room. Instead, he disappeared directly with Sakura Tosaka in place.

He didn’t let go of any of the insects in the Kirito family.

After Kitahara Hakuaki left, the raging fire was also in the middle of the Kirito family.

But the magic is.

These fires, apart from destroying insects, do not have the slightest manyan

The tung is dirty under the wrapping of flames.

It is also a sluggish look that turns into ashes.

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