Chapter 360 Sooner or later you will also be hurt!!

The next day, early in the morning.

White Night looked at the Nishiki Chishu who was sleeping like a kitten next to him and smiled softly.

After all, Chishu himself said it was okay during the day.

How could White Night let go of this cute little guy?

Although Chishu Nishiki said this at the beginning to tease Inokitaki.

But even if you dig a pit yourself, you bury yourself.

What I said.

That’s certainly responsible, too.

Chishu Nishiki is now undoubtedly responsible for his own words.

Gently plucking the hair of Nishiki Senshu with his hand, he felt the stiffness of Nishiki Senbou.

White Night almost laughed out loud.

There was no doubt that the girl had woken up long ago.

It’s just that because I’m shy and don’t know how to face the white night, I’ve been pretending to sleep

The white night will not embarrass Nishiki Senbouquet, and naturally it will not break

Instead, he just stared at Nishiki Chishu’s face for a long time and touched her hair.

Hakuyo lowered her head and kissed Chiyuki’s forehead lightly, and said, “I’m looking forward to the day you and Takina move over, Chibok.” ”

After saying that.

Bai Ye looked at Nishiki Senshu with a slight smile, and then disappeared in the same place.

The room fell silent.

Another moment passed.

Make sure the white night has left.

Only then did Nishiki Chishu dare to slowly open his eyes.

Seeing that the room was empty, she was undoubtedly relieved.

Her face was now flushed with redness and her heart was full of shyness.

After all, she hadn’t thought that she would be able to achieve the right results with Hakuyo so quickly, and she was still in front of Inokita.

This was a bit of a surprise to Chibou.


“I’m also looking forward to the day I moved with Takina, Lord White Night… Nishiki Chishu muttered to himself with a red glow on his face. ”

Then, a smile appeared on her face.

She was really the closest person to White Night now.

And at this very moment.

Outside the door of Nishiki Senbun’s room.

There was also a sudden noise.

Inoue Takina’s voice rang out from outside the door, “Senju, haven’t you even gotten up today?” The sun was shining, and it was time for us to go to the café. ”

Inoue Takina and Chishu Nishiki have lived together for some time.

Seeing that Chishu hadn’t even gotten up today, Inokawa was also a little surprised.

As he spoke, he pushed the door and walked in.

Chishu was suddenly a little flustered and wrapped himself in the quilt.

White Night and Senboku are two gods.

Chishu Nishiki naturally had the ability not to let Inoue Takina notice the strangeness of the room after Inoue Takina walked in.

Chishu Nishiki also said, “That, Takina, I won’t go to the café today, you go alone, help me take a leave of absence with the store manager.” ”

“Not going?”

Inokawa looked at Chishu Nishiki, who had not yet gotten out of bed, and asked doubtfully, “Why didn’t you go?” ”

“Cough cough.”

Chishu Nishiki coughed twice in embarrassment and said, “That… I’m injured and can’t go today. ”


Inokawa was stunned for a moment, only to feel more confused.

Ever since they signed a contract with White Night, they were simply too strong to be even injured?

How could it hurt………

“Qianbun, where did you get hurt?”

Although he couldn’t figure out what the reason was, Inokitaki asked worriedly.

“Ah, you don’t have to worry about this, I’ll just rest for a day.”

Chishu Nishiki refused to answer and said to Inoue Takina.

Inokitaki was relieved to hear this, knowing that it was not a big problem but to see that Chishu was so strong that he could accidentally get hurt.

Inoue Takina was really angry and condemned, “If you are so strong that you can accidentally get hurt when you sign a contract with Lord White Night, you can grow a snack.” ”


Chishu was speechless at first, and then couldn’t help but whisper in his heart, “Tomorrow sooner or later, Takina will also be injured…”

“What do you say?”

Nishiki Senju’s voice was so small that it didn’t even seem to say a word.

Inokitaki didn’t hear clearly and only saw Chishu’s lips move, and asked in confusion.


Chishu Nishiki turned around and responded with a big grin, “Please, Takina, help me take a leave of absence from the store manager.” ”


Inokawa sighed and picked up her phone, “Then I’ll take a leave of absence and stay and take care of you today.”

“Wow! Takina, you are so nice! ”

Chishu was immediately touched when he heard this, and he wanted to go over and hug Inokawa Na, who was sitting next to him.

However……… The range of motion is too large.

Senshu felt the pain coming from his body, and inhaled a cool inois of Takina and hurriedly helped Chishu to lie down again.

“When Takina gets hurt one day, I’ll take care of you.”

Chishu looked at Inokawa Naoru with a tight brow and a smile on his face.

Inokitaki laughed and said, “I’m not you, so I won’t be hurt.” ”

It is not surprising how Chishu was injured by Inoue Takina.

But Inoue Takina thinks that he and Chishu are still different.

“Not necessarily…”

Chishu muttered softly again.

This time Inoue Takina heard it.

She suddenly glanced at the hard-mouthed Nishiki Chishu, and didn’t bother to argue with her

After placing the thousand bunches of Nishikiki.

Inoue Takina also called and Mika asked for leave.

Mika readily agreed.

But on the other side of the phone, there was the wailing of Rishi Nakahara and the disgruntled voice of Hisayoshi.

After all, Chishu Nishiki and Inoue Takina did not come.

It’s their workload that has increased.

Riki Nakahara even denounced Chishu Nishiki and Inoka for being lazy and deliberately feigning illness.

It’s all so strong, how can it be sick!

“Well, Miss Rishi said that, and you heard it.”

After Inokashina hung up the phone, he also said to Kansuke.

Nishiki snorted adorably, disdainful to argue with him, what did the old woman who had been single for thirty years know.

Inokawa didn’t care when she looked at Chishu, but instead asked doubtfully, “Then again, Chiyuki, did you order breakfast in the morning?” I found that someone at our table prepared us for breakfast, it looks quite delicate, how much does it cost………”

“Breakfast? I didn’t………”

Nishiki Qianshu was stunned, subconsciously shook his head, and then thought of something and suddenly said, “Wait, is it Lord White Night…?” ”

“Lord White Night?”

Inokawa froze when she heard the name.

What does this have to do with Lord White Night?

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